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My child's dad has quit his job so he doesn't have to pay me maintenance. He was already in almost £4K arrears, despite being on collect and pay. CMS is a joke and so is he
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Planned the easiest possible meal for the other half to cook tonight since I was working later. Stir fry chicken I all ready chopped and the veg last night so he didn't make a mess with raw chicken scabby bits and pepper seeds all over. Left the sauce and noodles out ready. Guess what you've got it in one hes upstairs after his shower he must have soon as he gets home (gets black and smells like 💩 ) so fair enough but sits upstairs playing on his phone. Half hour later I give up cook it takes my 3 loud shouts your teas ready to get him bloody downstairs. Have to nag him to get his lunch box from his van to make him his pack up so I can get it out way while I'm washing pots. Otherwise I come downstairs to a bombsite in the morning. On the plus side his blood pressures going down but mines probably through the roof stressing about how much salt he's eating making. sure he's getting healthy food so he's not eating junk.
Sounds like you’re talking about your son, not your partner 🤣
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Boomers upsizing rather than downsizing. Tbf they are the only ones who can afford to.

No offence boomer's on here, it's just a shame that these big family homes with large gardens have a couple of pensioners rattling around in them while young families who would really benefit from them are priced out.

And this isn't personal, I'm happily housed, I just think it's sad.
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I think some young people lack general awareness that it’s impolite and annoying. Lots of people have grown up with phones and iPads blaring out.

I’m only 32 but I’m dumbfounded by how ignorant people are to other people and their surroundings. I’m sure it used to be a faux pas for your phone to even be on loud if it rang on the train. The other day some teenagers were scrolling through TikTok in my local library with the sound right up and I was just staring at the library staff wondering why they weren’t telling them to stop?!

Also kids watching iPads in restaurants or cafes with the volume up. Put it on silent!!! I don’t think I’m cut out for modern life!
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People who remove any trace of greenery from their gardens. I’ve been looking at houses that are a similar age to mine and assumed they’d have established plants/bushes/trees too. Worst thing is looking at the previous sales details and seeing how lovely the garden was BEFORE it was decimated 😫
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People lying about how they lost a shit ton of weight. My manager at work never stops bragging about losing 6 stone so she could get pregnant, what she doesn’t tell people is that she lost it by getting a gastric sleeve in Turkey. Not hating on people who get surgery, do what you’ve got to do, it’s the lies the annoying cow tells that get on my tits.
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One of the girls in work has been in a strop all week because another staff member has just announced she's pregnant. Its an IVF baby after years of trying so we are all over the moon for her but this girl is pissed off now because she'll be the only one in the office with no kids and says its going to be a clique. I was hoping she'd have given her head a wobble over the weekend but she's back today being passive aggressive about it.
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Pinhead Larry

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I want to rant about two things that have happened over the space of 24 hours.

First we hired a cleaner. She was charging £40 per hour for 2 of them to come and deep clean, last time she came alone and did 3 hours at £20 per hour and left the place spotless, but ran out of time to do the kitchen which I thought was fair enough and my fault for not booking longer. I booked 2 hours with the two of them, so 4 hours cleaning. I get a text when she is due to arrive asking for my address, then she arrived 15 mins later. They spent absolutely ages upstairs which seemed weird because id had a pre clean tidy up and everything was put away, they then came downstairs and just did the usual wipe over in the kitchen id do anyway, the description of services says oven and everything! I had to point out things she’d left in the living room too. They left exactly 2 hours after they arrived and tried to charge me for the 15 minutes which they hadn’t even arrived on time for. It’s just really wound me up because upstairs isn’t as spotless as it should be for 2 cleaners spending 1.5 hours up there.

second thing, I signed up for a pt, had one session with her then she text to cancel on me on the morning of my second one. The contract states if you get cancelled on with less than 24 hours notice you get an additional hour for free. She booked me in for the session she cancelled, and when I told her when I’d like to do the extra one she told me I was confused!!!!!!! I sent her the contract and said it’s written there, so she offered me the extra session I am entitled to but still she’s pissed me off too 😂

dunno if I’m being hormonal or everyone else is being unprofessional and annoying
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Its always the people with the most dull lives who believe this. What does she think they are tracking? Whether shes cleaned the bogs?
Fair enough if you were a spy or something but my life isnt interesting enough to care if I've got a chip in my arm, or alexas listening.

Can just imagine the tracking office rolling their eyes at me playing candy crush badly... 😂
That’s the thing I can never understand about conspiracy theorists lol, these people are basically describing nanomachines if we had the technology to actually create a device that small it would literally revolutionize the world. And these people think they’re being used to track some random middle aged cleaner do her daily commute to work and back? Really? You’re a fucking nobody mate, trust me, no one is tracking your life 🤣.
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How cold and wet it is for the time of year. I don't like extremes and that includes cold as well as heat. I'm sick of feeling freezing all the time, as well as depressed by the lack of sunshine. Got a horrible feeling we're in for a non-existent summer.
I know this isn’t a popular opinion here but I loved last summer. Waking up to great weather every day was such a joy and I’d love more of the same this year.

Grey, damp rainy days with no end in sight are mood sponges and no one want that.
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Spent over a year working towards changing careers. I had one shot at getting in to a specific university course.

I have not been accepted.

