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Having to bite your tongue just because someone died/was injured/got sick etc.

I hate the way its frowned upon to "hah" ppl who have something horrible happen. E.g. just read about a local scumbag theif who's in hospital with life threatening injuries after being ran over. I do not have an ounce of sympathy for these ppl. And yet ppl say im awful. 🙄
Same if someone horrible dies... and i say good riddance. Why do we have to fake sympathy. If they were alive and well you would be slagging them off so i think its a bit of a double standard
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Elle Woods

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I know you should never begrudge someone being pregnant but as someone who is struggling to conceive and has been for over a year, it really fucking hurts when you see a pregnant woman posting tiktoks which show she still hasn't given up smoking. I'd give anything to carry a healthy baby then there's people out there who are choosing to put their unborn child at risk. It makes me so angry
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One influencer (life with oaks and olive) was asking her followers if she she take her kid to the hospital despite them looking “floppy”. Then she filmed them at the back of the ambulance.

Another (Simon hopper) posted a picture of paramedics in his kitchen, when his twin wasn’t breathing properly.

Sick kids are just content and used for engagement and sympathy comments.
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My MIL has just turned up announced and let herself in. I've sent the kids to talk to her. I'm staying upstairs. I phoned my husband and said your mother is here, I suggest you come home.
I need to start locking my front door 😤
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Chatty Member
Omfg, why are some men so bloody attention-seeky in gym classes? Guy behind me in spin this morning, constantly whooping, squealing, singing, performative panting during rests. Then at the end, he shouted ‘YESSSSSS!’ so loudly it almost made me fall off in shock. Shut up, you absolute weirdo! It’s 7.30 on a Monday morning, no-one needs to hear your spingasms.
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So I made a mistake at work, owned up to it as soon as I noticed and corrected it, but people keep bringing it up and I have the worst feeling in the pit of my stomach and I feel really anxious about it. The customer keeps complaining about it even though I rectified as soon as I noticed and apologised.
Can't wait for 5pm 😫
I once made a typographical error in a letter and the client complained, I apologised profusely and then the client compared it to a car mechanic not putting his wheel back on his car properly and him crashing off the road and dying IN FLAMES 🔥 😳

I told him again of course that I was sorry but that was a bit dramatic but he insisted that spelling a word wrong was the same as being dead and he repeated it several times till my boss intervened and spoke to him before I told him to fuuuuuuuuuuck off
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We had our house valuation back yesterday. It's more than we had ever dreamed of. We're talking 400k in equity. We love our house and have spent 5 years renovationg it and have absolutely no plans to move. My husband told his mum and she has been non stop sending us houses in Northern Ireland that "we should buy" and she'll move into the annexe. Don't get me wrong, they are beautiful massive 7 bedroom houses with loads of land, but I've never even visited Ireland, let alone want to live there, with her!! She's relocating back to Ireland anyway.
Husband has been looking at the houses and I can see he's being turned. I've told him there is absolutely no way I am moving there and he will be moving by himself as a single man.
MIL came round and she bought it up. I said I'm not moving to Ireland. She said "me and *my husband* will convince you" I said well he can go over by himself because I'm not going. Why would I move to a place I've never even visited?
She just said oh.
Then she said to my 15 year old, you'd move with me wouldn't you, and he laughed said yeah, alright..
I said off you go then, I'll have you packed up in a couple of hours.
Then when she said wouldn't you miss mum and dad, he looked at me , laughed and said mmm, not really and laughed again.
I said you better get yourself packed then.
MIL could see I was pissed off and upset and left sharpish.
Been sat in the garden crying for half an hour.
I know it's because I'm due on so extra emotional, I'm never usually a Crier but it really upset me.
I know he wouldn't have meant to upset me but it really did. Thought I was a decent parent and now feel really shit
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I lost my job today completely out of the blue. I’ve been accused of something I haven’t done and I’m just absolutely fuming. Worst of all I’ve been off for the past two days and they waited until I turned up today for work to tell me. Could they not have just phoned me in advance rather than have me drive all the way in ?!?!?
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Bastards pulled our remortgage offer.
Done all the hard searches of our credit files, passed affordability, even signed the solicitors documents and then they said actually NAH. Fuckers.
We've jumped through all their hoops, paper work, paper work and yet more paper work. Have had us hanging on for weeks.
It was for 4.2%. They know that they can get 6%.
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Standing up for myself at work as a mature woman and being treated like I’m a child having a tantrum.
Why is it not ok to say no to unreasonable demands and requesting me to do tasks outside my role without extra benefit. They try to take advantage of my good nature. “If you do it, then I know it will be done properly” It’s not my problem that your staff aren’t up to the job. Grrrrr 😡
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The constant talk of the barbie and oppenheimer films everywhere! It's on YT, it's on TV, it's on my phone. Can't escape it!

