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I don't think even Zoella was asking for £15 for her Girl Online book... yikes

Whoever set the price was clearly thinking about the kindle version more imo. Most kindle books seem to cost a bit less than paperbacks, though I don't think the difference is this big
how much is the kindle book? I wonder if she pushes her friends into buying it like she seemingly did with her stupid course or whatever it was :LOL:
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I'm assuming they were talking about the age difference and the fact that Oliver is essentially grooming Elio (and the fact that it is one of the most well-known media with mlm representation (men loving men, not juice plus lmao) and some people think that because of this, and the aforementioned grooming, it perpetuates the idea that queer people are inherently predatory). I honestly don't think Jade is obliged to address this though, she is not lgbtq+ (as far as i know), so why should she insert herself into the conversation and it seems like she hasn't even gotten that far into the book yet (she might still address it later on)
Thanks for the explanation! :) I heard about those points, but wasn't aware - although generally keeping up with "LGBTQ+ topics" (sounds stupid, but I lack a better expression due to the late hour, excuse me) - that they were that agreed upon and felt like enough LGBTQ+ outlets I follow actually praised the book / film when it came out. But then again, I don't identify as LGBTQ+ and so it isn't on me to make the decision what is offensive and not. I will most certainly look into it more, before further recommending the book. But I guess, being able to identify on this one with Jade (ough never identified with anyone less enthusiastically 🙈), I just wanted to weigh in an say: It wasn't that obviously controversial to me and I hope that - while she can be approached with rage and anger on other points if it's up to me - somebody could offer her those insights without outright condemning her (not saying that anyone here did this).
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He looks so much like her, you can only hope he’s not as much of a prick as Jade

ETA: what is she doing? No mask in a library? Stupid covidiot
not sure what the situation is like elsewhere in england, but in London everyone over 18 can now get a jab, has she mentioned anything about getting one? wouldn;t surprise me if she was an antivaxxer
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Chatty Member
On June 5th she posted she was out of quarantine, and I’m pretty sure she mentioned previously that she was having to quarantine until her tests came back negative
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I think the knife crime thing isn't really (imo) relevant to taking the tube though, I was born and live in London, and the vast majority of knife crime is really gang violence/or sometimes just being in the wrong place at the wrong time in a street, being in the tube is actually very safe in that sense. I live near a few areas where it is pretty prevalent, I just don't go there alone at night (which obviously I am lucky to be able to avoid, lots of people can't) but clearly Jade doesn't need ot go to "rough" areas either. The whole jewellery thing was ridiculous, is it an ad? I couldn't see it posted as such
But it would stop her parents from allowing or encouraging for her to go to London alone, or just stop her from doing so herself
I think if you don’t live in London or know London very well it’s a genuine fear 🤷🏼‍♀️

judging by the wording on the little card she received I imagine it is. It’s weird that they say she would “embody” their brand or something if she had actually bought the jewellery herself imo. Plus the second paragraph is all about how ethical they are and that’s something she emphasises a lot


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I feel like I've said this like 2938729 times but once again, I can see what she was going for but once again, she missed the mark completely. I think she means that London/England is what's familiar to her (and so inevitably, that is what she is going to compare other cultures too - fair enough, it's natural to compare something new to what you know / to your frame of reference). And when she travelled to Seoul, she expected everything would be different but turns people are just people - smiling, eating, living their lives, etc and they're not all that different. The issue is that she expresses that sentiment not by saying "oh people are just people", she does it by saying they [Koreans] are like the 'good' British (because she likes GB [I'm assuming] and that's her frame of reference) which obviously comes off as.... very very wrong and she just apparently doesn't realise that (because she lacks the critical thinking skills and never seems to think about the implications of what she says, only the intentions?)
you have said exactly what I meant in a much better/ more eloquent way!
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Guys, I feel like we had our expectations for this girl too high. Should we really be surprised that she thinks she will become fluent in German in a few weeks when she literally has videos called "I learnt dutch in a week" "fluent in french in 2 weeks"

