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Being homeless. I think it’s from years of being a lodger- you know you have no power if they decide they’ve had enough!
Social Services taking my girl from me.
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- losing my partner, he is my absolute rock and some days I take him for granted.

- something bad happening to my kids. Serious illness, mental health struggles, accident, someone taking them, them being bullied, them being taken advantage of, them getting pregnant as teenagers, growing up and not living a happy and comfortable life (not necessarily financially rich, but not struggling either). I have a lot of anxiety around this, I think it’s projection because I myself have struggled with many of these things and want better for them.

- I’m also scared of my kids becoming bullies. I was bullied as a child and would never stand for my kids doing it. Not that I think they would, but of course everyone says that about their kids. I take it seriously, if another parent or teacher comes to me and says my kid did or said something to theirs that was mean, hopefully I’m doing enough. Another one that causes me a lot of anxiety.

- something happening to my cat. I think the worst thing would be if he got hurt when he’s out and about and he just didn’t come home.

- my gran dying. Don’t think the family will be able to stand it. There’s already cracks and rifts, she’s like the glue.

- cancer - lost my granddad to cancer in 2015 and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. If it’s not treatable end my misery please.

- dropping dead suddenly. Happened to a family member at a relatively young age and I’ve been scared of it happening to me ever since. It was a huge shock at the time

- needles make me feel physically ill. Injections I can just about cope with if I don’t look at the needle and it’s over quickly, but blood tests are a real struggle because they take longer. During my last pregnancy, I had to have more blood tests than usual, and it didn’t help me get used to them at all. It was a massive mental hurdle every time. I can’t bring myself to give blood or anything like that, I think I’d actually vomit/faint. And I’d rather not talk about that one time I had to have a needle in the back of my hand during child birth (forget the proper name for it now)🤢

- this one sounds pathetic and it stems from social anxiety, but I’m secretly scared of people in real life disliking me? Like, I know everyone is not everyone else’s cup of tea, there’s people I don’t like after all and I’m not exactly flush with friends, but I try to be pleasant in person if not a little shy and awkward. It’s something I am working on, I don’t actually want loads of friends as I like a quiet-ish life😅 so why should I care if people like me or not? They can think what they like! I go through phases where I care less but can never fully let go. Something in me is looking for approval, I think. Work in progress for sure, it will be so freeing when I crack it. Probably will make socialising easier in a way.

I didn’t realise I was so scared of life until I started typing this post😂
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Pancreatic cancer (I lost my dad and my paternal aunt, both in their 60s, so I feel like there must be a genetic link, and it scares me!)
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So many things.

- Anything bad happening to my children; be it bullying, serious illness, death, kidnap, anything unthinkable. I think it’s true what they say, once you become a parent you do not go a second of each day without worrying about them. To know my child is suffering and there isn’t a thing I can do to take the pain away would break me.

-My husband dying before me. I’ve always been an independent person but he has been my rock through the hard times. I couldn’t imagine going through life without him.

-The future. I hate not knowing how things are going to turn out in a way. My children have additional support needs, and while they’re still young now and have a long way to go where anything is possible, I do wonder how they will navigate the world as they get older. Will they still need me and my husband as much? Will they still be living at home or able to live independently from us? What would happen to them if we died and they weren’t independent of us, who would take care of them? Common fears that many SEN parents share, I believe.

- Being diagnosed with dementia or any other degenerative illness, or having a stroke. I see enough in my line of work to know that is something that scares me. Being trapped in your own body or losing control of yourself and forgetting everybody you love. It’s very sad.

-Not death necessarily, but a painful, drawn out death, or dying alone.

- The day our cats eventually die. Even just thinking about it bring me to tears. They are members of our family and I think I’ll be most devastated as they’re all very bonded to me, especially my oldest girl who I got when I was single, going through the toughest time mentally. She has been my best friend.
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Living with debilitating anxiety, I feel like almost everything scares me at this point... which I’ve never actually said before... If I had to use a blanket term to explain many of my fears though, I guess it revolves around death.

It doesn’t matter if it’s my own, my family’s, my partners, the fact that it’s the end of it all haunts me everyday.

Like this world has existed for millions of years before me, sure, but the fact that time just goes on? It terrifies me. I can’t really articulate it so I hope some others understand where I’m coming from. Like I’m dead and my family pass away and that’s just... it?... the eternal aspect of that just messes with me.

I asked my partner what he thought of it and he said along the lines of “well I don’t really mind, I have my life here, with my family and career and I love it.. when the time comes it just happens”

During this, I’m like “well that’s fine and dandy but what about the after. Those hundreds, thousands of years later, you’re just unaware?? But he told me he didn’t mind because everyone that surrounds him, are also only here for a certain amount of time.

I don’t know, this is a very long winded way to say that my greatest fear in life is not only death, but the extremely long period that follows it. The endless period of nothing. That’s absolutely terrifying.

Edits: please know my heart reacts are for support. I really do understand these fears and I truly wish you all the best when it comes to these.

About pets dying, omg I get it. I always told myself I’d never get a pet as I never wanted to become attached to one. I’d become really depressed and my partner and I thought having a pet would be an amazing confidence boost to me! And he is. My beautiful cat is almost 2 and he’s the absolute light of my life. But I still get terrified every day over losing him. If he’s ever sleeping beside me I always have to wrap my arm around him to ensure he’s breathing fine.

On the subject of Parkinson’s, I also relate. My grandfather had it and he was one of my best friends. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to put into words my feelings on that situation.
This is exactly how I feel - it's the endless eternity of nothing and ceasing to exist that leaves me paralysed with fear multiple times a day
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Mice. Spiders. Vomit. Small spaces.

