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I just dont get whyyyy she needs constant praise for doing the bare minimum ! She doesnt work! Every other single parent i know works full time and has never once posted about doing it all alone cos they know thats what being a parent is and also i think their friends and family would think they had gone off the deep end. It would be one thing if she worked three jobs and had literally not anyone in her life to help then maybe but it just comes off so pathetic when we can all see she has tons of help and doesnt work but has her nails and hair done always. How are her saddies that stupid? She angered me today too with that dumb post


I think shes on drugs today. Or someone called her out harddddd and she feels attacked and on the defense and needs to be validated by strangers to feel good about her dumbass life decisions
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I have a question that might have already been asked or answered. So Tracy has mental breakdowns on live whenever someone (Corey) accuses her of cheating in the marriage or when she found out she was the side piece recently. Shes always claiming they are lying on her name or whatever, but why didnt she have a mental breakdown when she was told that CPS would be called on her again or that shes not a good mom.

Im trying to understand why being called a cheater is worse than being called a bad mom? :unsure: :unsure:
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Imagine complaining you’re broke over and over yet buying “designer” and “luxury” items.
Imagine complaining you’re broke over and over yet you get procedures done, your nails done, your hair done, etc.

FUCKIN IMAGINE BEING A DECENT HUMAN BEING FOR ONCE. oh wait, that would be hard for you. Cunt.


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Hey Tracy, how about a photo of your kids? Posting this nasty shit on your page truly shows what really matters to you.
She said the censored questions were from her "guy friends". Tell me you're desperate for attention without telling me you're desperate for attention? She must've met a guy down the shore because whenever she gets some dick, her kids don't matter anymore. Now she's all about positivity and loving herself - so she doesn't look like the psycho ex-wife she is. Bragging about her A1 head again... girl how old are you? 33 going on 19. Grow the fuck up.
she really made this a post on her profile? 🤢 what a MAN, a D0G, a MUT, a Z00 ANiMAL, a HiPP0 WHALE, WHiTE TRAiLER TRASH PiG! imagine the teachers from deaf school clicking on one of her comments and seeing her disgusting profile? She literally belongs on the curb
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I know she gave a virtual A1 bl0wj0b to whoever runs RealityAsshole because they kissed her ass real quick and stopped posting about her. I wonder if they would make an exception to this disgusting shit. For some reason, this girl is never held accountable for her behaviour.. if this was anyone else you knowwwww cancel culture would be in full effect. This is the type of shit that has no excuse and it should be addressed. I’m sure her psycho saddies would STILL find a way to defend her. 🙄 Making all that noise a couple weeks ago defending GG with the Kelly Dodd shit.. puhhhhleaseee, Trashy you got your own racist posts hiding in the closet!
I agree! Something definitely went on with Reality Ashhole. I've sent them stuff and they don't even reply. I had sent them a post from her Facebook where she's calling her neighbors immigrants and they didn't post it either.

Fuck, fucking...are the only words she knows in english! She is so vulgar even for a 20yo girl!

If only we can post them under every of her IG post!
I know right! I wish.

She's never had an ass. It's just wide 🤣🤣
Just embrace your body already 🤦
Stop with the photoshop
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At this point it’s not even about the fact that she had the surgery because she’s a lazy SOB who put zero energy into actually working out and dieting to loose weight. It’s the fact that she’s out here LYING about HOW she lost it. At least Doria and Jackie were honest about their procedures. Tracy out here lying that she did it all by diet when it’s not. It’s a procedure and photoshop and some slight dietary changes due to a procedure. Meanwhile there’s someone who’s looking at that boom box picture and beating themselves up for eating some chips or something. She’s playing a very dangerous game by not being the least bit honest about how she’s loosing her weight.
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Chatty Member
Sooo this happened. Please keep in mind I had to upkeep the fake persona ass kissing charade so that way she could’ve possibly posted/answered

nOt EvErYoNe Is ObSeSSeD wItH sOciAl mEdIa - says the person most obsessed with social media 😂

Also since she DM’d me I found this gem of her iNfLuEnCeR pRiCeS (from 2019)


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I know pregnancy sometimes can change your features (thickened nose while pregnant etc) but i really think those liquid nose jobs messed up her face. I know they say the filler dissolves but in her case with her using cheap places it seems like the filler just migrated badly. God now with the cheap lip filler and sun damage the lord alone knows what shes gonna look like at 40. She needs to take a break from a lot of things and just re center and find herself. I think she has mixed up changing with growing. The minute she realizes growing isnt "selling out" she might find herself some peace.

