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VIP Member
Did she? I was thinking about her too. I wasn't sure if she still used Markle professionally or was Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.

It would drive me mad if someone was still using my maiden name after all these years of being married.

The media are capable of it. You watch how they will bend over backwards to refer to Eddie Izard as Suzy from now on but they can't manage it with high profile women.
No way is she calling herself Markle now. She’s Princess of Sussex 😂
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Why are they all so annoying 🙄😂

That's hilarious 😂 unfortunately my boyfriend, in addition to snoring, doesn't get woken up by anything! Sometimes when he sleeps downstairs on the sofa, I can still hear his snoring upstairs with earplugs in 😑how he doesn't make himself up I don't know
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Oh man I hate university lecturers with a passion. They seem to really have a bee in their bonnet about something all the time. So negative l. Like if you hate students and work and marking etc why work in a university 🫣.
I hope you give him a piece of your mind.
I work in a department adjacent to lecturers and I can say from my encounters with them that a fair few of them are in the profession for the research side of things, the knowledge, the lab work, etc, but have to juggle teaching in order to justify their position and provide the teaching to the students so the university can stay afloat. I have worked with some where it is blatantly clear that lecturing and marking is a chore to them, but they have to do it. That said, they should know this side of their job when taking lecturer jobs 😅. Many other lecturers I have worked alongside love teaching and engaging with the students, so I guess it's a mix, but many academic positions have to juggle teaching and research. Often they moan about marking load but the universities take on extra students in clearing and the modules get bigger every year 😅😬

I would say speak to the lecturer, because they might need reminding that they need to engage with students in a way that is helpful, not alienating or disheartening.
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Bins. If its windy some of the bins in my street fall over and the contents get blown down the entire street. Be that paper and cardboard or cans.
The bin lorry will not take the bin if it's not on edge of road so sheltering it by the garage is a no no.
This week it was windy and several bins blew over.
Despite my bin being emptied I had to litter pick the blown around cans from front garden and therefore my bin was a third full on emptying day.
Can they not find another way of dealing with bins on windy days? Like allow us to shield them.
I thought they were changing the system to have a communal street bin in the ground which they come and empty. 🤔
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Yes !!!! If someone has found the perfect lasagne dish please show me and I’ll be eternally grateful!
I think some people just have the knack. 😭
I've had a homemade one donkeys years ago where from memory she used tin of ratatouille, tin of tomatoes, cheese, dried sheets and not sure what she did for the sauce but it was gorgeous. I tried it and the sheets didn't melt fully and it was watery.
One tip I have been given, though, is to make pint(s) of sauce and freeze in one person size tubs so you can quickly defrost in microwave to use with all sorts of dishes including fish.
If you make a basic sauce you can add in things like cheese, parsley etc for whatever dish you're making.
It's saved me loads of time when I fancy something faffy to make but it's only for me
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Sunday trading laws. Religious people can stay home if they want to, those who want family time can stay home. But being able to shop for more than six hours on a Sunday would be useful to a lot of people. Why not let them decide?
Especially considering that the warehouses that supply the stores are running 24/7 - no "day of rest" shit for the people working in there.
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My partners family.

They're all relatively well off. Certainly not rich by any means, but all work full time, own their own houses, pay bills, have holidays and buy nice things etc etc. So none of this is coming from misplaced assumptions, we spend a lot of time together and they don't exactly hide their lifestyles.

But his parents, siblings and their partners have all applied for government hardship/crisis payments and are encouraging us to do it too because it's free cash?! I'm so fucking angry. They're all bragging about how they've got a free £100 or £200 cash. For essentially lying and saying they can't afford their bills...

This money is surely for people in actual CRISIS situations?? People who genuinely cannot pay their bills, no money in the bank and can't top their gas up or buy food for their kids.

Now they're all calling me daft and stupid for not taking the "free money" and just don't seem to have any comprehension of where I'm coming from 🤯

I love my partner, luckily he's nothing like his parents but Christ, I find it so difficult being a part of their life at times..
Isn't that only a UC loan anyway?


New member
I don't really like skimmed milk, my preference is 1% - but nowhere (other than my tiny local Co-op), not even Tesco/ Morrisons/ Asda etc sells it any more.

***mix a carton of skimmed and a carton of semi skimmed in a jug to make your own 1% milk.
Use longlife skimmed if you can’t find fresh. It mixes with fresh semi skimmed just as well.
Shopping, or specifically milk and eggs.

Yesterday I went to 3 supermarkets - Tesco, Aldi and Lidl. No eggs, none. Actually that's a lie, Tesco had some boxes of organic eggs which were £4 for 6 (I'll pass at that price!). It's been the same for weeks now, either nothing at all or only boxes of 6, and the most expensive ones of those. A couple of weeks ago I managed to find 12 in Morrisons, so got 2 boxes, but none since. At this rate am thinking of buying my own hens....

Also milk. Both Aldi and Lidl yesterday had no skimmed milk at all.
I don't really like skimmed milk, my preference is 1% - but nowhere (other than my tiny local Co-op), not even Tesco/ Morrisons/ Asda etc sells it any more.

I kind of resent having to go to 4-5 different supermarkets just to get basic shopping!
you can make your own 1% by mixing a carton of skimmed and a carton of semi skimmed in a jug. Also you can use long life skimmed with fresh semi if you can’t find fresh skimmed. It tastes fine mixed.


VIP Member
I'm pretty sure there are and employers can get fined/sould for doing so I believe. Whether HMRC actually bothers to enforce it though is an entirely different matter.
TBF HMRC have been helpful, but they can’t do anything about this employer sending payslips saying I’ve been paid 😞


VIP Member
Went into a building to collect a package, fucking security made me remove my balaclava!
Been into this place many times so why now?? I never take it off unless I'm going into an

Sadly I can't complain because I could get banned from the premises.


VIP Member
I t
I've got cellulitis in my foot. The pills they gave me aren't working and it's spreading.

I've gone to out of hours gp today and he's given me a different drug. I then go to the chemist. Don't have it can't get it, manufacturing problem. Call a few others, same response.

Why don't the GPS know what drugs you can't get. Would it really be that hard for the pharmacies and the GPS to communicate so that when they try and prescribe the drug they get a warning come up on the computer.

Now I'm back at the gp, feeling increasingly worse with an increasingly swollen foot, waiting for him to work out what drug I can have.
I thought GPs were supposed to prescribe generically now.