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I also hate how Coco always has something on her feet, whether it be socks or shoes. George is a parenting expert so she knows barefoot is best, especially seeing as Coco is late on the standing front.
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He a mechanic/has his own garage I believe. But I reckon there is money elsewhere. I know when she talks about Ocado in this current climate 🥴
Just went down a rabbit hole on her old instagram and found her dads instagram and tiktok and in turn found his instagram too.

He has his own garage specialising in bwms, audis, mercedes ect. He follows her but she doesn’t follow him so he’ll see all the shit she sprouts about him.
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Today’s stories:
Here’s some hideous and wildly unsuitable/impractical shoes for a toddler that cannot actually toddle.
Here’s my sick toddler and here’s the link to buy my carrier. Is plugging products really at the forefront of your mind when your child is unwell???
And again apparently no sleep but surprise surprise a full face of makeup including glittery eyeshadow.
The way she embraces all the things that are wrong with influencer culture while trying to act like she’s mother of the year actually boils my piss.
Somebody mentioned it earlier but the parent facing carrier thing at this age is odd isn’t it…? I have no experience as I sacked off using a carrier after my kids have been about 3 months old. It’s just not for me. So maybe it is normal but it looks odd to have quite a large kid made to sleep like a newborn.
I too cannot wait for influencer culture to die a quick death - especially motherhood ones
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That to me isn't sleep training at all. Hopes for better sleep, yes, but not sleep training. Not every small change with a view to improving sleep is sleep training and gentle sleep training methods don't exist.
But coco didn’t just magically sleep through. She stopped doing one thing when she woke up and started doing something else. I don’t give a shit what she did, but it’s this “narrative” that somehow because Madame George did it and called it A Together Sleep Journey with Mama or some shit it’s somehow any different from other parents ways of doing it. However you get your kid to sleep at night you have to train them to sleep. I don’t care how else George tries to say it.
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I do love a good carrot cake porridge not gonna lie but as per usual, George just goes overboard with it!
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Right?? That's what I thought too. She posts every last detail but wouldn't say that she's seeing a physio for Coco's feet!? The only tune I've ever seen shoes recommend is in cases like your son's or if they need orthotics. She's just going to make things worse by putting shoes on her. Never mind the shit barbie trainers and random sandals she got for her
The physio was even clear to point out that the boots were for short periods. Barefoot and learning to stand barefoot were much better for strengthening feet & ankles. She’s full of shit. She wants a child to promote consumerism end of story
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She thinks Coco’s gross motor skills are behind because she’s been focussing on her fine motor skills instead.. good theory but pretty sure her fine motor skills are also lacking!! My child was really into fine motor stuff and was zipping/unzipping fiddly zips at 15 months. There’s no way Coco is capable of anything remotely close to that!
She's only just developed a pincer grasp according to George the other day so i don't think so 😂😂

Also does Coco have any words yet??
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The few posts I read I did get the impression she loves the baby stage
Refreshing that there was no reels in sight !


edit to add- she used to share loads of sensory activities she did with the kids, interesting she never seems to do that for the youngest 2 just obsesses about sleep!
She said she was a nanny and a teaching assistant for a bit. If it’s anything like her parenting I can’t imagine she was very good at it
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Anything showing breastfeeding always does well in terms of ‘engagement’, but it’s not because other mothers are liking and sharing, it’s from the reams of perverts who fetishise it 😢🤢
Do you think she genuinely believes it’s 4.1 million women watching and being inspired? Is she really that stupid? I can honestly say I have never watched anyone’s breastfeeding reels. I cannot imagine the absolute disgust my kids would have if they discovered I had made a montage of them breastfeeding
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She’s got more shoes than my walking 16m old who has only started the past 2 weeks so haven’t bought him any until he’s steady
Right! My 13 month old has one pair of soft soled barefoot style shoes because she doesn't want to be in the pram for long now she can walk and that's it. At home she NEVER wears shoes, even if its raining and she's in the garden. I wouldn't dream of putting her in those (absolutely hideous) barbie trainers. I bet those were recommend by the PT too... :rolleyes:
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From the mum who’s 1 year old is just getting over it: it sounds like Coco has covid to me…
Poor little thing
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And then she rants about gender stereotypes but look at Coco! Pink, handbags and dolls..
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Chatty Member
I’ve just listened to the singing reel! Wtf was that? I love that song and she’s ruined it forever for me
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This was her message.

"Thank you - yes I know barefoot is best for them when they are learning to walk but he has been seen by a paediatric physiotherapist who assessed her and recommended she wear walking shoes to encourage her feet and aid her in standing etc ☺"
but she’s recently started to stand / pull herself up? make it make sense! surely she wont even be able to bum shuffle with them clonky things on!

*IF* it is true why is she pipping on about letting babies do things in their own time and not to worry and if she knows barefoot is best why has she been dressing her up in shoes for months now. all very strange.
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