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Chatty Member
Men in women's fitting rooms.

I went into Next yesterday to try on some trousers. I could hear a male voice outside my cubicle. After getting dressed, I pulled the curtain aside to walk out and there was a man standing there. I assume he was simply waiting for his wife in the cubicle next to me but it made me feel really uncomfortable. This isn't the first time this has happened to me and I was equally uncomfortable last time (a couple of weeks ago I was trying something on and a woman brought her husband in so she coukd show him outfits).

Nobody else seemed to mind and the lady monitoring the fitting rooms had allowed it, so I'm going to assume this is normal these days. I stood there for a bit wondering whether to say something to a staff member but I didnt.
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Jane Porcupine

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Dog owners are a pretty entitled bunch for the most part.
"Oh don't mind my dog its friendly"
"We have children so he won't hurt them"
"Sorry he's getting a bit excited"

Mostly said whilst said dog is either running at you, sniffing a child that's scared or barking at you/inside a cafe.

Dogs aren't people they need to be outside if they can't be quiet or contained if they don't have perfect recall.
I agree. There's another thread on here where someone complained about people reacting when their dog runs up to them. Don't let your dog run up to people then?! 😂
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Thank you all so much. Tattle gets a lot of stick but I always find it a welcoming space.

The course is really niche, so I aren't going to share what it is, but as it is niche and I am mature student, there isn't an abundance of opportunities to do something similar.

Black sheep is probably the wrong term- more unfulfilled promise. I was very academic at school and whenever careers/work is discussed the general consensus is that my friends and family think I could have done a great deal better.

It feels pretty shit today, but hey it will be less shit eventually.
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People (mainly mums it seems to be) who just stop and chat and block supermarket aisles and shelves with not only their bodies but also their big trolleys.

The general entitlement of people these days
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Rosie glow

VIP Member
I've ranted about this before but ... keep dogs away from shops! I've just been to a shopping centre today for the first time in yonks and I couldn't get over the number of people with dogs. I don't want to be wandering around Zara trying to avoid a fucking cockapoo. :mad:
The amount of people who think they can now bring dogs in to our supermarket is unreal.
I know some cafes etc are dog friendly but shops aren't personally I'm scared of dogs after being bitten when I was a toddler so wandering around shops full of dogs would be hell for me
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I totally get where you're coming from. The workload at my work is ridiculous, the business is now doing three times the turnover it was when I first started 4 years ago and we only have 2 extra members of staff. Myself and my other colleague of which the majority of the workload is on our heads, we never take lunch as it will take too long to catch back up, and I'm in there most days at 7am when my official start time is 8:30am. I don't do it for the bosses, I do it for myself and my/our clients, otherwise I get so far behind it impossible to catch up and other people are so maxed out they can't help because they've got too much to do as well. If I take a day off as holiday it takes me two days to catch back up.

I'm planning my first big holiday on my own for next year, I was going to go this year but it's really not possible (and I'm not 100% ready mentally to do it yet), but even thinking about booking it makes me wonder how the hell I will ever dig myself out of an impossible amount of stuff to catch up on after 2 and a half weeks off. And I know I'm going to spend it worrying about what's happening at work, and if I've forgotten to do something/down something wrong and being slagged off for it and ignored for a week when I go back. It's almost putting me off going on the holiday at all.

I'm due to have an operation at the end of May/start of June and I'm meant to be signed off for two weeks, but i absolutely cannot take that much time out, luckily I should only be in hospital for a couple of day but will then being going to stay at my parents as I'm not supposed to be on my own after the op (I live alone) so instead I'm going to have to have to take all my work stuff to theirs and work from theirs as soon as I leave the hospital. I would just take it as holiday, but then I'm back to square one with the workload issue.
There's a lot of shit that goes on at my work, I could write a book on it, so it's not just about telling my bosses where to get off in relation to the lengths I have to go to to stay on top of the workload unfortunately. The impossible is expected of us, we get no thanks for a job well done, but if you miss one thing or don't get back to a client quickly enough, then there's hell to pay. I'm also struggling because I've got menopause effects which started around a year ago with really bad memory and brain fog, so that's making things difficult for me, however if I say one word about the menopause, all I get is "don't you dare start that shit, it's all in a woman's head and an excuse for lack of attention to detail/lack of concentration"

