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I also love his plans to help people return to work, find work, and lower the number of people on benefits.
Sunak's 'plans' have nothing to do with helping people and are only concerned with cutting the spend on welfare (by targeting people on disability benefits) in order to fund a cut in national insurance that will disproportionally benefit the better off
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You OK ??
Maybe it was the wrong thread 😂

I don't want Reform to win, and don't think they will. But I agree with what Farage says in this article, that we should stop paying France for their "help" to stop migrants crossing the channel. The piece actually states that while he was on a fishing boat in the channel, he witnessed the French escorting a boat all the way into the British side then our border force rescued them! It's disgraceful and the French need taking to task.
Meanwhile he doesn't understand that by leaving the EU we lost the right to return people to France.

Smoke and mirrors old Farage. Says one thing that people might find appealing while refusing to admit his policies caused the issue in the first place.

Guy don't talk a lot of sense.
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I do have to have a grin when I see people saying Starmer is too boring too vote for but Davey is not taking things seriously enough (not here) - make your minds up people.

I just want it to be exit poll time now I'm exhausted by it and think everyone has made up their minds.....although not 100% sure I have. I was voting Labour to oust the tories but my candidate is the one Labour suspended so a bit unsure now.
The "boring" argument is one I genuinely can't get my head round. I WANT boring. Boring, competent grown ups in charge, please.
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I used to always vote because woman died so I could but this year I don't know if I will, they are all hopeless. I feel like we are doomed in any direction 😭
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shrinking forest.jpg

I thought this had been posted very recently but I can't see the post to give credit. When people say they're voting for Farage because he's "a man of the people" it always reminds me of this proverb.
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This is the massive elephant in the room, the increase in people not having no children or only having one. How can the state pension continue when there's less future workers? There are so many major issues not being discussed and each party will kick the can down the road as they're political hot potatoes.
If the birth rate is low, and you need workers.. you encourage immigration. Young people who will settle over here, and have children. Immigration is a key contributor to a growing economy.
Which is why Reform will never make sense .. we need immigration in this country, and we want people to being a spouse.
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Whilst you might not care for Farage as a person, I’d love to know why people have a problem with Reform’s manifesto? Like, what about voting for that makes anyone a thick twat?

The manifesto was basically a fantasy document, there wouldn't be any money for it and it actually helps people who are already wealthy more than it helps the average person.

It's just something thrown together because they wouldn't get away with only saying the xenophobic and racist stuff otherwise.

Like I said in the last thread, Reform voters are no different to Count Binface voters voting for his free croissants or whatever it is. But at least people who vote Count Binface acknowledge its not serious.
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The elderly are generally exempt from benefit bashing as those who do so tend to direct their ire at single mothers and immigrants.
Some of the worst abuse is aimed at people who are ill. Yes, there are fakers who abuse the system but most of the time trying to get benefit support if you are genuinely unable to work is like pulling teeth and is an utterly dehumanising process that many have to give up on to save their sanity/health.

The ignorance surrounding illness, mental health, non-neurotypical conditions and disability in the UK in 2024 is atrocious.
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Miss Begotten

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I know this isn’t election related but I think we could all do with a bit of cheering up, so here’s a laugh to start your Tuesday.
The delightful Tommy Robinson has been arrested in Canada. Reportedly for lying about his criminal record. So he’s an illegal immigrant. Oh the irony.
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Chatty Member
See here's the thing about democracy, everyone gets a vote to use how they see fit or not. If someone wants to use their vote to wind up some lefties so what, it's their vote. I've voted simply to attempt to save a candidates deposit because there were no viable options and that is my right to do.
Really fucking tired of people having a superiority complex on here.
Oh and I'm voting Tory for the 1st time in years because they appear to be the only party that know what a Woman is. My vote, my choice.
I didn’t say that you couldn’t vote whichever way you want. If you chose to vote for another five years of inept incompetence because you think only one party apparently knows what a woman is, that is your choice. If other people think that is a pathetic reason to vote for a political party, that is their choice. Vote For Us, We May Not Have A Clue About How To Run The Country But At Least We Know What A Woman Is! As I said, oh dear.
Raising taxes, National Insurance, Allowing more immigrants into the country, doing away with the triple lock on pensions, slamming inheritance, doesn't know how to answer how they'll find 40,000 more NHS staff, or teachers, and stealth increases. Starmer refused (or didn't know how) to answer Rishi's questions.

I'd recommend you watch the debate and listen to Keir making a fool of himself. The audience changed over 75 minutes from supporting him to agreeing with Rishi. If you do watch it, the annoying heckler only lasts about ten minutes.
This government have raised taxes to their highest levels for years. This government have let immigration levels go through the roof. Labour have committed to the triple lock. The Tories have failed. They are a busted flush. They are finished. All Sunak has got now is negativity to fight with. Only the gullible still support him and his inept, incompetent, self serving government.
Thank goodness we only have to suffer them for another week.
Most people understand that we need to spend money on public services. Further tax cuts will only make things worse (as if they could get much worse). Support the man who thought that Eat Out To Help Covid Out was a good lead if you like. You will be in the minority.
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Well-known member
What did you think of the Debate @biscuitthief ?
I thought Sunak came across as out of touch and petulant personally. He was acting like a cocky 15 year old on the school debate team. Starmer isn't exciting but I don't think he came across as a fool. He looks hesitant sometimes because he does that barrister thing of considering his answer before he gives it. I do wish he would be less controlled and rehearsed though - I think he comes across better when he relaxes a bit.

