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VIP Member
The Post Office scandal? The coalition with the Tories? He’s very very VERY woke?
I do think he’s one of those rare creatures - a sincere politician, and I do actually think he genuinely believes what he says, which is bloody unusual these days. However I’m a ginormous terf so I can’t vote for him. 🤷‍♀️
It's probably the post office scandal actually.

I also wouldn't vote for him for the same reason, but I think he's a genuine person.
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VIP Member
It could be Badenoch, or god forbid Priti Patel. Apparently Brexit hardman Steve Baker fancies his chances as well.
This is providing they hang on to their seats. They’re all so absolutely awful you could almost feel sorry for the few remaining non-deranged Tories. Almost.
Steve Baker 😅😅😅. A ladder wearing a hat would do a better job. Is that the best they've got?!
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VIP Member
I think the bringing photo ID to vote is going to catch a lot of young people out this election. Someone on my Facebook just reposted a reminder about it and so many of the comments are saying things along the lines of “since when?!” “But I’m registered to vote so I’ll be fine won’t I?” “I don’t have a passport/driving licence”
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VIP Member
I used to always vote because woman died so I could but this year I don't know if I will, they are all hopeless. I feel like we are doomed in any direction 😭
Agreed, even if my vote hadn't got screwed up because of moving I would really not know who to give it to and be able to sleep at night over the decision. I have never felt so politically helpless in my 40 years.
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Chatty Member
Independent candidate and supporters leafleting and door knocking on our estate today - nobody thought to tell them to they had strayed 1/2 a mile over the constituency boundary!
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VIP Member

I saw this on tax which I thought was interesting. When I think what we’ve had to pay out in private medical bills due to the waiting lists, help for my SEN kids - I mean the fact I can’t actually work due to their issues and lack of support, plus other things like higher energy bills and the like even £20 more a month on tax would be a lot cheaper!
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i've not applied for one but seen a few people saying they are it too late to register a proxy to vote for you?
Yeah I was told today this won't be an option as its too late. The only advice they could give was to vote in person but I'll be in the middle of the North Sea on election day. Can't really nip home to vote 😕
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Sunak's 'plans' have nothing to do with helping people and are only concerned with cutting the spend on welfare (by artificially deciding that disabled people are fit for work) in order to fund a cut in national insurance that will disproportionally benefit the better off
I read somewhere that he wants to claw back £12billion from welfare payments and another £6 billion from tax fraud. Which may go some way to mitigating the £21 billion lost to fraud during Covid.
How the hell can they justify cutting any more from welfare payments?
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VIP Member
Whoever mentioned Polish shops above reminded me very strongly of my late Granddad (hard-core brexiter) who I can remember complaining about the number of "polski sleps" in his hometown and that they had "branches" everywhere. He had no idea it just means Polish Shop - I think he thought it was a branded supermarket name like Asda 🤣
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VIP Member
Unless they're not working legally or cash in hand surely they'd still be paying income tax through PAYE.

The people who I know who have come here from other parts of Europe work regular jobs and pay income tax.
Yes all absolutely legal, the farms round here are all megafarms producing the bulk of the UK fruit and veg that's in your supermarket.

Sure they pay income tax and NI, I'm just saying they're not buying cars, furniture, handbags, eating out to help out, or other economy-boosting luxuries. All spare cash goes back to their home countries.
Not at all xenophobic with your wide sweeping judgements. Do all English people only spend their money on real ale down at the kings head and cheap trips to benadorm?
Feck knows where you're coming up with that nonsense :ROFLMAO:
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VIP Member
See I have been thinking this since the election was called but speaking to a work colleague earlier worried me slightly! Apparently ‘if Keir gets in we will all pay more tax and people will have to pay more for schools’. I said yes the vat on private schools thing but who really cares, if these people have got the money to pay for private schooling then they can just pay more, I have no issue with that. As for the tax thing, when there’s been the budgets and wow we get an extra £3 a week from tax cuts I just find it negligible and of little impact so what’s £3 less a week? It just concerns me that I may be in the minority. The persons kids don’t even go to private school so I was very perplexed. Not sure if they think their kids may end up being in a class of 50 with all these private schools kids coming to pollute their kids classes! I am worried this may be a common theme of thinking now and that victory may not be so certain but hope I’m wrong
I have all my fingers and toes crossed that Labour will win. I don't think it will be quite the stonking victory some pollsters are predicting though.
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I do think the Tories will be ousted but I don't think it'll be a super majority.
I agree, I think it will be closer to the 1997 result in terms of no. of seats.

The latest Survation MRP has Labour on 484 seats... which is insane. I think they'll get somewhere between 390 and 420 seats. Reform support seems to be dropping off a little bit so some Tory MPs in marginals may just scrape enough votes to hold their seats.
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