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Sir Lancelot

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People who make emotional social media posts directly addressing a newborn baby, a family member who is not on social media or someone who has died.

They're not seeing it, you needy fuck. Stop fishing for emotional sustenance from your small band of online wankers, you fucking vampires.

(this has been prompted by Scarlett bloody Moffatt addressing her new baby in a new social media post)
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Rosie glow

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Facebook market place when you message someone asking how much an item is they send a message back saying make an me an offer so you do then they come back with Oh no I want far more than that just say how much you bloody want for it in the first place then dick head 🙄
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People who trawl out “You only get 18 summers with your kids so make the most of them” when parents moan about the school holidays.

1 It’s hard work being with kids, even if you have ‘easy’ ones and love them dearly, 24/7 with the same people can get to you.

2 A lot of kids between the ages of approx 12 to 18 don’t actually want to spend the holidays with their mums. They want money and lifts to see their mates. Which is fine and natural, they don’t want to be dragged around farms and parks anymore!

3 If you’re a good and decent person, you’ll hopefully form a relationship with your kids that will go into adulthood and you may well go on holiday with them, see them, spend time with them in summers when they’re in their 20s, 30s, 40s etc.

4 It’s just annoying, so stop saying it!
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Not in mood today women from work hasn't even asked for my card details to start paying me back even though its payday today. Bad enough its going to take her nearly a year to pay off what I've gave her but not even showing willing for first payment. What do I do shes at work today im not I won't work with her till Friday do I message with details . Plus side partner paid back a grand but asked me to buy some stuff for his daughter and pack up for work.
You need to lay down some rules and fast. If you don't ask for the money straight away it will seriously eat at you.

Every time she comes to work with a new bag or coat, every time she says she's had a night out or if she books a holiday you will be thinking 'but you can't pay me?' ... You will notice everything.
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Lola Ruby

Well-known member
I’m on one today, so need a place to put the world to rights.

I’m sick of this cultism surrounding musicians and artists at the minute. I go on TikTok and see a video of someone judging Olivia Rodrigo’s singing. She isn’t a particularly good singer and is one of the many artists whose entry into the music industry was significantly aided by TikTok. The video rightfully pointed out many of the notes she hits are unsupported and everyone in the comment section descended into a frenzy at the gumption of this creator to dare criticise her singing ability. It feels like everyone nowadays is far too passionate about music and unhealthily invested in the person producing it. The utter hysteria surrounding Taylor Swift at the minute is another prime example of this. Maybe I’m just miserable 😅
Omg the sheer OBSESSION over Taylor Swift. I don’t get it and it makes me feel like I’m the crazy one 😂

She is mediocre at best and all her songs sound the same. Also the number of grown men I see who are “obsessed” with her is just :sick: A bloke who is very senior at my work who is either in his 50s or pushing 50 is a self proclaimed Taylor superfan and not shy about it. I can think of one other bloke like this at work. You’re not cool, you’re a fucking creep.
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People eating in the cinema. I’m not talking some popcorn, I’m talking carrier bag from home, massive bag of Doritos crunch crunch, hand in the butterkist rustling. Once that’s all eaten then repeat. Two fucking hours and they were still getting the snacks out. STFU 🤬
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I've got a friend who has to reply to texts/WhatsApp messages instantly regardless of where she is. We went for a coffee recently and her phone buzzed, so she picked it up and stopped what she was saying (mid sentence) to reply to whatever it was. I don't take it personally because she's the same whoever she's with.