Raising taxes, National Insurance, Allowing more immigrants into the country, doing away with the triple lock on pensions, slamming inheritance, doesn't know how to answer how they'll find 40,000 more NHS staff, or teachers. Starmer refused (or didn't know how) to answer Rishi's questions.
Those answers are in their manifesto - they have said they won't raise tax, NI or VAT and the triple lock pension guarantee is in there too.

Labour aren't going to raise income tax, NI or VAT - I'm not sure how many times they have to keep saying it. I know people don't believe them but why should they believe the tories when the tax burden is the highest its ever been.

Labour have committed to the pension plans that the Tories already had in place - i.e a triple lock on pensions. Sunak has introduced a dressed up version of a policy they already had in place. Labour's plan is no different to the commitment the tories have in place already so it is a bit cheap for the tories to criticise it.

Re: inheritance tax - The vast majority of people do not live in houses valued at £500,000 or more (which is the current inheritance tax threshold) Nor do people have thousands of pounds of capital to give away... Only those with expensive houses and lots of capital would be affected should Labour increase those taxes. It will not impact the majority of people.

The Tories will gaslight you into thinking otherwise because they are trying to safeguard their own financial interests.

Besides, I would be happy to pay more taxes if it means if public services are better. I pay a lot of tax and NI already and I am getting nothing for it right now. (For context, I paid about £10K in Tax and NI last year) I can't get a GP appointment when I need one, I have to pay privately for the therapy I desperately need to function as the NHS wait time is 2 years, I can't get an NHS dentist, anti-social behaviour and crime in my area has increased massively to the point that the police didn't come out when my husband was a victim of crime because it wasn't deemed "serious" enough. This never happened before 2010.

Immigration is the highest it has ever been. If Sunak thought Rwanda was going to work why didn't he wait a few months before calling the election so people could see that it works? His polling would be a heck of a lot better if he was able to prove the scheme's effectiveness - he certainly wouldn't be losing voters to Reform UK Ltd if that was the case.

Re: Benefits. Starmer was slightly better on this (and I say this as someone with 20 years experience in a welfare related job). The Tory way of kicking them off benefits and into work is shortsighted.

What no party has mentioned is the importance of breaking down the barriers to work. Right now the main barriers are - skill shortages, poor mental health and poor physical health. We have a mental health epidemic and there is very little nationally to help people overcome their mental health issues and get back to work. You cannot sanction this as the suicide rate will explode. Fixing the NHS wait times and providing additional MH staff will relieve this somewhat but what is also needed is collaborative working between the government, local councils and businesses to ensure that there are pathways back into work for those with health issues whether that is through flexible working, working from home, providing specialist equipment and ensuring that employers know their Equality Act obligations. Better Occupational Health and Employee Assistance schemes will also help. Proactive solutions are far better than reactive ones.

I can't say too much 🍉 but I have seen this done at a local level. When you combine that collaboration with community financial/debt advice provisions you find that people feel less overwhelmed and stressed. Sadly, these schemes are expensive but eventually the welfare bill will come down so it will balance out in the long term.

Skill shortages can be fixed with training schemes, courses and apprenticeships that actually lead to permanent contracts on a fair salary. Local councils and the Civil Service used to do this and it worked quite well until the schemes were scrapped.

I do understand your concerns @Happy Lady, I really do and they're valid. However, the conservatives have had 14 years. When Sunak became PM he had a great opportunity to implement the things he is now promising and he hasn't. He has had 18 months to show us he is different to Johnson, Truss et al but he hasn't. He has had a disaster of a campaign and is now resulting to shit slinging to try and distract from his and his party's failures.

I do think deep down most of us want the same things even if our views on how to get there differ. Sadly, the government just keep handing us the boxes and we divide ourselves.
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I fully expect them to end the limit of two kids for child benefit. Benefit breeders will be quids in. Don’t give me that shit about child poverty, no one has the human right for their child to be subsidised by everyone else as you decide to have loads of them. And then neglect them, leaving schools and social services to pick up the mess.

And we’re not short of people in this country either so fuck off with the ‘who will pay your pension’ bollocks.
At this point you’ve got to be a troll 😂 benefit breeders will be quids in??? If they got an extra £10 or so a week via child benefit??
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Active member
Whilst you might not care for Farage as a person, I’d love to know why people have a problem with Reform’s manifesto? Like, what about voting for that makes anyone a thick twat?
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The conservative and Labour manifestos are not ‘back of fag packet’ as they would actually have to implement them if elected and civil servants will be tasked with doing so. This is why the Labour manifesto is criticised for not being ‘radical’ enough. It’s because it has to be realistic
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I don’t think Reform will win the election, but I also don’t think the outcome would necessarily be bad if they did.

Whereas with Labour it definitely will be, given that I’m working for a living. I remember the last time they ran the country and it was a shitshow.

Not that the Tories would be any better. They can get in the sea the lot of them.
No it wasn't, behave.
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People who plan to vote Reform and don't mention immigration seem to be unable to say what they are voting for, only what they are voting against.

I'm yet to hear any support or faith in the non immigration policies.
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