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My rant today, I am sick and tired of my ex, he treated me like absolute shit for years and I'm angry at my self for allowing it. We have children together one being a baby (who he hasn't seen since he's left) and he just walked out and left, said he was going to football and didn't come back. I'm doing ok but am just really angry. His mum was talking about taking some of his stuff today as he left everything here, so I said when convenient I'd like to uber all his stuff to hers and she replied that isn't necessary. It absolutely is necessary, I'm sick he has opted out of being a parent, sees our older children one day a week (one at a time not both together. His choice), I'm tired that he isn't being held accountable for being an lousy parent. As soon as I say something I'm the bad one. Sorry for my rant but I just needed to get it out ❤
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Huge incoming rant (sorry, but it feels good to get it out).

I have a darling friend whose mother is a narc. I've posted here (somewhere on these forums) before that until I read here, I never really knew what a narc was, but her mother absolutely ticks all the boxes.

Her mother is in her 80s and has always been a hypochondriac. Whenever the attention is off her, she'll create little medical dramas - "Oh the doctor is so worried about me," - which never turns out to be anything. A few months ago, she was telling a group of people (I was present) how she'd had a night-time prowler. "Oh my goodness - are you okay?!" someone asked - "Oh yes, I have more blood tests next week" she responded ... which made me doubt the whole prowler story. Strange she jumped straight into her health (non) issues. I wasn't the only one confused when she said that as we all knew that the person who asked if she was okay, meant in relation to the prowler.

My friend has just been diagnosed with cancer. She has been unwell for months, going to the doctor about strange pains in her legs and abdomen, lumps that appeared out of nowhere on places like her elbow and knee, and malaise. They kept fobbing her off with prescriptions for this, that, the other, and things have only worsened over time. She hasn't broadcast these doctor's visits, but I know that she's been uncomfortable and frustrated at not getting any answers. Anyway, she had a huge range of tests done last week and the results from her biopsy came in late yesterday and her doctor called her at home to say it is cancer and please come in first thing Monday with a support person so they can discuss where to from here.

My friend asked me if I thought she should tell her mother; I said yes - because if she held this back it would just be another perceived slight in her mother's view (my friend can't seem to do anything right when it comes to her mother). She called her, and - I shouldn't be surprised but at the same time I am, actually I'm bloody horrified - she started crying, saying how she (my friend's mother) doesn't need all this extra stress and pressure while she's battling her own health concerns. She couldn't get off the phone fast enough from my friend - she didn't even ask if there was anything she could do, or what the next steps are. Before the conversation ended, my friend asked her mother to keep this news private.

Later in the morning, my friend started getting calls from relatives concerned at what she'd done to upset her mother! One let slip that her mother had said she'd scared her with cancer talk - so again, making everything about herself but also divulging news that she was asked to keep to herself.

How on earth could someone's mother be so cruel?

I'm going with my friend on Monday, and I'm going to insist that she move in with me. I will be her family and support person!!
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Food is a dogs biggest pleasure so it's little wonder it made a beeline for the picnic.
Anyone kicking my dog would need a trip to the dentist!
That's the point though isn't it. If you know your dog is food motivated, it's in a public park where children are eating and you cat recall it before it causes an issue it should be on a lead. Your dog is the issue not someone reacting to it and protecting scared children.
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My rant is that I’m burnt out, touched out, overstimulated, overwhelmed, over being a mum 24/7 and still having to be a wife, with a husband who says he understands but still keeps pushing for more from me and “unintentionally” guilt tripping me for not being affectionate enough, when I don’t have the energy to give more.
I have to lose my shit to get a break from the kids or to get help around the house. If I ask nicely it doesn’t get done. If I yell it’s done straight away. I hate it. I don’t want to be yelling all the time.
I have severe postnatal depression and I’ve been very honest about this with everyone so it’s not a secret. I don’t feel like I’m very understood though, even when I share exactly how I’m feeling and why I feel that way.
I just want the guilt tripping to stop. I never understood women who walked away from their families but now I totally get it and I’ll never judge anyone ever again!
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This is the best thread I've ever found :ROFLMAO:

My rant for today is I've just heard back from the police officer dealing with my case. I was in an awful car crash last year. A young fucking helmet in a car he couldn't handle drove straight over a stop sign at a junction. He hit me at about 80 while I was doing the speed limit of 60. My car landed in a field across the road and I had to be cut out of it which took over 4 hours of me trapped inside upside down as it was in such a precarious position about to topple into a ditch. I've had 10 months of physio and counseling and my life will probably never be the same. Today I've been told that there wasn't enough evidence that he was driving dangerously in the lead up to it, just that he was driving without due care and attention, so all he's been given is points and a fine😩 I was really holding on to getting some kind of decent justice and for him to be penalised in a way that would hopefully mean he'd never do anything like it again

It already makes me so fucking angry seeing people driving dangerously/carelessly and apparently now it's just easy to ruin someone's life and get away lightly
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Was at an Easter event today and in the area where everyone was sat having their picnics when a man pulled out a potty for his child (she was 4 maybe 5) to sit on and poo. Then he got them to touch their toes so he could clean them up, bare bum facing me. Not what I wanted to see while I was eating my mini roll!
Honestly it was grim and he could have easily have taken them out of the picnic area to the wooded quiet area and gone behind a tree or bush literally a minutes walk away if they couldn’t hold it long enough to get to a toilet.
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Just seen a “yummy mummy” type post about tying a ribbon to your changing bag to show other mums you’re willing to give a spare nappy or wipes or whatever. I mean, are we really in such a bad way as a society that we need to advertise that we’d be kind to someone in need? Mine are 8 and 11 now but I remember giving a mum a few nappies at an airport gate as they realised they’d run low, and another mum gave me a nappy sack for my daughter’s clothes when she was about 3 but threw up on herself! Surely people aren’t so bad that you can only approach someone with a signal that they’ll help you, surely most people are still vaguely decent?!?
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Elle Woods

