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Bobby Chariot

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It's incredible folk think Reform are a credible political party, they're a private enterprise with no interest in improving Public Services in this country, only their hedge funds matter.
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Feels like Brexit all over again. People being told they were twats for planning to vote Leave voted that way anyway.

Same goes for the tactic of calling folk ‘racist’ when they disagree with your opinion. I think we’re all a bit tired of it. Kind of ironic too when Labour have proved to be anti-Semitic on numerous occasions.

I’ll vote Reform because neither Labour or Tories deserve my vote. And if it winds up a bunch of rabid lefties then all the better.
Hilarious that Reform voters would definitely call me a rabid lefty when actually my politics are only just very slightly left of centre. The actual rabid lefties would call me Tory lite. Just goes to show the thinking power of those at either extreme of the political spectrum, or lack thereof.
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I don’t think Reform will win the election, but I also don’t think the outcome would necessarily be bad if they did.

Whereas with Labour it definitely will be, given that I’m working for a living. I remember the last time they ran the country and it was a shitshow.

Not that the Tories would be any better. They can get in the sea the lot of them.
I disagree, if Reform win the election this country will crash and burn. Their economic policies are Liz Truss's on steroids. The NHS will be privatised (Farage himself has been open about this). I suppose if you're wealthy you'd be ok.

I also remember the last Labour Government too - it may not have been perfect, but life and living standards were so much better than they are now. I was always able to get a same day GP appointment and cancer treatment started within weeks (and in some cases days) of diagnosis. This doesn't happen now.

My home town was a nicer place to live in 2010 compared to now. There was a thriving town centre, a local library that was well used, a fully functioning fire station, a police station, sure start centres, youth connexions and schools that had improved massively. Our Labour MP was well known and well liked in the community as he spent a lot of time in the area outside of the election cycle. He fought for every town in the constituency - not just the town he lived in.

Now? The shops have all closed. The Library - closed. The sure start centre, youth connexions - closed. The fire station - closed. The police station - closed. The schools are falling apart due to neglect and lack of funding. Crime is up, unemployment and homelessness are up. Rents are high and the town looks dirty, run down and ruined. The Tory MP only shows her face during election time, she treats her constituents with contempt and only the town she lives in gets the funding for nice things. The other towns in the constituency have been given nothing and have been left to fester.
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I fully expect them to end the limit of two kids for child benefit. Benefit breeders will be quids in. Don’t give me that shit about child poverty, no one has the human right for their child to be subsidised by everyone else as you decide to have loads of them. And then neglect them, leaving schools and social services to pick up the mess.

And we’re not short of people in this country either so fuck off with the ‘who will pay your pension’ bollocks.
Reads like the type of lazy crap someone like Richard Littlejohn would pump out for the Daily Mail. Give your head a wobble.
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Miss Begotten

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Yes, I watched the debate last night. Hats off to Rishi for speaking up so well for himself and repeating Starmer's horrific plans. 👋. Starmer blushed and was quiet, as at last he was being criticised for the fool that he is. At last, the audience applauded Rishi for outlining Starmer's faults. I loved it when Starmer was talking tripe and Mr H said "Oh, for goodness sake", at exactly the same time as Rishi said exactly the same. 🙄😂

I hope many voters watched the debate too, but unfortunately I don't think they did.

There seems to be a lot of people who don't like Rishi and expected him to move faster, but plans take time to materialise and he's gradually getting somewhere.

I also love his plans to help people return to work, find work, and lower the number of people on benefits.

What did you think of the Debate @biscuitthief ?
Hats off to Rishi? For what? Being a petulant shouty man baby?
You do understand that the Tories have been in power for 14 YEARS and have completely buggered this country, but you think that suddenly they are going to put right all the things they've destroyed?
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Well-known member
Feels like Brexit all over again. People being told they were twats for planning to vote Leave voted that way anyway.

Same goes for the tactic of calling folk ‘racist’ when they disagree with your opinion. I think we’re all a bit tired of it. Kind of ironic too when Labour have proved to be anti-Semitic on numerous occasions.