Is the podcast a free one today? Im curious if you tattlers are right and tracy will discuss gene? 😔


Guess this explains coreys "lack of success"
Tracy drained him of his 900k settlement and all his money earned while working 😒
How can anyone succeed when theyre expected to work and provide for five in one of the most expensive states, give compliments every hour, never go out with friends so the wife doesnt feel left out, let the wife go out with friends all the time since she "works so hard" like what did corey get out of it???? Tracy barely cooks! Or cleans! So corey was expected to pretty much do everything?! I get it three kids is no picnic but all the moms i know have three kids and a full time job. Tracy has never worked as a im really confused how she has it "so hard" she has it the easiest ive ever seen and still complains every day. I feel like even if she won 100 million dollars she'd still be miserable and broke like a year later
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So do we think Gene loved her as much as she said? I mean I feel Gene was a super sweet, super loving man so I believe it. I just am curious to know if there was a cumulation of things that made Corey want to leave. With Gene passing away, and then the other issues, but I feel like if Gene really loved her like she said Corey would have tried a bit harder. I could be totally off though.
Honestly, I feel like she played Gene. She saw how he was with his own daughters and she craved that because she does not have that from her father. She definitely manipulated him and that whole family and I think that’s a theme in her relationships. Too bad there’s nobody to confirm this, but I think she plays the woe is me my family doesn’t love me card very very well.
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Oh yeah, my thing is, where are those perky titties she has? Why are her boobs about to pop out? But hey I give her credit for not wearing a suit that her ass is eating
She's trying to "change". Lol 12 hours ago she was posting how she gives great blowjobs and now she's a one-piece wearing single mom of thr3e spending 26/30 days with her kids. Pick one, Maloney... and stick to it.
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Solo main guardian? Wtf. She sounds insane. Between her parents and tara shes def not solo. No time to be tired? What is she tired from? She doesnt work and corey takes them every other weekend! Her and her saddies are delusional.
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Chatty Member
Tracy saying she is so chill and not jealous at all is such a lie. How many times did she say on her Insta or on Corey’s Insta that she had access to his account and would read his DM’s and see the women who were DM’ing him and then say stuff like they were laughable. A non jealous person doesn’t demand to have their BF’s or husbands Instagram password!!!!! Any normal person doesn’t have their significant other’s social media passwords. That is the most jealous and bothered you can get. But why lie about it? Maybe if someone asked you and you didn’t want to admit it you lie. BUT NOBODY ASKED!!! Why are you lying?!
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Whoever commented under the post it’s inappropriate as a post is completely right. She’s reaching way too much and it shows how sad she really is. If she is first and foremost a mother even tho she’s single it’s wrong to post this even to insinuate what it says. You can be sexual but do it privately like you claim that’s what you do but sweetie it’s the total opposite. No guy wants to date someone like this.
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Sure jan. Thats why you tell strangers in your comments not to get married and that you dont beleive in love 🙄 shes so fake. Why even post this besides wanting to convince others shes such a good friend. Pathetic.
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Full of Baloney

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LMFAO!!! I can't believe this bitch is having a pity party for herself. Hah!!! Nobody told you to do jerseylicious. Nobody told you to get married. Nobody told you to have kids. Nobody forced you to stay in a marriage that wasn't working. Matter of a fact I bet everyone advised you not to do all that shit. YOU did all that honey. If you weren't divorced you wouldn't get 2 days to yourself. Man I want a pity party because I have my kid 7 days a week 98% of the time the entire year. Puhhhlease!!! Try again. Do something useful in your free time. There's more to life than alcohol and clubs. Grow tf up!!! I bet people are telling her now like someone mentioned to stop or she's going about her life wrong right now but will she listen. Nope. She has made bad decision after bad decision and she still doesn't understand that she should maybe listen to others advice. Especially those who are doing well for themselves. She's embarrassing. I feel bad for those related to her. She is not independent at all.
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