TTC / Pregnancy after a loss

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I’m sorry you had to go through that

Thank you xx
I’m thinking maybe I’ll test again in the next 2 or 3 days and see if hopefully they start getting lighter, I guess I only really started bleeding red late Saturday with yesterday being the worst of it, I was really hoping to avoid any need to see or speak to a gp mine is really not great and I don’t fancy the faff of it all unless it’s really needed, especially not after my last experience of being sent to an epau.
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Decided to contact the gp and had a phone appointment this morning. They want me to go to A+E for a blood test .. thought that A+E was a bit extreme and said can’t it just be done at the gp surgery here but they said no it needs to be done today and they don’t have the appointments to do it. Contacted 111 afterwards to see what they would advise because I thought that was and sounds like they wanted me to do the same so silly !

Other than 1 full day of bleeding and pain I’m not sure there’s much that needs to be said or done. I’d have happily came in for bloods at my doctors whenever they could fit me in in the next few days.. I sort of wish I hadn’t bothered them with it now !
Do you have a EPU near you that you could go to instead?
I went to A+E but would say I felt like I just wasted their time! The urine pregnancy test they did there came back negative, not sure what sensitivity they used but the one I did at home yesterday was still positive. So maybe it’s just pretty much nearly out of my system now? They did open a referral to the epu who I can contact if I get any more symptoms so at least that’s something if I need it.

I was starting to feel okay but I feel like being told my test was negative has hit me hard.
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So sorry Never feel like you’re wasting people’s time with your health.
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Had an early reassurance scan yesterday at 6weeks 5days. They confirmed the sac, yolk sac and fetal pole but still couldn’t see much. They’re putting me at around 6 weeks instead of closer to 7 weeks. Going in for another scan in two weeks time but so anxious this is going to turn out to be a missed miscarriage.
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I’m so sorry to everyone else I haven’t replied to yet as I’m so far behind but I send my love 🩷

I just wanted to jump in for this one. I STRESSED so bad in the pregnancy I have now because the baby measured 5/6 days behind and then 3, but it kept measuring behind (I had loads of scans cos I’ve bled lots). I’ve also had a MMC before so my mind went to the same place as you as I was certain on my dates. I spent 2-3 weeks worrying and literally crying daily .. but it was fine in the end, the baby ‘caught up’ and measured bang on the dates I knew were right. It’s because they’re so tiny they’re hard to measure and the measurements aren’t accurate at this stage. That’s why they don’t do dating scans at all before 9/10 weeks in private places and even then it’s maybe not accurate and is why the NHS do it at 12 onwards. The sonographers and nurses did try and tell me but when you’re in that situation you just think they’re trying to stop you bothering them / panic because they’re not allowed to give too much reassurance
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I’ve just found the tiniest speck of brown blood in my pants/ when I wiped. I wouldn’t even have noticed it if I wasn’t wearing white pants. I feel like I’m gonna throw up with anxiety now and no idea what to do. I think I’m around 5w3d’s.
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I am the queen of pregnancy bleeding so far (12 and a bit weeks) and I know exactly what you’re feeling. The exact same happened to me and the baby is fine. Brown blood is fine and it’s a tiny amount. At this stage they explained to me the bleeding is old blood from implantation because when the embryo implants into your lining it causes a ‘bruise’ and that’s where the blood comes from. You’re too early for a scan yet and one would only be suggested if you have the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy which you don’t appear to! I would wait until 7 weeks and book a scan then if you think that would reassure you but I honestly wouldn’t worry at all. Easier said than done I know! I had really heavy brown bleeding at 5 weeks which continued for weeks (had other different bleeds later) and they investigated and it was found to be a cyst which is also common. If yours has stopped already I wouldn’t think it concerning at all
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thank you so much @Elisha97 you’ve really put my mind at ease. This is such a confusing time! I want to be blissfully happy but all I feel is “when is it going to go wrong”. Don’t know when that will fade. Thank you again xx
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thank you so much @Elisha97 you’ve really put my mind at ease. This is such a confusing time! I want to be blissfully happy but all I feel is “when is it going to go wrong”. Don’t know when that will fade. Thank you again xx
No problem 🩵 I had friends that did the same for me and I’m glad to able to pass it forward! It’s a tough time but it’ll pass before you know it. I don’t think it’ll pass completely, pregnancy after loss is so hard but you can do it xx
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Maybe your ovulation was a couple of days later? I had a checkup 10 days ago when I was 7w3d and the baby measured 6w6d. My ovulation was on CD16 so to me this still makes sense. I know it’s scary but I think a lot of pregnancies are measuring up to a week behind and it’s fine. And at this stage they are still so tiny!

