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I'd be honest with her and say you feel your friendship has come to an end.

I tried to ghost someone once and they reported me missing to the police!
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The fact that you made the long post shows they're really not a friend.

Today I contacted a friend who I've not spoken to for 4 months and told them about a festival I'm going to and if they're up for it. They booked tickets straight away and showed me the confirmation. Then we messaged for hours and it was the same as ever even after not talking for months on end.

When we meet up again it will be like we were just at the pub last week. A friendship doesn't need to be constant contact, its about meaningful contact, when you both have the time. It should be easy, no stress, no drama.

Don't put up with anything less.
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Quiet Observer

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I completely ghosted a “friend” a year ago now at the beginning of the pandemic. She’d been on and off with me for years, changed friendship groups more than her underwear and mum shamed me so bad I’m sure she contributed to my PND. She made a comment about the pandemic and I just saw red. Every patronising comment and put down from over the years just came flooding back and I blocked her on everything. I can honestly say I do not regret it and I actually feel so much better without her in my life. I know that sounds mean but she never would have listened or respected my opinion or the way she was making me feel if I tried to talk it out with her. Leopards don’t change their spots.
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Bin this person off. Life is too short for frenemies.

I ghosted a long term friend (that sounds awful but I couldn’t cope with a showdown) when I had a sudden realisation that she hadn’t really said or done a nice thing to/for me for years. The final straw was when I was getting married and wanted to have a low key hen do (I am not a big night out person at all). Sent an email out to all of my closest friends about having a few cocktails, and she replied - to everyone, not just me - asking that no one drink any alcohol because she was newly pregnant. She also wrote an essay about how difficult it would be for her to attend because she wouldn’t be able to leave home until she’s put her elder child to bed 🤣

I told her it was OK, she didn’t need to come.

I was really blindsided that someone could be so selfish and try to make a hen do all about her. It was a real straw that broke the camel’s back moment.
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Cutting off toxic people is so good for the soul. I’ve had a couple of toxic friendships in the past. I’m quite a shy person and a bit of a pushover which is probably why toxic people latched on to me when I was younger. Drama would just follow me being involved with them.

I don’t feel guilty for cutting them off at all. Or feel guilty for labelling them as toxic. My life is so much more calm without those type of people and I am genuinely happy with my none-toxic lovely friends.
Put yourself first! Especially if she’s made up lies and got involved with your relationship.
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Chatty Member
I cut off lots of people in my life over the years. I seem to attract narcissists. I'm quite shy and private, so I am ideal fodder for self absorbed people who are all about themselves. There are 2 good friends who I just had enough of, and ghosted. Sometimes I regret going nuclear as we did have good times, and I don't have any friends now. I'm 45,and found that when I hit 30,my friends dwindled to nothing now.
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Tinkerbell cat

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I had to cut my ex best friend off and as hard as it still feels sometimes because I do miss bits of our friendship, I know it was the best thing I ever did for my mental health.

she was such a toxic person, she had lost lots of friends over the years which speaks volumes really but she was my best friend so I was there for her. It would always be her way or no way, she was spoilt and Always kick off to get her way. It got so draining, for about a year before we stopped being Friends I felt just on constant egg shells round her, arguments all the time. Such a shame because we had so many laughs over the years but sometimes you just need to put yourself first.

if this girl is making you feel crap on a daily basis and not respecting you, especially when you ask her not to mention something but she still does then just cut her off and you don’t owe her explanation at all, you are allowed to talk away from anyone and anything that threatens your mental health and drains your energy. Somedays you’ll miss the good times but then you’ll realise you’re better off away from such a toxic, draining “friend”ship... people like that aren’t your real friends. Don’t waste another second on her x
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Chatty Member
this is literally all of my friendships. It’s always me making the effort and they reply when they fancy it.
i have one friend who Ive had to distance from at the moment because she will only talk to me when she’s got a problem in her life. I will not hear from her any other time. Sometimes she reaches out to me in the guise of asking about me but then it becomes apparent she has an issue she needs to tell me
I’m fed up and not going to bother with these ‘friendships’ anymore.

The one that stings the most is my best-friend growing up. 10+ years ago she met her current partner who is much older. Since then she distanced herself and then cut me off completely- no explanation or anything. She reappeared 2 years later asking to meet. She apologised and said she had lost her identity and this was her first serious relationship etc etc. I gave her another chance and we would catch up when I was back home etc. She messaged me the day before my wedding that she couldn’t come because she wasn’t feeling well. I was dubious but gave her the benefit of the doubt. She had a small registry wedding and I was never invited- I thought maybe numbers were limited etc.
She moved abroad and I would message her every now and again to check in. She had moved back home in recent months. I thought I hadn’t heard from her in a while so let me send a message. Then realised my previous messages hadn’t sent as she must have changed her number on moving back home. I eventually found her email address and emailed her to ask if she had changed her number etc. She then messages me to say how glad she was I contacted and that she must have forgot to send me her new number. But this whole time she had always had my number, but never messaged. I’m just tired of all this and maybe need to let go of this friendship rather than forcing it for nostalgia.

