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That entire Epstein family needs to he fined. They have all been hanging out the past 3 weeks going back and forth to each other’s homes and worse then that broadcasting it all over social media. They’re excuse is it’s immediate family and none of them have left the house? So Tracy, Tara, the other sister and Corey have all stayed home and not gotten groceries for their own homes? I don’t think so. Maybe they haven’t gone to work but they have been out at some point. The rest of the world can’t see their families. Grandparents miss their grand kids and are staying home but this family thinks it’s okay for them to just ignore?!! I’d say they think they’re entitled but I don’t think it’s that. they’re straight up ignorant and dumb!!
They are ALL a bunch of morons! Stay home you dumb asses. Going back and forth to each others homes is not social distancing. And sorry... but Tara is another one. When she was a nanny to the family with the 3 little kids, all she did all day was video them and put all their lives on social media. She would video the house, etc. NO ONE wants their info on social media w/o permission you dumb twat! Im thinking she's no longer with them. She's annoying and needs dental work! Yes I said it... she needs DENTAL WORK! Not to late to get a quote from the dentist!
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Knowing him he wouldn't reply bk and knowing his sister's esp she's come with a no one's business.etc
I have a feeling he will, but time will tell.

And if it's no ones business why the fuck does Tracy keep posting about? Like come on. She is making it very clear that Corey stepped out and either had an emotional affair or a physical one. We arent dumb, we can piece everything together
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OMG. I was so grossed out watching her eat that popcorn yesterday. SHE DIDN'T EVEN CHEW IT. LITERALLY INHALED IT. She put it in her mouth and it'd disappear. It was disgusting.
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Hmm odd on her latest insta story she posted a video of some movie or show and in the show the guy is renovating the whole house on his own and i guess his spouse is staying elsewhere while he renovates and the hubby asks the wife to show him her boobs via video call and the wife opens her robe for a second and jokes thats all you get and Tracy spoke over the video saying "thats all she gave him and he's renovating the whole house? This is why men cheat thats all she gave him"
Why is she so seemingly obsessed with sex? As important as it is its not the only thing...wonder if its in response to coreys tracy saying ok maybe i didnt support u verbally but i fcked u? 😳
There's something wrong with her! I commented on her first few threads that she is obsessed with sex, and she still has the mind of an 18 year old thinking that's the only thing that makes a marriage work. She's an idiot thinking that's the only thing that matters to a grown up man, no wonder she's been liking Filipio's stuff lately because he's as obsessed with sex as she is *major eyeroll*. A marriage failing comes from both sides, it wasn't because he didn't tell her she's beautiful or held her hand when he was driving, as much as she likes to blame him, she is equally at fault. I remember how she used to brag that she fell pregnant really quickly, she used to hashtag 2 under 2 and then 3 under 3, I know so many people who struggle to fall pregnant, and for some reason it used to bug me so much, because she always just comes off bragging about everything. And how the tides have turned, she's looking real rough!
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I watched the live and you could hear the sheer aggression in Tara’s voice, it made me feel really uneasy and Tracey just laughed. If that was my kid, I would have rocked Tara’s jaw.
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Someone commented on the nail salon and asked why they are doing Tracy’s nails and they should have their license revoked. They deleted the comment and posted this now. Like we fucking know that they are fresh nails. You can see them in that stupid new TikTok she posted. Unbelievable. I’m a hairstylist in south jersey and our salon is taking this very seriously. It pisses me off seeing shit like this.

On the nail salons pic
The fact that their flat out lying, as she's posting new videos with them on display is such a fckn slap in the face to all of us doing what we're supposed to do. They really think people are stupid, and I guess they are because people are actually agreeing with the salon and defending them. she's such an attention starved, asshole at this point, I can't believe more people aren't calling her ass out!
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Anyone have screen shots from her live? Can’t believe I missed it!
You didn’t miss much. She was in a car with someone. Acting obnoxious. It was dark. All you saw was fat head Tracy acting like a damn 13 year old on her first date sipping from a cup (tequila I assume). It was embarrassing and disgusting to watch. I was legit embarrassed for her.
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Wait so what she meant by that comment was that she cant walk them bcos she has allergies, Tara had to?! I thot she was just complaining that she couldnt enjoy spring bcos of quarantine woowwww if she doesnt even walk the kids no wonder shes gained weight 😔 thats sad i mean i get it allergies suck but take a tissue and walk the kids and get some exercise in to boot
Is all BS I have major allergies and I take Nondrowsy meds and am fine I can walk a marathon She is Lazy Trazy period. Fat lard
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Thank you!! I wasn’t clicking live so I was actually able to see it! This was totally disgusting and really pissed me off! Did anybody catch when she said her mom gave her their car!?? WTF!!??? Then she had the audacity to bitch about the VT bumper stickers!?? I’m with all with the people in here who said she must be broke, I’m convinced of that now. How much do you think she made off the show, appearances, magazines and the other advertisements? I’d think at least a couple 100ks!?? Like you have nothing to show from that whole time which is so sad!
She literally kept saying she doesn't have a dollar to her name. She said it a couple of times than when they were talking about hearing a bang in the house and she thought it was looters (it was the baby banging his head on the wall in his sleep apparently) , she said she doesn't have anything but the 4 tvs in her house that are worth anything, I was actually pretty shocked she'd admit that, but they were really drunk soooo.... Also, I found it really weird how Tracy didn't move to check her son she was saying was banging his head in his sleep, she just expected Tara to check him, and I was shocked that she screamed at him to shut the fuck up, and she didn't flinch, and had the audacity to say he's deaf guy's so she's not yelling at him?!?! I can't....
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She’s a disgrace. When she got pregnant she thought they would just be another handbag accessory and didn’t realise she would actually have to parent them. They would all be better off with their dad.
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Anyone would be an upgrade from this thing!!! She’s fucking gross. Absolutely disgusting. One day her kids will see all this and all she cares about is her obese ass. Yuck!! Its prob Sammy in the car acting like she with a man. Who the fuck would wanna touch that?!?! I mean really?!?! Cmon. That nasty twat is disgusting and thirsty...THIIIRSTAAAY!!!