I’m sorry that you have to go through fears like this. I also started spotting at 4w2d right after my MC and I gave up completely, I deleted my pregnancy from the app because I was convinced it was only chemical and it’s gonna end before it even began. But I spotted for 4 days, only brown dots on my panties and a hint of colour when I wiped. Then it went away suddenly, same way it came. 2 weeks later at the checkup doctor prescribed me Utragestan (progesteron) to help support the pregnancy, I need to take it till week 9. But that was just in case I think. I really hope it stops soon and you can breathe again normally. When’s your first checkup? 🤍
thank you @sushimama 🤍 congratulations. I hadn’t rang EPU yet as I have an appointment on Tuesday with my GP. But I think after today I’m going to ring tomorrow morning and see if they will see me. They did say after my last MC that they would be monitoring my next pregnancy. I just wasn’t sure if I could face going back in there after the last time but if I could get progesterone or something that would ease my fears that would be amazing. Anything to make it stick!!!

Me again guys- don't think I have ever posted on Tattle as much- I am usually more of a lurker.

I am attaching my pregnancy tests (hopefully behind a spoiler) - From Sunday Morning (11dpo), Sunday Afternoon, Monday Morning + Monday Afternoon, Tuesday Morning and Wednesday Afternoon to this morning (15 dpo). I did my first digital today which would be correct in terms of dates. Hubby has persuaded me to step away from the tests as I think they aren't helping anxiety at all.

I have had a tiny bit more brown spotting, more when I wipe than on my pants and barely enough to notice but I am hyper-alert at the moment. I have an appointment with the doctors this evening to hopefully get a referral to my EPU (which doesn't allow self-referral).

I am cramping a little, much lower down than my period cramps but and not debilitating, I feel like more of a discomfort if I am standing up for too long and definitely not as painful as when my period is about to arrive. I do keep feeling like I have come on my period and every time I run to the toilet I am dreading seeing blood but there's thankfully not been yet.

Can anyone provide reassurance based on the tests and my symptoms? I have never felt anxiety like this, even during my MC last year I didn't feel like this.

Thanks in advance xxx
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Once you’ve had one loss before I’d say it’s no surprise that you feel anxious, it really sucks

Neither of my losses were the same in terms of symptoms and cramping and I’ve had one successfully pregnancy between them that I had some cramping with early on as well. It’s really hard to say what will happen sadly.

I’ve made some similar posts recently here and on the ttc threads and the responses I got were lovely, something I was told was to not pay attention to the lines. Have your husband hide the tests if need be.

Hope your drs appointment goes alright and they’re able to refer you xx
@Pixie123 @anything at all how are you doing? Been thinking about you both
Ahh thank you @sushimama this is such a lovely community. I’ve been seen by EPU thankfully and they think I have a UTI. Im getting some relief when I have my antibiotics but when they wear off a bit it’s soooo uncomfortable.

They took my bloods yesterday and said that HCG and progesterone were all in the normal range for this stage but they’re going to repeat on Tuesday to make sure.

Im still slightly spotting but it’s remained barely visible and still brown so I’m hoping it’s nothing serious. Trying to stay positive and praying this baby sticks! Thank you so much for asking. I’m thinking of you too @anything at all i hope you’re okay xxx
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Thank you xx

I feel like I’m doing a bit better today, I’ve felt like I’ve been able to be a bit more productive and present in life but maybe I’m just keeping myself distracted.

I want to see a negative test and be able to start trying again asap but I know any line will just make me angry so I’m gonna try leave it til next weekend now, I really hope it’s all out of my system by then. The 10miu test I did yesterday still had a line.. I thought chemicals were meant to fade so much faster so I feel really confused at this point.

I wasn’t going to tell anyone about the loss because it was so early so felt like it didn’t matter but I felt like I had to tell my mum because I was really off with her yesterday