Sorry that was a lot of rambling.
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I had some toxic friends in my teens. We all fell out 4 years ago or so. Blocked me on social media, everything. They remained friends.

I have just seen them all for the first time. In a play gym of all places. One came over to say she wanted to say she hopes I don’t feel awkward and I introduced my child to her.

Didn’t speak to any of the others.

I feel all kinds of weird now. Feeling very lonely, although I know I am better without them and without a doubt they still hate me. We were friends for almost 20 years and had to pretend we didn’t even knoweach other when sat next to each other just then. Really odd. Got back to my car and had a panic attack.
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I was going to start my own thread for this but figured this existed and it can go here, but it is quite lengthy.

Some users will have seen me post previously about a friendship circle I was having issues with. This was a few weeks ago and I’m really, really struggling to come to terms with it.

There were three of us. I introduced the other two to each other and they weren’t friends before I introduced them, so I was always the one who organised things etc. I introduced them as I was getting married and they were both my bridesmaids so I wanted them to be friends. All was well until about six months ago really. Friend 1 (who I have known the longest) just suddenly stopped liking anything I put on social media. We got married abroad (they ultimately weren’t part of the wedding due to covid) and she didn’t even like all my wedding photos. My hen do was cancelled and they didn’t make any effort for the “pretend” hen do that I had. It was crap. No photos were put online but a week later friend 1 went for drinks with other friends she barely knows and it was plastered all over social media. It made me feel shitty, like I’m not worthy or something. Maybe it’s me being paranoid, I don’t know. We had a group chat and when my husband and I went on honeymoon, it was around then that anything I said in this group chat, it just got ignored. But they would both speak amongst themselves but ignore me.

Constant little digs - I used to let my baby fall asleep on me and put him down in his cot. Friend 2 would drive her baby in the car every single night then transfer to bed. To me, that’s the strangest of the two methods. But friend 1 would question me in the group chat as to why I did it that way, but act like driving a baby to sleep was completely normal. I bought my wedding ring and sent a photo and got told it wasn’t nice and she preferred plain ones. Because hers is plain. I booked an outdoor meal in an igloo type tent for my babies first birthday and got told it was rubbish. I had my covid vaccine and got told she wouldn’t have it even if she was offered it.

Friend 1 hates her job. I love mine. She began a volunteer role but told friend 2 it was a paid role. She had already told me it was voluntary. Friend 2 suggested she quit her job now as she had another but she let her believe she had two jobs and two wages. I could have said something, but I didn’t.

I arranged to meet friend 1 one day and she stood me up. I had printed some interview papers for her especially. I rang her and she didn’t answer so I went back home. She told me it was too cold and she couldn’t wait any longer for me. I had arrived on time. A few days later she asked if she could collect the papers from me and I said I had binned them. “I would never do that to a friend” was her reply and she made a big deal in the group chat of friend 2 husband dropping them off for her instead. Whenever I asked to meet up with friend 1 she was always “so, so busy” or seeing other friends. She always made a point of how she was seeing so and so this week and how she had so many friends.

It was my birthday and we always, always buy cards and presents. This year I got nothing. Absolutely nothing. Two weeks later it was friend 1 birthday and she got a card and a present off friend 2. That really, really hurt me.

I asked friend 2 to meet up and she said we can’t because of covid. Yet a week later she met friend 1. They asked if we would all like to meet a week later and I said yes. Nothing got mentioned and I assumed it wasn’t happening. But low and behold that day, they had met and plastered it on social media. I had had enough so I asked why they had met and they said they didn’t think I was going. We haven’t spoke since.

I’m really struggling. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong. I’ve been pushed aside and forgotten about. Since then, they tag each other in everything on Instagram. I know it’s for my benefit and to make me feel like shit but it’s working. I don’t want to be friends with people like this but it’s really damaged me. Friend 2 I met because our husbands were best friends since kids. Her husband hasn’t been in touch with mine for weeks now either. I have gone to bed for the past month and just cried. It’s effecting my relationship and I feel like I’ve been thrown back to high school as something very similar happened to me back then too. I never thought it would happen again in my 30’s. Friend 2 owns a business and I noticed she is now friends on Facebook with my hairdresser and commenting on her things. I honestly now want to cancel my appointment with my hairdresser. My husband says I’m being daft, but they’ve effected me in a way I didn’t think was possible to damage me so much. I don’t understand why somebody would want to hurt me so much and I don’t know what lies she is telling people as to why we don’t speak no more.

I have a couple of other friends but not loads. These were my “best” friends and I feel so hurt and destroyed.