I often wonder how some people can have such a staggering lack of self awareness. She always twists things back on others as well, so if I started texting someone when she wanted to speak, she'd point out that it was rude, but others have made a few snide remarks when she texts in front of them and she'll say things like: "I'm only taking a minute to reply to someone, chill out" and act like you're the unreasonable one.
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I can't even say I'm annoyed, I am just defeated. I've been working minimum 60 hour weeks for 3 months now and I get home absolutely knackered and find someone playing their guitar/gone out/watching tv and no evening meal prepared because they couldn't decide what can go together. Or they cook for everyone else and nothing for me. I haven't had dinner on several nights. When I get home at a decent hour I cook for everyone.
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My mum ringing me having a go at me that I'm not home.... she turned up unannounced, and we didn't have plans to see each other today. Il not gonna wait in all day on the off chance she randomly turns up at my house.
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Im not a fan of stinkers in the first place and i HATE when you walk past a house that reeks of weed but tonight i was in aldi and i could smell someone who was absolutely honking of weed. It was absolutely vile. I kept turning around and saying whats that smell to my husband 😂 it STINKS in here!

The tragic part of it was there was no obvious culprit.
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Not even 9am and I have a rant 😂 a couple who live opposite me evidently hate anything green. We live in a semi rural area. They had a beautiful tree removed within days of moving in and this morning, all before 8am, they’ve had all the remaining established trees removed from their garden. Pricks
This makes me so sad - the poor birds and all the other wildlife - no wonder we are in ecological crisis for our native species - people have completely lost touch of what a garden is.
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Chatty Member
I’ve had a shitty week already and it’s only Monday. I’ve had a headache since yesterday and no painkillers are helping (think it’s stress related). Payday isn’t until Wednesday and I’m really skint - hate 5 week months! I feel like I have so much to do and not enough time to do any of it.

I could go on and on but it won’t do me any good. Just want to sleep for a week and wake up on a beach as a new Euromillions winner😭
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Next doors kids screaming (not just playing that I have no issue with screaming at the top of their lungs) before 8.30 on Sunday morning 😐
Someone has had a moan on the local Facebook page. Neighbours kids screaming like banshees. Every single response has called the OP a ‘Karen’ or a moaner. I’m on the OP’s side and yours! There isn’t anything wrong with kids playing and having fun. Laughing and squealing. But some kids scream like they’re being poked with a hot poker. It’s not necessary
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
People who impose their company on you.
Every morning I take my dog for a walk, really early and the only other people I generally see are other dog walkers. We all just politely say "morning" and carry on with our walk. Except this one woman. Every time she sees me she'll say "oh, I'll walk with you" even if I was walking in the direction she just came from and she will literally stay with me until I get to my front door! I've tried changing up my route a bit so that I avoid her, turns out she did the same and commented how she "hadn't seen me in a while and wondered if I'd swapped routes" 🤦‍♀️

I know she means no harm and she's just trying to be friendly, and I probably sound really unsociable but I really enjoy my peace on my morning walk. I feel like it's my time to myself to get my head together and enjoy some quiet before a busy day at the office and she's imposing on that and I can't seem to avoid her.
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I was doing a bit of grocery shopping yesterday evening. Just about to walk out of an aisle, basket on my arm, when a couple rounded the corner, he was pushing the trolley. I think he just expected to barge along while I maybe jumped on top of the nearest display or something to get out of his way.

I kept walking, with the basket nudging the trolley gently out of my way. Fuck that, you don't have the shop all to yourself, there are other people there, you ignoramus. He couldn't believe it. He muttered something and I kinda imagine him gazing in amazement (or something 😝) after me as I went on my merry way, apparently oblivious to his version of man spreading with a trolley. I am sick and tired of that kind of nonsense and I just won't put up with it anymore.
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Another from me. Tissues in the washing machine and always in with your dark wash that needs to be done again. Grinds my gears every time. The mess.
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Right I know I’m going to sound petty and a miserable bastard

but people laughing on tv at absolutely nothing 🤨

Me and my husband were watching location location location and it just dawned on me how many people laugh like lunatics at nothing

Escape to the country more deranged laughing

Saturday morning cooking laughing like they are pissed

wtf 👀

rant over
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People selling stuff of Vinted for ££££

If it’s £40 brand new I’m not paying £35 from a seller on vinted even if it has got tags on 🖕🏻🖕🏻
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