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Yesterday I had a sad and tearful duvet day.

I did nothing all day. I only spoke to you lovely lot from 8am-6pm.

It marked the end of a period of emotional chaos for 6 weeks: my beloved aunt died suddenly and with no warning; I had to make the decision to have my beautiful old dog pts at christmas; I got fast-tracked into cancer investigations the same day - examinations, bloods, cameras, biopsies, surgeries for 3 weeks solid; my son moved abroad with a week's notice.

I cooked a meal from scratch for 5 adults every day except one pizza night and one curry night.

And I held it the fuck together.

Yesterday I got the all clear from gynaecologist and oncologist consultants. And I took a day to fall apart and stick it back together.

Last night I made dinner for 5 - as usual.

We move.

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Same make up, same package.

You remind me of the Aims
Aims with the boss babe power
Power of cats do do
Any D will do
You remind me of the Aims....
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Thread suggestion . #96 Emhey won't cook as everyone knows , so who's gonna feed poor Gypsy Harper Rose ?
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Thissinglemama #96 You’re not independent: The house you live in, dad bought it, the car you’re driving, dad bought it

to the tune of Destiny’s Child
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Most relatable single so called mother on this app ! 🙄
Takeaway last night , white company haul yesterday
Mooching round Chanel, and every other designer label going !
Out for an expensive lunch and home to another takeaway
All with no job and slobs around talking shit into a phone all day
What is actually going on here ??
What’s the country coming to , if this kind lifestyle is acceptable!!
Contributes zero to society
Sorry sound like a right miserable bitch 😂
She just pisses me off!!
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VIP Member
Hello all. Happy New Year!

I have not been on here lately. I have been following Erin's journey and she has died this morning. A young woman in her early 30's who has had the most most sad times but she fought and fought. I just couldnt come on here to see this poor excuse of a person whinging about her cough and doing the most pathetic tik toks about herself.

I get everyone has a different life, but Aimee really needs to take a long good hard stare at herself. She is not special, she is not a celebrity, she is not a good role model for anyone. This young woman with a young family has gone, and all she can talk about is herself and hammy sammys.

Sorry for the vent, but people have no idea how lucky they are :cry:
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If harper was 6ft 2 covered in tattoos with a beard and called dave then catpiss would find the mental capacity to cook a fresh meal
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New member
So last night, I managed to make a cottage pie all by myself without her "tutorial" video and without any pre-packaged flavourings o_O. I am also flat broke....I don't even know if I have enough petrol to last the month because cost of living is killing me. To see her waste so much food and money on absolute rubbish is truly disgusting. Despite being broke, I manage to cook fresh the majority of the week. She is a lazy, entitled, spolied slob. Time for me to block I think....
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OK good morning to Aimless's huns 👋👋
As you've come into our space here's a few thoughts....
First of all,I dont hate anyone.I don't like selfish, shit mothers who lie and neglect their kids
Neglecting kids ? Both my kids are top of their schools tables in all their subjects ,my lad is on the school football team and captain of the rugby and cricket team.Daughter tutors younger kids at school and is also a classroom mentor.
This weekend we went swimming, bowling and to the cinema. We had home made pizzas and a movie night. Walk to the beach yesterday then roast dinner with a gorgous cheesecake made by my deughter .Your idol took her 9 yr old daughter to designer shops fed her takeaway all weekend then gave her a cheese toastie for Sunday lunch . Your idol won't take her child away on her own or take her out to do normal kids activities as " her anxiety " ...the same anxiety that disappears when she's attending events or flying abroad or driving to Liverpool to spend hundreds on tat she doesn't need ,but buys it to try and make herself feel good as she's got nothing else in her life fulfilling job ,no love life no friends and she lives in a shit hole
Read a book ? English degree honey ....
My job is all about helping abused ( that's REAL abused womem ,unlike your idol.We can spot a liar a mile away ,) and their children. We get cards at Christmas and letters through the year about how these families are now happy and thriving. We drive families the length and breadth of the country,day and night .We put ourselves into risky situations to keep women and children safe Your idol sells lipstick and spends money on shite like its going out of fashion .
A happy life? I'm getting married this year to a man who would lay down his life for my kids and me.Hes hard working,loyal loving and gorgous. Just paid off the mortgage for a clean modern,comfy home..How many men has your idol had in 4 years ,including 2 men in the space of months?
So no, no one on here is about jealousy or hatred or trolling .YOU came across here and saw people who are more concerned for your idols daughter than either she,or indeed you are .You see real women and mums who are normal and put their kids before themselves.

Stay in your own lane .


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It’s so funny to me how she constantly makes videos about how the trolls must be so sad and have nothing better to do, but she must spend every minute of the day on here reading everything that’s written because she’s always responding to things 😅😅
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"It's fine", "oh my god", "I don't know", "it's fine, "oh my god", "I don't know"
Repeat x 100000000000
Gives me utter rage 😡🙄🤦🏻‍♀️😂
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Urm nails????

They were her nails when her mum had to do a video on her behalf!! So she wasn’t that depressed at the time then was she?🤔

She’s not bright enough to remember her nails ALWAYS give her game away


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