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If you’re a 39 year old woman AND you’re actively trying to get pregnant AND you still can’t track your own menstrual cycle, you don’t deserve to procreate. If tracking your own period gives you anxiety to the point that you can’t deal with it, YOU NEED HELP, NOT ANOTHER CHILD.
Jinx. ;) Just noticed your comment too.
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If a girl, I hope she is the real athlete and Amazonian in height and is a star. Tim probably won't know what to do with that since J is supposed to be his amazing athlete and tall child. It would be awesome if said girl was a total battleax, dominant athlete, and wanted nothing to do with Minnie ears. To go from a woman totally dependent on everyone to having a girl like that would blow Tim's mind. Who am I kidding, they probably wouldn't even recognize a girl's athletic prowess and talent in that way. Ugh, depressing.
Totally agree. I know all kids are different but my second was a whole other ball game and was total badass even from toddler stage, knew her own mind and not afraid to say it. I have done my best to let her express herself whilst trying to explain that sometimes tact is needed etc and I just can’t see Jenn or Tim being able to manage that type of strong personality. She has just turned 13 and I don’t worry about peer pressure at school as I know she won’t be 2 seconds in standing up for herself if needed 😂
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Since I’m FB “friends” with Tim, I checked out some of the photos…very attractive Jenn 🤪
Eh...i hate to defend them, like..ever, but it's kinda nice to see her having fun like that. Over the years I think both her and Tim have lost who they once were.
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I think they know it’s a girl and are just waiting to make another corny gender reveal video. She’s had blood work done and because of her age they run all the tests for abnormalities and it reveals the gender as well.
My sister had her miracle baby last year after 8 years of trying. The fertility doctor told her she would not be able to have another without their help. Whelp, she’s pregnant again. Without help and a total surprise. Two boys-16 months apart. Her regular Ob-gyn said it happens more often than you’d think. She is very nauseous this time and was hoping it was a girl but it’s not.
I think people will stick around to see the baby and then Tim can kiss his channel goodbye. Nobody gives a fuck about Jenns breastfeeding schedule and where the diaper stations are. They lost followers when j$ was born and it will happen again. #homemovies
You're right, only their diehard stans give a crap about another Tracker prop baby. And if the overall views in the last month or two are any indication of their true stan count, a baby won't make their channel blow up the way they think it will. There's plenty of actually good and informative infant and toddler videos on the internet, so the Slackers aren't going to be in new YT territory.
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This is very true. When they are in the car at Target, during the word vomit part, Tim says something like "because I love you" and looks over at Jenn while he's saying it. Jenn doesn't even glance his way at all, keeps looking at her ugly mug in the camera and says "I know, I love you too". The only thing she loves is herself.
Like Mother Gothel, “I love you most.” She means Rapunzel’s hair.
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I seriously can't stand how Tim talks about J when it comes to things he thinks are exceptional (and almost like he feels responsible for it). J being in the 99th percentile for height, for example.
Which is crazy! Just because he is that "tall" now doesnt mean a thing. My guy was so tiny he BARELY even made the chart! Now at 12 he's had a massive growth spurt and is in the 75th percentile. Go figure!
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Chatty Member
I concur, but they don’t represent any amusement parks!
They utilize the IP of these theme parks to pad their wallets to go on over the top vacations regularly.
😂 which will end when the reality of traveling with a 3 year old, infant and a nanny kicks in.

🤔, 😲 Oh, NO!
Now this just gives them the fuel to be more entitled and demanding!
Tim: can’t you see I have two little kids!
We need to be the first people to board/enter the plane/cruise ship/venue, etc.

edit: I just realized that you are referring to the house representing a theme park. Not T&J. My bad.
LOL No I concur! They do have a snap together rolly costy, now in my defense that should count for something? LOL
Nah, you aren't bad but thanks for recognizing. :giggle:

