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Milking Keynes

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Sounds like a nightmare 😕 so sorry to hear that.
How are you now? What happened initially?
I am taking the painkillers as I tried to wait between them..that was a mistake.
I have no idea what to expect on Weds. I may have ct scan if they are concerned about the fragment.
I fell down the stairs one morning, literally tripped over the laundry I was carrying downstairs. Stupid, but there you go.

Yes - hopefully, a CT scan and you will have a clearer idea of the damage. So unfortunate - were you high up on the ladder when you fell? Must’ve hurt like hell. The surgery is keyhole, if that helps, so a teeny scar centre wrist where they go in and work miracles.
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Bestspinster Abbey.


Geranium gathered Roo and Miss G and cuddled them inside her frock coat. They were so happy to see her even though they were wailing. She took them both to the Chines Pagoda in the rose garden, sat them down and let Roo explain what had happened in his own good time. We were bailing the water out of the fishing boat for what seemed like hours gulped Roo. Teddy Bear was next to me and he told me he could see a shoal of mackerel swimming past. Teddy Bear said they were laughing at us! The next thing I knew was Teddy had jumped overboard - he wanted to capture the entire shoal for us. He’s not himself when he smells fish you know! Geranium scratched Roos‘ ears gently by way of encouragement. Grumpy Snoopy and I were steering the boat, there was nothing we could do to stop him! He got lost at sea, wailed Miss G! We all got the fishing boat to the shore but Teddy didn’t make it, cried Roo. He just had to go and chase those fish! Why? Oh! Tell me why?

Miss Namima Marple was striding around purposefully looking for clues. Everyone knew not to interrupt her when she had her large magnifying glass in her hands and wore her deerstalker hat. She’d interviewed Mariah Carey about the incident in the drawing room when there was a pervasive smell of cigarette smoke which nearly killed her. She‘d been out to the hayloft to interview Monty and Marmalade. Sherlock had been out to tell them the bad news and the three of them were huddled together on the uppermost beam having their own private little wail. They had witnessed Mr Marrow when he was up to no good. Miss Namima Marple had seen for herself the large wooden box of sprats to catch the mackerel which had been stolen. She and Oops had dumped it in the Ha Ha. She deduced that had the bait not been stolen Teddy Bear would have had no need to dive into the sea to single-doggedly bring in a shoal of fish for his pals. She had interviewed Django the Dalmatian who had described the hole in the bottom of the fishing boat which let the water in and threatened the lives of all fur babies on board. He described how hard the fur babies had had to work to bail the water out until they got back to shore. Having collated all the available evidence and information Miss Namima Marple reached the inevitable conclusion that Mr Marrow, for his own hideous reasons had systematically planned to completely ruin the wedding - for everyone! He must now be found, captured and brought to justice. Miss Namima was just the award winning detective to ensure this happened. She ran off to find Miss Midnight and Oops to tell them what she had deduced.

Having first ensured that Miss Canthus was happy to keep her kind eye on Mrs Bonnet Bennet who was comforting the distraught Gem; Miss Midnight beckoned Oops to join her outside. ‘Are you thinking what I’m thinking?’ asked Miss Midnight? ‘Absolutely!‘ chimed Oops. The pair of them joined hands and ran like the wind to the Belvedere, where the pre-loved Tardis had been parked. In no time at all they had taken up their usual positions (after Miss Midnight carried out the inevitable tinker with the splange flange and the dynamic thrift-de-mister on the recalculated altitude pinion.) Miss Midnight skilfully set the co-ordinates for Bestspinster Abbey - six days ago! The pre-loved Tardis quite literally fired itself up and then switched itself off in seconds. They opened the Tardis door and as the mist cleared there they were, same place but six days earlier. ‘I mean, the wonder of modern day modes of transport is incredible‘, opined Oops - Especially in emergencies...

The pair didn’t waste anytime. They both carefully draped their invisibility cloaks over each other and they were off to view events of the previous week. They watched carefully as the preparations for the wedding unfolded. It was fascinating. Yes, there was Carson last Monday choosing the wine they would need for the wedding at the weekend. He’d set aside the murkier bottles of red which might need to be carefully decanted. There was Mr Marrow, in his attic bedroom admiring a small water colour painting he had made of Mariah Carey. He placed it back carefully in it‘s secret drawer. No one must know of his plan to kidnap her and hold her to ransom until someone paid him enough money to buy Bestminster Abbey and take over as Lord and Master. His most longed for ambition was to sack that Mr Carson. He was all set to go ahead this weekend once he had got rid of the wedding guests by whatever means he could. He was prepared to go to any lengths necessary to take advantage of the superstar’s visit. He was never going to get this opportunity again. He knew if he created a catastrophe no one would notice if Miss Carey went missing. Miss Midnight and Oops had almost seen enough! They fast forwarded to the day of the fishing trip and there was Marrow in the early morning down at the harbour, drilling a hole in the bottom of the fishing boat which would cause such problems later for the fur babies. What a despicable man he was! Miss Midnight and Oops narrowed their eyes, pursed their lips and waited by the main gates as they went back a few days earlier as the postman dragged a large wooden box marked Fish Bait for Teddy! Yes, there was Marrow, ready to steal the bait box which would eventually cause so many problems! Just as Marrow reached to take the box from the postman he was flung into the air by some invisible force and dragged to a police box which seemed to have appeared next to the Belvedere. Agghhhhh! He screamed! Help me someone! What’s going on? The next thing he knew was that he’d been tied up with some rope (conveniently left lying around on the floor) and could feel himself spinning into the air. The 2 friends, now visible to anyone who would care to look, high fived each other! Never had the Kalahari Dessert looked more appropriate for a flying visit to drop off some unwanted cargo...


