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Tara just posted a boomerang of her cheersing with someone - def looked like a guys hand - and she had a heart emoji too. PLEASEEEEEE God let Tara get a man and not have time to raise Tracy’s kids 247 anymore! That would be step 1 of a reality check for 🦛 🐳
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I see we need validation today. Tracy, you are not “that mom”. You are not the solo main guardian. Your son lives with your parents. Tara takes your kids to the important appointments while you get your hair, nails or cosmetic procedures. Corey’s family and your parents take the kids everywhere, you just steal the videos and the pictures to pass them off as your own. You take them to a park and stay far enough away that if a person was to snatch them up, you wouldn’t be close enough to stop it.
You’ve put so much energy into your thot shit behavior that if you were my mom, I wouldn’t brag about you, you are nothing worth bragging about. You’re mean, you’re attention seeking, you refuse to co parent because your ex-spouse moved on first. The only people who won’t see past it are those people in your comments section gassing you up.

Being a single parent is hard, being a single parent with zero help is harder. You’ve never been in a situation where you had to call out of work because you had no child care. You’ve never been in a situation where your ex said they were coming then didn’t show up (my gut tells me that those kids extended stays at Tara’s/ Raven’s/ your parents tell me you do this not Corey). You’ve never had to pick between getting your hair done or treating your kids to a day at the amusement park (full knowing you’re going to pick the day at the amusement park because your kids come first)

It’s crazy how when you were married, all of this was fine and acceptable, but divorced you needs praise for just waking the kids up for school. Divorced you needs praise for ordering in food, divorced you needs to scream about self care, divorced you needs the world to know you’re a good mom while simultaneously showing off that you actually have lost the ideology of what motherhood is.

someone else on here said it. A hit dog will holler, it’s fair to say Tracy’s been triggered this morning.
Also asshole, you’re not a “guardian” those are YOUR CHILDREN. Tara is a guardian, your parents are guardians…. you are a parent…step the fuck up and act like one. Before you post stupidity online ask yourself “does this make me sound good or does this make me sound like an asshole” and if it’s the 2nd one…. Don’t post it. Maybe more of her “saddies” have seen the light. Maybe she read on here and is triggered today. Who knows. But I bet all the youre a wonderful mom comments come from all the same twits that they usually come from while her “real friends” scroll right on by and make no comments.


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Pure trash. "Talk about my mother again, I fucking dare you" I just did you dusty bitch lmao.
HEY BIG T YOU STUPID BITCH LISTEN HERE. Your goddamn disgusting piece of shit mother ENABLES your shit behavior. You take advantage of her constantly and she allows it. The fact that she does NOTHING to straighten you out speaks volumes. She is just as much a shit person as you are. Fuck you, and fuck your cunt mom. You dumb hippo whale bitch.

ALSO YOUR LAST NAME IS MALONEY NOT DIMARCO. Stupid fucking made up last name. Dumb fucking cunt. Go take care of your fucking kids and stop partying like a fucking drunk skank in her 20s
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She’s become complete and utter TRASH. I understand the whole losing an identity thing, but is this really how she wants to rebrand herself? This ain’t even Thot Shit, she’s just straight garbage. I’ve never seen someone so desperate for attention that they will literally post anything to get attention. Someone hose her down, her desperation is showing.
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This delusional bitch needs to pick a size and stick with it. How your ass change so much in less than a month, hoe? HOW? HOWWW SWAYY!?

how are her followers not noticing this sick shit?
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Here she goes again with her mom of the year posts. LOL stop with the nonsense and be truthful. You are a divorced mom of 3. You don't raise those kids alone or provide much for them. Your parents pay for the roof over their head. They enjoy time DTS at your parents house. They aren't in sports or anything cause you are to lazy to take them anywhere. And remember you are their mother its your job to support them or be their guardian wtf did you think being a mother is.

I'm sure 90% of the moms on here and out there do 95-100% of the work in a single or married home. Thats our #1 job, our instincts to take care of our kids!! We don't need to announce it everyday on social media our friends and family know this. Why does she constantly have to mention something. Is it because you don't have your kids all the time like you claim you do. So it makes you feel better to post meme about it.

