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I haven't posted anything in a really long time. I'm going to put out a different perspective. How many of us here are Tiffany's age or round about?

Tiffany's birth year is 1992 (same as mine). I have never come across someone my age who can't be upfront and can't even use anatomical words for example. Most people my generation are quite outspoken on different matters and would jump at the opportunity to speak candidly and be altruistic about things that affect us.

I have seen people of older more conservative generations on this thread still being able to say the words vagina for example.

She doesn't have to give extreme detail, but she can't even make conclusive statements. Even if she wants to say "cancer is hard" she says "I never said cancer was easy. It is hard."

I have read studies about children who were younger than 10 when 9/11 happened, and they say we have a different psychological make-up because we had to grow up amongst terrorism and massive changes to security and everything else. It's the same as how they might do studies on kids younger than 10 during c0vid in the future.

Tiffany even struggles with self advocacy. I think she may have been very sheltered as a child and teen.

Obviously, generations are not really important/ relevant and we are all just humans, but as I said I'm just throwing a different perspective out there wondering what you all think. Hope I'm not making extrapolations.

If she has been given a poor prognosis, which I think she has, we should never expect her to actually say it, or she will say it in round about ways like today. She just doesn't seem to be up to the 21st century and may have been happier 100 years ago when she could have just kept a vague diary for herself. If you share anything on the internet, it comes with a responsibility to others.
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I just watched the video... Poor Tiffany. It broke my heart when she was crying for Matt and her mom. She was so brave to get the surgery done. I wish her all the best with her recovery.
It's not nice seeing anyone cry, not at all.
I have met some lovely doctors and I sure respect most of them, but I care a lot for all nurses. Whether it is a specialist nurse, a research nurse, a ward nurse, a hospice nurse, community palliative nurse........ literally any nurse. They are worth their weight in gold and are what I would describe as true angels. They are the ones that truely care. For me personally, they support & care for my husband when I can't be there.
I can only imagine what nurses witness in recovery rooms. Seeing patients cry, scared, confused etc.
Matt and Amma wasn't there when Tiffany woke, but I am sure that those nurses will have cared for T.
I often think about all those nurses that cared for all the Covid patients when families wasn't able to visit them due to the virus. I have so much respect for each and everyone of them.
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That new video is so desperately sad. The fact she is SO addicted to social media validation that she's picking up the camera as soon as she wakes up from major surgery, while incredibly medicated, is just heartbreaking. How did someone not step in and stop that?
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I feel differently to many of you on here regarding whether it was appropriate for Tiffany to film herself in ICU. I thought that took real guts. She would know how bad she looked. This is cancer, in all it's horrible reality and I feel that she's a bit damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. People complain about her vacuous vlogs with no cancer content because they want to hear more about the cancer treatment. When she finally shows us the reality of extensive cancer surgery, people don't like it. She has driven me mental in the past but for this, I applaud her.
I can absolutely understand what you are saying and I myself agree with you … dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t. She can do no right and I myself am guilty of holding her to account for this.
I just don’t get the vast contrast with her inability to verbally offer information, but her over exuberant ability to get her camera out.
I can’t help but think Tiffany is quite an unwell person mentally and for some reason yet unknown, she is trying to fill some void in her life by running this channel that apparently isn’t educational to appease an audience who are virtual.
I really hope she is getting some psychological help to support her journey.
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Drs had to remove the colon due to scans and cancer present , ileostomy instead, they saved bladder but she is having some problems, Tiffany will post short films from her hospital stay, Tiffany can only sit up for a short time so cannot edit. I thought she came across well, she looks great but seems to be having a difficult time with the reality of everything now, she apologised for not updating, she was very emotional and could t manage it before now.
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@Saydee I can only assume I’m “people” since you quoted pinkbubblegums response to me.
My comment no where mentioned I didn’t agree with the other issues. I’m well aware T has been super confusing. Been here since day one when she started her journey. I’ve been frustrated, confused, sad etc. like others have. The whole thing is just sad.
Hi Peanut.

No. I just click reply and don't bother to take out quotes.

If T bothered or took the time to explain things in her videos, there wouldn't be assumptions being made. Nobody knows which means people have to take educated guesses.
As an example your guess is that she has had her womb taken away and she has been sewn up and left with a "tiny pee hole" and that she has been told maybe they haven't removed all disease? Tiffany hasn't said that. All she said was she had pelvic externation had her colon removed and people can google it if they wish? She hasn't bothered to say there are different types of pelvic externation. Nat posted to say Tiff had similar surgery but not the same. Others guessing that she was given bad news and its why she looks sad.
T posts videos asked people to support her in her journey and said she would "take people along to chemo, radio etc", but in the next breath says she doesn't want to talk about stuff? It's no wonder why people have questions, make assumptions and are left guessing.