I dont know how to tell my friends and family that I have failed. Again. Feel like I am a waste of space.
You’re bound to feel disappointed but please don’t feel as if you’re a waste of space. You’re not! And you haven’t failed. You tried. Many don’t! Xx
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I’ll happily give someone a slap if they kick my dog 😈
Well expect someone to slap you back for letting a dog trample / maul their toddler . Sounds like you don't care about the kids being victim to unruly dogs.

Kicking only acceptable as self defence, it's not like people go round kicking dogs for fun.
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Planned the easiest possible meal for the other half to cook tonight since I was working later. Stir fry chicken I all ready chopped and the veg last night so he didn't make a mess with raw chicken scabby bits and pepper seeds all over. Left the sauce and noodles out ready. Guess what you've got it in one hes upstairs after his shower he must have soon as he gets home (gets black and smells like 💩 ) so fair enough but sits upstairs playing on his phone. Half hour later I give up cook it takes my 3 loud shouts your teas ready to get him bloody downstairs. Have to nag him to get his lunch box from his van to make him his pack up so I can get it out way while I'm washing pots. Otherwise I come downstairs to a bombsite in the morning. On the plus side his blood pressures going down but mines probably through the roof stressing about how much salt he's eating making. sure he's getting healthy food so he's not eating junk.
1 can he not make his own packed lunch
2 you’re not his maid or his mother
3 tell him to clean up after himself He’s not a baby is he
id leave him to sort his own meals out
i fuckin hate men like this. If my fella was like this I think I’d kill him!
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Rosie glow

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I would be the same as you. I’ve never had people stay over and I wouldn’t want them to. We only have a small house anyway.
We do too our house is tiny so can feel a bit claustrophobic and the weather is rubbish so we cant even use the garden
I just find this really sad I bet your poor husband is secretly stressing about their visit because of your behaviour.
Everyone has a past and it's natural to talk about it especially when you get older sometimes all we have are memories of our loved ones. Can you not help make it a nice memorable experience for all of you?
My "poor husband" has no stress as I have done everything like spending all week cleaning making up a fresh bed i will be cooking etc
What I didn't mention in my post was how appallingly I was treated by "my poor husbands" family when we got together because they were bezzie mates with his ex wife including messages telling me they hoped I could never have children despite knowing I had fertily issues. So I'm sorry that you find my post sad but the last thing I want to listen to is anything about the past including his mother who stood by and let it all happen.
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Now that I've gotten a job I need to start saving for a place, I currently am back at home and though I love my mother she micromanages me too much. Looking over my work contract, asking my older sister for advice, looking at my bus route to work, making sure I was even job hunting daily, asking places for job forms.. I'm almost 30 and have lived alone and abroad for years...
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I placed an order with a small business on Instagram on 14th March. Had the confirmation email but no dispatch email. I politely messaged over the weekend saying "Hi, sorry to chase, I just wanted to make sure my order had gone through ok as it's been a while since it was placed" and got a really snotty message back "I am a small business, I am running this all by myself. Yes I've got your order, you've had a confirmation so you know I have got it no need to chase! I will send it when I can!"

I didn't think I was being unreasonable to send a polite little chaser after 1 month of waiting! There was nothing on the website etc to say dispatch times are delayed either.
I’d be asking for a refund , you’ve already paid and your money is sitting in her account and you haven’t got the goods. Whatever it is you can probably get from a better run business. Who does she think she is?

Her attitude would really piss me off.
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I'm in a really rubbish headspace lately. I thought it was drinking affecting my MH so I knocked that on the head but it's not helped. I just can't seem to shake it. I was really looking forward to seeing my friend today but she's just cancelled on me. I don't want to go back on my antidepressants as I worked so hard to come off of them. Sorry for my pity party, just needed to get it off my chest
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That silly Dylan Mulvaney especially in the sports ad. Honestly is that really what he thinks being a woman entails? Sports bra FFS
Someone on tiktok really hit the nail on the head about all this. Its all misogyny. The thing women have been fighting against for generations, now to be mansplained how periods work and told we cant call it breastfeeding despite men and women having breast tissue - no such thing as chest tissue!
It really pisses me off as I know trans ppl who just want to live their lives, not trying to educate people when they can and cannot call themselves a female.
I'm a firm believer of live and let live. If it makes you happier, do it. But if you dont reciprocate this, and start trying to control me... hell hath no fury lol
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It was my birthday today. For some reason this always turns my little girl into a complete arsehole. I’m sure there’s a very good reason for it - she’s good with her dad’s birthday but mine she just plays up constantly. On top of that the 3 week old has been really unsettled, haven’t got a decent sleep out of her at all today, spent pretty much all day with her in my arms, feeding her or trying to get her to sleep. Obviously the rain today was biblical too. Husband booked a restaurant for us this evening - he has really made such an effort for my day to be nice but due to both kids it’s just been really hard - I said please can we rearrange the dinner to another day when everyone is acting a bit more normal but he just kept insisting. So we went out and it was such a fraught and stressful event. The baby threw up on him and had a baby tummy. Something I ate didn’t agree with me as my stomach is now in knots and the wine was awful and just made me feel like I was burning up! I know they mean well but I keep getting messages from people asking if I had a nice day and it’s really compounding what a day it was! Today can just get in the bin.
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I've ranted about this before but ... keep dogs away from shops! I've just been to a shopping centre today for the first time in yonks and I couldn't get over the number of people with dogs. I don't want to be wandering around Zara trying to avoid a fucking cockapoo. :mad:
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