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Money must have come from inheritance from her late father, who had passed away a year or less before she bought the house. Her father must have left the family any property he owned plus his savings, PLUS perhaps even life insurance.
Also, whatever she had done to the unit, I don't believe she knows much about construction. She likely hired a company or an individual to do whatever repairs or changes she wanted. Remember, we are talking about someone who wanted to remove the handrail along the stairway leading to the next floor. She probably doesn't even know about standard building codes or safety requirements.
Also, glued-on particleboard or whatever is on her refrigerator is not a needed renovation. She wanted, not needed, the place to be whitewashed and looking the same everywhere, to the point of having kitchen boards glued to her refrigerator so it all looks the same. Good thing she didn't try to have that effect with the ovens!
Also, glued-on particleboard or whatever is on her refrigerator is not a needed renovation.
It is a standard UK kitchen fit. My dishwasher and fridge have them. Part of a 'fitted kitchen'.
170k it sold for. I'm sure she put some of her own money in, but I would expect the family helped too. All she needed was the deposit, the mortgage at that time would have been comparatively low.
View attachment 2113573
Ahhh sorry yes. 170k not 70k. I forget how expensive houses down south are!
2016 video, 'Getting Told Off', starts out with Tiffany saying

'Hi guys, I'm home! I moved out of Uni!'

This is before she started working as an optometrist. HOME is the HOUSE in which she currently lives. It was NOT unlivable, because they are living in it. Otherwise, where was this HOME to which she moved?
(Her sister and her sister's husband are in the video. They were married, but Astin probably was not born yet.)
Here is a screenshot of her bedroom, which can be recognized in this clip by the tan-colored doors of the closets, one on each side of her bed, just like it is now. This looks exactly like the house in which she currently lives. It was not unlivable.

View attachment 2113584
Yes livable but dated.
T was probably doing what many first time buyers do. Buy a home, do it up and sell it on for profit. Alternatively, she could have rented it out and had a montly income, sell later when the market is right to sell. I know a few younger people than me who dipped their toes in to investing in the housing market.
Its by the by though, tiffany has now regressed into a little girl that requires adult carers with her at all times.
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I couldn't help myself. Not checked to see if it's still there.View attachment 2107039

Oh FF is back, that's not good. She really needs to step back.
A "stone bag" lol
Hi my loving Tattle life Family, does anyone know if they have a Hos pi tal in Spain and can you get medication there? Asking for a friend πŸ€”
A couple of years ago we was in Gran Canaria and lost some of my husbands medications. I called his CSN in the UK and she informed me all chemists can issue medications, just go in and ask! I went into a pharmacy, explained what we had lost and 5 minutes later they was prescribed. Strange because no id or prescription was required! Was actually prednisone steroids we had lost and was able to purchase easily.
9 years ago! Opening up too much online? Still asking the same question

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I can only see Fluffy's comments. She has tagged a couple of other people, obviously responding to whatever they commented but I can't see their comments at all. If Tiffany is deleting them then why is she leaving Fluffy Foxes comments there?
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Tiffany will maybe plan to buy him and her a house in Ireland, as she had indicated in the last video. He is 100% bought, paid for, and sold to her forever-or so it seems. Though, there was no talk of marriage, or even a smile or hint on either of their parts, when Tiffany mentioned passing the place where a friend of hers had had her wedding reception when they were in the car together. Surely, when Tiffany will make the second house purchase, he will propose to her. Maybe this is exaggeration, and maybe it's not.
When circumstances get muddled, and large sums of income enter into the equation, it is difficult to ascertain sometimes if money would have been a major factor in any potential future marriage proposal.
I can see HA buying a house in Ireland, just as an investment so he has a property on his own. If he's smart he would leave T's money out of it, she has her own house no need to make stuff difficult when it's not necessary.
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How long can she go ?! I'm curious now. Her desperate attempts to produce watchable content at this point, have been excruciatingly, painfully stretched to the limit. It's 6' under already, put the puppy to rest.
However, I think she's got a shot with... 'Ive got mental problems', for a channel.
{my bad, I know}

