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And there goes Liv from ultimategirlgang tagging kimmy and saggy eyes arrival to London. They are without a doubt going to be on a visit. Won't be long until Liv pops up in a TCL story
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Eeeeep this whole fasting thing is terrifying!!! I know some fasting can be good but How can it be good for you to go for over 60hrs without food ? Food is literally proven to provide the body with energy .. no amount of walk/uni cycling is going to replace that energy source 😶
He looked dreadful, and choosing to eat out with friends for his first meal was just odd! Then coming home for dessert, because it’s the only one that doesn’t spike their glucose? His blood sugar will have been rock bottom as it was.
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Chatty Member
That poor waiter. I just love how her first guess is that he doesn’t understand her English. Um no. You’re acting like an entitled **** and you’re recording him while you interrogate him about bread. Wtf.
I mean who the feck gets so disturbed over bread?!… thought she didn’t do carbs? ….the poor waiter was clearly like ok wtf is happening right now? This woman is nuts ….and then! For the hubby to go hassle about his feckin meatless sandwich? What the actual eff!….the lot of them just need to go eat a bloody burger and be normal 🤦🏻‍♀️
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It’s not your poem Adam it’s a very famous and often used poem by arguably one of the greatest Victorian novelists/poets. You copied and pasted it off the internet. Or mostly Tiff did to sell frames and stuff of Etsy!!
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We definitely called them fanny packs here in the states. I was born in the 80’s and only knew them as fanny packs. I think influencers and gen z have slowly renamed them to belt bags because they don’t want to associated with us oldsters.
Hearing bum bags called Fanny bags/packs in the USA cracks us up in the UK as fanny is slang for lady bits here ! 🤣
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Ok. My mouth actually dropped when they said that. Just because you get married doesn’t mean you need a whole new group of friends. You can still be friends with your single friends. That felt pretty toxic.
It was pretty weird. Especially when Adam actually said they felt they couldn’t hang out with their single friends anymore because they were now married.. I can’t imagine ditching my friends because we got married and they didn’t, surely it makes no difference - all it is is that they now both have rings on their fingers lol.
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They didn’t bake they went to the supermarket and bought a shit ton of Betty Crocker cake mixes and stuff. Not real baking is it. And Jen made an aroma pot but she did it in a slow cooker unlike her sappy daughter!! But in the end it was just to sell the gorgeous slow cooker itself !!
All left in a huge mess for the cleaner to clear away too. They never are a morsel of those cakes either.
The number of baby outfits Kimmy packed today was obscene. They certainly don’t live frugally now.
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Does anyone here actually like her decorations? Don’t get me wrong, I love decorating for the seasons but, aside from Christmas I usually do it the day or so before and it’s never as excessive as Jen. It’s as though her life is empty and this is how she fills it
I loved it when I started following, it was the Easter she did the Peter rabbit hallway and I thought it was amazing, I still love it. Easter seems her most tasteful time of year but now I follow with horror rather than awe like when I saw the Peter rabbit one
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Tiff and Kimmy are both full time influencers/instagrammers. Obviously McKenna Kate is too young to work as is Sam. Tiffs husband does something to do with apple (?) I think it’s quite high up?? No idea what Steven does .. or Tanner or Katie!
Tiffs husband is a coder for Amazon. Steven did investments then “retired” to manage TCL sm accounts and help them grow. He also does online seminars for SM no idea what tanner does other than has a pilots license

I’m gonna go and bury my head in thoroughly ashamed I know this shit about them
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Kimmy has started saying they are moving to the uk for a month. I find it so annoying when influenzers and you tubers say they are moving somewhere to get followers but all they are doing is just going on an extended holiday!! You are not moving you are visiting!!
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I'm so tired of watching Jen's stories and EVERYTHING they do in there leads to an ad of some sorts!!!!! EVERYTHING. Kimmy filming her at the store and then them doing the flower arrangement all leading up to another stupid ad for wreaths. I remember I used to NEVER miss her stories years ago now I literally forget about them on a daily basis.
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Steve insisting he is not hungry. This mans a psycho! What on Earth is he trying to prove? Nobody is impressed!
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I love that some members of the family don’t want anything to do with the social media, it must really wind the rest of them up! To be a fly on the wall on how that conversation went 🤣
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They didn’t bake they went to the supermarket and bought a shit ton of Betty Crocker cake mixes and stuff. Not real baking is it. And Jen made an aroma pot but she did it in a slow cooker unlike her sappy daughter!! But in the end it was just to sell the gorgeous slow cooker itself !!
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Found it really sad how Jen was more bothered about videoing her birthday cake than smiling at her family singing happy birthday when they was out.

StevenSnr creeps me out big time!
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Can’t believe I forgot to mention the hot tub infertility stories 🙄 Tiff has officially gone full TTC psycho now!
She is so crazy, but again - fascinating & harmless lol. Does she ever not have that robot smile on? She could be telling the saddest story and grinning away like a loony.

Imagine your life being like theirs….imagine being that HAPPY 😂
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I might be overthinking this but something caught me. I thought the hair prank with Jen was hilarious. Usually Tiffs pranks…eh. But did you see the way Jen asked if Adam knew? She looked genuinely concerned. Why do we have to put so much emphasis on if the husband knows? Why do we need permission to dye our hair from our spouse? That aside, I actually think it looks good on Tiff. Gives her some spunk.
Yes!! And the fact that Adam didn’t believe it for a second was telling.. I thought that was because he was certain that she’d never do anything to threaten how attractive or not she is to him! I think on the whole he comes across a bit wet but there’s definitely a weirdly possessive side to him in terms of her looks/what she wears.
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