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Why three rows??

Front Row - Dim and Stanny
Middle Row - Miracle Prop #2 and DeJennerate
Third Row - Miracle Prop #1 (sorry Buddy your seasons didn't pan out, so they are going to focus on the reboot).
Think of it as a TV show....once ratings start to fall they think bringing in a new character will help save them. Same motto for a slowly failing vlog. 🤷‍♀️
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Wow. I can’t with these two. We all knew that the infertility talk was bullshit, but this just cements it. They are such jokes.

Just wait a little longer from a doctor? No issues. No problem with any bloodwork? No issues. No hesitancy to announce? No issues!

AND the biggest tell of all…when Tim said “ you just have to relax and it will happen.” If they had actually had any issues with getting pregnant, they would know that EVERYONE will say this to you and it is torture hearing it.

I don’t have issues with them announcing this early. Yeah, I guess she’s at a higher risk due to age, but that’s mostly regarding the baby…they have likely opted for the comprehensive genetic testing? I would. But her overall health…I would be concerned with the weight gain and how tough it will be on her body…maybe, just maybe, skip the theme park food and eat nutritious food made at home?

I really wish that they would be truthful about this.
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Ginn: "You're such like, you're the best dad!" (said without eye contact)
Dim, in a robotic tone: "Oh. You're the best mom."
Ginn: *fake laugh*
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Shoving endless theme park/hotel food your face can also make you nauseous....more likely a symptom of her food choice and less a pregnancy symptom
Someone told her that girls give morning sickness so of course she feels sick. She wants a girl. With the amount of food she consumed at the Contemporary stay, she wasn’t nauseous. When you are nauseous, you don’t eat grease with a side of grease.

Side note: I have two girls and wasn’t nauseous once with either of them, Jenn. But keep lying to yourself and the stans. You’re a terrible mother of one, you’ll be a worse mother of two.
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I don’t understand why they’re acting like Halloween only happens early in Orlando when she just got through saying that she’s seeing other people post pictures on Instagram of Halloween stuff in stores. Halloween is out in stores everywhere I mean yeah they’re probably a few stores that are behind but it’s pretty much nationwide that it’s starting to come out earlier every year it’s not an Orlando Special thing 🙄
I don’t understand why she is so opposed to kissing her own husband and at the end after they say now it’s time to pay the price it looks like he leaned in for another one and she cut it really quick
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Is the audio blown out for anybody else with this video? I can’t figure out if it’s my settings or theirs, it still sounded blown out when I turned it down so I’m suspecting it was them.

Anyway, I’m definitely surprised - I was fully team “not pregnant”! It’s weird to me that she was “so sad” about J’s pregnancy test blanking out over time. I don’t know if it would bother me if it was anybody else, because I can totally understand parents wanting to have keepsakes from pregnancy but with them it just feels like they wish they had some kind of souvenir to show from it. Wouldn’t having J be better than having the pregnancy test forever? What would they even do with it?

And I don’t even know what to say about Tim tracking her period for her. Lots to unpack with that information. Tim Tracker, indeed. 🤢
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What the hell is wrong with these people that’s just disgusting. I think the Stan’s are mentally ill people wishing it was their child, wishing they could die and be their child, wanting them to dress up their child like a freaking doll is disgusting.
If she’s a girl and I believe it is and I believe they know it I hope she’s like I was when I was a kid. every time my mother put me in a dress when I was little I would throw up on it. I am 50 and I still hate wearing dresses. I hope she gives them absolute hell and is more “wild” than the boy is.
How much you wanna bet they’re gonna put those bands on the kids head that have those stupid bows on them that looks like it’s cutting off the kids scalp circulation
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It amazes me that someone who advocates for women's reproductive rights can't even think about her own reproductive system or take responsibility for it. I really hope she works through that before having a daughter of her own, because that is a whole other level of dysfunction. It amazes me that she doesn't see anyone to get through this stuff, and Tim enables it time and time again.
I know. How can the stans even hear that and think that's normal?

They always excuse her driving - she's got aNXieTy.
They excuse her not wanting to be alone - she's got aNxiETy.
They excuse her not wanting to be in "big crowds" - she's got aNXieTY.
They excuse her supposed panic attacks in Target - she's got anXietY.

But now the average stan just shrugs their shoulders when they hear that?

Oh yeah, it's perfectly normal for a woman who was TTC to be fearful of her periods - so much so that her husband tracks them for her.


I mean, that's some next-level WTFuckery.
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I’ve only just started the video but thought it was odd to say you had a pregnancy test left over from when they were getting pregnant with Jackson… and yet Jackson was a (supposedly) complete suprise / given up trying 🤔

I was trying to get pregnant and didn’t even have tests in the house and had to run out when I was late 🙈
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Jenn pointing to the screen during the live show and saying, “Oh, no! We didn’t hear about that”, was their pre decided way to signal a comment needs deleteing- 1000%!! You don’t fool us!
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I have a lot to catch up on as we've just come back from our 8 day trip to WDW.

We were at MK on the 31st but sadly did not see Dim & Gin as I was making sure my kid was having fun and doing everything he wanted to do. I'm a terrible parent like that 🤷‍♀️

Ended up seeing quite a few other vloggers including Adam Hattan and Kyle Pallo :sick: which my entire family ended up in the background at one point. You can see me explaining to my husband who he is and what a whiny little bitch he is :ROFLMAO: which brings me to my next question - how do I get the video taken down or report that my kid is in it and I don't approve? Not only did we end up in that one but in live stream for Ear to Ear Magic that day as well. WTF? AK was crawling with them that day.
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I think it was extremely foolish to announce this early unless she’s farther along but because of the drinking they have to pretend like she’s not as far along. I could not imagine announcing before 12 weeks but honestly I mean I knew I was right this time I knew she was pregnant there were too many signs but right now I’m kind of at a loss for words. I guess the only thing I can say is I guess the positive out of this is that the kid will have someone to play with so he won’t grow up alone so maybe he will eventually learn how to share and learn how to interact with other children.
Tim is absolutely going to use this as an excuse to get the Rivian he’s been wanting one for a while
The idea of a baby moon is freaking ridiculous
I do think that they are going to redo the other room in Aristocats and I do believe if it’s a girl Marie will be in her name somewhere might not be her first name but it’ll be there.
I only think that Jenn will play the post partum depression thing if she has another boy but I believe it’s a girl and they know it is
It is what it is let’s just hope for a healthy child for the child’s sake
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