You betcha they'll always have to be first in line cause they're the only ones that ever, ever had children.. They'll drive the flight crew nutz.. oh poor us, we have two kids, and pack mule and us, please stow our crowns before take-off.. LOL LOL
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So as it's now midnight in the UK, and as I'm a midnight Wordler, I'm off to try and relax my brain. Never thought I'd say that re. Wordle, but after the tsunami on here today, I need a distraction. I enjoy word games, however I hope it's relatively easy tonight, otherwise my brain will be 'fried.' 😉
Good night everyone, hope we all sleep well.😴
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I didn't watch a lot of the live but the part where they asked viewers what they wanted to see on the Wish that other vloggers hadn't covered already stunk of desperation to me.
Oh please, as if they would ever show anything unique and interesting. They really are delusional.
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At the end of the video, Jenn starts sobbing about how she's struggled this year because her mom was 39 when she passed away and Jenn is hitting 39 soon. This is a real thing that women who have experience mother loss deal with. My mother was 37 when she died, I was 13. I'm 49 now. I'm supposed to feel empathy for Jenn because I have experienced what she is talking about, but I don't. I don't believe a damn word that comes out of that woman's mouth. Everything she does and says is calculated for views. She turns on the water works to get comments like that, she lives for the attention.
The very definition of a narcissist.
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One of their 2 Wish cruises is booked such that dinner at Enchanté will interfere with their rotational dining and cause them to miss out on one of those dining rooms. Which, if there are three, seems like a 3-night at least for one of them.
I thought since they are stockpiling videos that maybe the cruise was soon. But considering how chaotic packing for a two night staycation was I can’t imagine she’d have time for a Live. Unless they just have Lean do all the packing for big trips.
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What the hell is wrong with these people that’s just disgusting. I think the Stan’s are mentally ill people wishing it was their child, wishing they could die and be their child, wanting them to dress up their child like a freaking doll is disgusting.
If she’s a girl and I believe it is and I believe they know it I hope she’s like I was when I was a kid. every time my mother put me in a dress when I was little I would throw up on it. I am 50 and I still hate wearing dresses. I hope she gives them absolute hell and is more “wild” than the boy is.
How much you wanna bet they’re gonna put those bands on the kids head that have those stupid bows on them that looks like it’s cutting off the kids scalp circulation
Omg...they totally will! They are going to do every girlie thing they possibly can with it. And much like my gut...i feel like it's a girl. Ugh...leave it to these people to get exactly what they want to act like they are the perfect family.
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Someone told her that girls give morning sickness so of course she feels sick. She wants a girl. With the amount of food she consumed at the Contemporary stay, she wasn’t nauseous. When you are nauseous, you don’t eat grease with a side of grease.

Side note: I have two girls and wasn’t nauseous once with either of them, Jenn. But keep lying to yourself and the stans. You’re a terrible mother of one, you’ll be a worse mother of two.
This simply isnt true. i had horrible morning sickness with my son. I'm talking all 9 months. I couldnt even look at food sometimes. It was horrible. I love my son, but being pregnant was horrible. LOL!!
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I know ATW is 6'4". You can tell when they vlog together ATW is taller than TTT.

I found it funny in the vlog when he is talking about the car and he likes to sit upright and closer to the steering wheel. To me you can tell he reads here as we've brought it up about how close he sits to the steering wheel (unless it is just coincidence).

I used to live in Jacksonville, FL (so 2.5 hours to Orlando). So we (now Husband) used to go to Orlando ALOT while we were in Jacksonville. So did alot of my coworkers while when we were in the Navy. No one got excited about Halloween until mid-Sept. I realize Jacksonville is not Orlando, but still, we went often enough where even the bigger Halloween people I worked with (I don't care for haunted houses, even though I LOVE Halloween) did not get excited for the houses until closer to Oct. To me they only seem to get excited about HHN and other Halloween stuff because it means something to film.

I am sorta surprised that they went to someplace different for lunch. I realize that Tim still got a hot dog. At least they got something out of their food world (barring what they get at Food and Wine and when Tim when to Sea World).

Speaking of Sea World vlog. I will keep on saying this. You can tell he LOVES Sea World. To me he is excited and happy to be there. I can't say that about Disney or even Universal.
Agree. Remember when they wanted a pumpkin carving party I think with Nicole & Jim, and Claire and Mr Disney Double Dose. They were happy going out and buying stuff, but the guests had to set up the party on arrival cos preggo Jenn did fuck all. These 2 just like anything that gives them an excuse to spend money. Lean should be doing Halloween crafts with J$. But I bet Jenn hires a party planner now that we've slagged off her shitty party planning skills and she's burnt through her friendships with Claire and Nicole (who in my view are both far better people and I am glad escaped Tracker Island)
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