What have you done today? #14

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Haha amazing! I’d not heard of it before it was recommended to us but it would definitely be an essential visit if we go again
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I can’t remember when I last updated sorry but I’ve had a good couple of days!

Friday was just a work day! I had a festive McDonald’s Friday night, it was so nice. I got a cheese melts share box, the beef festive stack and a strawberry milkshake

Saturday I went on my date! I was super nervous. However it was SO good. Really good in fact. Seeing each other next weekend for a day date, think we’re doing a walk and a pub meal Been single almost 2 years, so I feel ready to get back out there!

I was a bit tipsy so I woke up a bit delicate shall we say this morning Nothing a bacon bagel and a duvet day couldn’t sort out! Got another busy work week next week, but at least I have the weekend to look forward to! I also need to spend an evening writing Christmas cards and sorting my Secret Santa out, so that should make me feel festive!

Hope everyone has had good weekends! X
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@under the ivy I was thinking we hadn't heard from you in a few days. Happy to hear you've had a good few days and your date went well You need to keep us updated!
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Aww I’ll keep yous updated! Nothing new to report though yet!

Just worked today, even though I’m having a bit of a bad MH day. Just find this time of year tough and my work is difficult so

Decided to drive to ASDA after tea cos I was bored lol. Spent £30 on a load of nowt To be fair, I got things I needed (cat food, wrapping paper, some toiletries) and other random bits like wax melts, body scrub and white chocolate pancakes I’ve started a new series (Vikings) on Prime - really liking it so far! Love a hot Viking man. There’s obviously a plot… I think. Too busy checking out Ragnor.
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I had the loveliest weekend all round

Saturday afternoon MrGP took me to my favourite local cocktail bar for a festive drink then we went back home and I designed the cocktail menu for our at home Christmas pop up bar I started this last year as we couldn't go out cos of the restrictions - I bought festive cocktail glasses, cocktail napkins, wrote out a menu of festive cocktails (basically put Cranberry in lots to make them red) and had a few cocktail nights at home pretending we were in a bar It was fun so decided to do it again this year so ordered some new stationary etc for the menus so our cocktail bar is now ready to go! I had a couple over the weekend to test out some new additions to this year's menu

Then Saturday night I had my night out with my running friends which was lots of fun. It was the first time I had socialized with them apart from a quick coffee after a run so was a bit nervous but it was a lovely night. We went to a local brewery (which luckily have a full wine and cocktail list too) and had a few drinks and shared lots of yummy pizzas

Yesterday morning I got up early to start prep for dinner as we were doing a trial run of our Christmas Day dinner. Having roast beef, roast potatoes, yorkshire puddings and lots of gravy (and veg for Mr GP). I've only cooked that a few times and hadn't done it since last Christmas so wanted to trial it to make sure I got it right. So prepped the beef in the slow cooker first thing - I think it's unusual to do the beef in the slow cooker but I find it easier that way, the only time I did in the oven I dried it out too much.

Then we went into the city to meet a friend who was in town for the weekend and went for a walk and chat in Central Park so was lovely to catch up with her. Stopped on the way home at a food market type place and I got a mimosa and a strawberry nutella crepe

Then...... we got our Christmas tree!!!! I love getting and decorating the tree every year. We always get a real one and the price of the kind/size we usually get was ridiculous compared to last year so Mr GP was trying to persuade me to get a smaller/cheaper one but I wasn't having it - I told him that can be part of my Christmas present but I'm hoping he forgets that So had a fun afternoon decorating the tree with Christmas music on and a couple of glasses of fizz.

Dinner was a bit stressful as our oven suddenly decided to stop working properly - it would heat up then as soon as it got to the set temperature it would start descending back down again! So we had to keep turning it off and back on again constantly and the timing of everything was then off. The roast potatoes ended up taking over 2 hours so had to try and keep everything else hot in the warming drawer while we were waiting on them. But anyways when it was finally all ready it was immense (if I do say so myself)!

Got someone in the see the oven today and guess what - it worked fine Going to keep testing it over the next couple of days though in case it does happen again so we can get it fixed in time for Christmas Day.

Going out to a Christmas cocktail pop up bar (an actual one not our home one ) after work tonight. Feel like Monday's a bit of a crap one for a night out but it's the only day I could get a reservation this month so I'll put on my festive jumper and go make the most of it

Hope everyone's Monday has been ok
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Yooo! Sorry for being AWOL. Hope everyone is ok!

Work is taking up most of my time. I’m working with the NHS next year so I have to apply for ethics, it’s a minefield. I gave myself the day off today as I had errands to run, and I just felt completely drained.