she always is like "dual nationality kids, I dare you to reclaim your heritage!" as if she didnt just get dutch nationality a few years ago because of brexit. I am eligible for dual citizenship and I am looking into the process but for me it's very important that I at least have some competency in the language before I get it (I have been learning on and off for a few years), because otherwise I would feel like I'm just using that country for my own benefit without caring about the culture. The fact she literally became a dutch citizen and her only effort to learn dutch was one week for a youtube video before she dropped it for korean/french/german baffles me. If I was in that position, Dutch would be my absolute priority
Did you watch that video? She already has a basic level of proficiency so I guess that vid was a bit mislabelled. She was speaking well for someone who doesn’t speak it a lot at home. People have many reasons for becoming dual citizens especially during this period. For example I became one of my country of birth during covid so we could quickly travel back to family in case something awful happened. Her family likely got dual citizenship so it wouldn’t be a massive hassle to travel back to see family. Plus I didn’t see anything wrong with her reclaiming your heritage stuff - it’s nice to push that message out once in a while as a reminder, but if she did it all the time everyone here would *still* criticise her for some reason or another. Not everyone puts a requirement on themselves before getting dual citizenship. If you’re eligible, you’re eligible. Even if I didn’t have proficiency in my mother tongue I would still get dual citizenship because it means that I get to see my *family* and my beautiful country once in a while - without having to go through the usual headache causing process.
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It’s a film not a doc, but it came out on amazon prime earlier this year, stars Riz Ahmed as the lead (he plays a heavy metal drummer who loses his hearing) and he’s great. I’ve never seen a film about hearing loss before, and as someone who’s very musical it really resonated with me.
ooh interesting, love Riz Ahmed ( such a good actor and SO good looking!) I will look it up thank you!
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I mean I am and forever will be haunted by this smile, but other than that these are just screenshots of a clearly fitness/dance/movement related story. The setting is clearly "professional", so I don't see the need to consider them part of a cult. If I encountered her like this walking through a lonely forrest - completely different story - but as it is, I would feel much more comfortable focussing on Jade and not scrutinizing her mums "professional content".
nooo I don’t mean a cult in literal meaning, I mean more like, this is what I imagine would happen during a cult like ritual. Like the cult of casual magic and this is the ritual where they do the massive smile the entire time because everything is magical (including the breeze on the leaves after you nearly get harassed in the woods)
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100%, I’m english and spanish and I live in spain, the main problem is defo the testing centres here. They seem to give out C2 certificates like they’re sweets for some reason.
this might be a theory, but wouldn't the issue of such a diploma be recorded in those statistics institutions that count how many speakers of a certain language there are? because in that case, my intuition would be to believe that Spain has some interest in having the number of Spanish speaking people increase as they can feel they have a greater influence? (don't want to get heated up about the details of this, but I'm drawing a parallel to my own experience of "Francophonie" aka France's relationship with French speaking countries and creating a community after colonisation etc...)
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Also a lot of Deaf people (I don't know much about other communities) don't want to hear and are happy being Deaf (capital D!) because it gives them their own unique culture, language and community (to put it very simply). It's not that you can't be grateful to be hearing but Deaf people often don't see Deafness as a lack of something but rather a gaining of something else. That rhetoric of "those who are hearing should be grateful they can hear" can sound somewhat harmful because it implies those who can't are less than and/or should be pitied/wallowing in self-pity. I know that's not what you're saying at all and I'm not trying to single you out but people often say these things too quickly without thinking about it much. Sorry for going OT, my mom is Deaf, so I wanted to mention it quickly!

once again the way she words things is so strange? like why does she say "right now"? I don't want to be nitpicky but she can walk all the time? The other things make sense because they are only there at that time (she has just found this daisy and can see it right now and thinks it's pretty, fair enough) but why is walking on the list?
I love this perspective thank you for sharing! I am hard of hearing myself but am still learning a lot about the Deaf community. I recently watched the film ‘The Sound of Metal’ which deals with this amazingly well.
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Eve seemed that surprized that since she went back to the UK for xmas, she couldn't get out again... even though we all knew b117 was spreading rapidly in the UK and countries where that hadn't happened yet weren't too keen to accelerate the spread. Traveling to SK straight from Germany ws actually the one sensible choice Jade made in my opinion...

I assume that as time progresses, there may be a few additional loopholes. Like if Jade gets one of the vaccines that appears to work well against the Indian mutation, perhaps by the time she'd actually have to enter Germany she could do that if she also quarantines for two weeks... something like that. If she waits a few weeks, she might have a chance...
although it wasn't a choice at all, she couldn't get a flight to the uk
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I guess she won’t be planning to go to Germany until September either? So is likely the entry rules will
Change by then
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She will for the next month when it's BTS Festa (basically the anniversary of them debuting so they release loads of new content for fans over the month of June) since she can capitalise on that but after that I would be genuinely shocked if she ever mentions kpop again

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oh yeah true a lot of armys might watch her content to see if she mentions any of the festa content, it’s only been going on for 6 days so idk if she will🤷‍♀️
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Sorry if it has already been mentioned (I’m not caught up on the thread) but has Jade not mentioned her brother at all since returning home? I found it a bit odd that he wasn’t included or even mentioned in her returning home reel and I don’t think he’s been mentioned since either! Is there a reason she’s been so quiet about him, when he used to be talked about so much?
Very true!
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Some areas in the UK we’re working through the vaccines quicker than others and I suspect because she lives in Kent that’s why she’s got hers before most other 21 one year olds in England
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