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VIP Member
It's not a look siblings should be giving each other, unless you want your teenage daughter to give birth to a baby with two heads.

It's very strange and surely they should have recognised this before they allowed it to go out. It wouldn't be that bad if they took out the scene with the sexual tension look between them. I feel like such a pedalo saying this, but it's true!
I didn’t pick that up at all and I thought they were real life siblings.

I thought he was bored at the party, he was trying to take something that wasn’t his from his mum because he was seeking approval from his sister. She’s the mean big sister who couldn’t go to the boring party because she had homework and she thinks he’s annoying - until he gives her the cake 🤷🏻‍♀️
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A crisp advert were one woman licks her fingers and another her eyes roll to the back of her head, the eye bit really makes me feel ill, it's awful
Yeah yeah yeah is the 🎶 music
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VIP Member
The ebay one where the girl says 'there's a small business for that' its on EVERY youtube video I watch. Also Lets Eat with KP god its annoying!
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VIP Member
Is that the one where the family don’t want to think about them ‘getting it on’ 🤢. Are adverts getting weirder or am I getting older??
Yes, that's the one. I have to cover my ears at the end of the ad 🤢

***edited to add

My apologies for typing the "p" word in my original post. I wasn't aware and am genuinely sorry if it caused any upset.
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
Whichever ad has 'chick chick chicken' on it because I swear I hear it every time I put the TV on (and I mainly watch streaming services so the amount of time I'm watching TV with ads is fairly small) and then I'm singing the song ALL BLOODY DAY.
- and of course now I've thought of it I'm singing it again! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I know all the words................................... sad innit? My gran used to sing that to me when I was little ❤
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The ad for extensions with the loony in a yellow tank top, red wellys and with a large purple glove puppet on his arm dancing to some country song about cow punchers - wtf is that all about?
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VIP Member
The Currys one where the eat paper pisses me off as well. Makes it look like they employ people who eat paper, and I don't want to shop with them. Admittedly, my last Curry's experience doesn't suggest people who work there don't eat paper though I must admit.
They seem to be doing loads of ads with people eating,honestly it me feel 🤢
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Chatty Member
Oh wow. The new Lenor advert for the scent boosters. The woman who says ‘Mine! 😬

I’ve got the rage.
I hate that one and the one before it, where the same woman goes 'No way!' along with all the other individuals who've never been in a clean bed before.
Can't remember if I've said it so apologies if so, but the ice cream advert with Sandi Toksvig (who I like) as it's been on too many times. I hate the word 'moreish' as well. Makes me gag.
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Sky Cinema adverts. I'm awake early due to being ill, and have seen the Sky bloody cinema advert 4 times in less than an hour 🤬🤬🤬🤬, I know lots love Idris Elba Nothing against him but for gods sake too many times!
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Chatty Member
And that Dice Dreams ad with the kids calling their mums thieves in public. No idea why they annoy me so much but they do
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
That stupid credit check advert with the woman lying on the sofa askino her boyfriend to check it and then the dog pops up between his legs is back. Why is there a talking dog? Why doesn’t the woman move? Why does she rub his head with her foot?
Moose is the only good thing about the ad. In another one Moose says "I love you" to the bloke who replies "I love you too" which bossy woman assumes is meant for her - and it wasn't haha!
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I actualy think adverts are getting worse and worse, in the past I have seen ads I think are funny, but I cannot think of any in the past year (or more) I could say the same about
Agree entirely. What's worse is that you know this isn't as bad as it gets; just when you think they can't possibly get any more horrendous, they prove you wrong. It seems like a concerted effort by all the studios to churn out a constant stream of rubbish, maybe so that disgruntled viewers like us will take the bait and complain about it, thus generating publicity? I don't know.
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VIP Member
I’m working from home this week. Has anyone seen that hays travel ad that is something straight out of the 80’s. So cheap and low budget.
It's a direct copy of the old Bath Travel ads, the company they took over. They just replaced bath travel with hays. I was very surprised they hadn't changed it
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VIP Member
Not sure if its been on TV yet but just seen it on YouTube I really enjoyed it the best one I've seen so far this year

The new John Lewis advert
its unusual, reminds me when I had a venus fly trap plant, similar to that but much much smaller, great little fly catcher!
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