This went on much long than I intended so sorry if I've gone off on one! That's my rant that pretty much applies to every day of my life!
Its hard but just dont do it. Youre signed off. Dont work. My job was a nightmare when I used to be like this. I applied for jobs, had offers and couldn't make the leap because I worried about the mess I would leave ppl in.
I became really strong with my boundaries. Started taking my lunches (blocked out in my calendar) and worked within my paid hours. Im actually BETTER at my job now. I dont get through as much, but in terms of quality its night and day. And they've taken on 3 additional people.

They are taking advantage of your good nature!

Anyone who takes time off and comes back to inbox hell... reading your emails is part of your job. So if it takes you a whole day to get back on top of your inbox thats fine. Thats what youre paid to do. Dont treat it as something additional you have to rush through on the side of "real work"
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Oh mine is the fucking toilet seat!!! I've even threatened to slam his head in it and he still leaves it completely up! I went to the toilet in the middle of the night last week and it was pitch black, I fell into the fucking toilet. I was raging.
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Chatty Member
People lying about how they lost a shit ton of weight. My manager at work never stops bragging about losing 6 stone so she could get pregnant, what she doesn’t tell people is that she lost it by getting a gastric sleeve in Turkey. Not hating on people who get surgery, do what you’ve got to do, it’s the lies the annoying cow tells that get on my tits.
Or people who have lost weight that make it their entire personality and have to put it all over social media constantly, like good for you but no-one else cares!! Same goes for gym selfies. The whole world doesn't need to know.
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Scotch Mist

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I found out I have failed my maths exam by 4 next option is to actually pay for one as the next one at the local college is in September now.

I have just done two years of an access to higher education course and three years of undergraduate to be told I still need my maths to get into nursing. And the careers person at university even said I'd struggle to do anything with the degree I'm getting as it's a course people do because they couldn’t get into nursing or want to do a masters in public health.

All which you need a maths grade for. So now I have a degree which is effectively useless and have worked for 5 years for nothing unless I take a 6th year to try and get a maths grade then do three years of nursing. In which il be 37 which I know age is just a number but covid messed up my first route into nursing when the colleges gave predicted grades and now 4 points is stopping me again.

I dont even feel like doing my dissertation at this all feels like I have wasted my time now. I have an interview next week for another nursing course but it feels pointless as come summer il get rejected anyway now due to a grade not even related to my course which I'm predicted a 2:1.
I feel your pain as I'm also terrible at maths. I wanted to be a teacher years ago and couldn't get in because of failing maths, despite the fact I wanted to be an art teacher and had the relevant degree. I tried going to an evening course to pass but still didn't manage to pass it so I gave up.

I regret that decision now as I ended up working in admin which I hate. So don't make the same mistake as me, pay for a private tutor if you have to and keep going. You're still young enough and have got at least another 20+ years to work. It's always better to be working doing something you enjoy. Good luck.
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Queuing up for the tip today. During COVID when they first reopened the tip a temporary sign was put up saying no right turn into the side road. It was a freestanding sign on a little A board, not fixed to a post etc and at some point over the last 3 years someone has taken it away. So everyone turns right now, as they always used to.

Normally this isn't an issue however today our whole town has taken stuff to the tip. So there's a queue of cars waiting to turn left and right (as only so many people are allowed in at a time). For context there's probably 10 cars turning left and 3 turning right. I'm the 3rd car. The 2 cars in front of me are both big SUVs driven by men. This is relevant.

So after a while both cars in front turn into the tip, and I'm next (in my little Corsa). Bloke comes over and bangs on my window, and tells me I'm not allowed to turn right and I need to drive off down the road. I said there's no sign, why is he picking on a lone women and to piss off. And then wound my window up. While he was still going on.

Bloody twat. It really annoys me when men pick on women like this, as though we're a soft target - my Ex always said that it wasn't just women but as a man he didn't experience it first hand!
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Well-known member
I've ranted about this before but ... keep dogs away from shops! I've just been to a shopping centre today for the first time in yonks and I couldn't get over the number of people with dogs. I don't want to be wandering around Zara trying to avoid a fucking cockapoo. :mad:
Dog owners are a pretty entitled bunch for the most part.
"Oh don't mind my dog its friendly"
"We have children so he won't hurt them"
"Sorry he's getting a bit excited"

Mostly said whilst said dog is either running at you, sniffing a child that's scared or barking at you/inside a cafe.

