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Such mundane content. It was a productive morning even though I am still in my pj's. I am going to have a shower. I am not sure how long a thread will be maintained as the shit she posts/talks about is so boring.
Need a Claire bingo.

Take a shot everytime she says...
"morning grammers", "happy ____day/yay!", "never miss a monday", kmart screengrabs, "guys, this is not my fulltime job, you can search for the same stuff i do!", "workout/shower/ washed hair/ coffee done", "I'm just a simple girl" "cuddle time with baby boy!", "just be kind", "fresh lashes/brows", "just been for a walk!", "ahhhmazing!", laying down and sweaty post-workout shot with boobs out, "ask me a question", "guys, be respectful!", kmart photos of shelves and racks, "caught up with my twin!" "CLEO HARPER CLEO HARPER CLEO HARPER" "FRANCESCA FRANCESCA FRANCESCA"

Drink, drank, drunk.

Look I really liked Claire but my eyes have been opened to a lot of stuff.
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I totally just threw Thomas out there to see if someone would spill the name 😂
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Not sure if this has been mentioned but Claire reminds me of Janice from The Muppets with those awful lashes.
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Female Businesswoman

Chatty Member
Isn’t Claire’s ponytail just a basic ponytail? I honestly can’t imagine her DM’s are blowing up with people asking how to do a ponytail. Most girls learn to do them when they’re a kid. I wonder if that was one of the reels she said she filmed for us all today.

Also, I noticed a lot of her previous posts now have paid partnership on them. Either she’s been in trouble, reading here or both.
“Posting for you guys, filming for you guys”
Oh thanks Claire.
No it’s actually for YOU, your pockets. Your ego. Or both.
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Daddy, pack your bags
We’re off and away
Just like Mummy’s lashes, hey!
We’re going to the beach
Where we’ll see and we’ll eat
All the same as the trips previously.
Daddy, lets’s pack our bags
And add in our Cleo Harper and Francesca
Are you going to be bored?
You betcha!
Grab your bags, Daddy

Love from Houston MummyHasAProblem
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Is she still a cop? How is she pissing people off? Do tell!
The cop community is quite insular. Claire won what I guess is seen as a promotion, which meant she went to an outer area but still close to Hobart and it came with a house as part of the deal (like, a rural cop shop where you live). She then got pregnant and you can’t be in uniform past a certain number of weeks so she was seconded elsewhere but kept the house during the secondment and leave, even though she’s not doing the job that goes with it. My understanding is that while it’s all “above board”, there’s others than would have liked the job and are pissy that she gets the free house without doing the job. She also barely even stays there because the house is cold and probably not that grammable so they spend a lot of time at the partner’s parents house which is why she doesn’t show much of the house anymore.
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Yesssssss FINALLY! Thank you for creating this

I CAN NOT stand the fake positivity. Like shut the fuck up. Her entire pregnancy was “ahhhhmazing” her labour was “ahhhhmazing” her transition into motherhood has been “ahhhhmazing” nothing is that perfect. Sharing photos of you crying on day 3 or whatever does not make you relatable, it makes your fake ass even more fake.

Dont even get me started on the hairstyles. A high pony to the side of your head stopped being cute after the age of 5.

The lashes - I have no words for these. I don’t know what’s worse - the fact she posts stories when she has ONE lash hanging on for dear life, or the fact that she thinks her fresh lashes look good!? 🤯

The icing on the cake for me was when she posted that story a few days ago of her in her bra and undies showing us her post partum body. WHY!? Tell me why do other mums need to see how you’ve “bounced back” she won’t share her baby or even just his name, but will share with us her body. And the most recent reel with the black bodysuit 🤮🤮🤮 omg her nipples! I am all for women feeling sexy after having a baby, but fuck keep that between you and your partner!
I’m sure I have more. This is just what I’ve had sitting on the tip of my tongue.
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"Can't time pregnancies"

Um.. news flash, Claire... sorry to break it to you, but...
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She won’t cope with 2 under 2. I’m here for the toxic positivity as she tries to get through that. Try fitting in your work outs around a barely toddler and a newborn’s needs love. Going to be a wild ride. Strap in and pray the new baby is a good sleeper 😂
Just worth noting, her twin strapped her two kids into the pram once, it was around 12 degrees outside and walked them from their place to Eastlands and back just so she could say she’d walked a half marathon once - and then casually mentioned she almost felt a little guilty when they were complaining about being cold but sometimes “mums have to put themselves first”. NOTHING gets in the way of these morons and their workouts!
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Claire is a cop so she has this whole need for her community to comply with her instructions.

