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Someone should DARE her to spend 5 whole days with all 3 of her children, making their meals, bathing them, taking them to all appointments, doing schooling, playing and just engaging with them in general and most importantly nourishing the maternal bond. I double dog dare ya Tracy, you beast
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Hi Everyone! I'm new to the chat, but I've been a fly on the wall for a year now. I used to be obsessed with Tracy back during her Jerseylicious days and then became an avid follower of hers on Instagram. I noticed some inconsistencies online over the years, but never paid much attention to any of them. It wasn't until I found one of your pages in her comments on a pic and that's when I saw the TRUE her in her unedited pictures. It was like all I knew was a LIE. I couldn't believe I went so many years believing her words and envying her edited body/face/hair. I also saw someone comment saying just out Tattle and that's when I googled and found all you wonderful people exposing the truth. I felt like I was in the Truman show and just then seeing the light. Anyway, I commented on one of Tray's pics a few months ago about the girls being cold out in the snow without jackets or any warm clothing and Tracy shot back at me with "mine your business" to which I responded with "it's mind* your business" and she blocked me, as well as DM'ed me on a fake account with a truck load of vile comments and wanted to keep arguing through message. I gave her my phone number to call me so she could tell me how she really feels without hiding behind a phony, no picture, no name account. I never got a call, but she did delete her phony account after reading my proposition. These developments with "John" I totally believe are true. If they were untrue, I don't think Tracy would entertain them, or Sammy, for that matter. Tracy all but begged to have "John" leave her alone with her infamous "I'm a mother of 3" copout, basically saying she doesn't have the money to pay him back *because* she has 3 kids and it would be heartless to expect that a single mom can just dish out that money when she has kids to feed (eye roll, I know). I don't think Tracy would bother to plead for "John" to leave it alone OR bother providing him an excuse ("I'm a mother"), as well as mentioning that it's already been 2 years since the money incident, if it were untrue. It also seems like Tracy and Sammy know who it is. Tracy asked "John" "what's with the name John?" So she clearly knows who it is and that their real name isn't John. If she didn't know who this was or what they were talking about, she probably would have responded without indulging in the money conversation/plea, and would have, in my opinion, outted this person on her stories as a "bully" (as she has done to others and tattle) rather than crying in private and having Sammy get involved. We all know Tray loves to air dirty laundry... there's a reason why she's keeping this under wraps.
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Omg how many times is she gona mention that she doesn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day?! We get it! Shut up about it already Big-T! Nobody literally cares. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🙄🤭
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OMG SHE WANTED TO ABORT JAYDEN!?? 😭😭😭 (I’m not knocking anyone who has had abortions, because everyone has their reasons) but just because it was another girl is so upsetting
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Full of Baloney

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Not to sound redundant but I just want it to be clear big t, Jess and any of their saddies watching. You all always ask and say I don't understand how people waste their time talking about us, they have no life, why don't they unfollow us, they're pathetic, etc...... here's your answer you geniuses...IT'S THE SAME REASON WE WATCHED JERSEYLICIOUS, JERSEY SHORE, REAL HOUSEWIVES, ETC...IT'S ENTERTAINING TO WATCH PEOPLE MAKE ASSHOLES OF THEMSELVES IN PUBLIC BY CHOICE!!! NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS!! BIG T, YOU ARE A TRAIN WRECK!!! IT'S ENTERTAINING. PERIOD!! I'm sure you're guilty of watching some trashy reality TV show like hmmm...the Bachelor!!! Then nonstop yap about who you like and don't like and why!!! Same thing you hypocrite!!! Now you can shut up about it and add that to your bully episode. 🖕😘
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Tracy will never ever compromise for the sake of her children. Those kids are going to spend the rest of their lives with separate everything. Separate holidays and birthdays for the rest of their lives because of Tracy’s inability to suck shit up just for the sake of her kids. She would rather be a bitter bitch forever. She will never be able to be with a man who has kids because she will expect her kids to be put before his own kids and try to say it’s because Corey is a dead beat dad. Kids with dad... to her that’s just more “me time” as if she doesn’t fucking treat herself on the regular.
Those jarring differences in birthday celebrations and acknowledgements for Skylar and Jayden are going to bite both those families in the ass so hard. None of them should be surprised if once Jayden has a solid group of friends or even that one friend who’s mother practically makes Jayden their other child if Jayden’s behaviors change towards all of them, especially Tracy. I can see her having a pure hate for her. Kids aren’t stupid, they see more shit than we ever expect them to.
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I get why some are pissy & saying she shouldn’t have to be there for the parties bc he cheated , but when they split up she said out of her own mouth that she wants to be BFF with him and whoever he’s dating and do stuff with the kids and be the best most mature single Mom in the whole wide world. Straight out her own mouth. while already knowing he cheated ! The problem is she completely changed her mind as soon as he found a girlfriend which contradicts her most mature mom image she constantly displays to everyone
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The cringe 😬