When the two friends got back to the house having completed their very gratifying secret mission, it was quite a different story! There was such a hubbub of activity and laughter as almost 50 guests sat down to a wedding breakfast of fresh mackerel fillets caught by the groom and his pals the day before. ‘It’s amazing what happens when you can turn back time to get a better result isn’t it!’ observed Oops, to no-one in particular. Everyone talked about the gargantuan catch of an entire shoal of mackerel made by the ‘fishermen’ yesterday and how many journeys poor Klaudio had to make to get so many fish back to Bestspinster in his hay cart. Klaudio had been invited to the wedding breakfast but fish just weren’t his thing. He preferred a nice bag of oats in his stable, where he could have a leisurely lie down later and read the Racing Times. Anyway, he needed to plait blue and yellow ribbons into his mane so that he looked his smartest when they brought the glass coach out later for him to take the bride to her wedding ceremony at Bestspinster Abbey Chapel.

All the fur babies went for a good long nap after the wedding breakfast. The hours between 12.30 am and 2 pm were taken up with frantic blue and yellow ribbon tying and getting ready. Mrs Bonnet Bennet ended up with queues outside her door. Everyone had come to see the vision that was her in her cornflower blue silk. Even Carson developed severe eye twitching when he beheld this vision. Harvey and Bruiser had delivered a wonderful bouquet of yellow peace roses for the MOB to carry. All cameras were on recording the vision of loveliness this created.

Teddy Bear was having a chat with his best dog Kaiser. They were having a reminisce about what a great fishing trip they’d had yesterday. Ralph, Jasper and Marley were having a play fight and stealing each other’s blue and yellow ribbons and Jax was trying hard to get his fringe to stick up so he could see a bit better. He didn’t want to miss a thing - not today. Nero was standing guard at Teddy’s door just in case Gem came for a sneaky peek at her groom. Nero loved the responsibility of guarding. It helped him stop thinking of his ball which was his most favourite thing in the world. Drattit! Now he was thinking of his ball again..! Smokey wanted to change his yellow ribbon for a blue one and went off to find someone who would. It had been Smokey’s job to unlock the chapel that morning to let Harvey and Bruiser in to arrange all the flowers. It was supposed to be done yesterday but Smokey could not quite remember why the plans had changed. Marley had been in touch a little earlier with the Officiate for the wedding, Yu Crane. Apparently he was already flying and would be there bang on the dot of 3pm to marry Teddy and Gem. Yu Crane had specifically asked Marley to make sure no one thought he was a stork when they saw him flying over. He was not too keen on babies and therefore never carried them and everyone knew Cranes were the king of all birds NOT storks!

Gem and her coterie of bridesmaids were all sitting in an excited huddle in Lady Myrtle’s dressing room. Gem had had an Alka-sausage to calm her nerves and settle her tummy. She looked soooo beautiful in her white veil, the Midnight tiara and blue and yellow ribbons. She hoped her TeddyBear would think she looked nice. Her dear Mama had arrived with all her friends and Teddy Bear’s Mama and the room was buzzing with excitement, until it was time for everyone to leave for the chapel. This left just Gem and her dear Mama. Mrs Bonnet Bennet had never felt prouder of her beautiful girl and it was all she could do to contain herself. But, contain herself she did as she walked Gem down the main staircase into the glass coach pulled by Klaudio.

to be continued…
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Thank you so much for your lovely words dearest @Oops... ❤ ❤ ❤ We have missed you. All is calm and peaceful on the homefront. We are very hopeful that things will stay that way and life as normal will resume ... Never before had I ever been through something like this - even through the dissolution of Apartheid - so it was very very scary.
With that said, I've had my 1st vaccine with no side effects !

Once again, thank you to all you lovely ladies for the love and support. xoxoxo 🌹🌷🌹🌺🌻🥀
It’s so good to hear you are ok dear Namima. So good. When Covid broke out my biggest fear wasn’t getting Covid it was the possibility of riots and civil insurrection which could potentially emerge from the whole mess when people realise their personal freedoms and civil liberties may have been compromised. So I feel very in tune with what you are going through. Please keep the bulletins coming. Thinking of you such a lot 💛 💛 💛

Where is your nearest town/city so I can keep my news feed updated please?

