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VIP Member
Anthony was a completely different person on the Uncloaked show. Even his face looked different relaxed and smiling. Poor guy aged overnight in there🤣

I can see how that would’ve been perceived as suspicious but they’re slowly eliminating all the issues players who are actually switched on.
Who do you think they’ll recruit next?
Bless him. I think playing this game would age me overnight as well.
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Yep, the traitors aren’t remotely clever, they’re just really lucky that, apart from Jaz and Diane, the rest of them have single-figure IQs
The only smart thing they’ve done is get rid of two people with personalities in the past two days and even then I think that’s been purely luck
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I might be imagining it, but last year I’m sure it was mentioned if someone was murdered ’in plain sight’, to ramp up the tension a bit.

I am a bit ‘hhhhmmm’ at the whole ‘couldn’t sleep because I’m so TERRIFIED!!!!’ thing they keep harping on about - you sit down in a posh chair to read a piece of paper that says you’re not in the game any more - how petrifying 🙄
Oh right. In that case someone will definitely comment on the fact a strange wine glass appeared ( probably Diane if she didn’t get murdered) . Miles’s days are numbered.
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They’ll probably start closing in on Harry soon and question why he was so upset over Jonny leaving and wonder whether it was guilt because he is in fact a traitor.

I don’t think Miles has anything up his sleeve but I hope I’m wrong. I think he got into the mindset of being a faithful as he wasn’t recruited until the next day(?) and doesn’t look like he wants to be a traitor at all🤣
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Does anyone else mentally switch off for the tasks?

I know they have to include them to add more money to the pot, but pretty much every non-task part of the show is 100% better than the tasks.
I’ve literally watched none of it 😂
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One thing I don’t understand from last nights one - why is Evie not under suspicion?

If a known traitor (Ash) voted for someone surely you would conclude they are a traitor as Ash actually knows who the traitors are?!
Traitors don’t tend to vote for other traitors though (Ash aside because she was a liability) they’re trying to banish as many faithfuls as possible so they can win? So I don’t think looking at who the known traitors have voted for in the past will lead anyone to potential traitors necessarily
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It’s going to be so easy for them to identify those who were acting different/shifty the night of the ‘murder’. Firstly they’re all gonna remember that Paul, Harry and Miles disappeared for a while and then Zach can vouch for seeing them talking privately in another room. And to top it off Miles being really weird about giving Diane a drink🤣I wonder how they’ll come back from this and defend themselves.
But will they find out someone was ‘murdered in plain sight’ ? Will it not just be like other murders where someone doesn’t make it to breakfast? I can’t remember this scenario from the previous/US/AUS/UK series.
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That's what really bothers me about him, he thinks he's playing an absolute blinder where in reality I think he's just managing to somehow slip under radars at the minute.
True! though I'm happy to wait patiently until eventually he gets caught out and all his 'clever' game play has been for naught. 😅
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