She reeks of someone in enforcement - happy as anything until you do something considered to be "offensive" to her and then she shames you or belittles her community - look at what I do for you, for free, show me the respect I demand, I give you everything, how dare you expect more from me.

The whole secretive thing about baby boy is just weird - why make such a big deal about it. If you don't want to show him then fine but don't try and make money off having a baby ( spruiking formula, baby equipment etc) and exploiting him/motherhood in that way.

She wants her cake and eat it too except she doesn't eat cake as part of her meal prep I am sure :rolleyes: .
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Hot take: I don't think it's to avoid criticism online; I think she's likely always been like this.

I'll bet she comes from a household of straight forward parents who didn't allow complaining and that translates into toxic positivity.

She's the "weaker" twin and always been in Krista's shadow, I reckon.

Well, until Claire started getting some online fame and then she become quite self absorbed.

Unable to deal with criticism she's received so she's quick to the defense of "oh, I'm just a simple girl" because people can't hate if you claim you don't try.

Except she tries -- really hard.

Hard shell and gooey centre is Claire. If she starts showing her real feelings I think she'd unravel in a heap.

Tattlers who know her IRL - can you confirm/deny?

*hops out of psychoanalyst armchair*
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She reminds of women from my mother’s group who thought they were going to get invisible medals for their unmedicated births, exclusive breastfeeding and their 2 week old sleeping through through the night 🤣
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I have serious concerns for the future of this planet if people are legitimately asking her how she ties her hair back 😂 but good excuse to give a plug to a few sponsors I guess.

It cracks me up though:
Claire: get into woollies to buy these amazing MCo beauty products half price, I just use them all the time and they are ahhhmazing!
Also Claire: I literally haven’t put any makeup products on my face for well over 18 months now.
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Yes, Sam and Houston
You might think you’re so famous, private and important Claire but we all know the name.
In fact I heard it from one of your Instagram “friends” who you told. And she’s told heaps of people behind your back.
Also, you showed your son’s poo on Instagram so don’t lecture us on your privacy or give a follower a dressing down in your DMs when they ask you why you haven’t shared his name with the audience you shill to.
I mean, they were all listed in her nan’s death notice in the Mercury. Not that secret.

TBH, I’m shocked that it didn’t say “loved nan of Claire, anonymous partner and baby boy. She needs her privacy, you know.”
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I just realised she blocked me haha… I wrote a message about something unsafe for baby sleep (I usually would never bother writing messages but some stuff is so blatantly unsafe) and she responded in a way that came across as insecure… but then blocked me. Must’ve copped it over the baby formula stuff as well. Ok hun. I really don’t mind because she is blaaaannnnd but fragile much? I guess when you just want people up your ass all the time it’s confronting to get messages all the time from strangers having something to say about parenting. Here’s the crazy thing, if you don’t want opinions… don’t post. That simple. It’s not “censorship”. It’s literally the fact you cannot control other peoples opinions of you. You’re welcome to block and delete and so you should.
Unfortunately parenting is a super aggressive space because people will fight you over every single parenting decision you make. However, you need to accept if you want freebies, if you want a following, you want attention - you will experience an inevitable downside that comes with the territory.

Guess I’ll have to *checks notes* refresh the Kmart page on my own then 😞😞😞😞😜😜😜😜🫢🫢🫢🫢
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Late to the party - just found this thread! 🙌
Can confirm - baby boy’s name is definitely Houston, they call him Huey. So now we know why she doesn’t want to put that on the internet - it’s not great 😂 also, I noticed today that she’s stopped saying baby boy as much - thanks Claire!
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