My absence has been because of my spinning enemy called labrynthitis. Everything spins round and it’s horrible. I’ve been trying to sleep sitting up because the minute I layed my head down the high-speed spinning started. I don’t do illness and get very frustrated on the rare occasions when I am unwell. Anyway it’s stopped now and normal service can be resumed...😜
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Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I did it before I realised the snarky attitude and regretted it. I mistook the second request for excitement at seeing the clip. I thought it was humour - silly of me - I should’ve known it was just another example of entitled demands. Lesson learned, for sure. I’m definitely going to get wiser to these folks. I’ve looked back at previous posts of our friend and she is definitely going to be trouble.

Another thing is the level of repetition. I feel like Vasquez in the Depp trial, Asked and answered.

Anyway, as I’ve said on the other thread - best of luck today at the Clinic. Be a good patient! They will ask the same questions, using the words ‘pre-existing’ (in my case) a gazillion times because that effects the health insurance comp, and it will be tedious. Best luck with the tests and scans. Wishing you lots of love and support. Xx
I laughed when our Coco said 'it was in the last vlog', knowing that thing didn't want to watch all the way through. Love Coco's humour! She is so succinct! 😍

You are too kind hearted to be mean to anybody. Thank you for your love and concern 🥰
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Hi everyone - hope you are all well. So glad you enjoyed a wonderful trip to Crete, @Miscanthus! I came back from Galway yesterday - we had two days of sun and five days of heavy rainfall. On our precious two days of sunshine, we got a ferry to the Aran Islands and cycled all around Inis Mór - it was heavenly. The other sunny day, we went to the Cliffs of Moher which was amazing. We had a wonderful time in spite of the weather.

Sending you all lots of love. My addiction to Love Island is out of control - I almost wish it would end so normality can be resumed. ❤❤
Thank you! So pleased rain didn't stop you enjoying your holiday!
I don't watch Love Island but I'm addicted to Below Deck....I'll see myself out :m
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I’m sorry about your friend - that’s truly awful - particularly as you were both in the same support group. I know you are bound to worry, of course you are. The scan could be to diagnose potential arthritus though - which could be a possible outcome to the level of impact to the hand. Sending you all the love and support in the world. ❤

It’s depressing enough to have an injury as bad as yours without the additional worries. A hand injury is incredibly upsetting, exhausting and debilitating. Try your level best to distract yourself. XOXO
Thank you 🥰
Trying to iron with left hand 😅. If I sit down I nod off.
I have fracture clinic Weds so will know more. Both bones are b roken but there's fragment that might need surgery.
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Say whaaaaaaaaat!!!??? Whoah - it's only such a short period of time ago that I was celebrating being 'active'! 🤭 If only I got promoted this much in real life! 😂

I've just popped in to see you lovely 'characters' very briefly, after my 5 hours of sleep. Grr. I don't know how to handle this.'re all looking well!

@DandyTandy Growing up in the Caribbean sounds so exotic! Part of my refugee law studies took me meandering down the path of considering climate change and how this will affect the Caribbean islands, and Kiribati etc. Where do you live now?
refugee law sounds very interesting! Climate change is definitely real down there. Luckily I was in Grenada so many of the hurricanes skip over it. A lot of the local say God must be Grenadian because they have been blessed too many times with the hurricane compared to other islands. I am currently in the UK. Been here for about 5 years. But I will be moving at the end of the month to the US for work 😭😭😭 I don't want to leave the land of boots. I love it here. This is one of the reason why I don't have any pets even though I want one. I don't stay at a place long enough. Don't want stress any animals out with location change.

I had about 5 hours as well. insomnia strikes. I need an IV drip of coffee to stay awake. :LOL:
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MissMidnight to @Oops... come in, Oops!
I repeat - COME IN, OOPS!

PS: I‘m about ready to start looking for you in my pre-loved Tardis. ♥
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Milking Keynes

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Thank you! So pleased rain didn't stop you enjoying your holiday!
I don't watch Love Island but I'm addicted to Below Deck....I'll see myself out :m
I didn’t know what that was - never hears of it, Did a search on youtubrpe and I think there are six series of clips! Imma getting stuck in straight after Love Island! ❤
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Milking Keynes

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Oh how lovely to hear from you!!. So sorry to hear you are so tired! Be kind to yourself and rest and just give us a little peep from time to time! I know you have been fretted over. Sending much love and sleeeeeeeeeeeppppppp….See you very soon…

We are in the throes of becoming a grandmother…🦦🦦🦦

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Are you really, @Oops - thrilling news - Congratulations! 🥰😍🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏 What a blessing! Xxxx
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I didn’t know what that was - never hears of it, Did a search on youtubrpe and I think there are six series of clips! Imma getting stuck in straight after Love Island! ❤
You won't regret it! 😁 My fave characters are Ben and Kate.
There are series on Netflix and terrestrial tv...all over the place!
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Milking Keynes

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Some Captain comedy for later!! Xx

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…and a cheeky gin! Xx
OMG, @Oops - she’ll be starving when she gets out! Do you think you could have a cup of tea and a Fortnum & Mason busicuit for our patient? I’d do it but I don’t have a tea service only a pot and mugs (a philistine, I know) - it just wouldn’t cut it! Here’s my donation - @Miscanthus loves a Jaffa Cake!

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