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Someone has had a moan on the local Facebook page. Neighbours kids screaming like banshees. Every single response has called the OP a ‘Karen’ or a moaner. I’m on the OP’s side and yours! There isn’t anything wrong with kids playing and having fun. Laughing and squealing. But some kids scream like they’re being poked with a hot poker. It’s not necessary
I bloody hate this 'karen' thing - its such a shit pathetic to say. One of the nicest people i know is called Karen - she's so kind and lovely. I also find it really misogynistic. Basically middle-aged women aren't allowed to be annoyed or have an opinion - we're just Karen's.
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Sir Lancelot

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Why are obese people suddenly calling themselves 'curvy'?
I'm a fat fucker and I know it; I don't need to pretend I'm empowered and curvy and owning myself girlfriends.
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Not even 9am and I have a rant 😂 a couple who live opposite me evidently hate anything green. We live in a semi rural area. They had a beautiful tree removed within days of moving in and this morning, all before 8am, they’ve had all the remaining established trees removed from their garden. Pricks
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Well 90 percent of the forum would say the same thing, I don't think there are many
on here who actually are happily married.
Tbh that’s what the thread is about. Nobody is coming on here going “the husband was so lovely tonight. Treated me to dinner and a smooch and then let me have a lie in”
Ofcourse we’re coming in here and telling you the worst version of Mr Lolz. Hell, he’s probably nicer than me 😂
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Rosie glow

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We live just off of a wood we are surrounded by trees and nature our garden is overrun with birds and squirrels and I love it we always put food and water out for them and at the moment the bees are loving our lavender
The birds start singing around 3am and stop about 10pm it's actually quite relaxing to sit and listen to
We have also heard pheasants owls and woodpeckers and see the odd deer here and there.
Honestly Don't understand why anyone would want to eradicate any of that from their gardens
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A relative of mine wants to book a holiday. I previously would have booked this sort of thing for them online and helped them as while they are tech savvy for the most part they wanted a second pair of eyes. I enjoy doing research and I am very close to the relatives so I have no problem doing this until their last trip. Last year I sorted their multicity, long haul trip. I booked flights, hotels, trains and sorted ESTAs for them and their 2 adult children.

But they got burned with one hotel whereby when they arrived the booking had been cancelled and they only had dodgy apartments left. It appeared to be a scam. I had sorted the booking but used their email address for all confirmations so they missed the email cancelling the original booking. They went on and on about this when they returned and very subtlely blamed me and also said they wouldnt use again when really if they monitored their emails all would have been fine. I had spent hours booking and researching this trip.

In the second city they stayed in on the trip the hotel didnt recognise their name for the booking and i got a frantic call at midnight despite me sending them the booking confirmation number in a message but they had the email confirmation in their inbox aswell. I had done this after the drama of the 1st hotel. It was a minor issue whereby a member of staff spelt their surname incorrectly. The booking was fine!

Roll forward to this year. They want to do another trip in Europe this time. I am purposely not volunteering my help. I recommended a travel agent that I used before that offers packages to the places they want. I shared links a travel blogger shared for these locations. I get a photo of the relatives notebook back with them trying to plan it and how its taking so much time and they are so busy they dont have time to sort it in the evenings and its so draining and expensive (they left it til 6 weeks before the trip to book it and its peak tourist season!) I can tell they are waiting for me to volunteer and try and find them a good deal but I refuse to after last time.
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I’m just fed up today. Life seems stagnant. Everyone I’ve interacted with today has pissed me off. Could quite easily fuck off to the middle of a field and start a new life (I’m sure I would come back 2 days later once I’ve stopped being dramatic).
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Why is it so bloody expensive to eat out in this country? I was looking at restaurants for my boyfriends birthday and one place had broccoli as a side for £9.50!!! & cocktails for £17, does it come with the remaining bottle of spirit?

My job has meant I’ve been lucky to go to 4 different countries in the past year and it’s just insane the difference in price.You can get fresh, handmade pasta in Rome for £10, I can barely get a McDonald’s for that price here now. Even in a fancy restaurant in Athens the mains were about £25 and came with the sides, but here if you want a fancy restaurant it’s apparently normal to charge £50 for a steak and £7 for chips.
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