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VIP Member
I'm going to guess what's coming.....

She'll totally disappear for a whole day, the huns will worry so she'll pop a video up saying she's okay but needs a minute blah blah blah (the real truth being the floor is being layed so she'll have no space etc to do a video)


She'll do a shitty narc clap back, claiming that this is her job and she would never deceive anyone, this will come in the form of a politicians apology, no accountability and packed full of lies.


She'll act like nothing has happened but the comments will go off because people are pissed from yesterday.

There may also be a staring at a fence panel or doing make up looking sad, phone set up, whilst she plays motivational sounds much as "You're a bad ass bitch, they don't know what you're capable of" bull shit šŸ¤£
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This Is Not An Ad

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Dozens upon dozens of huns now coming for that lady! Itā€™s actually repulsive! Itā€™s okay for them to kick off on someone online but not anyone else to say what they think? All for some random woman on tiktok! Theyā€™re VILE!!!!
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When I'm having a sad day, I just look at amiee and her huns and instantly feel better. Thank God I'm not them and her!!
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Someone ought to tag M&S in that slog where she is repulsed by their desserts - bet theyā€™d be really impressed with her reactions to their new pudding range!!
#m&s šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
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If the Ā£11 Hismile toothpaste is the best and you canā€™t put a price on oral hygiene, then why did she buy the Colgate one in the first place šŸ« 
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Nah she knew what she was doing with that apology video the fact she captioned it "don't say anything to the other person" knowing full well her little minions would , there was no need to pick that comment out , she could've just said there's been comments etc , sly ...very sly šŸ¤Ø
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Just having a nose

Chatty Member
How thick are some of her huns ? Its not an emergency ffs out of hours Jesus wept
I'm sitting at the dentists and a lady has just said she's waited 10 months for an appointment. The NHS Is on its knees and her idiotic huns want her to jump doctors queues .
The same type of people that go to A&E with a common cold and then slag the wait times off on Facebook because someone came in having a heart attack and got seen before them. Fuckin drains on society.
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Wait til she tells the doctor sheā€™s never actually passed out when driving because she gets a warning sign that allows her to pull over safely somewhere
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I wonder how many times ASA will uphold complaints about her before something is actually done ....

Comments off again .Shes an absolute liability
She canā€™t keep getting away with this, sheā€™s misleading over 630k people. Sheā€™s had 3 reports to ASA in the last 2 months - how is that on?

Either sheā€™s getting more desperate for the sales because the ads are her only decent income (except when thereā€™s drama and views boost) or sheā€™s that deluded she has no clue what sheā€™s doing anymore. Think itā€™s both to be honest, because when she was doing the lives previously she had ā€œsomeā€ knowledge, now itā€™s basically telling all the people theyā€™re the ones who are wrong.

Iā€™ve got acrylics at the moment and her nails sit on the nail bed like mine, itā€™s obvious itā€™s not her natural nails but sheā€™s twisted it to say itā€™s about the polish not the nails BUT surely itā€™s about both as sheā€™s saying the polish bends to the nail to prevent chipping & acrylics donā€™t bend!

Weā€™re gonna have a if you have nothing nice to say, donā€™t say it kind of video. Those comments on the ad were not the one & sheā€™s just doing her ā€œjobā€ now if any of us were constantly messing up, turning up like a tramp, and intentionally MISLEADING customers weā€™d be fucking fired! So why is she any different, sheā€™s shit at her job, parenting and at life because sheā€™s so devoid of reality itā€™s unreal
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Oh piss fking hoo!! Most of us have to fit everything round a full time job Aimee and are up from the crack arse of dawn, not still pratting about in our pjs at gone 8am waiting for the decorator, we have a bit of pride in ourselves! We don't have time to shop every day during working hours we have actual work to do!!

How on earth will you cope having to do all that and film yourself at your "work trip".

Oh piss off and when you get there piss off again!! Her and her mate Steph are always soooo busy, always sooooo tired, get a grip!!

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It's the way she replies to people in the comments as well she is so passive aggressive.......that ad has not went down well at all, love that for her! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.

How she thought it was a good idea to do an ad for nail polish of any kind when she pays Ā£50 a time to get her nails done, is beyond me. I think she is getting thicker tbh šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
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Gone to Tesco and sheā€™s ā€œleft her clubcard in Spainā€ cos she used it to switch lights on, what the hell is that lie?
I suspect she shoved her clubcard in the thing you're supposed to put your key card in when you enter the doubt so the A/C stayed on while she was out!!!
Funny how 6 days ago Hampers favourite "cakeys" were on the clubcard offer, so who's clubcard did you use ya filthy liar....just saying.
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She manipulates peoples words. FINALLY I think people are waking up.
Better get on indeed aimless and start looking for a job.
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I don't think the cats just started scratching the carpet on that video, they must have already been doing it and she makes no attempt to stop them!

I saw in the comments someone commented on the aertex ceiling and if she wants to get rid of it. She replied yes she wanted to have it removed and spotlights put in but she has to save for it first! She could have the money no problem if she stopped all her mindless spending! Busy buying chairs and sideboards (along with the food, clothes etc) - basically all the 'nice' things but not bothering about the bones of the house. She's all about the show that one.
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VIP Member
Ffs Sue 111 is for emergencies,not spoilt brats who are pissed off their doc can't see them straight away .

Fabricated Aimless)? It was your own dramatic videos that caused this .The DVLA wouldn't call for reports if they thought this was just fabricated .
Your crying videos, the ones of you having " panic" attacks in your car,saying you're going to pass out ....none of them are fabricated

You would think finishing her daughters room so she has somewhere to sleep and booking an appointment at the doctors would be more of a priority than some tacky event
Fabricated evidence thatā€™s come straight off her own TikToks. Sheā€™s so fucking deluded sheā€™s unreal.
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