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Well-known member
Someone posted on traywayfanclub that Maloney is the Mom's 1st child which she had with another man. Then she met her current husband (Mr. Maloney) married him and he raised Bitchface (Tracy) as his own? Could this be true?
I believe it! At one point I thought she was adopted because her family is too normal to have created a monster that she is It does make sense she had a different dad maybe TrayTrash knows that and is affected and hateful to the World not knowing her real dad can cause her pain and she takes it out on everyone Thats why she is a trouble maker monster.


Active member
Bad Examples podcast and the extension girl Bonita have me blocked as a well as Snooki. Oh well.

I can’t believe Snooki and Deena were talking about Tracy. I hate Tracy and Snooki. Deena is meh. She thinks she’s holier then thou now. Deena and Tracy are friends though. Someone needs to let Tracy know they said that. Regardless it’s disgusting to talk about a child. PERIOD.

Sassy please share who the guy is from Tracy’s live!!!!!
Yea I find it hard to believe snooki said anything about Tracy. That would make me lose respect for her cause she was talking about a deaf child. Deena and Tracy follow each other and attended some red carpet event together back in the day day. Maybe they have that in common but I doubt they chat like that. Deena is annoying now... I get it... its your first child.... but chill


New member
You know how Tracy always hates on J-shore show specifically Snooki?
I'm watching Snook and Deena on live rn, Snooki is wasted and while Deena was preaching bout motherhood and snooki interupted to joke "Deena, stfu I have three kids and one is deaf"
Then Deena is like ??? tryna figure out what she means and snooki keeps going "oh my god you don't get it" and Deena is like but you don't have a death child. Snooki said "i can't say it i gotta send a message to you" I think shes so drunk shes mocking Tracy...
Now it's paused cause Snooki is so drunk she dropped the phone 10 times
Omggggg did anyone screen grab this?


Chatty Member
So I’m watching season 5 episode 14 and why is this bitch always every scenario where she’s being confronted she’s quick to play victim and cries at every chance. Yuckkkkkk snd just how Olivia has said . A leopard doesn’t change its spots she’ll always be a bitch lol yup 👏🏼
That’s My favorite part!! when she says a leopard can’t change their spots and Tracy’s a bitch 🤣she was the queen of shade 😂


What did she say I can’t be arsed listening to the podcast?
I don’t remember word for word what she said but I do remember her saying her and Angelina had resolved things and then Angelina decided to bring shit back up on the show and twist it around for the cameras which Angelina does cause she’s just an attention whore and wants her 15 seconds of fame. Again who knows who is lying. I’m sure they both don’t tell the truth about shit 🤷‍♀️

The text messages she sent? That was off her own, pissed up back. Not for the cameras.
nothing to do with the wedding at all.
her attitude towards Angelina off camera is what I’ve been saying repeatedly, over the 24 situation and when Angelina threatened to read said shitty texts out, Snooki lost her shit.
so yeah, she’s a pisshead fuck on her ‘mummy juice’ every night, with a vicious streak that for some reason, everyone overlooks.

Must be like shagging a water bed.
I’m not disagreeing with you lol like I said they could all be fuckheads including Angelina. Just stating what Snooki said and that show for sure twists shit around even not regarding those two...all those types of shows do. The editing is so terrible😂


VIP Member
Yikessssss they did a tiktok, tracy and tara, and one of the questions was who is more likely to get cheated on and they both said tara.......ouch
So I guess corey didnt block me. I dont go searching for his stuff but noticed his name pop up under this pic. Tracy prob deleted him from IG cause she was sick of seeing other women hes liking
Did he delete the like because I didn’t see him liking it anymore?


Chatty Member
Her insecurity ended her marriage. On the podcast she said Corey didn’t compliment her enough and that she needed that attention from someone.

She doesn’t talk about Mr. Maloney because he runs a tv station in NJ. He’s a well respected person and I’m sure the fact his daughter married a 20 year old with no future aspirations and a drug habit were not things he wantes people to know.
where did you hear that? This is his LinkedIn profile.



VIP Member
That entire Epstein family needs to he fined. They have all been hanging out the past 3 weeks going back and forth to each other’s homes and worse then that broadcasting it all over social media. They’re excuse is it’s immediate family and none of them have left the house? So Tracy, Tara, the other sister and Corey have all stayed home and not gotten groceries for their own homes? I don’t think so. Maybe they haven’t gone to work but they have been out at some point. The rest of the world can’t see their families. Grandparents miss their grand kids and are staying home but this family thinks it’s okay for them to just ignore?!! I’d say they think they’re entitled but I don’t think it’s that. they’re straight up ignorant and dumb!!
Corey's niece and brother in law were with Corey and Skyler too, all cuddled up on the sofa

Seriously that sad meal of frozen sausages links and boiled eggs whites compared to Coreys meals are a joke. At least we know who the cook was. She probably can’t cook worth shit who asks for frozen sausages cauliflower rice and fucken cantaloupe? Sounds like someone who makes cheap fast meals cause they can’t cook. Her meals never look delicious but just like random everything but the fridge meals
What happened to the egg yolks? Did they really just have the whites?!


Well-known member
She might be even more tacky then Tracy. At least Tracy keeps it kinda neutral with her wardrobe and colors (can’t believe I’m giving her somewhat of a compliment) but Ashley wears some ridiculous shit at times lol
Who is this Ashley is she on IG??