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Made me laugh when she blamed her weight loss (or rather, lack of) on being older than she was before and her metabolism slowing down!
She 26 or 27 for gawds sake.

Tan, you're not following the plan, that is why you are not losing weight!
We never see your syns even though you say you've had them and we never see a measured amount of cheese! That's just for starters!
she's like a broken record these days...
not feeling it ma loves
listening to ma bod-eh
ma bod-eh will do what it as to do
always eating the kids leftovers
can't be arsed
eating her bod-eh weight in cheese weekly
never seems to eat much fruit or veg
doesn't seem to move from the sofa much
probably inhaling bird shit most of the time as she isnt a fan of cleaning much
someone send her some bloody shampoo!!!
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So Tan has watched 'The Secret' and is asking for a loss on Monday and to look good in her Wedding dress?
It'll take more than watching a film, ma loofs.
She says she 'feels lack it's given her food for thought' bit of an unfortunate term of phrase there Tan if you don't mind me saying!

So if she loses weight tomorrow, it'll be because she watched The Secret yesterday :unsure: ...and if she doesn't, well, maybe it's because she overindulged in her own private buffet (love it Lexi!!). It's almost as simple as the theory of The Secret!

I think that lip filler is seeping out into her face, she's looking most odd, don't you think?
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I watched the get ready with me yesterday as it came up after her vlog and iv never laughed as much I think it was a different one though .. toner to cleanse and praaarrrrm my 18 'mumth' old could blend better she clearly doesnt do her makeup like that normally so why pretend Like shes a guru 🤣
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Chatty Member
i watched about a minute of it and had to pause her that big yawning gob drives me nuts 🤬 I read the comments though she’s one scatty cow, if she’s throwing Corbaaaayyyy a quid to be good that is bribery to me hope the woman that wrote that comment got her head back as scatty arse bit it right off and YES tan it is bribery. Miss know it all that knows jack shit. Did she gain this week? I couldn’t hack listening to her, she’s definitely a secret binge eater plus she’s no heart in healthy eating, she burns 300 calories so pats herself on the back with a 1200 cal takeaway or her big belly buster. Nutritionist my arse 🤣🤣🤣 if I was looking for a meal plan and looked at her disgusting meals I’d definitely be put off, she’s no advert for her so called profession.
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she vlogged all about the rainbow centre too and said some pretty out of order things about the staff, she of course said they were wrong and they'd got her situation wrong and she couldn't understand why they thought she needed help etc, total denial as always and now she's throwing them under the bus again trying to make out they got it wrong! she's a space cadet this one!! thick as mince and can't remember her own version of the truth, tan truth......AKA whatever goes through her "taarrrny maarrnd" so must be true.
She's making a mockery of the whole process and it will send the wrong message out to people thinking of starting to look for help and support, it will put them off, yet she's incorrect and as per spouting dickhead thoughts. Honestly this pair need taking down a peg or two.
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I'm gonna start plotting on a calendar everytime she says its star week then at the end of the year email it to her! How many periods can 1 woman have??? BUT the 6lb is water, of course it is. Of course 🤯
I think some of the 6lb has gone to her gob I'm sure her lips look bigger!
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Makes me laugh how she puts more make up on to go to the gym than she does to go out for dinner with her ‘husband to be’ 🤣 she is clearly on the lookout
if she washes her hair before she goes to the gym its a dead cert ;)
I see she rolled out the good old leftover tuna pasta yesterday, that dish keeps on giving for days!!! draaaaer and draaaaer every time
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This whole skinny coffee thing is hilarious 😆 she’s been on it for the last two years and not lost a lb !
How bloody embarrassing 🤪
I remember when she was first gifted it, she was banging on like it was melting the fat off her, she said it 100% works and she "felt larrter" after only one cup, honestly how anyone can take this plum seriously is beyond me :LOL:
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From what Tan has said, Corby had behaviour problems at school, after slating the school she got assessed at the Rainbow Centre/children’s centre at the hospital-slated them, then has ‘volunteered herself’ as they offered parenting help and now Tan is slating the key worker.
As usual Tan knows best!

I was annoyed when she slated the Rainbow Centre as my child got assessed there and they are brilliant, it also means if anyone watching her videos get referred they will think the Drs there are rubbish and that is same with identifying this key worker...mentioning age and race means that if anyone else gets him as a key worker they already think he is too intrusive when he is just doing his job.
Absolutely agree ! there could be someone sitting watching that struggling with their child's behaviour afraid to now speak up and get help both for themselves and their child.She jumps in feet first to situations not thinking on the impact she can have on people who follow her,maybe even lead someone to self destruct and do something nasty as they can't cope with their situation.She is a douche ma loofs
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Yes I saw that and thought it was an unnecessary salty response. The woman was trying to help (and she is correct) afterall, Tan keeps asking what to do on the vlog!
However, I do worry for those chicks, it doesn't look like she's got them any special food, surely they can't have the normal food that she feeds the other 2 on? I don't know, I'm not a budgie expert but its not like the adults can go and forage for natural food like they would in the wild.
She needs to google or speak to a vet or I can see a tragedy happening, poor little things. I mean, what did she think was going to happen getting a female bird to go with the male one. Some people are so bloody irresponsible, makes my blood boil.
Of course Belle looks bedraggled, has she never seen garden birds when they are tending to their young? Maybe she hasn't as she claimed she had never seen a robin before? I find that very hard to believe, they are everywhere, I must have so many dead people around me!
I thought exactly the same when she kept saying she'd never "sin" a robin you say they're everywhere!!! and suddenly she was an expert on them too as despite the hot tub being three floors down it "were the same wun" they saw down there, "it wur following them" :ROFLMAO: probably picked up on their whiffy scents and followed the stench more like!
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Chatty Member
The best box had me shook! No nesting material, just shitty flooring! They need so much more food now, and to be left alone. I breed cockatiel’s so kinda familiar with this sort of thing.
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Don’t really comment on the bint from Burnley ma loves but she,s blocked my comments on you tube. She did that god damn awful video about The Secret so I just said what a load of tosh it was and that if she took it literally she would end up a narcissist who can’t take criticism like the porker Gammons and she blocked me, so I’ve just disliked shitloads of her videos out of fucking spite, hope them frigging birds keep her awake twattering away!
I wouldn't wanna piss you off 🤣🤣🤣
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I have a theory that Corby when using his VR (that stands for Virtual Reality ma loofs), for 16 hours a day at a weekend, the images he’s viewing are of play grounds, parks, spending time with his brother, Mum and Dad outside as a family doing activities TOGETHER...Tan goes to the gym, Chris goes on a biiiiiiiiike ride, what do they actually do together as a family? Poor kids!

If that’s PlayStation VR then it should not be used for children under 12. Don’t get me wrong my daughter who's 11 has 20 minutes the most on the weekends if she fancies it but it’s 12 for a reason - their eyesight is still developing so for anyone using under the guideline age of 12 its not recommended.
but Corby enjoyes it ma loofs so it don’t matter
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Exactly! 30 second google search will tell you that. Plus will explain that when you go from a sedentary lifestyle to exercising your muscles will protect themselves with fluid in the first couple of weeks. Once they realise the exercise is normal that will go and losses will show. She’s such a moron! She might not be losing lbs but she will be ‘losing’
She’s too thick to understand that ma love!

I’ve neve come across a ‘nutritionist’ that knows quite so little about nutrition.

Do we think she's asking questions for engagement? Or cos she’s actually that stupid
Beggars belief doesn’t it?! She really is that stupid, 100%. How anyone buys her meal plans is beyond me, it’s shocking the ‘fans’ must be as thick as her 🤣
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