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My favorite from the latest TS episode..
the views are really going down in TT. Now 20K or less. Each week the trend is down. She seems to be giving Tues. a miss which is smart given the trend. She is probably still processing the latest TS. I wonder if she and doorMatt watch them together or what? Love to know doorMatt's family reaction to those. I mean pretty awful social media coverage of their son...but in my opinion he has set himself up for this.


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Chatty Member
I will bet it's not.
I skimmed through this last video and it all just sounded like grifting to me.
She just casually mentions she and Matt will have to work more hours, have a savings account for the next trips, they never spend money etc...I feel she knows exactly the type of viewer she is saying it to and how they will feel hearing it.

What I have wondered...if this trip was indeed paid for by a 'gift or donation', do you think she said something like: I won't mention it in my vlog that you gifted this because I don't want others to feel they have to do the same, I don't want to put pressure on anyone...Which she can then keep everyone thinking she's saving her hard earned money for trips and upping the chance that someone else donates and at the same time a perfectly good excuse to not mention the donor or thank them publicly. :unsure: All conjecture of course.

Someone out there knows her and what she's really like, I'm amazed they haven't been vocal. There have been several on different channels and platforms that claimed they knew her and/or Matt but who knows if they were real, they all seemed to disappear lol.
Anyway, skimming thru this last video was enough for me, I have been keeping up here but couldn't bring myself to watch her anymore, same way with Kyle, it all feels so scammy an scummy, more so lately for some reason.
I agree! I can’t watch Kyle at all anymore. I can still manage to watch Tiffany, though, at least for now lol
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Today....well not a mention of scan that I heard. That is a surprise.
She claimed to have UTI and cured it quickly with drinking water. Boy I always need antibiotics for that.
More shopping, talk of wedding outfits and a visit from Astin & Co. complete with a full array of junk food.
Another nothing video with more of the same. No surprises here despite the thumbnail.
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I'm thinking that being with her suits him. She is the perfect beard.

He has an excuse to not stick his limp carrot in her and can save it for his mates with carrots.
Those two randoms would get more glee from sticking their fingers through the ring pull on a can of baked beans than what’s on offer downtown with her noFanny and his limp carrot with shriveled onions!
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Fluffy, your "top ten" idea is great! There could be Tiffany's top ten lies, Tiffany's only ten work days a month, Tiffany's top ten restaurant dinners a month, and Tiffany's top ten coffee shops a week. Cookie monster could even have her own top ten cookies a day segment! Matt, on the other hand, is still devising his top ten escape routes and excuses. To start off the top ten series, here are Tiffany's top ten adjectives, which also happen to be the only significant ones she knows:
1.Top-tier 2. Mental 3. Brilliant 4. Gorge (idiot talk for 'gorgeous') 5. Beaut (more idiot talk for 'beautiful') 6. Cosy 7. Snoozy (gibberish for 'sleepy')
Does she even have 3 more to complete the list?!🤓
Don’t forget “you all know right if you’ve been here for a long time”
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As for the Vee in the skit, it just could have been added to his character based on his extreme personality.
Extreme! He is supposedly a Bible-thumper, yet also a gambler. Maybe he is in a monastery now repenting for his gambling spree somewhere! I doubt Vee is a member of Tiffany's family.
As for Fluffy, who knows. Sometimes, Fluffy expresses herself in ways that Tiffany wouldn't, such as making up the word 'propigander' or even 'trowel' for troll. Tiffany isn't that imaginative, in my opinion. Also, in much earlier videos, I wondered in a comment if Fluffy was a vegetarian, and she said she was and was having a 'nut roast'. That does not sound like Tiffany.
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Vegans need to take a supplement for a vitamin (b12 perhaps) because it is nearly impossible to get enough of that with what they eat. That might be true for other vitamins as well.
From studies that have been done and for which I have references on another computer, PESCO vegetarians have over a 40% reduced chance of getting colorectal cancer than those who also eat meat, whereas just vegetarians have a 20% less chance of getting colorectal cancer than those who also eat meat. So, the addition of fish to a vegetarian(no animal meat, but eggs, cheese, and milk are fine) diet significantly REDUCES the chance of getting colorectal cancer.

Bigger or smaller bodies in terms of height isn't the point. I was referring to the FAT in an obviously overweight person. If one BURNS more calories than one takes in, one WILL lose weight. This is actually a law of physics and chemistry. What is needed to lose weight is willpower and discipline to do what it takes. Eating pizza and binging on cookies won't help one to lose weight.
Yes you don't get a body like hers "naturally". It's caused by something, usually over-eating and not moving.

There are medical issues that could contribute to problems with maintaining a slimmer physique but I think anyone can be reasonably slim if they
have the opportunity and willpower.
Being vegan correctly does not lead to fragile health. Junk food exists in every diet/ way of eating. You can be healthy or unhealthy as a vegan. Being vegetarian does not mean you are more likely to be healthy. It all boils down to personal food choices. Some people just have naturally bigger/ smaller bodies regardless of what they eat. Lots of misconceptions here.
I agree. Being vegan correctly leads to good health. Same for vegetarianism. I have never been vegan for long but I was vegetarian for many years and I neglected eating enough protein and ended up being very anemic and not healthy at all.
I also agree that some have bigger or smaller bodies and there are different body types.
Elodie looks like she is over-weight though. There is excess of fat that doesn't need to be there and it's not down to a body type.
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Bare minimum... what does that mean? Is she referring to her food?? She's been such a healthy little princess lately, eating so well and balanced:) Such a shame she ate those fruits after work, she should have driven to mc donalds and go for the fries... maybe with a greasy hamburger and chicken nuggets.

