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The thick twats who vote Farage will never be convinced otherwise. They think any negative press about him is the "political elite" trying to smear him.
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Ed davey has provided a lot of joy this election and has come across as a decent man. If I lived in a Lib Dem challenger seat I’d have no hesitation voting for them
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Chatty Member
I find it interesting tbh that it is considered idealistic to believe that higher taxes could mean better public services for everyone's benefit. It's a fairly non controversial standpoint. They manage it in Scandinavia.
We have been told for years by the Tories that high taxes are a bad thing. The same party that don’t like paying for well funded and run public services. We expect to get a first class NHS, pot hole free roads, first class public services, but we don’t expect to have to pay for it because high taxes are a bad thing. Perhaps it is time that the rhetoric changed? Public services cost money to run. We should be encouraged to pay for these services properly rather than told that we are entitled to keep more of our money. The problem we have had with this Tory government is both high taxes and lack of investment in public services!
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I can't really grasp the Political landscape at the minute, it's all over the place. I'm kind of leaning towards there's probably a lot of secret Tory voters out there and they'll sneak back in unfortunately.
They won’t sneak back in but I don’t think it will be a Labour landslide which is probably for the best (and I say this as a Labour member). It’s never good when one party holds all the cards.

You are spot on about secret voters, we call them shy Tories in our house, they darent own up to the fact they are quite happy for the country to be fucked so long as they’re alright Jack.

That’s probably a bit harsh, a lot of people fear change, and whilst this government is a shit show at least they feel they know what they’re voting for. I’m trying to be kind here (deep down I want to shake them till their teeth rattle)
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Miss Begotten

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I think Ed Davey's a sweetheart. My FIL despises him and I genuinely have no idea why.
The Post Office scandal? The coalition with the Tories? He’s very very VERY woke?
I do think he’s one of those rare creatures - a sincere politician, and I do actually think he genuinely believes what he says, which is bloody unusual these days. However I’m a ginormous terf so I can’t vote for him. 🤷‍♀️
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The manifesto was basically a fantasy document, there wouldn't be any money for it and it actually helps people who are already wealthy more than it helps the average person.

It's just something thrown together because they wouldn't get away with only saying the xenophobic and racist stuff otherwise.

Like I said in the last thread, Reform voters are no different to Count Binface voters voting for his free croissants or whatever it is. But at least people who vote Count Binface acknowledge its not serious.

Count Binface has a more coherent manifesto than Reform tbf :ROFLMAO:
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Sadly, the government just keep handing us the boxes and we divide ourselves.

This a billion times. I think this really took root when we all had to choose if we were remainers or leavers and its led onto the country being so divided. And the media has thrived on it and fed it. I watched some of the debate and couldn't bear it. Sunak shouting at Starmer about immigration and the audience cheering on because Starmer couldn't give a four word answer to solve a global crisis that would satisfy the baying mob. Politics is meant to be grey and dull and long winded because the world is confusing complex place its not meant to be entertainment.
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This is a take I haven’t heard before - why do you want them raised?
(Not being sarcastic or anything, genuinely curious.)
How can you want a better healthcare system, wider access to nhs dental care, statutory benefits, adequately funded schools etc and not accept that it costs money?
If someone claims to want those things but equally wants taxes lowered then they can’t really want them. You can’t moan about the nhs but also want a low tax small government scenario. Farage is an arsehole but at least he doesn’t pretend, he ultimately wants the nhs privatised.

Underfunding the nhs is privatisation by stealth.
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Really hoping that daft man who asked in the debate if they were the best we had to offer watched the American one last night to see things could be a LOT worse :oops: (I can't find a thread on the US election ...wonder if we need one)
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I have a real soft spot for Ed Davey. His family situation is one that really hits close to home for my family. He's one of the only people who truly understands what is needed to help support carers and disabled people. I do think he is a very sincere man who shows genuine empathy - which is a rarity these days.

His antics may appear silly but they have had the desired effect - it has brought more attention to the Lib Dems.
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Using your vote to piss off your equally powerless fellow citizens is stupid though. By all means vote as a "fuck you" to the politicians, but potentially creating a worse society just to see your neighbour moan a bit is dumb.
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Raising taxes, National Insurance, Allowing more immigrants into the country, doing away with the triple lock on pensions, slamming inheritance, doesn't know how to answer how they'll find 40,000 more NHS staff, or teachers, and stealth increases. Starmer refused (or didn't know how) to answer Rishi's questions.

I'd recommend you watch the debate and listen to Keir making a fool of himself. The audience changed over 75 minutes from supporting him to agreeing with Rishi. If you do watch it, the annoying heckler only lasts about ten minutes.
I did watch the debate. I watch every debate.

I don't think any of those policies are horrific. I want taxes raised ta very much 👍

Rishi is toast anyway.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
I’ve never seen a politician enjoy a political campaign as much as Ed Davey seems to be.
Today he did a bungee jump and what I think was an exercise class.
I mean I’d never vote for him, but at least he’s putting himself out there, although I could have done without the pelvic thrusting.

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Bobby Chariot

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Farage showed his true colours with the Nick Robinson interview on BBC, claiming that The West provoked Russia into invading Ukraine.
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There is a difference for voting for something that makes a difference that you agree with (in your case you think voting Tory is a good idea) and voting something that will result in a bad outcome but will wind an individual up which is a bit pathetic.
Only in your eyes, every vote placed regardless of whether you personally think it's a valid reason, is a valid reason to the person who placed it and thatscwhat democracy is. You have your own vote to use how you please. You don't get to decide someone else's vote.
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I'm a POC. Personally I think Starmer had a pretty impossible job trying to please both those on the harder left of the party who are extremely socially liberal AND working class voters they were trying to win back from the tories (essential to win the election) who are economically Liberal but socially Conservative. Just my POV anyway. As a woman and a POC with Jewish heritage, I certainly don't feel comfortable voting Green but I would have tactically voted Lib Dem in my area if it was needed (it's not - safe Labour seat).
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Mmmm, totally missing that many immigrants send every spare penny from what they've earned to family back home. What they do spend on food invaribly goes to the budget supermarkets or Polish/Ukrainian grocery stores so also sent out of the country. The workers who come year after year for farm work around where I live, the accomodation and food is part of their payment, and they're brought to the big Tesco on buses on Friday night to get beers and essentials, that's hardly going to fill the country's coffers.

What do you spend your money on? Other than taxes which immigrants will also pay if working legally, as will the Eastern European stores they go to.

Beer and essentials are also taxed VAT, as is Tesco.

Aside from tax, where does your money go? I'm assuming it's wired straight to the NHS? The local council? Monzo'd directly to your local police officers?

Do you also have a problem with people who put everything in savings or investments?

You realise everyone has the freedom to spend their spare money how they wish once taxes and bills are paid.
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