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Wasps. Life ruining fear of the blighters. Have managed to work up to not freaking when I see a bee, I’ll let them do their thing. However, a wasp and I start hyperventilating, sweating, palms going clammy etc. Just cannot take them. In honesty, I would rather have multiple spiders ON me than a wasp near me.
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I am shit scared of being burgled whilst my husband is on a night shift and I’m on my own to protect the kids. So much so, I’ve made him install CCTV cameras on the house. I don’t know what I would do to protect myself and my children if that happened.
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Two serious and one not as serious: dying in a way which involves not being able to breathe or being stuck somewhere and not able to get out
The minute I read this I thought of John Edward Jones straightway.
He was a spelunker who died in the Nutty Putty cave in Utah.
It stayed with me for a long time after I read about it.
Poor man died a terrible death 😢
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I probably won't read it then! Prayers for him though. I get sleep paralysis although not as much as I used to, where I struggle to breathe and have to force myself to wake up. Think it started when I was a kid, as if my face was pressed into the cushion of the sofa. If it happened for real I really believe I'd bite my wrists to avoid suffocation.
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Pancreatic cancer (I lost my dad and my paternal aunt, both in their 60s, so I feel like there must be a genetic link, and it scares me!)
So sorry for your loss. Pancreatic cancer is awful. It took my grandad (maternal) 8 weeks after diagnosis. And I had an aunt on my dad's side die from it too.
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My dad dying. It's something I've anxiously worried about all my life. I'm not sure why but I used to cry in bed as a kid over it 😞

My boyfriend being in a car accident or something and just not coming home one day.

My younger brother dying too. But taking his own life.

Losing my cat. I'd be utterly heartbroken.
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What an interesting topic!

My biggest fear is absolutely something happening to my dog, he is my absolute world. He's actually not been well this week and was in the vets from Saturday until today, the worrying has been unbearable. He's back home now, not 100% but is doing ok. I also got him, as AlanBanan said above, at a time when I was struggling in life and he really saved me. He gave me a reason to live and gets me out every single day. We are so so lucky to have dogs and other pets as companions, they are truly amazing. So sorry this has turned into a soppy post 😂

Also I have a real fear of being attacked whilst I'm out walking, I always carry something I could use as a weapon and usually share my location with my mum. It's probably a really irrational fear but it feels so real.

Finally, this will sound so silly, but if I'm anywhere near a golf course, I cannot relax at all as I have a fear about getting hit by a golf ball.
I hate it when people ask me what I will do without my boys (my dogs). They also saved me. Even my mum (who isn’t soppy at all and has no time for animals) says my boys are more than dogs. Even now I have children of my own, my boys will always be my babies. I am massively concerned about how I will cope without them. I can’t even imagine it.
For me, it isn’t anything that will happen to me, I think those things are out of my control. If I die in a natural disaster or anything like that, it will be me that suffers & no one I love. I can handle that. It is the things to those around me I can’t cope with. I hate the thought of my children having any type of suffering. I can’t read anything about Ashley Cains daughter as it breaks my heart. Selfish I know but for my own sanity.
I Also worry about not being able to provide for my family but also being able to teach them about having a good work ethic which IMO people are losing quickly nowadays. I worry about them not being happy.
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Anything happening to my daughter and husband. I simply could not go on.
Losing my cats, they are my babies. We have 3 and adopted our first one when I was in a very dark place with MH problems. He became my crutch, and he's still bonded to my much more than my husband and daughter.

Other random things, spiders, needles, blood, pain, heights and enclosed spaces @DCICassieStuart - I should NOT have read up on John Edward Jones, it set off my heart racing.
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Something apocalyptic happening e.g. alien invasion where everyone is dead apart from me 🥺 and I have to starve to death because the air is poisonous and There’s no food
My boyfriend leaving me for someone else
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It’s really odd but I have an awful fear of losing my dog. I have nightmares about losing him and have woken up crying over it. I love my little pal with all my heart and wouldn’t be here without him as I first got him when I was going through a very bad time mentally, he just makes my life completeView attachment 526253

love you my little gorgeous dude, you’re the reason I’m here
Awwww I’m EXACTLY the same with my cats ❤
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Chatty Member
Spiders would be on my list just after wasps. I held a tarantula a few years ago and it did nothing to stop me being scared of ordinary spiders. For a start it didn't move and it was more like holding a hamster than anything else. Love to all of you with the really serious fears which I think everyone can empathise with xx
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I'm terrified of losing my husband. Without him, life isn't worth it.

I'm terrified of losing my cat. I tell her all the time that I need her and she can't ever leave me. I'll take any ill health she has cos I just need her to be happy & healthy.

Lettuce. It just makes me feel very uncomfortable. I really don't want to be any were near it.

The dark & being blind. It's terrifying.

Spiders & butterflies. Just creepy and move way too quick.
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I’m really scared of dying. I’m scared that I’ll know I’m dead and be stuck in a strange limbo (seen Ghost too many times!) And I’m scared that I won’t see those who have gone before me, as I like to think that I will.
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Scared of spiders and needles (only when I'm injected tho, fine giving blood and when I had a tattoo so idk what that's about)

Often get worried about being kidnapped and tortured, I blame an overactive imagination for that.

I'm scared that I'll get depressed if/when I have a baby and be a bad parent

I'm scared of anyone in my family dying, I haven't experienced a death in the family ever, my parents and grandparents are quite young and my great grandparents all died either before I was born or a baby. I'm particularly scared that my mum may die before her time as she has some health issues and doesn't look after herself enough.

Oh and scared of being a situation where I end up homeless.

So quite a few things really but I can't say the trouble me too often, only when I really think about them
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I am basically terrified of health issues, either for myself or my family/friends, I am an anxious person already and the pandemic has made it much worse, I remember at the height of it just hearing constant ambulance sirens, it was just awful.
I am also terrified of being in a plane crash, I usually have to self medicate with alcohol on flights to calm myself down.
Also as other people have said anything happening to my cat, I live alone just with her so it would destroy me. I live in a flat with cladding issues with no cat door (I am not allowed to install one) so the idea of a fire and her trapped inside makes me panic every time I am not here
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I’m scared of choking, like on a piece of steak or something. The thought of knowing I was choking either alone or around people that couldn’t help me and me being aware of what’s happening just terrifies me. I think it’s because it’s so random that it can happen to anyone, anywhere and you know it’s happening. It’s weird because I don’t know of anyone this as happened too so why it plays on my mind I have no idea
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I have became petrified of flying out of nowhere to the point of having dreams where I am in a plane crash. It disturbs me so much as I am young and feel guilty for not travelling but my mind has convinced me that if I go anywhere on a plane I will die it's so irrational!

Anyone I love leaving me/not being around anymore

Losing my baby dog
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