She's such a role model for all those cancer patients and survivors! 🤣
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Tiffany is currently NED, and could, theoretically, stay that way her entire life. Tiffany may or may not ever get a recurrence. Komal's cancer, however, is always there, as far as I know. She has never been told she is NED, as her cancer is from a gene mutation that is always there. Her cancer is not curable because the gene mutation causing the production of a certain immnunoglobin is not reversible, and, eventually, it will end her life.
Tiffany's cancer was a tumor that metastasized, and that has been successfully treated to date.

Now, I do find Tiffany to be a bit gaunt in certain videos though she has gained weight overall. Namely, the area around her eyes seems to have permanently hollowed out. Her hair, however, is her best feature in my opinion. Why Tiffany didn't wear exercise-type clothing to go on that walk with Matt suggests she hadn't planned to exert herself physically or exercise. Matt, on the other hand, was doing a practice run for the hills!!
in these videos she has heavier eye makeup than normal on and I noticed the hollowed out look for her eyes...they seem out of balance with the rest of her head. As for the hair.....she never really gets a solid cut....a few inches off would I think make for a better is really long and she is obsessed with it. Hair and makeup are far more interesting to her than anything else.
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Enjoy. Good luck 👍
Oh no, this woman. I hate giving her views and attention cause that might be what she wants.
I haven't seen her videos for so long now because she is not coherent most of the time.
I started watching this one and she is just rambling. She says she is being bullied offline and online.
She mentions tattle threads! She might want her own thread. I'd be against that
cause she might want notoriety and attention and more stuff to whinge about. She would never
stop whinging and could commit herself fully to being a victim.
She is on some other topic now.
She went from bullying to visas and now teeth without any preface.
She jumps from one incoherent thought to another. Never seen someone do such disorganised vlogs.
Had to stop. I did 5.30 minutes. Good luck indeed.
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her lack of breath was pretty severe in that one..I would have edited that out...not flattering at all.
Agree … a concern and a worry!
Just another wake up call that it’s not ok to vlog your life for money … so much more important to take the road less traveled for this rodent and spend valuable time looking after yourself number one, first and foremost… she’s too busy running around like the true rat that she is and festering shit in every corner of her life 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀
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Make sense of it!

VIP Member
Yes, there is a video where she showed both the walker and the stick. They were given to her, free! She said the walker would be useful to her in the apartment, and the walking stick would help her outside. However, she didn't like the look of the stick. She said she would PURCHASE one that looked better.
Well, if she has the MONEY to purchase one herself, why, then, did she accept a FREE one from the UK health system??
As I wrote above, Tiffany returned the pillow that was given to her after her pelvic exenteration surgery and bought her own. Even Tiffany, the queen of fake accents and deep-throat 'k's' at the end of words, mentioned that maybe someone else could use the pillow she was returning to the hospital at the time!!!
Komal has enough energy to go on trips, some of them with her family (and likely paid for by her parents as well) yet claims to be too tired to work.
Initially, I didn't want to say anything negative about her because she has a rare form of a non-curable cancer, but she is still milking the system, in my opinion. Her recent blood tests were fine, so why won't she work?
Last but not least, she has dental problems. Maybe it's because of all the chocolate and sweets she eats!!
It's amazing how some people with cancer eat such calorie-laden foods, and Komal is not fit and trim. Peel away all the layers she uses to cover herself and one will discover a younger form of AMMA!! She's a hefty one, that Komal!
Komal is very confusing.
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I also disagree that Matt is a "healthy" weight. He is very skinny, not much muscle going on. His shoulders are very hollow looking and he looks like a weed imo.

We can't make any assumptions of people's health based on how much weight they have on. Someone can be malnourished and starving yet be obese. Whilst someone thin can have clogged arteries and on the brink of a heart attack. This whole idea that health correlates to weight is very outdated and there are too many variables to make broad generalisations whilst bringing veganism and omnivorism into question. It just doesn't make sense. There are genetic factors involved and it doesn't all boil down to personal choice, although we all need to make responsible decisions for our own health.

Maybe Elodie is an ethical vegan rather than a vegan for weight loss. It might be shocking to some here, but there are numerous reasons for becoming vegan, not just to "be skinny." If you are losing weight on a vegan diet, you are probably not doing it right.

I'm actually kind of shocked that Tiffany has made very little effort at all to understand Elodie's veganism. She said she has cookies in the freezer for company, yet made no consideration for her own vegan sister. Maybe she doesn't have the mental bandwidth to think about these things, because it involves thinking about things and people other than herself.

Who you do think would win in a fight between Matt and Brad Pitt?


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Surely, you jest! Of note is that Matt kisses her on the CHEEK (or so it seems), and it doesn't seem like she is reciprocating!
Similar to ‘she touched him on the humdinger ball swinger 😉’ and he touched her on the ‘uncanny noFanny’ (and there was no response 😂)
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TIFFANY hasn't worked during a holiday since she started filming, if ever! Also, as an independent contractor, locum (meaning, stand-in) optometrists have to pay their own National Insurance payments.
I meant holiday as in locums are used to cover other people's vacations. Not talking about Tiffany working during a holiday.
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