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JoCif kept saying how much he loved the hot tub. He wasn’t worried at all when he said he was going into P2. When they were on holiday he was walking about in the rain with no hood on. He says when he‘s hot and cold, basically he does everything that Zoe says he doesn’t. That boy does have a big problem, it’s the big pile of blubber who gave birth to him.
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The absolute shame of it. Does anyone else teach their kids not to speak to strangers online, not to take food from strangers and certainly not to take money from them. Jesus wept. These two imbeciles cannot safeguard their kids if their life depended on it. Tracy love if you have some spare cash donate to a charity!!
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I know the thing about internally filling posts does happen, but not 5 times only to him. The bus thing, I can't comment on as every employer of drivers will have their own rules on heart conditions. But it all seems super convenient. People in the US will believe they are supporting themselves with savings, youtube and pension. Older people will have no clue what youtube pays or what anl RAF pension might be so won't question them.
I hope they fail to make the minimum earnings after the year and universal credit say quit or we stop paying you
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They're definitely going to home school. At just after the 10 minute mark on the vlog about full-time YouTube, Zoe says that the older kids want to be involved in it. So I think the decision has been made.
Love how Zoe said that they didn't see the point in Ben working at a job his heart wasn't really in, then she says "and for what" then pauses - well, to do what everyone else does and that is to put food on the table.

And the commenter above was right - how ludicrous to say that Ben being home all day and being able to take Joseph for a walk justifies him giving up work. Blind Freddy can see that Zoe could easily have taken Joseph out as she doesn't work either. She's just too lazy.
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Chatty Member
Zoe and Ben, quit with the excuses and do temp work. You're such wet wipes. Too busy with YouTube for work, meanwhile you're getting more benefits than a full-time wage, what a drain on society. You really are giving people a terrible impression of large families, yet you'll be the first to cry about it.
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Chatty Member
“We’ve told them they’ll have to book the day off work once a month”

Can you imagine now 19 year old Lizzie telling her boss she can’t work as her Mum and Dad are insisting she spends the day, every month, with her 11 siblings.
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Cherry Pie

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So they're still having fun despite the rain according to Pen 🥴

Thought Jo-Cif didn't like the rain? and refused to go out in it...🤔

Meltdowns and all sorts they said. 🙄

Yet there he is in a photo, smiling away. 🙄
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In last nights vlog he said he’d been to the high school the night before because Charlotte had got an award. He didn’t say Zoe went. It speaks volumes that she didn’t. We all know that she’d have been there, right in the front row, if it had been Curly. She’s a disgrace of a mother. She could have gone along too, Curly and Dancer could have put the little ones to bed. They‘ve looked after them before when she gave birth to Flo.

He, also, said when he dropped the kids off at school that morning the teacher reminded him that she needed to speak to him after school. I wonder what about? Maybe she was telling him that Toby needed to be at school more often or St Agnes has been playing up again?

The children finish school today which Zoe is pleased about. She said because they’d had a holiday not so long ago they won’t need so long to “decompress“ (wtaf). In all the years my kids went to school they never once needed to decompress when they broke up from school. The woman is off her head.
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Cherry Pie

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Watching the Raccon video on youtube where Ben says he has a Pension for work which they get income from which means he must be over 55 & cashed it in as my hubby has done with a few small Pension's to do stuff around the house ,buy a bigger car & have a holiday.
Have no clue about UC on how the " earnings" from YT or the Pension will affect the amount they get.
But in Scotland you can get double child benefit if you get UC .
***apologies if this has been said before ***
Ben achieved a very low rank in the RAF considering all of the years he was signed up. He was bloody useless to be honest. He had very little to offer for his age and rank, and he persude none of the training or further development courses to help ex-servicemen find other gainful employment after they leave the forces at the end of their service. He also refused to move, so wasn't able to be relocated to another base. He got a pay out at the end of his service, and he'll get a pension as an exserviceman. He's not of retirement age, so he is expected to take up gainful employment, he's a lazy, useless, workshy Muppet, and has an equally pathetic wife.

They basically had 12 kids, made no provision for any of their futures after living a cushy life being subsidised by the RAF and then left it to the taxpayer to subsidise them from thereonin.
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They are so embarrassing 🙈
She thinks she’s so funny keep on about her washing pile and how someone must be coming in and adding to it. I think that’s the 3rd time she’s told that hilarious story.

