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Highly requested thread on Way2Fiesty4U Way2Fiesty4u1 Way2Fiesty4u2

Over 10k followers on various TikTok pages and 2.4k on YouTube.

Live all day and late evenings talking about everyone’s business. Says she’s “all about the facts” and makes “files” on people. Whatever larger Tiktoker has drama Fiesty will be sniffing behind them.

Funny how she gets close to the creator, becomes their mod and then uses all private info she has sucked out of them against them when the time comes! She’s done it on many occasions now. However when info is released about her or she is talked about by “trolls” she cries but she’s happy to talk about others all day everyday and let out all their private info!

So here we are ….

Anyone want to add anything feel free, I tried to keep it brief but there is so much that could be said.
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Another person from the Stolly thread here. Yes Steven Loveday/Holly was a vile human and isn't worth the dirt under anyone's feet.

But HOW feisty thought it was acceptable to rock up to his house, report that someone went through his bins and reported back to her and stalked his whole family is beyond me. In one breath she was saying to leave his ex and the mother of his children alone but in the next it was totally okay for her to to be reaching out to his mothers church and his whole family...

Even after people politely declined her and her questions she kept trying to reaching out.

Stolly is a bad person NOT his family and stalking is stalking.
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Used to like her but I'm so bored of her now! She needs to get a life and go to work! Shes self appointed herself some kind of fucking jury/judge of tiktok, this is all she does and now she's practically rimming Ricksta for information when he's a shatbag too
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Here she is in Miss Reds box talking over everyone and in for the clout because she heard Emz was going to be in the box, so she quickly jumped in.

now she’s arguing with a girl who has a different opinion. The girl is telling her she is choosing to put herself in the way and open herself up to trolling! She’s bang on true!But fiesty won’t let her talk.
That woman was spot on! If it gets to the point that it’s affecting you and your family, then walk away! Feisty was crying on live the other day as she was being trolled etc. No way could an app ever affect me in that way. Why do these people find it so hard to step away?
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I don't often wish harm on people but fuck me she pushes my buttons.

I don't support Shann on any level but it is clear that she is in crisis. To then have to see Feisty grinning from ear to ear, jumping around with excitement and screeching at her partner to get closer to film Shann being arrested is wrong on so many levels. The absolute joy she is getting from it is sick. Let's just hope that she doesn't face the same when her house is reprocessed and has it slapped all over the FYP.

This woman needs cancelling.
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And people were calling Fact Freak disgusting for uploading that video to YouTube. She could have ruined his life with this decoy plot, the woman is sick in the head.
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Wow!! What a morning!!

My views:

Fiesty saying “my children are being bullied at school because of this troll (EQ)” sorry to say this but that’s on YOU Fiesty!! YOU got yourself involved in this, are my children being bullied at school because of EQ? Nope! Because I don’t insert myself into others drama online. That’s not a valid point at all.

What EQ said about going into Fiesty’s Son and going in his room was too low and was disgusting however she is sat saying about EQ is the lowest of the low.

If it’s true that EQ has met with an underage person off the Xbox then that’s not right. Especially if the parents didn’t consent. So Fiesty is saying EQ has taken the boy from Liverpool to London without the parents permission, then that’s wrong. However it’s none of Feisty’s business It’s between the parents, the police and EQ, again inserting herself into situations and going to far!

Fiesty you don’t know everything about everything!! You have such a superiority it comes across terribly and really gets peoples backs up which is why all the chat was against you and don’t like you.

You are sitting saying you are open and close with your children! Nope, you’re not. You’re never available for them to come talk to, you are on TikTok 24/7. George Could be talking to anyone. Again acting like you’re perfect and know everything and all is rosy and bright!! It’s not! Saying she has violated your son with words is a bit dramatic. She feels violated with what you’ve said.

