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Chatty Member
It takes a lot for me to physically laugh out loud when I’m reading stuff online but this thread is honestly the funniest thread on Tattle, I can’t read it without giggling. Beanbags, porcupine vaginas, spongebob, chodes... love everyone who contributes, you’re all wasted on here though. You should be comedians 😂
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Who the fuck started the gofundme page?? I bet they feel like a right tit now
A random follower done it for him and at first he didn’t accept it and all of sudden ‘after speaking to friends and family’ he decided to accept it! People are so fucking stupid to have given him money in the first place, he’s practically a immature teenager the way he acts! More fool the idiots that donated.

A random follower done it for him and at first he didn’t accept it and all of sudden ‘after speaking to friends and family’ he decided to accept it! People are so fucking stupid to have given him money in the first place, he’s practically a immature teenager the way he acts! More fool the idiots that donated.
He slated the NHS doctor that refused his application for surgery and people went along and joined in too! I’m sorry but it wasn’t the NHS that made him make himself that big, why on earth should anyone including the NHS bail you out when they do so much as it is saving peoples lives who actually need the help. It just shows how much brown nosers people can be choosing to slate the NHS along with him 🐑 🐑
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Well-known member
He looks like he's gained about 3 stone since hitting target and that's AFTER surgery as well so you'd think you'd look better not even worse
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Based on the look of his shorts and his top, looks like he's trying to squeeze into those shorts like he did the trousers last time 😂
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Omg. It's like a car crash you shouldn't stare but you cant fucking help it 😳😳😳😳 someone actually let him out like that 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What the actual fuck is he wearing?! Bet he's had his Jesus sandals on with the socks through the day... and why does he pull them up to his knees
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Active member
I have physical ill health after looking at that crusty pweirdo in his costco bulk buy sports socks.

How anyone let that deflated hoover bag near their vagina I will never know, my labia form a protective shield like a porcupine at the mere thought of his dolphin chin.
Oh my god.... I'm crying tears at this comment ffs 😭😭😂😂😂😂

He looks like a head sewn onto a beanbag
Naaah I've had too much of the internet today and it's only 8am! Ffs I'm deceased at these comments 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I think when the new update comes where they don’t show likes it’ll be the best thing. Harold and Towers if he’s back will get the shock of there life and maybe stop buying their followers, like Harold admitted to people at the ball. Not only is his 8 stone loss fraudulent, his amount of followers is to.
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VIP Member
So today Towers is going to be chauffeured round in a Porsche by good old Nigel who even went and picked him up from his hotel.

Karma needs to be kicking his door down and soon
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VIP Member
all of you lot banging on about his sexuality is mad. It doesn’t matter at all.

What matters is the matter of the go fund me page.
One person has asked if he's gay recently?The rest of the comments regarding bisexuals is actually mocking a comment Towers himself made.
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Saying you tried to kill yourself will create a barrier where people feel as though they can’t ask you certain things or put pressure on you etc.

I’m sure he had his surgery and is now acting as though he’s ‘recovering’ before he has another (he has several surgeries in mind originally didn’t the?

He is more than likely lying to his ‘friends’ family and ‘fans’ saying he has some time before his next lot of surgery so he is ‘enjoying life’ and ‘recovering’

They will pussyfoot around him because nobody wants to call him out and get a backlash... they are too worried about being the centre of blame for sending someone’s mental health in a downward spiral.

The problem with jack towers is.. there has been NO CONSEQUENCES for his actions.
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VIP Member
At least he's not wearing long socks...

Oh Shit.

I've seen better dressed wounds
Like it’s ugly as fuck, there’s no denying. The boy clearly has no style, taste or morals... but is he THAT fucking colour blind. That outfit is like someone shat out the very worst of the 90s.
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Yeah but, he wears the cheap ‘designer items’ the ugly items that no one buys hence why they’re cheap... money doesn’t by class faulty.
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