Ughhh this bitch aggravated me already and its only 8am.
She truly doesn't understand the difference between being a single woman and being a single mother.
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She wishessss. She literally stopped co parenting at the expense of her children just bcos corey started dating, even tho tracy posts her hickies online 🙄 shes such an immature loser honestly
Who needs to say theyre unbothered and cool this much if its actually true?
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I just clicked "forgot my password" on IG & put Maria's username to see if a phone number pops up but instead its this email. Corey's birthday is March 8. Now what if Maria is really just Corey talking to himself to get info circulating without coming off as a drama starter? Possible? [email protected]? Anyone agree?


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Hey Tracy, how about a photo of your kids? Posting this nasty shit on your page truly shows what really matters to you.
She said the censored questions were from her "guy friends". Tell me you're desperate for attention without telling me you're desperate for attention? She must've met a guy down the shore because whenever she gets some dick, her kids don't matter anymore. Now she's all about positivity and loving herself - so she doesn't look like the psycho ex-wife she is. Bragging about her A1 head again... girl how old are you? 33 going on 19. Grow the fuck up.
I would jump off the Verrazzano Bridge before posting something like this for my friends/family/ex in-laws to see. I would never be able to explain myself at the next Sunday dinner. I’ll be 30 this year, I’m married, pregnant with my second - and my crazy Italian mother would still beat my ass up and down the block if I was out here talking about my head game and posting half naked pics. 🤮
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Her captions needs to be “BRB, trying to find a job” 🤦🏻‍♀️ her parents totally enable her. They Prbly only do it for the grand babies..I do picture her dad being the type to actually put his foot down but Big-T uses them to get her way. “I need money for groceries. My kids need to eat. cOrEy dOeSnT pAy mE cHiLd sUppOrT!” “I need money for my light bill. My kids need it!” “I need money to pay my phone bill, how else will the grandkids talk to you?” She Prbly uses their “helping money” to get her nails done, hair done, drinking and going out then used Corey’s child support money to pay some of the priority bills. She’s an idiot and such a useless sack of skin who doesn’t bring forth anything productive to society 🤷🏻‍♀️
on the Sad Examples podcast they uploaded today, hippo whale said her dad took her to Paris alone for her Grade 8 graduation trip, they sat front row at Paris fashion week and had dinner at the top of the Eiffel Tower... also mentioned how he set Trashy up for failure to find love because he’s super romantic and obsessed with her mom and buys her high heels every mother’s day but Trashy couldn’t find a man like that so she gave up 🤢🤢🤢 all of a sudden she’s on a praising rampage for her father.. idk why it makes me so uncomfortable when she talks about her own family so often these days lmfaooo. Money definitely buys relationships in her family. I also get a really weird feeling that there is very deep skeletons in their closet. the family group pics give me weird vibes 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Why does she have to be such a bitch about EVERYTHING
She’s a moron! It’s a smoothie. Smoothies are when you blend fruits/veggies together; juice is when you literally JUICE the fruit for its liquid (that’s what she said!). it might be a slushee if it’s actual juice with ice but juice isnt that thick

Wow her edit makes her sound more pathetic
Oh ok so all parents who work and get married have babies young are allowed to toss their kids to the garbage when theyre 30 and need to make up for the party time missed? Is she insane? Like if you wanted to party more you shouldn't have gotten married or had kids or had so many. No one forced her, actually was the opposite ppl telling her to slow down but noooo little miss know it all told everyone to go to hell and did what she wanted and now shes upset because ppl are prob trying to nicely advise her on maybe cooling it down with the constant wanting to party post-divorce. You would think she learned from when she didnt listen about rushing into kids and marriage for a tv show 😒
Hm…stupid me is over here having anxiety about leaving my kids for a weekend for a bachelorette but I guess I should tell them to fuck off and do me, right? Bcos I was a teen mom and married at 20 so I have even more to make up for than she does 🙄🙄

