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These reek of immaturity and desperation. Its sad. I think she has lost her sense of self and thinks she can cover it up with looks and sex. Its only hurting herself bcos you cant ever run away from yourself forever
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Omggg i mean at this point I wouldn't put anything past her sadly. I think shes really lost sense of who she is and instead of trying to get real help she puts down therapy and anyone who disagrees with her and has put all her energy into recapturing her 20s or something i dunno i totally get being divorced and getting back out there but this isnt the way. She comes across as so desperate and classless
At first I thought she lost a sense of her self because it was a big deal to her to identify as a wife and a mother and hopes of being a reality star with caliber like Snooki, JWoww or Deena, but the more I read up about narcissism, a lot of it applies to Tracy. Especially when I read up about a Narcissistic Mother. (Ugh my heart aches for her children because the surface hasn’t even been scratched yet with that)
I don’t think Tracy believes in therapy because in her mind, she doesn’t need it, to her, everyone else is the problem. GiGi and Tracy’s parents was the problem when it came to the wedding, Olivia was the problem at the Gatsby, Corey was the problem in her marriage, the kids are the problem in her single life. Tracy posted about how being the mean friend is the one who wants what’s best for you and tagged her friends saying ya welcome. In my experience, my mean friends were the ones who enjoyed watching me crash and burn. Tracy doesn’t want to see anyone succeed. I’m sure she has sabotaged many of Sammy’s relationships even more so now as a single woman. Her friend got engaged and she’s telling the girl don’t get married, but yet acted all excited for her? Tracy always sees the other people as the problem. She takes pride in being the mean girl even though she tries to play like she’s some wholesome loyal friend.
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LMFAO!!! I can't believe this bitch is having a pity party for herself. Hah!!! Nobody told you to do jerseylicious. Nobody told you to get married. Nobody told you to have kids. Nobody forced you to stay in a marriage that wasn't working. Matter of a fact I bet everyone advised you not to do all that shit. YOU did all that honey. If you weren't divorced you wouldn't get 2 days to yourself. Man I want a pity party because I have my kid 7 days a week 98% of the time the entire year. Puhhhlease!!! Try again. Do something useful in your free time. There's more to life than alcohol and clubs. Grow tf up!!! I bet people are telling her now like someone mentioned to stop or she's going about her life wrong right now but will she listen. Nope. She has made bad decision after bad decision and she still doesn't understand that she should maybe listen to others advice. Especially those who are doing well for themselves. She's embarrassing. I feel bad for those related to her. She is not independent at all.

I want a refund too!! i had my 1st kid in my 20s and 2nd in my 30s i missed all that partying life style because I was stuck being a mom. I actually have to pay to take care of these kids and take them on vacation with my own money!!! Wth no one told me I was resounding for these gremlins 🤣🤣. The only time I have "me" time is when I get my hair done twice a year.

Shes a pathetic low life. She gets to stay rent free down the shore and food is provided for free for her and her kids. She dont pay for anything without mommy and daddies money. The last time my parents paid for a vacation for me and my kids was NEVER. Apperciate what you have you ungrateful bitch stop complaining about doing it on your own because you have a whole fuckin village helping you!!!
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But when did she ever consider herself a Daddy’s girl until recently? She NEVER considered herself one! “I’m the black sheep of my family. I always go against rules. I’m a Scorpio!” Girl, stop! You were a Daddy’s girl when Gene was alive and he checked you ALL THE TIME! If you looked at genes Instagram (which more than likely, SHE set up), he would post baddddddd pictures of Tracy like her folding laundry, “cleaning” etc.
Sheesh you were't lying! Lol She looks just like her mother here.


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This girls a fucking joke. I bet BB said something to her and now she feels the need to defend herself. You shouldn't have had 3 kids back to back if you still wanted to party like a teenager. Loser.
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Can’t hide that size running from Jessica’s security camera
She looks like a big slice of pizza in the second pic lmao 🍕

