Womanhood and injustices against women

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The public sector ones who've had to resign (head of MI6 and head of civil service) took their time about it! Trotted out the line that it's better to fight the system from within... That old line!

Very hypocritical of all the actors who are members and say they want women to be admitted but stay as members. Why would you want to be in the company of others where only 50% voted to allow women (the motion didn't pass) if that's what you really believe.
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Another example of interest dying down when there's no opportunity to shoot others down.

The father of the scumbag who stabbed mainly women in Sydney says he did it because he couldn't find a girlfriend.

The story was trending when everyone believed the attacks happened because of religious extremism and I'm sure the views of Muslims would be held against him if there was misogyny tied in.

But because its a "regular" guy who so happened to apparently hate women, not as many people care now.

Isn't all extremism bad? Religious, sexist, otherwise...?
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You are not entitled to a girlfriend just by existing. We're not accessories to your dick and until men, of this sort, realise that, it won't be helped.

I'm currently not dating because my peace is worth more to me than having someone disturb it and I'm not alone in that viewpoint.

We don't need to be mothers, wives, or sold off to the highest bidder. We can live alone. Work hours we want and spend our money and time on whatever we want.

That's what people need to accept and not think they're owed

Sorry, I'm a bit ranty this morning.
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It's very worrying, especially as this way of thinking gains more popularity because of Internet personalities.

Some men really believe women have betrayed them and society if we choose not to date, have kids or get married. Half the time, it's not even the women they themselves want to date, but they're just mad that it's happening. And very little of this discourse examines why women may feel this way or how men can improve themselves, not necessarily be dateable but to simply be better people to women.

It's scary.
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Exactly. Why is it on women, as a whole, who are choosing to be safe and sound rather than doing all the "traditional" things?

I can only speak for myself but being expected to do the domestic drudgery, work and raise a child in a very expensive world that would consider dads "babysitting" their own children special?? Nah, you're alright, thanks.

Western society and its expectations needs to be revamped for a world that's moved on. We still don't have equal pay so why give that up to fall behind if you also want a career? These are the things most heterosexual men don't even have to contend with and that's without going into the physical and mental health aspect of pregnancies.
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I think it’s the way they phrase it too - ‘he couldn’t get a girlfriend‘. Not ‘he struggled to meet women’ or something along those lines, it’s always phrased in the manner of obtaining a possession as though the woman is not a sentient being in her own right.
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It makes me SO angry. As women, we're damned if we do and damned if we don't, we can literally do nothing right.

The ongoing reporting of the Sydney murders leaves a very bad taste. The murderer's father was quoted in a BBC piece I read last night, it was all about his son's poor mental health, and struggle to get a girlfriend. "He was a very sick man." Yes, a very sick man who killed five women and injured more. He expressed no sadness for the victims and their friends and families. I get it, it was his son, but COME. ON. IMO everyone who commits murder has mental health issues, but it's rarely front and centre in the reporting of their crimes...this reporting is almost trying to garner sympathy for the murderer, poor him, all he wanted was a girlfriend. Get lost. The only sympathy I have is for the five women (and the heroic security guard) that were murdered in cold blood in that shopping mall, and the many, many more that are murdered each week by awful men that we hear nothing about because it's "just another dead woman."

One of The Times' splashes this morning was about breast cancer, and it said one in four cases could be avoided but aren't due to low breast feeding levels and drinking too much alcohol. The tone came across to me as VERY judgmental. The headline may as well have read "Silly women giving themselves cancer by drinking too much and not breastfeeding"
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In his dad's defence he did say he was "extremely sorry" to the victims

But agreed, the rest of it is coddling him, saying the killer would be "devastated" at his own actions if he wasn't mentally unwell.

He may have been unwell but there is a massive problem with male violence towards women.

