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Well, more practical than the Slackers, then.
Pete does sail DCL in concierge, but doesn’t have to have the Roy O Disney Suite.
Plus he is a great tipper, unlike tightwad Tim.
Pete says he is great tipper. I am cautious about people who state that. Spending 13k on servers per month isn't practical. Getting a Cabana everytime he goes to Castaway, isn't either....we say that about dim and gin so same goes for him. He stays in concierge etc because he loves people to cater to him, he is full of himself.
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That really grosses me out. I don't even like to walk on hotel carpets in my bare feet. They let him roll all over it. Even those super elite concierge rooms probably never ever get the carpets cleaned.

And J$ is completely and totally a prop to them. Watch any video with him in it. He's like a trained monkey. J$, wave to Tigger. J$, blow kisses to Mickey, J$ spell water, J$ throw the basketball. Nothing shown in any of the vlogs is organic. They tell him exactly what to do and how and when to do it. He's in the video to get people to watch "HIS First Car Wash" "HIS Favorite Dumb Themed House". Clicks and views. Do things on command. Prop.
It's been awhile since I've been in a "hotel" side room anywhere, but aren't most an easy-clean vinyl/fake wood these days?

Disney is usually very good with keeping the floors clean on the DVC side, one time we were unable to enter our room until 9pm as they had just scrubbed the entire carpeting and they wanted it dryish before we entered. Thankfully it was the first room off the lobby and not a long walk. Made me wonder if someone had died in there just before we used it though. :unsure:

Another time I waded through a very wet hallway at Boulder Ridge... Someone's steam cleaner was not suctioning up well.

🤷‍♀️ If that's the worst I encounter on a trip, I'm happy. By the way, I totally allowed my kids to sit on the floors to play. Just not at a restaurant, that's gross.​
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It seems to be aimed at the more elite an celebrities but chances are it's too long a trip for people of that status to be committed too, most celebs an elite have their own holiday homes they will go to that they have the freedom over how long they will/can stay, it's feels very much like a gimic for people who's managed to get a crazy payout like inheritance/lottery that have no idea over the value of money an will blow that without thinking, but in reality how many people out there are like that, I doupt enough for this to become a thing permanently

To do it yourself I'd imagine you could for like half that price tag
Pre-Covid, the "Blue Hair Bus Tours". Groups of elderly people that sign up and take a large motor bus to places like Branson or Vegas. They go as a group (safety in numbers), meet new friends, etc. while the company plans everything for them like lodging, entertainment, etc. No confusing planning or forgetting where they are......
So, this sounds like the same thing, but for uber wealthy Blue Hairs.
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If you’re on IG- give The Disney Fox a follow. He & his fiancé are flying to Germany to sail back on the Wish. They own Park Candy, but he’s in the film industry too. He’ll be working on the ship, but what a cool opportunity!
I don’t watch them often at all on YouTube, but I do like them and their IG acct. Same with LBV. I can’t sit through the livestreams, but I love their tshirts they sell. I bought a mask at the height of everything and it was super comfy. I think it’s awesome that she is so positive all while having dealt with some pretty serious health issues. The couch hippo would milk Maria’s issues to the full extent of she herself had to go through that.

Gucci swim trucks aren’t tacky and bougie enough for Tim

View attachment 1328651
Very true. They definitely don’t scream “look at me I’m Tim tracker!”
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Melasma most likely. I’ve had a similar issue ever since I had my daughter (who’s almost 8 now). Sunscreen every single day and consistent skin care keep it at bay a bit better!
I have it too- zinc on my face every day- a good hat & a cold roller keep mine in check. She doesn’t bother.
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Chatty Member
From what I gather they are the worse, unorganized travel experts E-V-E-R!!! Who in the heck wouldn't check to see what is supplied and not supplied, dush!!@@!! They are so in over their heads with all of this crap, I'm guessing a nickel to a dime they thought because of who they THINK THEY ARE, everything would be at their disposable.. Un=freakin=real how these two have gotten and we aren't the only ones questioning their mess.. My main concern is the little fella and how he's being deprived and, in my opinion only, being raised as they were & it shows... When the toddler gets older, again he's going to give them a run for their money, LOL.. and I say, "Run, toddler, run!!

And the information about TTT, LC is old news- someone here found that several months ago.. what a joke to cover his ass I rectum.. LOL
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Definitely vaping, but are we sure it was Stanny? If so, just terrible.
No. That's not Lyn vaping behind them in a 2nd golf cart a few parking spaces over.