I just listened to 1min of the podcast.. she was apparently in a rush to leave Jess’ house and “sprinting to a dick appointment” .. “he’s like how fast can you get here” 🙄 lol sure jan

edit: I wish I just turned it off. Alan said he took 6 years of French and he can’t speak any of it. Trashy jumps in as per usual to make everything about herself and says “I can count to 10.. un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, huit, neuf, dix” The fucking idiot skipped 7 which is sept.... en tant que Canadien, je suis offensè! 🥴🥴🥴
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Someone seems pissed she had to babysit her children this weekend. She keeps saying she has her kids every other weekend but this is the first weekend she’s had to babysit her children since the weekend before Memorial Day. It must have burned her that she didn’t get the long weekend off to party. Although, she spent the weekend at her parents beach house with her parents so I’m not sure how much babysitting she actually had to do. She probably sat on her ass all weekend while her mom does all the work. By the looks of Jayden’s face in the video last night she couldn’t be bothered to put sunscreen on her kids. It drives me crazy that she lets those babies get burnt by the sun just so they can have a tan. Get your priorities straight! How many times have these kids been sunburnt? It’s really not hard to prevent. And when your 3 year old is running around outside playing baseball in the middle of the day with a bottle sticking out of his mouth that’s not for comfort! He needs a cup! She’s fucking up their skin and their teeth. All 3 of them. What part of what she does for these kids does she think makes her a good mother????
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So I found out some old gossip about Trashy. LOL it might not be important at all but it's whatever.

So I noticed that tracy was following someone in my family. I asked them about her and they said they grew up with Tracy and she was a nice girl but was obsessed with one of her BFs at the time that was named Jules. I want to say more but I'm afraid I might give the person away. 😫😫

I showed them a pic of her now and they said the pic is heavily filtered. LOL I told them she has 3 kids and divorced and their response was damn she looks rough. They said she's a pretty girl but doesn't look like her pics.
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Anyone notice how she hasn’t really posted sex stuff lately? June 26th was the ass in the pool thirst trap pic but since then it has been pretty PG. I wonder if her parents being back have anything to do with it. We should free Britney and get Ms Maloney on that conservatorship. <- not sure if I spelled that right haha. But seriously she is now posting more optimistic things like “I prayed for this…” what you prayed to not have your kids for three weekends so you can party? Okerrrttt girl.
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Notice Tracy commented the same time her mom posted that. So either they were in the same room planning what to say, or Tracy made the comment from her mom's insta and immediately afterwards commented back. Either way, this was not genuine
BOOM! I’ve been speculating this for months now. I am 90% certain Tracy runs her mom’s Instagram page. No one over the age of 50 uses emoji’s like Tracy does (or did) in her mom’s IG bio… Or feels the need to use Instagram font generators. That’s got Tracy written all over it.
Great catch on the timing of the comments! It’s definitely Tracy. I highly doubt her mother feels that way if she’s the one stuck taking care of her kids most of the time and paying for the bill. Your fucking delusional and INSANE tray keep talking to yourself 🤣
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Tell me you're an ignorant and vulgar POS without telling me you're an ignorant and vulgar POS.

Your vaxx status is a matter of public health, which is very much something people you come in contact with should be aware of. Not like we're in pandemic or something... Besides, vaccines could've saved lives of her friend's parents and countless others.

Or maybe she's insinuating that her rectum is a health hazard? 🤔
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Full of Baloney

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Lmfao I swear this bitch better never go missing. Nobody will know what they're looking for except her family and friends. I know that's so cliche but it's just so true with her.
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Bahahahahaha what the fawkkkkk is this

Tracy, you’re a piece of fucking shit
Here we go with the name slandering. Give me a fuckin break!!! She acts like shes some A list celebrity. You aint shit bitch. You have nothing important that will get tainted if Corey claims you cheated or you were the side chick. LOL I cant. I hate when she says this. Also, when these kids are with their dad on the weekends i see them always busy and entertained WTF do you do with them tracy?? bring them to a pool or the beach and have them pose for pics??

So when the "tell all" is released in a few weeks will Corey be able to defend himself?? If he replies back and tells his side is that slandering as well? How come Tract can constantly drag Corey through the mud but he cant say anything???
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Its amazing how she has time for everything EXCEPT for being a mom. Get a life Tracy! If youre unbothered whyyy do you keep addressing us? If you feel secure that you dont photoshop then why do you care it we say you do? Sounds to me like someone is guilty and over compensating. Also my condolences to those kids and corey that this is how their mom/ex chooses to behave on a public permanent forum, yikes


Imagine being so unbothered you go to these lengths to prove how "phat" your booty is 😝 honestly she prob does it on purpose for the traffic on her page, either way i am bored at work and cant look away from the train wreck 😝
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Why does she have to be such a bitch about EVERYTHING
Love the person response. Also Tracy shouldn't be drinking smoothies if she's so concerned about her keto life style. 🙄 the more she opens her mouth the more I wish someone, hopefully Sammy just punch her.
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