If there wasn't already such a problem, would his illness still have manifested into a hatred for women and upset at not getting a girlfriend?
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It felt as if his parents were very keen to set the narrative early on about his poor mental health. His Mam said something like as a parent of a child with a mental health condition this is your worst nightmare, that they will kill people!!!! His Dad also said 'he was a good boy'. They did sympathise with the victims but it was after talking about them and their son first, priorities! Mental health has been weaponised against women for centuries to silence, control and belittle us but if you're a man with a knife then you're a good boy with an illness who didn't really mean it.
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Oh wow, medical practitioners are still doing that about breast cancer? One thing Sex and the City (decades ago now!) got absolutely right was Samantha's breast cancer and the shit doctors told her
They were so casual in their dismissal of her whole life.


Unrelated I work with a wonderful 20 year old. I love her. I'm older than her parents, but our work friendship is based on equal respect and then a work friendship and then a sort of "aunty" love has grown.

But she still drives me nuts: "Dad took mum to Europe."

No he did not! Your mother and father travelled to Europe together. He'd been there once before on a bloody Contiki tour. Aaaarrrgghhhhh
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His mother mentioned something about the people her son "had hurt". he didnt just hurt people, he murdered five women and a man in cold blood. Fuck off.
Well done, keep teaching her!
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In fairness, I don't think the parents were out of order. They could have fudged around the whole thing and just talked in euphemisms but they acknowledged his problem with women and that his feelings came from not being able to get a girlfriend, thereby confirming he was a classic incel. They did say sorry and referring to the people he had hurt includes those bereaved and not just the ones he killed. Most of the spin on this is the media, focussing on his mental health and opposed to the problem being endemic violence against women and girls. To me, his mental health condition caused him to act on his feelings but that's not the root of the problem.

I'm always amazed at the levels of violence and sexual violence inflicted on women by men. Add that to the various disadvantages of living in a patriarchal society and then you add acts like this to it - women always seem to bear the brunt.
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I saw a post on Instagram yesterday. A woman sitting on a bus, no one else on it. A bloke gets on and decides to sit next to her. She posted about how it made her feel very uncomfortable. So many posts supporting her but also a huge amount saying he was probably lonely and wanted to chat. Lots of those from other women btw. Why do people still think women are here to be therapists for problematic men? I don't give a fuck if a man is looking for a chat, don't come near me on an empty bus and expect me to be receptive.
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Why do people still think women are here to be therapists for problematic men?

You know when women talk about women's issues and some edgelord pipes in with, "No one cares about men's mental health!" Why is it that without fail, each woman in that discussion has been a rehabilitation centre/therapist/mummy at some point in her life to a man who refuses to sort his shit out with a professional, but expects it for free from his partner, with sex and housework thrown into the mix. It also starts in childhood - how many of us were sat next to the disruptive children to be a 'good influence'?

This is ultimately why there is so much pushback against women who opt out of dating, marriage, motherhood etc, because these things benefit men and they need a supply of women to exploit, and women are waking up to the fact that there is a very limited number of good men out there, so they may as well give up and focus on a life of peace and thrive. A YouTuber said that women will do anything to avoid being labelled a golddigger, she calls these men souldiggers and I have loved it since.
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good points. my daughter was sat next to the feral, naughty kid at primary school to be a good influence. She was terrified of him, he was a nasty piece of work, as were his parents who brought aggressive dogs into the school playground etc. I made it very clear to the teacher that i didnt send my well behaved, intelligent daughter to school every day to mind the feral boys. Unbelievably, she was made to do it again! After a second chat with the teacher, she never had to again. I get it, this feral horrible kid stood no chance at life, and turned into a drug dealer and is now in prison. But he's not my problem to sort or my eight year old daughter's problem.
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I was made to sit next to these boys in primary and secondary school and I hated it. I was very shy and quiet but I loved school and was there to learn. These boys disrupted the class and because they were right next to me it was hard for me to ignore them and concentrate on my work. I also didn't think I could speak up for myself against the teacher so I commend you for speaking up for your daughter and getting the problematic children moved away from her. I would definitely do the same for my daughter now that I'm a parent.
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Ugh they just to do this to us in secondary school, every desk had to be 1 boy and 1 girl, as they thought it'd make them behave.
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Same with tax on sanitary products....or did David Cameron manage to remove that?
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