πŸ‡ 🎚Happy Easter Everyone ! 🐰
Happy Easter to you as well and to all of the lovely TL Family! βœπŸ‡
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Tiffany was unable to pronounce 'Loperamide' correctly. When she first tried to pronounce it, it sounded like some sort of promenade. She still mispronounced it a second time. The blister pack was shown with the latter part of the word 'Loperamide' visible enough. I don't know why she had the pronunciation problem because she had correctly pronounced 'Loperamide' many videos ago.
I struggle with Lopermide too. Sometimes I say Lomperimide. Easier just to say Immodium :)
An unboxing video isn't a good idea I agree. A short thank you one would have sufficed. Louise mentioned hanging up cards. I know that the Somers in Alaska vloggers hang up the Christmas cards that they get from their viewers on a few lengths of string on a wall and do a slow pan around. They don't show gifts that they are sent but just mention receiving lovely gifts and say how appreciative they are that people took time to send them items. And like Make Sense of it suggested on her comment Tiffany could have Thank you cards made up that just have a family pic on the front (of her, HA and maybe her mum), and a brief message of thanks on the back. Space for a signature and for the name and address and a stamp. Easy peasy.

I had to laugh at the reference to the invisalign. The teeth on that drawing are terrible.

Obviously Shiloh was a very much loved family member and I cried watching the video. I think that the decision to send a pet to the Rainbow Bridge is such a difficult one. A decision made out of love. You don't want to say goodbye but when they are failing, not enjoying the simple things in life then you know that it's the kindest thing to do. I wear a necklace with a heart shape which has the ashes and fur of my heart dog, Golden Retriever Jessie. I never take it off, it's always with me. She's always with me. πŸ’•πŸΎ
Jessie was gorgeous. My parents had a Golden Retriever when I was young. I don't think they took any pics of her (probably didn't have a camera either).
I did see Jenny's video and guessed what the content would be about, but chose to not watch it because I am too fragile right now.
Shilol did look very warn out and tired in Jenny's recent videos. I feel sorry for Jenny, Kyle & her children.
On a positive note I see that Brian Krock posted on their GoFundMe page (which they turned off long ago) that all is well. Jessica is fighting some foot pain and depression but things are getting better. He said he sees the Jessica he remembers coming back slowly. I don't think we will hear too much from her but nice of Brian to put that out..I imagine he will put it on IG too. She goes for 3 month scans early May but all indications that there was no cancer in her body at the time of this surgery which means that the Mayo general opinion that it had spread elsewhere was wrong but it took the surgery to be sure. High price for peace of mind.

thank you. I was lucky early stage uterine and no spread.. a few precautionary treatments of targeted radiation and now of course the every 4 month checks for some years. At some point that is how I found TT...different cancer but I thought wow age makes no difference and got sucked into following her...I have always just assumed most posting on here have some close experience with cancer. Before my experience looking at cancer sites was the last thing on my mind. It does change your life whether it is you or someone close. Now my sister is in a battle and facing a very big surgery. It never ends.
Sorry to read this Turaj. Thankfully it was early stage when you was diagnosed, and I do think that makes such a huge difference. I hope your sisters surgery is successful.
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What the ? Is this the same Fluffy Fox who wanted to join Tiffany in working with her as a wellness coach?
The same Fluffy Fox who writes poetry etc for Tiffany?
The same 'Block and delete βœ”βœ”βœ”' Fluffy?
What's made this leopard, okay fox, change her spots?
Has she been drinking?
Do not trust her!!!!
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Is it really a video about reorganizing a kitchen and drinking coffee? I can't wait for the episode with vacuuming. And what's with the thumbnail, has she turned into a frilled lizard?
Here's a comment about proposal

View attachment 2083612
Why is T persisting with saying that it was Geoff Ferris's 60th birthday? It's pretty much 100% that he is the Geoff Ferris in all the online articles and his birth date is quoted as 13/03/62 in several places.
I guess it does not matter, but you know...
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Make sense of it!

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Yes, me too! I was watching a cooking channel and the notification came in, and I couldn’t click on it right away because I was so scared. Jenny has been doing well on her clinical trial, but I was alarmed. I finished the video I was watching and then clicked on Jenny’s. I was relieved that she was ok, but oh my goodness! That was so heartbreaking about Shiloh. May he rest in peace. I have been through losing my pets in the past, so I know how painful it is. ❀
It is incredibly painful, something those that don't have furry friends would ever understand. πŸ˜”
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Hi Saydee, T's elusive answers around watch and wait (which she learnt from SM, NOT what her med team called it), evasiveness around surgery date (and the bullshit "GOODBYE" video posted AFTER her surgery) along with a very vague information regarding what her surgery actually ended up involving are all carefully orchestrated and a manipulation of the narrative to keep the viewer emotionally invested. I highly doubt there was any "sudden" change that required her surgery to be done immediately as it was meticulously planned out by multiple specialists and required alot alot of scans, appointments, MDT meetings etc. Given that she was under active monitoring and the amount of time lapsed since surgery was first discussed and treatment completed there was never a sense of urgency, it is all to easy to get wrapped up in her dramatics which misleads the viewers and that's exactly what she hoped to achieve πŸ‘