Regarding Tattle. Tattle's about me section states ' We allow commentary and critiques of people that choose to monetise their personal life as a business and release it into the public domain '
Yet some posters on the thread are calling for empathy, to show compassion, recommending others to not watch T's videos if they are complaining about content?
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But maybe she doesn’t want to share with anyone and sundry what she’s lost. It’s all very personal and private.
I don’t think I’d want to talk about the finer details if I’d had to go through what she’s been through.
I think she’s entitled to privacy. We, the viewers, cannot demand she tells all. It’s up to her to share what she’s comfortable with.
I’m not trying to be argumentative. But, I really find it unnerving that people expect her to tell them what they want. It’s her channel surely she can talk about and tell what she’s comfortable with.
Of course, I understand your point of view. But if this is the case please change the title of the video, because it wasn't about "my cancer surgery", it was about "my youtube posting schedule". She's always alluding in her titles and even in the video itself that she will spill the tea, but she never does.
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You are not wrong. But the real world has let me down. Ive asked for help and support but got nothing. Anyhoo, yes, I do take my breaks both from the digital and the real world. Following TT's vlogs was almost like watching a season on Netflix. Once it's over, we wait (patiently) for the next season or move on to another drama. :)
What a classy and authentic reply @Billiarty . I love your analogy to a Netflix special (very apt, it certainly is!). Sending big hugs to you as you shoulder a significant load, I hope you can find the support that you need. ♥
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The thing is, for a channel which gets her kinda views and for her to not be at 100k - is odd! There are channels with less views than she's getting who are comfortably sitting at the 150k and 100k mark and acheived it quicker than hers. A major thing is it's depressing watching someone with cancer all the time or on a weekly basis, and most people don't want that reminder in their feed constantly - so they don't subscribe as much as they would another channel. The clickbait she does which gets people to click in the first place means they're not watching the video all the way through, because the information mentioned in the title is not there - so that affects her subscribers too. I had to press the 'don't recommend this channel' to me on youtube because at first it was disheartening to see her go through this at the beginning and she was also the first person who I watched with cancer. Still can't figure out why her channel was recommended in the first place, because I've never searched about cancer on YT.

Another really big factor - her life and her lifestyle is not interesting at all, really really really boring. Which is why I don't think the cancer part will ever fully go away(even if she gets cancer free), it's her money maker and the thing that put her in the YT algorithm in the first place to be recommended. Her lifestyle is mind numbing, my neighbours down the road have more interesting things to say and show than her. She is so painstakingly average and you cannot run a lifestyle channel this way. It's not sustainable, so I get why she's dragging this out. Without it, her views and subsrcibers would plummet dramatically.

She'll slowly get to the 100k mark, since she has people invested in the story, every good story needs a conflict and then people hang around for the resolution to see if it's a happy ending or a tragedy. Also, relying on the good will of the people who are suffering through this or the pity and empathy others have for her to get to this point. Otherwise, her content withought the clickbait is unclickable.
So well said.
Doing lifestyle videos really isn't sustainable for her. She is not capable of an interesting thought let alone actions. Romee is now in remission and her videos are now about travel and similar.
Most people understand that a ditzy girl going to the garden centre and talking about fluffy eggs is not interesting to watch.
Tiffany really relied on the cancer. Maybe she thought "Ok I have cancer and I have mentioned it for 20 seconds so I can now show them myself making tea/hot chocolate and talk about it for 10 minutes and they will still praise me and say I'm brave and inspirational cause I have advanced cancer!"
I think Tiffany will drag it out as much as possible. She might mention further "hurdles" (chemo for example).
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T has asked herself several times "do I share too much"? She does in my opinion. She's attracted some crazies too.
She shares very little about the topic of her clickbaits: the cancer. For example, people still don't know whether she is stage 3 or 4 due to that confusing video with the oncologist a few months back. People still don't know what surgery she has had. It took her a year to reveal her cancer was low rectal adenocarcinoma and only because she made a fuss of providing "proof" she had cancer (she creates these dramas to maximise viewership and discussions in the comments). The Tiffany thread here on tattle was created exactly because of the confusion she creates. And look, 18 threads later, we are still speculating.
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So true. Her actions have been pretty manipulative. Since the nurses and doctors were chastised by her and her followers for giving advice, I can't blame them for not commenting anymore
I think most of us would be able to overlook her baby voice and other annoying quirks if she weren't clickbaiting, if she did not start the block and delete crap, if she weren't so evasive and secretive, and if she created an honest and informative channel (like the Krocks for example). I would be ok with a small % of fluff as long as the majority of the video is about the cancer.

