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She’s in Miss Reds box now with EQ & she’s just said her & Maz look like dirty smack heads ! Never watched this Miss Red morning live - it’s top tier entertainment:ROFLMAO:
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You know when people try and make up vile lies about others of stuff it's usually a reflection of their own actions, she needs looking into (what her computer searches etc are) !
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Chatty Member
They weren’t making a fake account of a child they had made a fake account of facts and were arranging for a decoy they know to message this “ff” account and fiesty would talk sexual to the decoy on the fake account to frame ff and then they would send it to the police.
What the actual hell did I just read?!! The evil twisted fucks. She needs to get out of her fucking bed and rejoin society then she wouldn't even have time to come up with shit like this. Knew they were a pair of assholes but this is a different level. No wonder she was such a champion of Loveday, she might not be a pedlo but she's still just as evil, just in a different way
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Ran here after seeing the live. Im sorry but as much as i dont agree with EQ and her games Fiesty was bang out of order to jump into the box and shout over EQ explaining something like she did. Miss Red looked like she didn't know what to do with everyone shouting. Also, fiesty and gf has a whole file case sent to the police on EQ, im sorry but who has that much time on there hands. 🤣 some people need to take a step back from Tiktok and get on with there own lives.
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She’s a sad cunt that needs to get a real life hobby. Another one who thinks she’s some tik tok detective but sits on her arse 24/7. Only time she’s got off it was to rummage through some pedlos bins. Sad sackkkkkk.
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I *think* that there is an account on TT trolling Fiesty & calling her a pedalo & part of a pedalo group. Fiesty was a foster carer & the account is saying that Fiesty fostered her children & abused them. I think that EQ then reposted / shared a post from the account & obviously she has a huge audience. The woman making the accusations clearly just has an axe to grind for Fiesty so is coming up with the most damaging stuff that she can.
That was 100% that leona behind that account, or one of her minions, I can't stand that woman. I'm not a fiesty fan, but leona is a dangerous woman who needs her head looking at. Fiesty just needs to step back from tiktok talking about doing night shifts on people's lives like it's not a paid job love sort your head out and go out in the real world. I'm just sick of popping into someone's live and there she is either in the comments or sat in the box isn't she embarrassed about being so invested in people's lives she doesn't know in real life
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Lazy Sunday

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I keep seeing this woman what is her story? Why is she always in bed in a dark room. How can she be online 24/7.
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VIP Member
Finally got a thread .. sad that so many sit online 24/7 on a daily ridiculous slagging people off then cry's when others slag her off TikTok is suppose to be a fun apt and you got people like this
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VIP Member
Poor kids, every weekend must be the same. Going back to school on a Monday, reeking of smoke, not left the house cos their Mum & her girlfriend have done 12 hour night shifts sticking their nose into other peoples business on Tik Tok!
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VIP Member
Makes me feel ill how she just sits on live 24/7 smoking cig after cig. Imagine how bad her kids clothes smell not to mention all the crap they’re inhaling 😷
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What the actual hell did I just read?!! The evil twisted fucks. She needs to get out of her fucking bed and rejoin society then she wouldn't even have time to come up with shit like this. Knew they were a pair of assholes but this is a different level. No wonder she was such a champion of Loveday, she might not be a pedlo but she's still just as evil, just in a different way
The repercussions this could of had for ff’s family is astronomical, by the sound of it his children have been through enough in their lives so the sheer fact that this disgusting pair of creatures wanted to put them through this type of trauma and humiliation shows the exact type of person F&M are, to me they are dregs on society and are right down there with pedalos. To even think like that isn’t normal, they need serious psychological help and Fiesty’s children need to be safeguarded. I hope the relevant authorities are aware of all that’s going on, fiesty should be nowhere near children imo.
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Chatty Member
She’s addocted to TikTok and drama which isn’t hers.
She goes mad over leaked addresses and doxing. In actual fact no one gives a shit where anyone lives 😂😂😂
She said last night she would be on after the school run in the morning today, 7am she was bloody live.
She must have no interaction with REAL people. Her mrs seems exactly the same tbh
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Can someone explain to me why Mazz is live streaming outside Shans?

I don’t like Shan, but I find that very stalkerish, just standing there, streaming.

Imagine when they have to leave their house and someone stands there, streaming. It’s weird.

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Chatty Member
I watched that live last night and was so upset. I absolutely love the fact freak and the damage that could have caused him and his family does not bare thinking about. Fiesty is an absolute c£&t she deserves everything she gets now I am absolutely fumeimg about the shit she has said and done
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VIP Member
STOLLY! If you're reading this, we still think you're a dirty n*nce. And Flu, please get some therapy. And a life. Same goes for you, too, Feisty. Oh, I'm sorry I forgot she definitely doesn't read this thread 🤪
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5:15am I’ve woken up and she’s still online talking about EQ it’s almost 24 hours!!!

what on earth? That’s not normal.

she is saying she’s stressed & depressed so can’t sleep.
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So basically it was a 3 hr live but still more to come. fiesty & mazz have been outed as master manipulators and liars. Trying to get people to make false allegations against people like fact freak. They was going to set a fake account up as a child and get FF to engage and then get some pedlo hunter groups involved etc. Making mods turn on each other by lieing there was so much! Ringing SS on mods/friends etc but then claiming it was someone else etc But tam is going to do another live as apparently there is so much more to unravel. Go on you tube the fact freak and listen to 'the call' basically maz slagging off fiesty
Wow that’s awful, I’m guessing there was receipts too ? That behaviour is fucking downright sick and also dangerous, imagine the damage that could’ve been caused 😡. I believe (correct me if I’m wrong) that FF has custody of his kids so making heinous lies up about him could’ve seriously impacted on them ! I reckon there is a lot of dark skeletons in fiestys closet !
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