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2 thoughts ; 1. SK looks absolutely miserable and totally underwhelmed bless her and 2. How thing has MK got! I can’t believe it
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Please 😭 an ‘icebreaker’ game where they are in teams and have to answer questions about using carrots as noses for snowmen and the bible. it’s like a childrens birthday party, not gearing them all up for a date ffs. this is killing me.
also I don’t think I quite understand the idea. there is an ‘’algorithm’’ that has decided who is who’s ‘soul mate’ but they’re not going to tell them who it is that is their soul mate - they have to figure this out themselves? What if they go on a date and really like and ‘choose’ the guy that isn’t her ‘soul mate’ .. do they then get told they matched with the wrong person and have to then start again with someone else they didn’t like as much? Or are they allowed to stay with the person they quite clearly liked the most?

this is giving me married at first sight vibes - it’s essentially the same idea isn’t it? Just obviously without the wedding - and very morman-fied
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I think it’s the wholesome Mormon religious upbringing that makes these husbands seem so….different.

I’m well jealous of their cruise, I would love to be on that holiday right now - why am I not rich dammit!! 🤣
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Christmas, the most important date in the year is cancelled as more crap shipped over from China might not arrive in time. How will they cope with only their own warehouses full of stuff from previous christmas’ and all the crap purchased so far
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I though Jen’s diet stories were bad this week but the ones about the school shooting really take the biscuit. You just know creepy Snr has an arsenal tucked away in that rotting house 🤢 grim.
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I really hope that Steven and Kimmy attach that fireplace to the wall and don’t leave it free standing. I can imagine there could be a risk of it toppling especially when Stevie Kate is mobile and in the climbing phase!
don’t get why they have literally done a botch DIY job with the fire, and then got a joiner in to build the storage?
Everything has to be now, now, now.
As for the ski lodge being ready to hold a party as they picked up the keys, I suppose they must buy ready furnished homes.
Another home, another State, another flight And another huge gas guzzling car.
Think the Houghtons missed the Earth Shot message.
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I’ve followed TCL for a long time but recently it’s just got right on my nerves. The decorating is becoming for too trashy and it’s not what it once used to be.

Does anyone know what Steve snr does? How do they have all the money they have to have 3 massive houses and the upkeep to maintain them etc must be ridiculous. And the kids all have their own houses too. Not the ones living at home obvs.

Did notice weight loss on MK and I was 🤔 she’ll be of that impressionable age now where she’ll pick up on the food ways etc and how she looks so I hope it isn’t anything to worry about. The family’s obsession with food is weird. Toxic weird.

Also sick of alllllll the ad’s, links etc it’s like watching a shopping channel now.

Also as a MMC survivor more than once I really feel for Tiff. Didn’t know she’d have one as I don’t follow her.
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Tiffany making such a big deal about her slightly risqué dress’s front split and Adam saying it’s ‘sooooo hot’ and setting it as his phone background. Wait until they find out most people their age have sex before marriage 😱😱😂🤦🏻‍♀️
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The glucose monitoring is another thing that pisses me off so much, people have said on here before it’s like an ED because none of them apparently have a genuine medical need for it. Given the prices of insulin etc in the US, I think it’s so distasteful. Not to mention the stuff with MK, it makes me sneakily satisfied that her and Sam seem to have no interest in IG.
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Jen’s salty brownie face is going to haunt my dreams 😂😂

I thought all three were very quiet this weekend during the baby shower, but I wasn’t on my phone much. I then saw on Reddit that they’d been posting stories but then someone posted Tanner and Katie’s wedding website and gift registry, and apparently people started RSVPing declines through the website for all the Houghtons 💀 loooool. They all then dirty deleted their stories.. how awkward. Jen apparently got a aeroplane sky writer to do a heart in the sky above their bridal shower venue, must have killed them to have to remove all that content 😂
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I want to like Adam, I really do. But he tries far too hard. It's like he was the geek in school and can't believe he got the popular girl and so needs to go on and on about it every 5 seconds like a teenager (I 100% believe the Houghtons will run the school with their money, always on the teams, always top of the class etc).
Another view is that he's gay and can't come out due to the family's religion (which is horrific to not be able to fully be who are just because your family follow religion you were born into and doesn't allow you to be you). And that he's over compensating the I fancy the pants of my wife just to try and make everyone believe he's into her.
I think both are very plausible and I don't know which I lean to more.
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I know Jen has a cleaner, but does she live there? The house never has anything out of place? They have 2 kids at home, 2 kids and their partners in and out all the time and hosted 2 parties yesterday and she hasn't done a single minute of clean up? It just appears clean again on the next story!
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Kimmy’s stories today are even more forced and fake than usual. Jen absolutely told her that she NEEDS unpaid help, pronto and to sort it. There’ll be droves of people foolishly turning up to help the Mormon Kardashians in the hope of an insincere photo and mention on Instagram. I would love a real look behind the scenes at how bossy and cold she really is.
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I don’t know if Jen claiming that eating pasta cold means that it’s not a refined carb is the final straw for me.. 😬

Honestly I would rather die than live like that. Pasta is life, what a joyless existence 😂

Also, Kimmy’s story blanking out the word gun.. they’re all shitting themselves about shadow bans aren’t they😅🙄

I also don’t get why they impose such ridiculous deadlines on themselves for everything they do. Trying to start a DIY project with no expertise or equipment with an end of day deadline - like it’s just not going to happen 🤷🏻‍♀️ Why set yourself up to fail like that?
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Oh my god guys.. I just thought. Where the fuck is Belle? Im sure she’s already been away with the dog trainer for more than two weeks?? And now they’re on holiday again? ☹
Wasn’t she going for four weeks? Can’t see the point to be honest, it’s them that need training on how to look after properly, poor Belle.
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I was reading the TCL sub on Reddit, did anyone see this comment that was posted by someone close to the family?

Awkward 🍿
Reading that feels almost intrusive. Also, they come across as jealous and bitter of the attention Tiffany received. Their family set up screams toxic
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