Sorry it’s long and thanks if you’ve read it all. There’s probably loads more to add but I’d be here all night.
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Does anyone else feel like even though deep down they know their friend/s is/are toxic but you still keep giving them chances anyway on the off chance they might just be ok? Maybe I’m just a pushover but even though I know some people are toxic I struggle with cutting them off because I hate the thought of them thinking badly of me for doing so
I have in the past, I didn't have many friends anyway, and once i stopped contacting the toxic ones they stopped contacting me and i basically realised i had no friends... so i do get it. not a great place to be
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Chatty Member
I had a group of friends which were bad for my mental health. Took me a good few years to cut them off but I'm so glad I did.
It was a group of us and me and another girl felt if one of us didn't attend the night out we'd be slagged off so if she couldn't make then I had too. Just so they couldn't talk about us. What type of a friendship is that! The final straw was when the biggest bitch had a secret wedding and hen do and left me and other said girl out.
I have 2 daughters and it stresses me out thinking they'll prob encounter bitches like this in their life times.
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I’ve cut a lot of toxic friends off this year. I had a hard time with my relationship and they thrived off ‘the drama’ and almost seemed to bask in seeing me upset. I regret telling them anything as it only made things worse for me.

The saying if you want anything to last keep it private rings true with me. It’s often those closest to you who want to see you fail.
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I'm sorry to say (really don't want to sound harsh), it seems its you who needs to improve a little as a friend. You can't just expect her not to talk to someone else just because you don't like them! And putting your friend's business on the internet like that isn't right imo - "have been a good friend to her in a short space of time lending money a few times,shoulder to cry on after her termination,messaging her during her bf drama." Not cool.
i’m inclined to agree. you can’t expect someone to blank a person because you don’t talk to them: plus this seems a relatively short friendship if it’s only been since april. it sounds op like you’re already a little annoyed by her and the support you’ve offered to her when she’s been going through hard times - it’s a friendship of five months, if you’re already thinking that you’re done with her then walk away.

i posted at the start of the year here about my toxic friend (i’d forgotten but just saw the post!) - and we haven’t spoken for the whole of 2022 so far 🤣 she has main character syndrome in the extreme and cannot retain details about anyone who isn’t her. i lost two grandparents in 2021 and she straight up forgot that my grandmother had died. this is a friend of over 20 years. she likes people who agree with her and will sit and nod while she talks about herself, i gave some blunt advice about her relationship and (as she left my house) knew that she wouldn’t talk to me after it because that’s what she’s done with a stream of other friends. and… she hasn’t 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️

i’m truly not bothered as our friendship had changed deeply over the past few years and i think we were both going through the motions of what it was when we were younger. she’s a perfectionist in that she expects everyone around her to behave perfectly towards her because she’ll cut them off for one misdemeanour or careless comment and i don’t need that stress. i have lots of other lovely friends. i do think she’s going to end up rather sad and lonely though.
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So now that I've finished work and done what I need to do today, I'm going to draft a text message to send. Not sure how to go around it though, because no doubt I'll write it and rewrite it loads before I send lmao

"I didn't mean to upset you at all and I understand why, I just think it's a bit much to be upset because I tagged my mum in something once the other day. Having a full on conversation with someone and tagging someone in a post is completely different to me. It just feels a bit suffocating that I'm even having to justify that at all really. If I'm being honest, this feels far too claustrophobic for me at the moment. I've had time to think about your message and I need to put myself first. "

Is what I've got so far 😂🙃 I worry about coming across as too accusatory and blaming.
Honestly I think the only person you’re blaming in that message is yourself! It’s her own fault and she’s forced you into this position. Once you’ve sent it, block her and I hope you feel a huge weight lifted off your shoulders.
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Chatty Member
.....this is my mum. She doesn't care about anyone but herself. She hasn't a clue what I do for a living, if I try to change the subject to me or my husband or something that is not her she glazes over and manages to bring it straight back to her.
It's toxic.
It's so draining
I've vowed to only see her every 6 months for a max of 24hours from now on.
I also ignore her messages until I have to respond.
Life is too short to have these people in your life.
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Both my best friends have binned me off since getting new girlfriends and it has absolutely crippled me, if I’m honest. Especially as when I got with my boyfriend, I always made sure I didn’t exclude either of them (neither of them speak, so it was even more hassle than the three of us hanging out at the same time etc). Feels like an absolute punch in the gut.
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Chatty Member
Does anyone else feel their friendships are very one sided?

It’s either I send a message/make the effort otherwise I would never hear from them. I get that people are busy but so am I, (working full-time, having a toddler etc).
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I completely ghosted a “friend” a year ago now at the beginning of the pandemic. She’d been on and off with me for years, changed friendship groups more than her underwear and mum shamed me so bad I’m sure she contributed to my PND. She made a comment about the pandemic and I just saw red. Every patronising comment and put down from over the years just came flooding back and I blocked her on everything. I can honestly say I do not regret it and I actually feel so much better without her in my life. I know that sounds mean but she never would have listened or respected my opinion or the way she was making me feel if I tried to talk it out with her. Leopards don’t change their spots.
I did the exact same with an ex best friend. Sometimes you have to do what's best for your mental health and I don't regret it at all. Walking away from my school friendship group is the best decision I've made.
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Phoenix Lazarus

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Any of you who have friends who come out with unprovoked put-downs, ditch them now. I put up with someone like that at school for too long.
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