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Chatty Member
Her and her sister are as bad as each other when it comes to eating. They claim to be “big eaters” but literally eat one meal a day. Her sister flogs some bloody snack bite things that are tiny as it is and she still only eats half of one at a time. I actually watched her sit in a burger joint with family one day for lunch and she ordered nothing. Like literally sat there and watched everyone else eat. What kind of life are you leading if you can’t even enjoy a burger while out with family?!
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Bitch got stank eye. My other half got that when he accidentally got dog shit in his eye during a clean up that required a hose. I hope people’s suggestions to her included washing her hands after a nappy change and ceasing to stick her face up Cleo Harper’s arse.
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I really liked her advice a week or so ago about the routine she has and how they did it…. For her week old baby. Babe - newborns don’t need a routine they literally just eat and sleep hahaha. Your not doing anything magic.
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Chatty Member
Anyone else get absolutely disgusted that she gets sent not just a piece or 2 but an ENTIRE collection of these ugly activewear brands that she never even wears?! I have lost count the number of CH collections she's been sent, plus she gets the odd Baseline one here and there. It's gross. I wish these companies would realise they would be so much better off sending gifted items (like, one or 2 things) to people who genuinely enjoy and buy their products. I for one would be so much more inclined to buy something after seeing it on a genuine friend than a grifter influencer 🤢🤮
I actively avoid brands working with influencers like this. If they’re going to give their products to grifters for free, they can’t possibly need my money.
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Isn’t Claire’s ponytail just a basic ponytail? I honestly can’t imagine her DM’s are blowing up with people asking how to do a ponytail. Most girls learn to do them when they’re a kid. I wonder if that was one of the reels she said she filmed for us all today.

Also, I noticed a lot of her previous posts now have paid partnership on them. Either she’s been in trouble, reading here or both.
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VIP Member
Claire has sealed the deal that she is dumb as dog shit with her comment about voting. If you have time for 3 Kmart hauls a week, but can’t find ten minutes to educate yourself about who’s policies align with your views to vote for…then you are an absolute idiot
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You’ve all inspired me. I’ve also reported the Cleo Harper stories.

I don’t know how you all feel, but I wouldn’t buy from Cleo Harper on principle now.

I have quite a lot of Francesca because it was very popular locally about 7 or 8 years ago. But it’s crap quality and totally over priced junk jewellery. The Franc beaded bracelets snap so easily. I once took something back for repair and was refused, so I went back a different day and the girl rolled her eyes and fixed it on the spot. She also muttered at me that she thought it was crappy and getting crappier. I bet she doesn’t work there anymore.

I literally don’t think I could buy anything that Claire spruiks.
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Chatty Member
Hot take: I don't think it's to avoid criticism online; I think she's likely always been like this.

I'll bet she comes from a household of straight forward parents who didn't allow complaining and that translates into toxic positivity.

She's the "weaker" twin and always been in Krista's shadow, I reckon.

Well, until Claire started getting some online fame and then she become quite self absorbed.

Unable to deal with criticism she's received so she's quick to the defense of "oh, I'm just a simple girl" because people can't hate if you claim you don't try.

Except she tries -- really hard.

Hard shell and gooey centre is Claire. If she starts showing her real feelings I think she'd unravel in a heap.

Tattlers who know her IRL - can you confirm/deny?

*hops out of psychoanalyst armchair*

Claire was always the less nice of the two, which made her less popular. She was a bitch basically, she was cold, unapproachable and had no time for anyone outside of her circle of friends. Not a bully or anything like that but not inclusive at all.

She has always been extremely competitive so the suggestion that she’s simple and doesn’t try is crap. She tries very hard and always has, particularly because Krista has always been slightly more successful at things. Claire has also followed Krista into a lot of things - Krista started her instagram first, joined the police force first, had kids first etc. Definitely living in the shadows.

The way she hits out and publicly shames anyone who has a dig at her but then claims she doesn’t care just reeks of someone who can’t handle criticism at all.

The family in general have always thought they were a bit better than everyone else, they’ve always had plenty of money and are always looking for the next way to make more (like flogging off scummy old clothes on insta).

And I can 100% confirm she never wore a single item of anything from Kmart back before it was “cool”.
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Chatty Member
Jeez “baby boy” is teeny. Maybe should have eaten more and exercised less when preggo Claire
Or listened to the healthcare professionals who suggested supplementing with formula, rather than waiting until they threatened a feeding tube, which she finally admitted the other day.
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I’ve just counted 7 brands, not including Kmart and Bonds, that she has advertised today alone. Her Instagram is literally just advertising these days. I actually didn’t mind her a few years ago, however her constant ads made me start skipping her stories to the point she no longer showed up in my feed with the algorithm stuff.

I have also seen 3 influencers try and flog the same hideous sunglasses today. I absolutely wouldn’t buy them based on the fact they look ridiculous on all of them.
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I’ve never seen Claire disclose so many ads in the whole time I have followed her 😂 If we all achieve nothing else this week, I think we can still be proud of our efforts to have her disclose the amount of ads she actually does. She still has a way to go as she’s not disclosing all of them but it’s a good start.
She’s deleted and repeated some stories today too, adding AD/Gifted to cover herself... hi Claire! There’s still heaps of posts on your page that aren’t marked gifted though, thanks for keeping me busy while I recover from a knee injury—I’ll be sending in the screenshots of them all to the Ad people over the next few days! How good are screenshots, hey?! And the best part is I‘m off my feet for six weeks, so much time to watch all those stories of yours 🙌
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Really wish she would stop with the crop top after work out laying on the floor boobs on our face videos. You got your flat stomach back after baby boy. Good for you 🙄
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Anyone else get absolutely disgusted that she gets sent not just a piece or 2 but an ENTIRE collection of these ugly activewear brands that she never even wears?! I have lost count the number of CH collections she's been sent, plus she gets the odd Baseline one here and there. It's gross. I wish these companies would realise they would be so much better off sending gifted items (like, one or 2 things) to people who genuinely enjoy and buy their products. I for one would be so much more inclined to buy something after seeing it on a genuine friend than a grifter influencer 🤢🤮
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VIP Member
The blissed out fangirling over “baby boy” and how perfect and amazing it’s all been- only to find out he’s being monitored strictly because he wasn’t gaining weight really shat me. Not because her bub wasn’t gaining of course! Awful! The fact she toxic positive-d her way through it. If I had that feeding regime I’d be spent, and extremely short tempered due to fatigue. It’s so disingenuous. Baby not gaining would be crushing. It’s ok to say it’s fucking hard. Then the Kmart screenshots! I understand she was all Kmart and that’s how she got a following, but why do people keep following?
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Female Businesswoman

Chatty Member
HOW DARE she give advice to trying to conceive or miscarriage information like she's a dr. I Looked into this unrivalled being whatever, and all a scam to do with hormones and DNA testing. Emailed them asking what qualification or degrees did they have for claiming this hypocrisy. Never received an answer back so my conclusion. A scam. She'd shill anything if it means $$$$ for her. She's absolutely a complete nutta.

I recommend you report the story under
False information

like I just have
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