Tom Hiddleston #5 The Red Sweater Diaries

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I think if it had been a priority for her then she wouldn't have taken Marvels. That's still filming and there was chat on Twitter that she's lined up her next project as well. I've seen other celebs talk about fertility issues and not something that seemed mainstream (on news or SM) until I went looking for it.

I'm wondering if they left the comments on on purpose? Did they think they'd get high brow praise or just blind luck fangirl/fanboy-big? He's definitely had a clear out of a few people on Twitter as he's not following as many people. Hopefully it means a return to SM for him even if it's just helping the profile of great causes.
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I only read the first ones and was already annoyed by the comments "I love you/miss you“
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Do you think she/ they would consider using a surrogate? This way she can keep on capitalising on her career AND have a child. I'm not sure it's that common in the UK? Is it even authorised?
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Do you think she/ they would consider using a surrogate? This way she can keep on capitalising on her career AND have a child. I'm not sure it's that common in the UK? Is it even authorised?
It's not that common yet in the UK and a surrogate here can only claim expenses not "pay". There's other requirements and rules. I'm not sure if they would consider that but I suppose everyone is different. A tv actress friend did consider it seriously but her partner said no and had reasons for saying no due to his beliefs/upbringing.
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Do you think she/ they would consider using a surrogate? This way she can keep on capitalising on her career AND have a child. I'm not sure it's that common in the UK? Is it even authorised?
I don't know much about surrogacy especially outside the US and how it's received, but I do know there are actresses who use that option to preserve their bodies. And not just actresses, but rich people who can afford it- I remember this controversy on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills where one of the housewives revealed one of the others used a surrogate and she had tried to keep it quiet. I think it's a great option for people who may be having some sort of fertility issues and obviously they could afford it.

I saw on tumblr that the instagram follow might be linked to Zawe's next podcast guest. I don't know the particulars but maybe she followed either to support her guest or in an effort to learn about something she is involved with. Apparently she just did a podcast with Claire Danes too. I may try to listen at some point but I am very particular when it comes to podcasts because I'm very sensitive to people's voices/speech patterns/incorrect grammar and I don't really love Zawe's voice- I don't mean that in a mean way I just don't particularly care for it. She is very eloquent though so maybe I'll give it a chance!

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Let's pray he is okay and that Tom didn't catch it!
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Let's pray he is okay and that Tom didn't catch it!
That is a bit worrying, after so much protection...but if Tom is vaccinated (and I think there is a good chance he is, since he required it at MCM) he should be at least more protected. Also, I am not sure if they even met but who knows who he meddled with outside of the photos. But it doesn´t say he had it or got it at the premiere, only that he attended.
But I think if he is not filming anything, he can pretty much selfisolate for a few days *shrugs*
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Well, he premiered at Belfast a week later.
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I would guess most people that are at a lot of events will probably do the lateral flow tests regularly just to make sure they're ok and can't pass it and not know
He wasn't a the premier but a private screening. I think Jason did not attend to that one. The official premier was October 18th and the Screening was on the 17th.
Unless someone from the crew / Cast was in contact with Momoa 5 days prior, then he is in the clear.

Jason was in attendance, let's hope nothing happened

I remember this controversy on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills where one of the housewives revealed one of the others used a surrogate and she had tried to keep it quiet.
That was Camille Grammer, she said she used a surrogate because she couldn't get pregnant due to endometriosis.
I feel like the pregnancy speculation has gone a little bit overboard here, specially due to a follow on Instagram that could very well mean absolutely nothing other than a potential guest for her podcast.
And I'mma leave it at that
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Agreed I had said above I don’t think she’s pregnant because if she were I think she’d be a bit more cautious about just following public groups like that so early on- I think the follow is related to her podcast like you said.
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Agreed I had said above I don’t think she’s pregnant because if she were I think she’d be a bit more cautious about just following public groups like that so early on- I think the follow is related to her podcast like you said.
Or not....I can only compare this situation with another in the marvel fandom but there was a GF that used to follow these type of accounts or liked posts related to that subject in order to cause havoc (I say havoc as that led to speculations, speculations led to articles, articles led to interviews, ect) among his fandom.
So, could be real interest, could be research or could be a tactic....nothing, and I mean nothing, is out of the question specially when you don't know the person in real life.

For now, I'm more inclined to believe that the person behind the IG page will be, somehow, involved on her podcast. But what do I know, right?
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Ohhhh who was this?? That is so interesting. When I hear things like that it makes me wonder how the partner feels about it because chances are they are aware of the behavior.