What Rick has done to EQ is vile as a woman you shouldn’t be standing up for him. You’re adding fuel to the fire. Saying the last 5 weeks has changed you and you’re being treated for your mental health because of EQ … GET OFF THE APP then! Or stop going on about EQ, stop going into Reds box when it’s about EQ. Stop getting involved with it. Then it’s done.
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If my child was being bullied because of some fucking app I would delete it straight away and never go on again. At this point she doesn't deserve her kids if she values an app over their safety and happiness
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Her and her little group of hangers on need to be studied by psychologists, it’s so bizarre how they can sit about all day everyday doing nothing but stalking/slagging off other tiktokers. Listen, we all love a good gossip (hence why we’re here) but her entire online presence revolves around other people and it’s really odd, the way people treat her as some sort of authority figure is so weird. She’s literally just some woman in the dark chatting out her arse, and I can’t stand this ‘I have information that I can’t share’ stuff that we’ve all seen a thousand times from other tiktokers and it’s ALWAYS turns out to be bullshit. All her followers hang on to every word she says and tell everyone that ‘Fesity doesn’t lie’, why put so much faith into a stranger online? Could never be me
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I can’t get past the smoking in bed & all around the house when she’s got kids. Scruffy.
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I watched some of Tams live last night (well, listened while I had a mad hour tidying up) apparently they had proof that Fiesty hadn’t been made homeless due to her home being re-possessed, she left before the proceedings & possibly to evade SS etc. She had been staying in South Wales at a friend (from Tik Tok) house. She’s since left & it’s the woman who she had been staying with who had gone to Jem & Tam & some others for help. The woman, Sarah, has a 10 week old & had a hysterectomy after the birth, also has a toddler. Fiesty approached her under the guise of it’s a solution for them both as she can help out at the home after the ladies surgery & Fiesty had a temp home. So the woman & her two kids then had Fiesty, her two kids & her dog living with them for 3 ish weeks along with Mazz dipping in & out in a two bedroom house. She showed screen shots of convos that prove that Fiesty & Mazz were still together at the end of July. Basically fiestys dog pissed & shit all over the house & ruined the carpets. The room she slept in with the kids was a total tip, absolute dosser behaviour (dirty tampax & towels left under the bed) she provided screen shots which I didn’t see as I was only listening. She complained about Mazz’s drug use & allegations of her & Fiesty taking Coke, there were also apparently used needles left in the room & said Fiesty was buying extra Morphine & basically being off her head on it, never coming out of the room. She’s borrowed cash off the woman (allegedly £3k inheritance) again screenshots were shown, but I didn’t see them, and not given it back. She also owes £600 to the local dealer / loan shark & the woman is in fear of them coming back to her for the money. She’s been left with her house a hell hole, no money & scared someone is going to go through her door for Fiestys debt which she wasn’t sure if it was for a loan or drugs. Fiesty has since moved on to another tik tok friends home in Yorkshire. Apparently she took the kids out of school before term ended & has basically been “on the run” she was never in Scotland like she had been saying on her videos. To me, it all sounded plausible. Fiesty sounds like she has a degree in gaslighting & narcissism. There are too many people speaking up about her for it not to be true.
She’s obvs pissed off so has spent the day slagging off Zavii (saying he was abusive to Channy) playing a phone call she recorded (who records phone calls with their pals🤔) then reverted to calling Fact Freak a rapist, and saying everyone is telling lies but she has proof of everything she is calling everyone else out for - but didn’t show any of it.
Also, the woman she stayed with didn’t want her full name putting out there but fiesty doxxed her & showed pics of her kids. As you can see, I had a productive WFH day today 🤪
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I see her loads too and often wonder why she’s always in bed🤨and I’m sure there always someone beside but yet I’ve never seen their face
That is her girlfriend Mazza. She lives with her a few days a week to be her “carer” because Fiesty has a disability now and gets breathless quick so uses a wheelchair.

But sits smoking cig after cig on live in her bed, in the dark, all day.

she has 2 small children, still at School as well.
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She epitomises being a ‘clout chaser’. I can’t stand the lighting in her videos, nor her dreary voice - so I don’t watch her.

Steven Loveday revolts me, but feisty practically stalked his family even after he was exposed.

If she really can’t work for some reason she needs to do some charity work to keep busy because she’s just making a dick of herself.
Yeh it was her involvement in Lovedays drama that introduced her to me. She’s a gobshite like everyone else is who thinks they’ve some sort of pseudo authority online.
Finding out she had gone to Lovedays house and had been harassing his family…. Proper mental.
Loves to come across as little miss innocent but shits it if someone says boo to her.

Borefest 2023. Go have a wash
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She epitomises being a ‘clout chaser’. I can’t stand the lighting in her videos, nor her dreary voice - so I don’t watch her.

Steven Loveday revolts me, but feisty practically stalked his family even after he was exposed.

If she really can’t work for some reason she needs to do some charity work to keep busy because she’s just making a dick of herself.
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What illness does she have , anyone know ?
fibromyalgia you know the one that can’t be proven by medics? (Sorry that’s not nice and my good friend has it and she’s in pain all day everyday however she is up and out at work full time) and fiestys breathing isn’t great she says she has something with that but she smokes like a trooper so she can’t be that bothered by it.

sorry to any smokers but if youreally wanted to stop you would take steps to stop. It’s hard, yes, but children and health would be worth it surely!
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FF is kicking off on live about feisty and Mazza. Apparently they kept the charity money they raised for someone’s wheelchair and fixed Mazza’s car
He’s just said he’s happy to do a deep dive on both.
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So basically it was a 3 hr live but still more to come. fiesty & mazz have been outed as master manipulators and liars. Trying to get people to make false allegations against people like fact freak. They was going to set a fake account up as a child and get FF to engage and then get some pedlo hunter groups involved etc. Making mods turn on each other by lieing there was so much! Ringing SS on mods/friends etc but then claiming it was someone else etc But tam is going to do another live as apparently there is so much more to unravel. Go on you tube the fact freak and listen to 'the call' basically maz slagging off fiesty
They weren’t making a fake account of a child they had made a fake account of facts and were arranging for a decoy they know to message this “ff” account and fiesty would talk sexual to the decoy on the fake account to frame ff and then they would send it to the police.
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