It looks like a redhead, possibly a bit younger than Lyn.

Nor does the passenger in that 2nd cart look like Adam's wife, Ellen (the mother of "cousins" that they have been referring to repeatedly... and Tim' sister Stasi is not married, and Jaime doesn't have kids J's age, or at all).
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Why not just make 10 louder? But this one goes to 11.
one of the best movies ever made edited to add my cats name is Nigel
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Ok, I am basically blown way that Tim said he had never seen a manatee swimming. I didn't grow up in Florida and have never lived there, but vacation there. I have seen manatees multiple times. I am confused unless he meant swimming right next to him while he was in the water?
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Someone way more talented than me should edit up that Aura ad in their video but put in references to TimBo riding on a turtle nest beach at night and JennBo asking if gay is contagious.
If the Hospital had an Aura then The Trackholes could have uploaded a pic of their kids burned hand to see if he needed to be taken to the emergency room
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I haven’t caught up with the most recent vlogs, but if they don’t mention her being with them in the AMI vlogs I bet she’s already gone, my family was on vacation in AMI I told them to keep an eye out for them and if they saw them out on the beach or even just out and about take a pic with them pretending to be a Stan then send the pic to me so I could post it!
well the Brits were in AMI and I don’t think Stanny and Manny’s worlds are allowed to collide. Or they could be trying to lure the Manny back into service if Stanny quit.
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For those familiar with AMI...
is there a reason they rented a golf cart?

like maybe finding parking is difficult?
A golf cart is the island transportation preference?
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So, all that dad and son time is not because the mom sleeps all day, it’s to “wear him out so he will nap”
I loved it when little J said NO when asked if he was tired lol of course, Tim tells us the kid really IS tired. I guess no means yes still in Fort Pampers
Shouldn’t Greasy Spice have a bit of a tan by now? She lives in Florida and is on permanent vacation in sunny places all the time. We see her “sleeping” on lounge chairs quite often lol
This vlog seems like it was many days in real time- they ended it at the beach house and even said her spray tan was a week old at that point. For vloggers that put out a new video everyday ( sure Jan) the videos are so out of whack.
They did say they are staying in a house they have been to before. In fact, it was soooo difficult trying to book it specifically, because it was booked up. Maybe this is not a hosted stay? We shall see in a month when she finally posts the videos. If it’s the same home, why even vlog this trip? They will eat at the same places, order the same crap, not show any family or friends, and whine when it’s time to leave.
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To me, vloggers stalking the conversation on sites because they cannot control what is said and they have to know is downright sad. They're on the same level as the creepers who watch through windows, fantasizing over what could be if only...

If Tim wants to address anything from these forums, he should start with why he's enabled Jenn's "anxiety", which is all an act even she bought into, to the point that she's not a functional person anymore.

Tim: Get her into therapy so your son can have a semi-normal relationship with his mother, not a mother who thinks of him as a security blanket and prop.
Exactly, as someone with a actual anxiety disorder ( Depersonalisation-derealisation disorder) having a enabler is going to make it 1000x worse, if I was allowed to let my anxiety control me then I'd never have a life, you NEED people that are going to push you to your limits in order to get better, while I will never lose this an it's with me for life if it wasn't for people pushing me outside of my comfort zone I wouldn't be leaving the house at times, I still have my bad days but I can be independent as well, if anything happened to Dim then she would be utterly screwed, she cannot take care of herself an that's just a sad place to be, you cannot go through life dependent on other people an all she will do is brush that onto her son, I try to do so much things alone with my neice so she isn't going to grow up thinking I can only do somthing if others are there an she sees the people around her being independent
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View attachment 1333188
i haven’t been able to keep up with this thread lately so i’m not sure if someone already posted this but i was on instagram and saw this on my explore page…. why would anyone ever want to see this?!?! worse than open mouth tim!
The weiner goes hand in hand? 🤣🤣🤣
If I didn't know better, I would think he wrote those words to get extra random hits from weird keywords.

"ducks wondering"?
Random capitalization. 🤔
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It's insane to think that what most people have as a actual meal those two would class it as a side, what I had tonight has done me fine an yet I could easily see those two have to have another 3 plates to make it up
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Chatty Member
Oh jeez, he's a friend of the Trackers??? I didn't recognize the guy, but OF COURSE it all ties together! Maybe he can teach Jenn to cook something other than "eggies" and meal kits.
My memory is that they just saw him at his new restaurant when it opened and took a picture.
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