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Chatty Member
Imagine taking your dad out for Father’s Day and filming yourself eating. She’s an embarrassment.
Its weird,
I thought Fathers Day was about showing love and appreciation to your dad- for all they do for you .....

Nope - still all about her.

She filmed the whole thing ?
If I took my dad for something to eat, and then proceeded to have my phone in the middle of the table, and film everything - He'd ask if I was feeling ok 😉 ......
then tell me not to be so fucking rude, put the phone away, and get out of my own ass.

She is vile.
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Her back was so bad yesterday, she had hardly slept but when she was opening her package of nails & dropped one on the floor, she had no issue swiftly bending down to pick it up !!
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So she got Harpers holiday approved from school.
Absolute lie. They won’t approve it, they will put it down as an unauthorised absence.
Honestly why does she lie.
Plus I didn’t think you had to book a blood test, our doctors just send you the clinic, it’s like a walk in thing 🤷‍♀️
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All whilst whinging she can’t go to m&s
I cant cope with her if her back was that bad she wouldn’t be making tik toks back pain is debilitating. She’s talks so much shite just go to m and s and buy some spicy rice you lazy cow.

Any kind of severe pain you give up basically all your normal activities she’s such a liar.
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Silly cow opening clothes with fake tan on her and will most likely send it back when she’s ruined it with brown marks

Her cheeks look massive she looks like a brown hamster 🐹
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Does she work though haha she’s been on here that’s why to mention the fact she clearly does work haha
Starting to think her job is reading tattle and living in her own world of self pity 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I dunno about anxiety but I think the woman is depressed and got a drink problem.The anxiety appears none existent just going off what we see on social media although I know that means nothing .IMO anxiety is the least of her worries
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Why did she say boy and not man, anyone else find that a little weird? I bet that tinder dream was actual real life.
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The sleeves - do nothing for her arms
The cross over front looks like her boobs are trying to escape
The elasticated waiste makes her hips look wider
And the skirt is just too full and shapeless
Colour looks like it’s faded,
Otherwise it’s ok 😂😂😂😂
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A day free and don't know what to do with yourself....maybe get washed and changed out of yesterdays clothes and oh I don't know get the window behind you cleaned that is actually filthy....just a couple of ideas to pass the time?!?😳
Oh the lips are quite full today oh good lord 🤣
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Another lady who I actually really like put out a post about struggling with her mental health, and look who comments on it, the difference is, this creator is sat in her car, no frills just speaking about how she's struggling, no woe is me fake voice, no hiding behind her blanket, no fakeness. Just her being her. This is why aimee gets hate because she's so fake.


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Mental health problems do affect people in many different ways, some are able to mask how they're feeling, others cannot. But with Aimee my gut instinct is that she is not genuine with what she is saying

She deffo has mental health issues, but not in the way she thinks. She's a compulsive liar and a hypochondriac
Complex mental health issues in themselves and I totally agree and
that makes her very dangerous!!
The lies and fantasies she's spewed out in tik tok are endless!!
I wish I had the time to go back and find them all...and post them...she's shocking!!!
The worse one for me is when she sat there "in tears" going on about how she had just had her first "therapy session" for her alleged PTSD following her marriage...she went on and on and said..she would continue to "share her journey through therapy" as she wanted to help others...not a bloody word since....those tears were so fake and that's the first time.i really saw through her and thought how dangerous and manipulative she is..up to then I liked her and thats why I followed her...but sorry, she's just a liar and very dangerous with it!
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Chatty Member
Is it just me or has she toned down the make up? Especially the bronzer. Tell me you read tattle, without telling me you read tattle 😂😂
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Does that bloody mother of hers own any other clothes, and why does she always wear that ridiculous hat! Thought she was a hairdresser 🤔
She is just as skanky as her daughter isn’t she? Both look like they need a good wash, hair cut and new clothes
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I don’t live far from her and out tonight with my hubby and our friends. Hey Aimless wonder if we will see you in the village with your toy boy! 😂😂😂

Well we won’t bloody miss you as you look like a Oompa loompa 😂😂😂😂
I also live near to her and very tempted to go for a wander later 🤔😆
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If he is watching her live...he won't be wanting another ignorant is she about him, running him down to complete strangers!! Who does she actually think she is!
She is so up herself and her followers calling him narcissistic and they haven't even met him!! She talks about people trolling her, surely she is trolling him and he's not there to defend him...i can't believe her!!
She's absolutely shocking!!!
He's not text her back....maybe he's realised what a bitch she really is!
Maybe he has got wind of her calling him!
She's vile....he's not trying hard enough...what the hell does she want ?
I can't abide her, I truly can't!!!
All these people she calls and puts down and they can't respond...I just wish someone would call her out who knows her for what she is😡😡😡😡
I'm listening to her as I type this and she's just awful😡!
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Well done you,so you should be proud 🤍i had two babies during the pandemic and severe pnd so can totally relate to the not leaving the house x

She may not have outright said ‘I have anxiety and depression harper’ but if she truly had these illnesses then trust me Harper would be extremely affected .There is absolutely no hiding it sometimes when she’s as ill as she Supposedly says she is .So what does she say to Harper when she has a panic attack when she’s around ? Or she can’t take her somewhere becuase she’s so anxious ,when she’s so depressed she literally can’t function and physically stop herself from crying .You can’t possibly hide it sometimes when things get so bad .
She’s not being truthful though is she so she either doesn’t have these experiences or she’s just pretending Harper isn’t affected
Thank you, there's still a long way to go, but I'm slowly getting back to "normal", 7 weeks off having my second baby and know that I want to be able to do more with the both of them, feel like my daughter has missed out on a lot because of my anxieties, but I'm doing the very best I can to change that for her and for my little boy when he's here.

Growing up, my mam suffered badly with anxiety and depression and my nana was agoraphobic. As much as we were shielded from it, as a kid you know that the behaviour isn't "normal". My parents hid my mams from us as much as possible, she would put a mask on, and on her bad days we knew that she was "poorly" but it wasn't until we lost my nana that we fully knew the extent. She had a full breakdown and has never really got "better", I think partly because she was the one to find her and they were extremely close. Kids notice stuff, no matter how hard you hide it, and there is absolutely no way, if her anxiety is as bad as she says it is, that that bairn doesn't know something is wrong.
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She is just a joke isn't she. She's on live talking about Harpers bed time routine, she says she sends her to bed at 7/7.30 and then she's allowed to lie in bed and have some tablet time or read to wind down and then aimee said she goes up and reads her a story before she goes to sleep, no she doesn't? Then the next part, she says she's entitled to her adult time on her own in the evening because she spends her day looking after harper after school.. does she? She has all day to herself when harper is in school because let's face it, she doesn't actually work a proper job, then when harper is home, she makes multiple tik toks. She is a shit parent.
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