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I don't wanna make the thread go full circle again but I saw this on fb and it really made me laugh and think of this thread

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This morning I pulled into my road and the bin lorry was down it. I waited patiently, like you do. Some twat in an Audi came up behind me, moved his car to the right to look round me, I guess, even though the massive lorry was there to easily see. He kept edging forward to the side of me, I waved my hands and said, to my self, 'fucking idiot, I'm not sat here for a laugh'. He went round me. Realised he couldn't squeeze past the lorry and the parked cars. Dickhead. I looked at him shook my head and said Dickhead to him. He had to reverse to get back behind me. When the lorry had moved past my house I took great pleasure in backing on to my drive as slowly as I could so he couldn't rush past me. He was then stuck behind them all the way down the road.
Audi* drivers = absolute bellends.

*Mercedes, BMW and Range rover drivers fit in that category too!
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Chatty Member
Why do people find it so difficult to accept ‘I don’t want to’ as a legitimate reason

Why aren’t you drinking? I don’t want to
Why aren’t you getting your picture taken? I don’t want to

I shouldn’t need to elaborate on this?? I. Don’t. Fucking. Want. To.

Christ. If you want to have a bottle of wine and take a million selfies, go for it!! I’ll be there pouring your drink and helping you get the best angles - doesn’t mean I want to join in
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Probably not allowed to mention it so mods feel free to delete but literally every thread i am on atm keeps getting derailed by this recently

but i am so SICK of some people getting offended with comments on threads that are not even aimed at them and then derail threads!!

You’ll mention a comment about an influencer and they’ll take that as a dig.


poster: they look shit with pink hair
Offended poster: i HavE PiNk hAiR whats wrong with that?
Nothing ffs, they just said THEY look shit with pink hair!!!!!! 🤬

PLEASE if you get offended by comments so easily stay off public forums or at least just scroll by 😩😩😩
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Husband has come off his motorbike this morning, nobody else involved & thankfully only stitches & a cast on his leg! Only going slow & thinks throttle got stuck open.

Bike is probably a write off, all insured, only had the damn thing since January.

The bike that I absolutely categorically didn't want him to have! Bloody mid life crisis...😡

Trying not to dwell on "it could have been so much worse if on open road & not some quiet street...." but my head is scrambled at minute 🤯

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Elle Woods

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I placed an order with a small business on Instagram on 14th March. Had the confirmation email but no dispatch email. I politely messaged over the weekend saying "Hi, sorry to chase, I just wanted to make sure my order had gone through ok as it's been a while since it was placed" and got a really snotty message back "I am a small business, I am running this all by myself. Yes I've got your order, you've had a confirmation so you know I have got it no need to chase! I will send it when I can!"

I didn't think I was being unreasonable to send a polite little chaser after 1 month of waiting! There was nothing on the website etc to say dispatch times are delayed either.
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Elle Woods

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I lent my vax machine to my cousin about 6 weeks ago because she wanted to scrub her carpet. I phoned her last night to ask if I could arrange collecting it as I want to do my stairs over the bank holiday. She said she'd have to ring her MIL and see if she's finished with it as she gave it to her to do her bedroom carpet!!

Now I'm not a tightarse and if she had have asked then I'd of course have said yeah the MIL can use it. But it's really pissed me off that she didn't ask, she just lent it out as if it was her possession to do so with?! Am I being petty being annoyed at that? And the fact that when I've asked for it back I've got to wait to see if someone else is done with MY machine!
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Well expect someone to slap you back for letting your dog trample / maul their toddler. Sounds like you don't care about the kids being victim to unruly dogs.

Kicking only acceptable as self defence, it's not like people go round kicking dogs for fun.
Exactly this.
All of these people up in arms saying ‘oh if someone kicked my dog, I’d go up and assault them for it’ are the type of people who shouldn’t own dogs 💀. Take some responsibility for your poorly trained animal, if your dog is trying to dominate someone to the point that they physically kick it away in order to protect themself, that’s entirely your fault and you should be saying sorry lmao.

Do people not realize that it’s actually an offense to have your dog be dangerously out of control in a public place?
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Scotch Mist

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Just did some shopping then went to the machine to pay for the car parking before I left.
Was just about to put in my pin number when a hand appeared and started tapping random numbers. At first I thought it was someone trying to steal my bank card but it was a small child. I pushed her hand away and said "go away". Next thing I've got a woman bearing down on me shrieking about me being aggressive towards her child.

I tried to ignore her and walked away to the lift but she carried on yelling at me. Then as a parting shot I said "why don't you keep your child under control?"
More ranting about what a terrible person I am followed. Luckily a man getting in the lift with me agreed she was being unreasonable and I managed to escape her!

If my child had done that I would have told them off and apologised to the person using the card machine, but I guess some mothers think their kids should never be told off 🙄
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A random account I follow on social media has sent me a long message accusing me of online bullying them. I've only previously had positive interactions with them so I'm confused, and a little upset that they would think I'm that type of person.
Sent it to the wrong person perhaps? Some woman on Facebook once sent me a PM having a go at me for chasing other women and that I'll "never kiss her tits again". 😂
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Spent over a year working towards changing careers. I had one shot at getting in to a specific university course.

I have not been accepted.

I dont know how to tell my friends and family that I have failed. Again. Feel like I am a waste of space.
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