Can’t pass up an opportunity to mention zero child support 😂

Good good and WAP she’s def high
she is gross! Obviously the “best head” and WAP wasn’t good enough to keep your husband from sleeping with ESCORTS. He’d literally rather pay for it than sleep with you.

No they didn’t as soon as Sammy said oh really? You want me to tell them why? Tracy just started acting stupid and looking at comments on the live.
sammy seemed SO beyond over it. She said like 3-4 times how she thinks tray is beautiful but she doesn’t like the lips. Big T just ignored her. And the whole why is she wearing a mask - big T was like ??? And Sammy kept saying really tracy You don’t know why?? It’s clear that Tracy still doesn’t give a shit about covid even though they’re literally at a gathering for her friends parents who BOTH just died bc of covid.
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I am LIVING for this piping hot tea ☕ today! It’s all starting to make sense and come together
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Let’s recap the “facts” from the screenshots from “John”:

- Cops were called in 2019, an incident happened that resulted in T not being able to watch her kids alone (T and Corey divorced in like early 2020 or late 2019 so I feel timeline wise this may be true?)

-Around sept2019”John” mentioned to Corey asking why his wife is making fun of Sammy in front of everyone and saying he isn’t going to give up asking until he gets the 5K back (Sammy confirmed the incident happened thru her DMs with “John”. Tracy confirmed in her DMs with “John” saying “that was 2fucking years ago get over it” which would be 2019. Confirmed)

- John claims “even Sammy knows, everyone knows that she can’t have her kids alone” (this would make sense considering we all keep saying why are her friends not telling her to be with her kids?! It could be because they know she legally can’t and Tara and her Mom are the kids actual guardians - hence Tara taking sky to the dentist, home schooling, and T’s Mom doing Julian’s therapy. This would leave Jayden but T did say Jayden does in person schooling so perhaps since she’s at school all day technically T doesn’t really have her full time at home type of thing?)

- “John” claims the escorts happened a long time ago during their marriage and that T used it as an excuse to leave once shit hit the fan with her taking the borrowed money to pay back his dealers and once she crashed his car and Corey spiraled and lost his license. (This would explain why she ran coreys social media {she didn’t trust him due to the cheating} and instantly clapped back at any girl who questioned their marriage - not to mention tried to portray the perfect marriage SO hard, since we all know she lives in delusion)

- “John” states neither T nor Corey can be alone with the kids. (Just from Instagram alone we can all see they’re constantly doing outings with either Tara or her parents. If all said above is true, it would make sense that combined with the cheating, drug use, coreys father dying and him spiraling, T stealing the loaned drug money and putting both John and Corey in a shit hole because of it, that Tracy and Corey got into a HUGE fight{probably both either high and/or drunk which could’ve been violent in front of the kids hence their loss of parental privileges. Their toxic relationship combined with T’s neglect{the kids teeth are horrible, they constantly look depressed and disheveled, etc} could have led to loss of full rights over them)