Pregnancy speculation is going to continue to happen no matter what because as soon as couple is “confirmed” it just becomes an expected thing that eventually they’re going to “catch” the woman being pregnant. I feel like it’s one of the things that makes fans feel important, like that they notice something or know something before it becomes public knowledge if that makes sense. If people continue to say Zawe is pregnant over and over for the next 10 years then eventually they will probably be right and then they get to say “I knew it, I told you so!” Not sure if that made sense but it did in my head…

Speaking of, I think this pic of Tom staring at Tom intently got me pregnant all over again:
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He was very aware, she even included some of those snarky comments on a stand up show, allegedly.
Honestly, this is second hand stale gossip as I'm talking about something from 2016-ish and I'm not even part of that fandom, though something I was told and googled about.

I hate HATE the collective misconception that all you have to aspire in life, in your late 30s and being a woman, is getting married and contribute to the overpopulation of the world. Society tries to put, women mostly, in such a tight box, I don't fit in that nor do a lot of people.
Don't take me the wrong way, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with wanting marriage and kids, the ladder actually I'm not opposed to, but it irks me to my core that so many people want Thomas to settle down just because he is 40.
I'm ranting, I know I am, but come on! Who are we to dictate what another human wants to do with their goddamn life. It's no ours to live, we have no say in it nor we are supposed to feel entitled to deliberately misconstrued their lives based on our personal conception of what we expect OUR lives to be and project that on to others.

Zawe said she wanted kids. Thomas said he wanted kids. Whether that's still the case or how or when they are to come about having said offspring is for them to decide.
I just find it funny that some people, not here thank goodness, are pushing the narrative and the need for a Hiddles-Baby as their lives depended on it.

End off rant....I'mma go hide in my dark bachelorette corner, well past my mid-30s, day drinking and flustered

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And in addition, we must not forget that the desire to have children may only been said because it sounds nice and is good for the image.
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Joining the party. I never wanted kids and now I am happier than ever that I don't have any. I hate loud noises and a mess. Definitely cool if you want one but the idea of a single woman over 35 who is not chasing a man she would have a child with is still not very rooted even in western civilisation.
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Of course Zawe has said she wants a child. And Tom seems to love kids and has often said that he wants them (no particular reason to think he was saying that to “sound good”). The timing of all that and whether they want to have children together is their own business and none of ours. But wanting children is actually not a strange thing. Lots of people do. They are a lot of work, but they are worth it to most people (me included!) I don’t think it’s right to be regularly examining Zawe’s belly for signs. However it is a part of gossip - always has been.
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And in addition, we must not forget that the desire to have children may only been said because it sounds nice and is good for the image.
Definitely! My director friend said a lot of actors are told to say they'd love to have a child/children even if they wouldn't so they have a family image. Totally mad.

No matter who's in the limelight there's always speculation. Cameron Diaz had it all the way from appearing in the Mask. When she finally became a Mum at 47 she kept it quiet. Whether natural or surrogate, she's happy now. By that I mean people can change their minds, both ways. In my 20's I said no way and even turning 30 it hadn't changed but then a few years beyond that it changed. Whether Zawe means it or not who knows I doubt she'll cement her intentions one way or another at the moment. I saw that Brie Larson has finished her filming but Zawe and Samuel L Jackson still have filming to do.
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Of course they are saying things that majority of population wants to hear. They are paying publicist to create acceptable image for them. We can debate forever if they are honest or not.

We can share what we really think when we are hiding behind usernames, but how much are we honest in real life? I would rather agree on benign issue than start a war over it. Sometimes you can't change what is universally accepted regardless of it being positive or negative thing.
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As someone who is about to have a baby I absolutely hate when it is assumed having a family is the only acceptable way to be part of society as @LetMeRamble said. Someone told me recently that I don’t know what true love is until I have a child and I found that extremely insulting and untrue.

The speculation is inevitable, it’s part of society, but there’s really no point. She either is or isn’t and if she is we’ll know eventually. As I said before I think people like to speculate so they can feel special that they “discovered” something. The obsession with them having babies that I’ve seen on tumblr is a tad much considering they only just barely started being public. As for it being for an image, I can’t speak to that, although I don’t really understand what the point would be. I think anything said by a celeb in an interview always needs to be read through a filter of truth vs self awareness.
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