The only hilarious thing is his hair, sorry but he just reminds me of an ageing lesbian.

It’s sad when one of the kids is telling a (painfully drawn out) story while looking at her dad and he says look at the camera then. Wow, I hope they live to regret putting strangers before their kids one day.

They tell them they can be whatever they want to be when they’re older. All well to be encouraging but not without a decent education they can’t. Not unless they are extremely talented and a huge amount of luck.

Moaning about lack of funding for schools. Well maybe if the money wasn’t being given to scroungers like them they’d be more money in the pot for education. Oh and I hope they’re paying tax on what they earn /scrounge!

Jocif is really quite unpleasant due to his parents keeping him locked up at home and letting him get away with everything. As someone said before ‘Chucky’
The last few times I’ve seen Scraggy Ag I’ve thought she seems a bit odd like she’s not the full ticket. Can’t put my finger on it.
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She pissed me right off when she was moaning about the RAF. They had far more help than anyone else I’ve ever known. I’ve seen a post in a group i‘m in where a woman is having to move out of her house despite having a disabled child, being pregnant and needling a mastectomy as soon as the baby is born, because her husband has left the military. That family are being put in temporary accommodation because their council can’t help them atm.

She‘s never grateful for anything that anyone ever does for them. If she won the lottery she’d be pissed off that someone else had won more another week, She wants the moon on a stick and then some.
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Chatty Member
And Pen loves Burghead because he’s right next to the sea, beach and woods and can do the sea check every morning.

Wonder if they’re moving schools because they’re realising how much in fuel it’s costing back and forth to Lossiemouth every day, or whether they’ve had words with school about how much time the kids have off, and school have started to clamp down so they’re moving to hide the issue, or a mixture of both.
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i haven’t watched but i’m already raging
have they actually said that you tube is their fulll time job? so basically those kids have to live the rest of their childhoods being filmed so them lazy fat bastards don’t have to do a days work
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Jocif needs to be parented. He doesn’t have good manners and that’s down to them. His saving grace wud have been school but don’t think that’s gunna happen.,Those 2 idiots too busy to talk or tell him whilst filming thru their new iPhones. Florence will be the same. Poor Toby in that leopard fox t shirt, poor boy how embarrassing for him, your mothers shite range of knock off t shirts,,
she said a while ago on one of her many shein hauls for the favourite ones that Toby was pretty much sorted for clothes. Yet that poor lad wears the same coat, same orange shorts, melted trainers or ten sizes too small sliders as his crocks broke. I think his “haul” of new clothes are his youtube sullivan family and leopard fox t-shirts in various colours. how sad. He must be Zoe’s biggest “customer”
Yet Pens there prancing about like a buffoon using that lad for content over how much he loves his cars and knows everything about them all.
Soon as they are home i bet he’s pushed aside again and ignored in favour of the favourites. Zoe hardly pays him any attention. 😞😞
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Daisy may

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Tell me if this is fair?

In the Sand Castle Competition Agnes has a 14 and a 17 year old helping her 🤷‍♀️

The young twins are doing their sandcastles on their own🤷‍♀️

They obviously set Agnes up to win but from what I’ve seen Toby and Joseph have a lot of votes.
Again blatantly showing favouritism 😡
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So they went an hour away on holiday and her head hasn’t been fully in the game since…. Says it all really. -she comes out with the most ridiculous things. Has her hair done 5/6 wks but those kids go months without a proper cut or a trip to spec savers .. Those kids on the beach again, solitary as usual.. where’s the buckets and spades -the fun things that kids do. Where’s the parents playing catch or football - ohh yeah on their phones for IG .. and these idiots want to home school.
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£72 a year to read her bullshit? Absolutely no chance. She gets enough money from us as it. Scrounging cunt.
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So he’s waffled on with lots of excuses about how he couldn’t secure a job, so they’ve decided to go full time w YouTube. Fucking imbeciles. So irresponsible with 14 mouths to feed! Most people stop the day job when the side hustle takes too much time and start paying the bills, and no mention of huge amount they receive in government handouts. Ben would have been in this position long ago had he not joined the military because he is apparently unemployable.
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Poor Zoe thinks the trolls won’t pay to read her “ramblings”

You sure about that hun??? 😬
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