GO PAT WRIGHT, next time say what you really think hun πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜›
Can someone pop on over to T's latest video and let Patricia Hawkins know she's posted this comment on the wrong channel, clearly she thought she was writing to Maggie on "Let's talk IBD" easy mistake.
Tiffany actually thought this message was directed at her πŸ˜‚ hey Patricia l dare you or your Husband to reach out and let Tiffany know you guys need something from her and let us know how that goes πŸ˜‰
I think that I'm blocked from Tiffany's channel now. I can still see her page and videos but if I comment, even something very critical, nobody responds either by replying or giving a thumbs up.

2 more comments on her latest video.


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STILL a major investment for her.
But not in the scheme of things for outer London, this was a steal. Interest rates were at an all time low, she would have got a good rate at that time, so repayments would likely have been cheaper than rent.
Houses around were going for substantially more.
As for the renovations, if she wanted to open the ground floor up, the internal walls would need shifting, hence the mess.
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I don't think support was unconditional quite a few people made their feelings clear. Some people made their minds up and always treated FF with total suspicion, some sat on the fence and some (I'm in this camp) gave her the benefit of the doubt. I was well pissed off by her return to the block and delete capers and said so.
But I always believed that she was motivated by nothing more than her own conviction and everything she has said bears this out. It took a RL person to sit her down and make her see what T has been doing.
I have friends who are just like FF, utterly gullible and totally trusting who will not listen to reason. It drives me up the wall πŸ™„.

But she isn't, that's the point, T was clearly taking over her life and spilling into her relationship with her bf. There is an element of FF's mental health here, she was not able to keep it in the ether.
You have a big heart. I see it.
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Agreed. She is running out of topics to talk about in her painfully mundane videos.
And it will not be busy there until June/July/August. I don't know about the canary islands but the sea (at least the Mediterranean) in Spain is too cold to swim in at the moment. Did she say she is going in May? I laughed at the idea of someone watching her through binoculars!
no she is very clear in the snippets that I have seen it is April and I would say coming up very soon...of course she could be there now for all we know. I agree that while it can be very pleasant she seems obsessed with getting in the water. I seriously doubt if it will be hot enough to really enjoy being in the water but she will go in for the photo op. The breaking news..TT goes for swim with stoma.. below...she is dreaming back to the days when she went on holiday with Tiroy...this one on IG from long ago.


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I don't recall ever seeing a piece of fresh fruit or greens in that house for TT and Ha. I think Amma may be back at work or at Elodies most of the time now.

the part I saw was her trying on this fitted jacket and in front of full length mirror and saying she had put on weight and rather disapprovingly looking at herself in the mirror. She is very is classic behavior of someone with a drastic body image problem that goes with her eating disorder. Ha just keeps laughing and carrying on. Such losers.
That should be "sick" not think.
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Is there a reason why some of us see comments and others don't? For example you can see pjcee58 in your screenshot, but I don't. And I can't see a Gail.
And I don't see any. Possibly a YT glitch for when the creator is blocking/banning/deleting comments? I've been banned so I frequently get 404 errors when pulling up a video, just on her channel. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
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I can still see the other comments, mine is there. I really don't get this thing about T being FF. However infuriating the whole FF thing is there is no way it is T unless you think she could invest herself in a whole other influencer enough to post comments in Tattle and get slated for them. (this is not the first time around for FF/LFOALP).
All comments are gone for me, looks like FF talking to herself. I supported FF for a long time, even stuck up for her when the cult attacked a comment she made, I thought the side animal thing was a fun distraction, felt sorry for her/him. They've appeared to troll so hard now on both sides that it's not beyond my thinking it's T or an insider just because I'm fed up with all the side drama, the whole thing is wacko. It would actually be a bit saner than some of the other possibilities. T doesn't appear to do anything but vlog and obsess over the status of social media so who knows who she could have hired to create a side mess.
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