I also made a right tit of myself in my car earlier. Drove up a grass verge instead of putting my car in reverse I drove past it again earlier and my tyre marks are still in the grass WHOOPS. I did post my Secret Santa and Christmas cards today though which made me feel festive!

Looking forward to the weekend also. Going on date 2 which is a walk around a National Trust site and a pub lunch in the country - absolute dream.
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Bit of a boring week! Nothing interesting worth reading to be honest

We’re off out with family this weekend though. We’re only staying up the road but it’s been so long since we’ve all had a night away together, I’m excited ….. oh my god, as I was typing that the hotel called and I thought they were going to cancel but thankfully it was just a question about how the beds needed splitting I’d have been gutted!

I wrote my first Christmas cards today and posted them

I have a nail appointment booked for next weekend which means I need to get all my wrapping done beforehand as I don’t fancy ruining them straight away. I have a hair appt booked for Tues too. I rarely go to the hairdressers but I’m pushing the boat out and having a wash, cut, blow dry and FINISH which I’ve actually never had before, so it’ll feel a proper treat!

I’m basically sick of feeling like a scruff bag with all this staying in so I’m hoping I’ll feel all nice for Christmas
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Well happy Friday all, again no idea where this week had gone, it’s been a mess of no sleep and trying to get very little done
I would say that I am around 90% done Christmas shopping and for someone that loves last minute, that’s a huge achievement. I wrote some Christmas cards watching nightmare before Christmas (it’s not just for Halloween!!) got abit emotional Writing them; I’m blaming pmt as I’ve also wanted to commit gbh a few times too. I’m not a Christmas person but I’m buzzing about secret santa!
today I managed to get some sticking fillers etc and wine then came home and smashed a new bottle of perfume taken myself to bed with a bloody lush take away, ready to be up at the crack of down for my covid booster
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Happy Sunday all
would have been my Grandads 101st birthday today
and I know I’m so lucky to have him as long as I did, but after losing my dad young he was my whole little world. So today has been hard. We toasted him with champagne(one of his fave drinks) and I made his favourite meal.
i Watched the very thrilling F1 with my Grandmother and for told off a lot for making too much noise.. it was an exciting race.. soz Grandy! Just about calmed down now, I’ll be off to bed soon. Want to decorate my bedroom tree tomoz and go and buy a real tree for the lounge. Our German family phoned to check on my lovely grandmother to check on
Her, it’s lovely they remember! I had my booster vaccine yesterday, last nights sleep was interesting as my arm is very sore, managed to cycle to Sainsbury’s easier, get caught in the rain and wander round Sainsbury’s looking like a panda without realising
Have a fab week all
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Oh hiiii guyzzz,

Lots of love to you today @OutrageouslyScarlet I imagine your Grandad would have been so proud of what a beautiful person you are.

We’ve had a nice weekend with the nbt in laws. Every Christmas we meet with his two brothers and their families. There were 16 of us ranging from ages 9-86, so quite a mixture! We did the castle and town yesterday and then went for a walk around the deer park today.

Last night we had a meal and drinks after. The hotel is nice and the foyer is nice and big and can accommodate us all in a big circle without feeling like we’re taking over. To be fair the hotel is on a student campus and most people just use it as a stopover before they go elsewhere for parties, so we’re the only ones in the downstairs areas really.

The boys shared one room and the girl and I shared the other and stayed up til 1.15am talking, so we were feeling quite tired this morning! We FaceTimed the boys this morning and the youngest said the Elf had put all of their clothes in the bath so it was nice that the other half remembered to take over the duties last night I’d snuck the elf into the boys backpack yesterday so he’d spent the morning looking for him wondering where he was!

We stopped for a carvery on the way home and that hit the spot nicely. I’ve spent the last few hours being a couch potato catching up on I’m a Celeb and Strictly. I basically just cry my way through Rose and Gio dancing - I really hope they win!

Hope everyone else is okay
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Hello I'm sorry I've hardly been on Tattle this weekend! I unexpectedly spent the weekend with... what shall we call him? Don't want to say his name How about Potential Mr Ivy

Saturday was my walk/pub date with Potential Mr Ivy (PMI for short). It was lovely, even if the weather was chucking it down. We just vibe and get on so well, same sense of humour. I'm funnier than him, of course. Pub meal was nice. We both hate the general public and the pub was getting busier so he suggested that I go back to his for a coffee. Oi oi. Nah we literally just had coffee and watched a film... I think. I can't remember as I was snogging him.