Overall with the timeline, Sammy confirming, Tracy confirming, and the nature / timeline of events I def believe it’s true but that’s just my humble opinion! Can someone with a burner pleaseeeee send the SS’s to realityashole! T will just report and block his page and this can’t just disappear - esp with the Sammy and her screenshots confirming they both know the situation and want “John” to drop it. They know it will ruin T and it’s about time she got knocked off her high horse.
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Imagine being so petty that you couldn’t even put your differences aside with your ex for a few hours so that you could be at your own daughter’s birthday party. But even worse, you skip the party to go get your hair and nails done. Unbelievable, pure trash. 🗑🚮🗑🚮🗑🚮🗑

Does anyone remember is anyone from big Ts camp wished Jayden a birthday as hard as they did Skylar?
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Full of Baloney

VIP Member
Because her sEcReT mAn is driving her around. But honestly I’m confused if we saw that she’s lost her license are her parents or any friends not telling her she should not be driving let alone driving and filming? My mother would never let me drive around with my kids and drop them off to her. I’m 33 years old and she will still smack the shit out of me
I believe she's since gotten it back. Who knows though.

I unfortunately had to un follow all the spectacular hate pages, don’t worry I’ll still be lurking, fabulous work you do ladies! I’ll be back when dust settles... I’m literally 2 month’s new and this thread is downright terrifying lately. Has it always been so real-life-serious/threatening? Cause this some scary shit I been reading lately. I Stan with y’all but I’m just saying, it’s a lot to take in. Stay safe ladies
No not always been like this. This crap just started. I believe it's big t and Jess doing it but more so big t. She wants to control us and make us stop the same way she blocks everyone on her page. It drives her nuts that she can't help herself from reading here and that she can't block us. So she's trying to intimidate us.. We're doing nothing wrong. People gossip all the time about celebrities, reality stars, x reality stars, etc...she puts 99% of the stuff out there that we talk about. On a rare occasion we've dug to find stuff.
I could stop yapping about her and finding ways to get around her hacking and blocking but the fact that it drives her nuts is why I do it. She's not the only one who can be petty.

She also did this to herself. Alot of us if not all were fans of hers. Some of us got blocked for innocent comments or liking the wrong comment because apparently she's always been insecure and paranoid. Or getting snapped at by her or watching her snap at someone for saying anything other then she's the most fabulous perfect person in the world. Some of us supported her over priced trash she's sold or promoted and have even defended her at some point only to be talked to nasty by her. I could go on. She's an arrogant, nasty, lying bitch and alot of people think this which is how a bunch of us ended up here because we can speak freely here. Guarantee if she wasn't so nasty and fake over the years these pages about her wouldn't even exist. We could all just move on but it feels so good now after all these years to be able to speak freely about it all. Once we get bored we'll stop. However we are actually gaining followers because sooooo many people feel like this. So even if some of us stop there will be more. Some of us are still rooting for her to be a great person but I've thrown in the towel personally. I'm an ex fan and forever will be now and don't feel one ounce of sympathy for her for anything.
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BAHAHAHAHA I knew it was real it was too close to what everything that has been said and predicted here not to be REAL! Sorry but you don’t have your kids around you 24 seven and living with your parents because you’re a great parent. CPS or somebody stepped in and said enough is enough because Tracy and Cory are known drug users or drug dealers. Come for me 😂 I don’t care
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I have to go back to Skylar at Tara’s house for virtual school for a quick minute. For two different weeks, Big T has mentioned that Tara wanted Skylar an additional day for one on one time.

1-It’s never one additional day, Tara winds up keeping Skylar for an entire additional week.

2-Skylar has a complete, dedicated school space at Tara’s house. Skylar isn’t just at the kitchen table with a laptop and a piece of paper to write on. There is obviously a dedicated space for Skylar to work at.

She really thinks we’re idiots when she says every other week “Tara wanted to keep Skylar an extra day for one on one time.” It always turns into a week and then Tara posts pics of Skylar all week long, doing virtual school in the space that she set up for her niece!!

I wouldn’t be surprised if Tara was posting these pics all week long to show Big T is a liar. Oh the subtle shade is wonderful!!
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