T-bag, tell me you’re a shitty, selfish mom without telling me you’re a shitty selfish mom
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on the Sad Examples podcast they uploaded today, hippo whale said her dad took her to Paris alone for her Grade 8 graduation trip, they sat front row at Paris fashion week and had dinner at the top of the Eiffel Tower... also mentioned how he set Trashy up for failure to find love because he’s super romantic and obsessed with her mom and buys her high heels every mother’s day but Trashy couldn’t find a man like that so she gave up 🤢🤢🤢 all of a sudden she’s on a praising rampage for her father.. idk why it makes me so uncomfortable when she talks about her own family so often these days lmfaooo. Money definitely buys relationships in her family. I also get a really weird feeling that there is very deep skeletons in their closet. the family group pics give me weird vibes 🤷🏻‍♀️
Such a daddy's girl yet daddy didn't walk her down the aisle. Okaaaaaaaaaay sure!
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I'm so happy these videos are making their way into the threads again lol we have many new members and I'm hoping these videos and comments serve as proof as to who Tracy Maloney really is.
New member here 😄 I discovered this page a few months ago through a post on the IG name @tracydimarco. Does anyone know if that's her account and she forgot her password? Anyways, I knew of Tracy (& Olivia [from Montville I believe?]) before they were on Jerseylicious and was told that they were both rather conceited (Olivia's myspace name used to be "oLiViA SoOoO CoNceiTeD" [around the time of Remy Ma's song Conceited came out]). I hate to admit it, but I used to go out clubbing in the city (clubs like Myst, Sol, Guest House/Home, Cain and many more) and knew the same promoters they did (which is why I knew of Jaiden [mentioned in a previous post] and other promoters like JohnRock, Hugo, Junior, Angelo & more (they worked for Rockstarr Ent. and then Entourage Ent.).

Anyways, I was beyond excited to find others that knew deep down that Tracy was ALWAYS the bully and is just a terrible, dishonest human being in search of fame by any means necessary. She could've used the tiny amount of fame that came from JL for good but chose the wrong path.

Well, that's it for me. But before I go, I just wanted to take a trip down memory lane (and sorry if the pics are repeats! I am a new member after all 🙂).

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I don’t feel bad about any of this.
getting married young- chose to for hope of a reality show—— remember both she & Corey said in the reunion they were in talks of getting a spin off
Rush to have a baby - chose to for hope of a reality show (she mentioned things were in the works)
Rush for a 2nd baby - chose to for hope of a reality show (still mentions a show was in the works)
Baby number 3- trouble in paradise but still hope of getting a reality show. (Launched a FAILED YouTube Channel)
All her friends were still around when she got married and had kids, she’s lucky because most people lose many friends when they get married and have kids because their friends can’t relate to that life.

Someone is a bit desperate for attention today. Also, does anybody else remember anybody ever tagging Corey in shit that he was out “all night” cause if I remember, the most he was tagged in was a lot of baseball games & a lot of work related things…. And it was confirmed that Tracy dreaded taking part in things Corey liked. Also, when they would go to AC, Tracy would get bored and leave him and go to the room and go on live. They went to AC like once a month as a “get away from the kids”

am I losing it or am just remembering an alternate reality.
She needs to STFU. She was out drinking and acting like a 21 yr old for 3 weekends in a row. She is a mom of 3 stop acting like its not your job to be with your kids. Im tired of her crying about being with the kids all the time. WtF did she think was going to happen when she had kids. They were going to be born and take care of themselves. Yes, moms deserve time to themselves but this bitch ALWAYS has time to herself. Stop crying victim and move on from Corey already!!!

I thought she was a cool wife where she lets Corey hang out with his friends. All of a sudden its an issue. Get your life together hoe.
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Here she goes again with her mom of the year posts. LOL stop with the nonsense and be truthful. You are a divorced mom of 3. You don't raise those kids alone or provide much for them. Your parents pay for the roof over their head. They enjoy time DTS at your parents house. They aren't in sports or anything cause you are to lazy to take them anywhere. And remember you are their mother its your job to support them or be their guardian wtf did you think being a mother is.

I'm sure 90% of the moms on here and out there do 95-100% of the work in a single or married home. Thats our #1 job, our instincts to take care of our kids!! We don't need to announce it everyday on social media our friends and family know this. Why does she constantly have to mention something. Is it because you don't have your kids all the time like you claim you do. So it makes you feel better to post meme about it.

Ughhh this bitch aggravated me already and its only 8am.


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I just dont get whyyyy she needs constant praise for doing the bare minimum ! She doesnt work! Every other single parent i know works full time and has never once posted about doing it all alone cos they know thats what being a parent is and also i think their friends and family would think they had gone off the deep end. It would be one thing if she worked three jobs and had literally not anyone in her life to help then maybe but it just comes off so pathetic when we can all see she has tons of help and doesnt work but has her nails and hair done always. How are her saddies that stupid? She angered me today too with that dumb post

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I think shes on drugs today. Or someone called her out harddddd and she feels attacked and on the defense and needs to be validated by strangers to feel good about her dumbass life decisions
Tequila is not water - just saying
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