Having to watch either of my parents suffer as they die.
Contracting an incurable disease.
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I’m scared of choking, like on a piece of steak or something. The thought of knowing I was choking either alone or around people that couldn’t help me and me being aware of what’s happening just terrifies me. I think it’s because it’s so random that it can happen to anyone, anywhere and you know it’s happening. It’s weird because I don’t know of anyone this as happened too so why it plays on my mind I have no idea
100% this.
Unfortunately my best friend went out for a night out at uni, grabbed a kebab on the way home & later choked on it in his halls. His partner found him afew days later. I think about him regularly and often wonder if he suffered or if it was relatively peaceful in his last few minutes of life.. but, deep down I know the answer.
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What an interesting topic!

My biggest fear is absolutely something happening to my dog, he is my absolute world. He's actually not been well this week and was in the vets from Saturday until today, the worrying has been unbearable. He's back home now, not 100% but is doing ok. I also got him, as AlanBanan said above, at a time when I was struggling in life and he really saved me. He gave me a reason to live and gets me out every single day. We are so so lucky to have dogs and other pets as companions, they are truly amazing. So sorry this has turned into a soppy post 😂

Also I have a real fear of being attacked whilst I'm out walking, I always carry something I could use as a weapon and usually share my location with my mum. It's probably a really irrational fear but it feels so real.

Finally, this will sound so silly, but if I'm anywhere near a golf course, I cannot relax at all as I have a fear about getting hit by a golf ball.


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Tinkerbell cat

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Where do I start?..

Ultimate fear is losing my mum, dad, sisters, brothers, nephews, nieces - One of my sisters died many years ago and it broke me, now I am an adult and have the best relationships with my whole family. I know its inevitable we loose people but it really makes me very sad and anxious if I think about a day where I might have to walk the earth without them. Especially my mum, I would be lost without her :cry: ❤

Living without my partner, dying before him or him before me - He truly is my best friend and when I think about it, i again just get really upset because we have so many plans. We are relatively young, I'm 31 and he is 29(toyboy haha) but you hear and see all the time people losing their best friends and how broken they are, I don't think I would be strong enough to handle it. But its me just making up scenarios in my head.

Cancer. Goes without saying. I lost my sister to throat cancer and my stepmum to ovarian cancer and to watch your loved ones suffer though they showed tremendous strength.

Getting unwell and not knowing I am unwell if that makes sense? Might seem silly but lately I have had a bit of a cough maybe once or twice a day, which is a bit wet and I have to clear my throat. Its been like this for about a month. I find myself goggling what it could be etc and getting myself into such a state worrying it cold be something more even though its more than likely just a cough. I must do my boyfriends head in googling stuff.

Deep water. I need to be able to touch the bottom and I don't like the currents that can pull you out further even if you are relatively close to the beach and knee high lol.

Spiders. I am absolutely petrified. Even ones the size of a 20p scare me. I can't even continue to talk about this as I have goosebumps and not good ones, at the thought.

Also the day I have to live without my cat. She is only one but I wish she could live forever. xo

I am scared of quite alot of things haha.
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Anything happening to my two dogs 😭 I don’t have kids it’s just my husband and I and our two cockers and honestly they are my world my heart hurts when I think about bad things happening to them, especially with all this dog snatching going on sounds so silly but I honestly get so anxious if they’re ever left alone it’s all I think about and sometimes I’ll cry all night thinking about when they’ll die. It sounds so stupid writing it out like this I know! I’ve grown up with lots of pets so I know the pain of losing a pet but I think this is because they’re the first pets that I’ve ever had as my own they just mean the world to me❤
to be honest I’m a wreck I’m scared of everything 😂
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My teeth falling out.
Dying in public or being filmed dying. It's such a visceral fear I feel tearful even typing this.
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Never getting over my mental health issues. I have PTSD and some days it's just so debilitating. For the last month I've really struggled and the slightest thing triggers me and sends me spiralling backwards. I've barely stopped crying for weeks now. Some days it's just too much.
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Betrayal by people whom I thought were friends.

Fortunately I have learned since leaving childhood, quicksand and being grabbed by monsters under my bed aren't near as big of a deal.
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• Anything bad happening to my daughter or boyfriend.

• Sounds daft to most people but I cannot do presentations/ public speaking. I go into panic mode just thinking about it.

• My boyfriend leaving me for someone younger, slimmer, prettier.

• My cat passing away.

• Losing my hair.
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Giggling Squid

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Someone else that I love dying alone. It happened to my dad, and if I’d made one more call, thought a bit more, done anything to try and get in touch with him the night it happened he might not have died and he wouldn’t have been alone.

Also, growing old alone.
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It’s really odd but I have an awful fear of losing my dog. I have nightmares about losing him and have woken up crying over it. I love my little pal with all my heart and wouldn’t be here without him as I first got him when I was going through a very bad time mentally, he just makes my life completeView attachment 526253

love you my little gorgeous dude, you’re the reason I’m here
I am scared of all pets, but your dog looks cute.

When I was younger our house and garden was bordered on one side by a short row of terraced houses. These were mainly occupied by first time buyers and senior citizens.

As my brother and I were young the seniors would often talk to us and became friendly.

Anyway one of them had a dog very similar to yours but a bit smaller. One day she tells us she has to go to hospital and not sure if she will make it, so she had her dog put down.

Anyway the lady recovered fully very quickly, and as you can imagine she was devastated at having her dog put down unnecessarily.

It was very sad.
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Dying. I'm not scared of the process of dying, I just don't want to. I get cold sweats just thinking that I only have a finite time being alive. I'm just sort of hoping the scientists will come up with some sort of life extending solution before I get too old.

So inevitably I'm also terrified of getting older, I feel like crying every birthday.

My cat dying. I love him more than almost anything in the world.
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