well we all figured that tell....
It's going to come out sooner than later.

I don't have the heart to expose the convo I had with him. If it was something that didnt involve his feelings I would have but I just don't feel comfortable exposing that. He doesnt deserve that kind of treatment
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She’s probably hanging out with her man lol

Awww poor Tracy! That comeback was WACK!

the house she lives in now is gorgeous but she’s renting , of course.

I know what you mean. Like, she seemed more grounded and calmer with Corey. Now, as a single mom she’s a pig. Her attempts at being sexy with her saggy tits out and the off the shoulder look and her werewolf like hair extensions just scream “ Im going to release a sextape soon!” Jk But really, she’s a 30 something, mother of 3 making tick tok videos. She’s such a cliché. Yuck
Yes!! Also from the beginning of them dating I couldn’t understand how he was so attracted to her and kind of obsessed. He’s cute and I think he has pretty good style and there was Tracy with the fur boots, really bad style, overdone makeup and hair and even worse attitude. I was thinking do guys really find her hot??? Am I a hater thinking that she’s completely unattractive??
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EVERY time I click her live or tried to listen to the podcast she complains about the Jersey Shore cast...and how none of them were the real shore crowd like her
The show's about strangers being in a shore house there, idk why you're mad if it's not personal
Pauly himself is from 4 hours away it was more about the location than them repping Jersey but she always gets into the "EYE was the real jersey girl none of us ever saw them there but Deena" that's cause half the cast isn't from Jersey

I get a lot of Jersey people feel the prideful and don 't like how J shore represents Jersey but it's not that deep they just happened to have their show go big
It wasn't just Jersey Shore. You gotta remember that at the time when they were airing Jerseylicious & Jersey Shore, they were also airing Real Housewives of New Jersey, Jersey Couture, Jersey Belle & My Big Friggin Wedding. Eventually South Park did a spoof of all the Jersey mania (which if anyone hasn't seen, please do so - it's hilarious). The problem Jerseyites had was how the media was portraying New Jersey as a bunch of dumb, big haired, loud mouthed, gawdy dressed Italian ho's hooked with dumb, beefcake musclehead guido's.
I don't think Tracy's problem with the Jersey Shore cast was necessarily how they weren't true Jerseyites. I think its pure jealousy that they were favored by the public over JL. I think in her head she thought that Jerseylicious was gonna be on air for as long as the Simpsons have. But that didn't happen. Even before the Style Network tanked, JL's ratings were dropping. Why do you think they were grasping for straws for new storylines? Anthony Robert vs. Filly. Anthony Robert vs. Cathy Giove. Tracy & Krystal vs. Olivia & Miguel.
People responded better to the Jersey Shore. The cast brought more personality to the table than JL. All those little catch phrases: Cabs R Here. M.V.P. Awkward. GTL - gym, tan, laundry. The shirt before the shirt. Generades.
The viewers ate it up. They had the ratings & they had all sorts of spinoffs. No one can say that about Jerseylicious. And that just eats her ass up.
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Please. That fat bitch is getting commission by referring new customers to BoomBod because they offer affiliate programs. She doesn't care whether or not its effective or healthy, she justs wants the commission. If her followers had 1/2 a brain, they could buy glucomannan supplements elsewhere & save a TON versus buying BoomBod.
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Chatty Member
the owner of Princess Amour should really give her more camisoles in different design and color. Someone called it her uniform or her I forgot was it apron?😂 can’t remember but she would be in the same damn top!! Ashley’s cheek bones could stab u in the eye Jesus!!
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Does she speak to any of the Jerseylicious cast anymore?
She still speaks / is friendly with Doria I think that is it

Don’t know if anyone else noticed this but She was friends with cathie giovie till recently and by that I mean after Julian was born as I seen cathie bought her a walker for Julian but they stopped following each other and then since Tracy has been speaking with Filipo she has followed cathie again but don’t think she followed her back

also was friendly with Jackie and would meet up with kids / got to each other’s baby showers etc I think at one point I saw Jackie that gave her a bag of clothes she no longer needed then I noticed Jackie started hanging out with Olivia again and then Tracy and Jackie don’t follow each Other anymore and Tracy won’t mention her maybe Tracy thinks Jackie will tell Olivia her business or something
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Is anybody else confused about her hair photo? Wasn’t she bragging about her extensions like 2 wks ago when she got it done from that Bonita girl saying it was like 8 bundles? Now she’s posting that it’s her natural healthy hair? What’s going on? Did she actually goto that girl to get them out? If so, is your appearance that important where you could risk getting sick and bringing it home to your kids?
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