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VIP Member
Has he just completely vanished after his statement? How’s he going to just pop back up vlogging or promoting his new ‘notmerch’


VIP Member
The broken up two weeks before Easter? How long do they get lol
They are still in for another week around were I am.
Some local authorities changed the Easter holidays school that moved with Easter to a standard Spring holiday that’s the same weeks no matter when Easter falls. Then they just have a long weekend for the bank holiday.


VIP Member
Bit of a diva moment on his live stream today. He was streaming from his local garden center, which if you know his area it was pretty clear which one he was at . A kid and his mum turned up when he went to his car and asked for a photo, he asked the kid if he was stream sniping him and he shouldn't really give him a photo but he'll do it this one time.
I get that if it’s his house. But just post the stream after you’ve gone home if that’s a problem?

It’s like the guy who bashed his new gutter, made out on his video it was funny and no big deal. The guy came straight back to get it fixed though so bet he threw a fit off camera.


Chatty Member
Don’t like his mum don’t like Alice she seems to resent anyone else reaping the rewards from Tom. I’ve met Karl and he seemed very nice but it could’ve been a front, his stepdad is nice too.


Chatty Member
Getting such bad vibes in the recent vlog where he says about nino marrying his mum after 5 mins thats why he won’t follow him on instagram. Then his mum says ‘he works here for free’ so tom says something along the lines of ‘i don’t ask him to he can go’ honestly thought he came across as such a dick😳
Absolutely agree! Felt bad for the guy to be honest because king Tom doesn’t see enough value in him… bizarre to be that self righteous🙃


VIP Member
Yeah it's fairly obvious that's why he's not vlogging anything, he got burned pretty badly on some vlogs he did after lockdown started but before he stopped vlogging as he was clearly breaking the guidance and then arguing with people who called him out on it.
Yes exactly. No way he’s not had people round his house and been visiting family. He just knows he’d get quickly in grief by admitting it

Annoyed me at the start of lockdown him going filming how empty supermarkets were etc. Put your camera away, buy your energy drinks and fish fingers and go home

I do hope his Grandad is doing okay he seemed sweet.

Wonder what happened with the allegations that went around too


VIP Member
He’s been back with Lydia since before lockdown. I don’t know if they are hiding it because she’s a teacher or because they’ve already broke up twice and he doesn’t want to reintroduce her to the vlogs for a third time
I know there was a video where she was in the background maybe something to do with the olympics … she might have went along for the experience or has she been in more videos??


Active member
Things are going well for him it seems, he's bought the house next door to his. A quick check shows that houses on his road go for over £500k minimum.


New member
Used to be a huge fan of his but over the last couple of years I've become slowly more and more disgusted by him and his family. Continuing to show off his wealth when many families wont even afford heat and food this winter. Manipulative tactics to get people to by the S.O tat...which seems to fuel his family being able to buy fancy cars off the back of his fame. He claims he takes nothing from the shop yet he barely games anymore, his stats are awful so where on earth is the money coming from??? Lydia lied about splitting up with him during the s.a and abuse allegations just so she wouldn't be struck off as a teacher, when they've clearly admitted they were still together, true or false regardless, if any other normal person did that they would be sacked and banned from teaching, that is beyond dangerous behaviours and totally illegal. On top of that the sheer disdain his sister and mum show on the vlogs for the fans makes you wonder what they say about them in person, they all clearly know money is only up as people are interested in the poor baby, no doubt he will rinse it for content for the next year to maintain profits and eventually child exploitation will catch up with them.
I dislike this narrative that showing off wealth is such a bad thing when the vlogs that get the best views are the ones where he shows off about buying new cars etc, it's not his fault that other families are broke and if you think he's a problem you'd be gutted to watch the Sidemen who frequently flaunt their millionaire status every single video. Watching people be rich is entertaining if it wasn't shows like the Kardashians would never have happened.

I do genuinely dislike his sister and mum who seem to moan every vlog about having to work but they don't seem to ever do a full week of work but are definitely taking home very high salaries/profits for themselves.

Tom gets a lot of his money from already having it. There was a point in time when he was the biggest UK solo YouTuber and the biggest solo channel on Twitch he made bank well before vlogging and let's be real the vlogs do get decent enough views for such long pieces of content, alongside that brand deals, his merch (he definitely dips into) and making money by having money.

Also on the topic of the S.A allegations, they were allegations nothing ever went further than some allegations there was no criminal investigation or case, unsure whether it was true or not but they remain as allegations and overall don't impact anything.


VIP Member
Yeah I know as I said I watched his videos previously, I was just saying that I find it odd that he can basically go from one extreme to the other. I don’t know how long they broke up for the first time, I don’t think it was as long as everybody thinks cos we picked up on a girl giggling in the background of a few of his videos when they were supposedly broke up

And obviously that when you love someone you want to do all the travelling and stuff with them not just leave them at home lol
Syndicate is a selfish obnoxious little shit. Look up the video where someone said he didn’t pay them and his response to it. He thinks being rich makes him superior


New member
I truly feel that he is the kind of person that is capable of doing this, he's shown time and time again he only cares about himself and that makes me feel that these girls are telling the truth. They don't have much to gain in doing this, as his own clout has dropped dramatically since the events happened.

His Mum replied to a tweet about Kait not being able to shed tears while getting emotional in her video with the handclap emoji, not sure if she's agreeing with it or being sarcastic -