I’ll vote Reform because neither Labour or Tories deserve my vote. And if it winds up a bunch of rabid lefties then all the better.
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You would vote to screw the country to wind up some “lefties?” Oh dear.
See here's the thing about democracy, everyone gets a vote to use how they see fit or not. If someone wants to use their vote to wind up some lefties so what, it's their vote. I've voted simply to attempt to save a candidates deposit because there were no viable options and that is my right to do.
Really fucking tired of people having a superiority complex on here.
Oh and I'm voting Tory for the 1st time in years because they appear to be the only party that know what a Woman is. My vote, my choice.
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Whilst you might not care for Farage as a person, I’d love to know why people have a problem with Reform’s manifesto? Like, what about voting for that makes anyone a thick twat?
It's not that I "don't like" Farage as a person, it is that he is a dangerous populist fascist who shouldn't be anywhere near the government of a civilised, democratic country. I think lots of politicians are tits but I don't consider many of them as an active danger to democracy. See also: Trump.
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Mmmm, totally missing that many immigrants send every spare penny from what they've earned to family back home. What they do spend on food invaribly goes to the budget supermarkets or Polish/Ukrainian grocery stores so also sent out of the country. The workers who come year after year for farm work around where I live, the accomodation and food is part of their payment, and they're brought to the big Tesco on buses on Friday night to get beers and essentials, that's hardly going to fill the country's coffers.
Not at all xenophobic with your wide sweeping judgements. Do all English people only spend their money on real ale down at the kings head and cheap trips to benadorm?
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People get so grabby and entitled over inheritance. My mum lives in a house worth about 900k that she bought in the 90s for about 60k. She hasn't done anything special to deserve that extra 840k and nor have I or any of my siblings - it's not hard work, she just happened to buy in an area where house prices went completely through the roof. But obviously the other side to this is because properties are so absurdly unaffordable now, a lot of people rely solely on inheritance to help them buy their first home. So much wrong with the whole thing IMO.
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There is a difference for voting for something that makes a difference that you agree with (in your case you think voting Tory is a good idea) and voting something that will result in a bad outcome but will wind an individual up which is a bit pathetic.
I don’t think Reform will win the election, but I also don’t think the outcome would necessarily be bad if they did.

Whereas with Labour it definitely will be, given that I’m working for a living. I remember the last time they ran the country and it was a shitshow.

Not that the Tories would be any better. They can get in the sea the lot of them.
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Reform aren't getting into government in any meaningful way anyway, so if people want to go ahead and vote for them and split the right vote because they believe Farage's utter bullshit about immigration being the cause of all their woes then by all means go ahead.
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VIP Member
I don’t think Reform will win the election, but I also don’t think the outcome would necessarily be bad if they did.

Whereas with Labour it definitely will be, given that I’m working for a living. I remember the last time they ran the country and it was a shitshow.

Not that the Tories would be any better. They can get in the sea the lot of them.
That's funny because I was working too the last time Labour were in government and I don't remember it being a shitshow, unless your definition of a shitshow is introducing the national minimum wage and actually being able to get a doctor's appointment.
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I also love his plans to help people return to work, find work, and lower the number of people on benefits.
Sunak's 'plans' have nothing to do with helping people and are only concerned with cutting the spend on welfare (by targeting people on disability benefits) in order to fund a cut in national insurance that will disproportionally benefit the better off
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You OK ??
Maybe it was the wrong thread 😂

I don't want Reform to win, and don't think they will. But I agree with what Farage says in this article, that we should stop paying France for their "help" to stop migrants crossing the channel. The piece actually states that while he was on a fishing boat in the channel, he witnessed the French escorting a boat all the way into the British side then our border force rescued them! It's disgraceful and the French need taking to task.
Meanwhile he doesn't understand that by leaving the EU we lost the right to return people to France.

Smoke and mirrors old Farage. Says one thing that people might find appealing while refusing to admit his policies caused the issue in the first place.

Guy don't talk a lot of sense.
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Ultimately people are gonna vote how they like. Reform will get a maximum of 5 maybe 6 seats and will be voted back out again in 5 years. They are a protest vote - nothing more. They are only doing well because the Conservatives are so awful.

If he gets elected, Nigel Farage will not hold weekly surgeries, he wont be sending emails out to councils/NHS/organisations when someone has an issue. I cannot see him turning up to committee meetings - thats if he's appointed to any select committees - which I doubt he will be. He'll do a Galloway. Turn up on the first day and then never return. He'll take his MPs salary and go suck up to Trump/Putin. His history as an MEP will give you a picture of the type of MP he will be. The people of Clacton will end up abandoned with no parliamentary representation at a local level.

I need to research to check but I don't think any of Reform UK Ltd's candidates have any form of experience in frontline public services - I can't see any of the ones I know about wanting to do the work that being a constituency MP entails.
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