As I was getting in my car to drive home, PMI asked me over as he wanted to cook us a roast. I was like, ok! Sunday came and I drove to his. He makes a cracking roast. Love a man who can cook. He has the most adorable cats too so I spent yesterday eating roast chicken, stroking cats and watching films infront of his log fire. Bliss. We also did other stuff but this is a PG 13 thread

Today I've just been cracking on with work as I've got a lot to finish before my annual leave next week. I've started to get some lovely Christmas cards from friends too which makes me feel super loved

Hope everyone is good
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@under the ivy aww I'm so happy for you!


I ended up out every night for the last 7 nights. Not late/wild/heavy nights but just going out to do something every night. I am exhausted and feel like I need to hit pause to catch up on life So as soon as I log off from work I plan to move to the sofa, order takeaway, watch a Christmas movie and get an early night.

Been having lots of fun though seeing friends, having drinks, seeing the lights/trees and generally just taking in the festivities in the city.

My Christmas and birthday (it's Goofy Prince's birthday on the 26th) shopping is basically done, just waiting on a few things being delivered so that's a relief. Feel like I can relax a bit more now that's out the way. I still haven't bought/sent any cards though and fear it will be too late now for ones to my family back home.... so that's not going to do down well

In other more boring news - I put our duvet on the other night for the first time since spring. Boy I had almost forgotten how cozy and comfy it is I kind of just want to spend the next month snuggled up in bed now
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Busy day yesterday I woke up feeling a little overwhelmed at the thought of things that still needed doing. But got myself together and managed to crack on.

Went and did the food shop. Had no meal plan or shopping list but it went surprisingly well! We should be fed until the weekend anyway.

Came home and started tackling the ironing. I swear no one else irons this much?! I reckon these kids are in some kind of quick change act I don’t know about. I still have more to do

Picked the boy up and went into town. Don’t judge me but I reserved two of those magic bags from the Too Good to Go app I really wanted to try it and both Costa and Starbucks was available. Anyway I was really impressed with the value!

The boy had the two bottom Mac and cheeses warmed up for his tea, we had the cake slices (the bottom one is a squashed mince pie thing!) and I’ve frozen the soup and panini. The other Mac and cheese I’ll have today and I’m tucking into the muffin for breakfast! So it all goes such a long way.

Last night I wrapped a few more of the kids presents and we started the new series of Dexter. I’ve enjoyed the first two episodes and it’s made up for the shit show that was the final episode originally

I’m off to get my hair done soon and then I’ll going to have a square up and pull out the final presents for wrapping.

Hope you all enjoy your days!
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Hey everyone

I haven’t really got much to update you all with I have 3 more days to work then I’m off until January. I can’t bloody wait. I should be working now but I’m on my 2nd breakfast

Love a LOTR reference Had a smoothie this morning now I’m eating a bacon and hash brown sarnie.

Got a busy weekend of errands and I need to fit time in to do my Christmas wrapping. Seeing Mr PMI one day next week before Christmas so that’ll be fun
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Snowy morning to you all, I came to the office on time for a change. Yay for public transport that shows up on time (and a lemonlime who got ready on time). Feeling a bit mopey, as it's the standard lately. Had breakfast and killed some time sorting out the flat before I left this morning. I have a package to return and a tree to put up this weekend (bah humbug, I'm still not in the mood) so I plan to be extra cosy and unsociable tonight. I hope the snows keeps falling, it feels good to have proper winter after weeks of mild unnatural weather.

i hope everyone has a great Friday xx
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After my update on Tues the next three days were pretty full on.

I worked but trying to keep a tidy house so I felt like I didn’t stop from the moment I woke up I’ve finished all the wrapping now so that’s a big achievement!

Today is mainly chilled before a busy few days. I went to get my nails done this morning, popped to Asda to get some food for tonight and then I’m FaceTiming my grandparents soon. I’ve just sent the kids to get their clothes ready for tomorrow as we’re going to York for two days really looking forward to it as we’re staying in an apartment so we’re going to get food in and chill with a Christmas film tomorrow night

Tonight I’ve told this rowdy lot that I want to watch the Strictly final so I’m hoping they’ll go entertain themselves and leave me in peace

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Hey everyone, feeling a bit flat today. My car needs to go to the garage on Monday morning and I’m super anxious about it, I can’t live without my car now Trying to think positive.

Had a lovely spontaneous night with PMI. He rang me up after work and went I miss you so I was like YEP SEE YOU SOON. I stayed over (unplanned) as I’d had a drink and didn’t want to drive. Honest A good evening was had by all.

Just come back from a hair appointment. I’m writing this in bed. I have BPD and the past month, it’s been up and down. Christmas triggers it. But also the slightest worry triggers it, today it’s my car.

Onwards and upwards though!
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