It's very surprising that she is a youtuber cause she is very secretive. She said it herself in one of her videos that she is not good at being open. It really shows. And she is not good at what she is doing. If you remove the cancer, noone will watch her. She is not interesting beyond it.
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I'm sorry but this vlog is way, way too much. It's one thing to honestly talk about your illness and provide useful info to others when you're at home or going to appts. She should have done much more of this. But, to me, it's bizarre and morbid to film oneself just out of surgery, in the ICU, doped to the gills. My god, but she is addicted to her channel! I stopped it only a few minutes in. This will sound cold but I honestly believe she posted this to draw in even more subs. She's not able to vlog normally for very long, but she also worried about her channel going blank for too much longer. This is the perfect solution. I truly feel for her and all she's going through but this vlog was not necessary.
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I also think she can no longer use her usual defense mechanism so she might be ready at some point who knows ?... I find that she has made progress in terms of information and transparency, ( she said pelvic exenteration and she insisted on the fact that videos are prerecorded ) she knows that she will have to continue to talk about her recovery from the operation and the aftermath if she wants the 100k and I now think that she might reach them... Yes I think she is really addicted to YT and the fame but is it so bad for her mental health, I don't know... Maybe it really makes her feel good...
i think she went longer today than expected and she seemed to gain strength from knowing her TT YT is back on schedule. She is addicted but at this point with so few diversions available to her maybe it is the lifeline that she needs. She did mention she/
Amma and Matt reading the cards that come to the PO box and that it means so much to her. Maybe YT is her therapy now. I got the impression that family has not been able to visit yet. No idea when today was recorded. She did mention some "results" from I assume pathology which I assume is not whether it is cancer but more info on the make up of her cancer cells to tell them whether to go next. Not an expert here but with entire colon gone that must have touched many organs in the body...wonder if other organs that perhaps could not be removed have cancer. I sure did not get a good vibe from her on the prognosis which I assume was becoming more clear in the days/weeks after the surgery. She did not even call in Amma or Matt for the usual hello. No it was a very different Tiffany I saw today.

I agree.. I was actually surprised with how well she looked. I’m not surprised her video is almost 17 minutes.. repeating the same things over.
-she can’t edit because she can’t sit for long so she’ll post clips from the hospital.
-she talks about editing and posting videos for her tiffany thinks family.
-she hasn’t talked to family or friends as she’s been a low moods
-she mentions a few times how she misses her Tiffany thinks family
-she again mentions she should have turned the camera on sooner and provided an update.. but she cries if she does so. Mentioning a few times she wasn’t ready.. seems like she knew about the criticism she was getting so she’s maybe? defending herself that she couldn’t do videos because of her crying.. feel bad for her.. you can tell reality is hitting her.

These points she mentioned a few times throughout it the video… sigh.

does anyone know if her medical team gave her the next steps to take after surgery? Or the results of the surgery? Or is it still too early to tell?

Sheesh.. Tiffany really has a hold on her followers. 😬

edit; whoops sorry! I continued watching. She said now they wait for results.
we don't know when this was filmed and clearly this is a woman who has not been given a good prognosis. I think the only thing any further pathology reports would indicate is type of cells to sort out further treatment. She has been given a very clear idea of what they found and what the future holds. Based on her video today I don't think it is great.
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At this point, she either overstated the seriousness of her op, or she's on a 2/3 week delay. There's no way around it. She posted she was going in to surgery 2 weeks ago. Now, she's well recovered enough to go home? Something really isn't adding up
She only has herself to blame for people's doubt. I am doubtful she had a full PE. I saw the BBC video of a man that did and he had to almost relearn to walk etc. I think she exaggerates and is a liar.
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I don't know much about the numbers other than that seems like a lot of people that took the time to dislike. I must go and do the same.
It's an unbelievable amount of dislikes for someone who has cancer. People are not stupid and they see through her charade. Check out other people's stand up to cancer videos, noone gets so many dislikes. I spotted Emily Hayward's SU2C video and it made me quite emotional. It's been a few years since her passing but we all still remember her with a lot of fondness.
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Your post is really rather concerning. I think you need to step away from you tube & internet forums, and look for some real world support and help. What you’ve described here is no where near remotely normal or healthy.
You are not wrong. But the real world has let me down. Ive asked for help and support but got nothing. Anyhoo, yes, I do take my breaks both from the digital and the real world. Following TT's vlogs was almost like watching a season on Netflix. Once it's over, we wait (patiently) for the next season or move on to another drama. :)
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very hard to know what was said but IF he did lean to W and W I think because he had a patient that had not yet grasped the extent of change in life after surgery...I assume she asked questions that took him to that opinion and decision.
Possibly. But with T, I don't assume anything. I recall the deluded thinking from her and her family members -- i.e.everything had turned to mucus, the cancer was gone, the failed biopsy could have meant no tumor, she'd never have to worry again after surgery. And on and on and on.
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I almost cheered when Matt was there by the bedside. I tell you what, she's one brave lady. Anyone who can still manage to raise a smile in that state gets my vote of admiration.
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The thing with Tiffany is this ( IMO) she’s right, her Chanel doesn not have to be educational, however, if you are putting cancer in every vlog title and sharing your ‘cancer journey’ it should be clear and factual and sadly it never has been. All that said however. She has been through one of the most brutal surgeries, she wasnt really prepared and really didn’t do herself any favours prior to it, I’m sure even if you are it must be one hell of a shock waking up and looking at your body. Also the fear of will it come back is horrible. Yes she has frust the hell out of me, but I genuinely feel for her or anyone dealing with this.
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