Dogs aren't people they need to be outside if they can't be quiet or contained if they don't have perfect recall.
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You sound absolutely charming and likely to be a lot of fun at parties. Have a lovely day 😘
What because I don’t want to indulge an AGP in his weird fetish 🤢? If you’re into that then cool, but don’t try and force it onto the rest of us who aren’t utterly deluded.
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I am fully touched out today. I genuinely just want a room that is silent and calm where no one is talking to me or touching me and I can spend about ten days inside it. Preferably will be sound proof so no one can hear me screaming. Thank you.
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A follow up on bloke screaming and shouting threats in the street yesterday (who I reported to the police) - today my neighbour tells me he's been hanging round outside my house since and she was concerned by it.

Fucking men honestly. I've had enough.
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malibu skies

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I’ve been at a low point for the past couple of weeks and I’ve been trying to reach out and talk to my friends about it and nobody wants to know. I’m so tired of the response “aw, I hope you feel better soon”. I wish at least one of them cared enough to check in on me. I know there are helplines and places I can go but I just want someone to show some concern and care about what happens to me
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Life being so unfair in general.

My mum tries her best to look after herself and lead a good life yet its one health problem after another with her at the moment 😞 Her sister on the other hand is an alcoholic, chain smoker, awful diet, does nothing with her life bar moan and complain and there is nothing wrong with her! I don’t wish bad on people because I think it always comes back to haunt you but I can’t help feeling angry and bitter.
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malibu skies

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I seem to be going through money like water these days; obviously everything is expensive but there always seems to be ‘something’ that costs money.

Went out for dinner last night for a friends birthday and I had something relatively cheap and only one drink, which should have come to £15 max - but then the bill came and someone said “shall we just split it and cover the cost of X’s meal as it’s their birthday” and I didn’t want to be the only person to object to splitting so I ended up paying £40. My own fault for not just saying something but I feel sick thinking about how much money I’ve spent with nothing to show for it.

Also yesterday my work trousers ripped so I needed to go and buy some more today because I’m down to one pair, and then next week it’s Easter so I’ve got to buy eggs for people, then it’s someone else’s birthday etc. it’s like a carousel and I just need things to stop for a minute so i
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Chatty Member
My mother.
If I had the energy, I’d rant about her every day. But let’s start with today; I asked her round to help pick up my daughter and take to swimming, as I’m recovering from an operation. It was a disaster from start to finish. We were late picking my daughter up and getting her to swimming due to her faffing and inability to use initiative or listen to simple instructions.
I had a H&M order waiting for me, when we got home, she asked; ‘what size are you nowadays?’. I replied; ‘the same size I’ve always been’
‘12?’ ‘NO! 10!’ I’ve been a size 10 for over 10 years. Granted with my surgery swelling I probably don’t look like it and I certainly don’t feel like it. But as an ex bulimic, I’m incredibly sensitive with regards to my weight and body image. She knows this. But I think due to being a chunky teenager, and my weight yo-yoing on recovery, she took comfort in times where I was bigger than her. And clings onto it, by in her mind having me a bigger size than I am. She’s a size 16 now, so even if I was a 12, she’d still be bigger. I know this must sound incredibly petty, but it’s just an example of her narcissistic tendencies and shitty self esteem that she needs to have me boxed as her ‘fat daughter’ to make herself feel better.
I wish I felt the way you’re supposed to feel about your mum, but I don’t.
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I genuinely can’t cope with how shit this country is anymore. Maybe I’m just burnt out by working in a collapsing NHS, so my view is skewed. But why does nothing work?

It’s been nothing but hell trying to renew my kids passports. We’ve managed to get my daughters. But now they’ve bloody sent my sons documents back without checking them so we have to resend them again at our own expense. Fuming. We’ve already spent double because an advisor misunderstood that we wanted to upgrade to fast track and cancelled our applications instead.
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