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I will join, 1 month for shits and giggles so I can share shit here 😂
After that you lot will have to take turns. Ha ha

Hopefully my £5 can be spent on a couple of new vegetables and a tin of tuna for the twins. Prob go on a donut and an extra spring roll for fat Pat!
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A journalist from the Sun has written an article about their holiday and contacted Fem for information about costings etc. He‘s not happy because even though he ddint give the information they‘ve written it anyway.

She‘s going to use her Patreon platform to talk about the teens and parenting because they know they’d get ripped apart if they did it on the main channel. She’s so naive if she thinks a fiver will stop the journalists.
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My experience of UC was very strict and impossible to get off! When I met my husband and we eventually moved in together he was on 35k and I was only entitled to what would have been child tax credits, yet he still had to go and prove his identity etc and I was still expected to work. It wasn’t like when i was a young single mum and income support existed - you’re still expected to look for work as a single parent to small children under school age. In fact my friend is single, works 2 jobs but still has to do as UC tell her! So my conclusion is that Zoe and Ben must be lying to the job centre about stuff.

Congratulations Sullivans! You’ve achieved being the sterotype of a big family that so many others are trying to fight not to be seen as. Too many kids, no plans for their futures, adapted council home, nobody working and exploiting your children’s childhoods to line your own pockets. I can’t wait for YouTube to have to start clamping down on family influencers. There should be rules and laws in place like there are for acting, and any other child Labour tbh.
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Daisy may

Active member
I agree, it could be the milk allergy that they have forced on her. Her poor hair is like wire wool, it just looks so dry and thin. The poor girl is a bit of a mess and she's encouraged to be annoying so she's quite unlikeable.
Apparently Agnes has lost weight to, there was nothing on her to start with.
I think their washing the life out of those little kids hair washing it every day.

The kids were shouting out on the live what year their going into in August and Joseph shouted out P2 I think it was and Agnes corrected him and said P1 for him. Ben then said well potentially and there was silence for a few seconds.

It’s not looking good for Joseph, looks like he’s going to be kept isolated and just used for content with home schooling.
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Cherry Pie

VIP Member
Somebody needs to step in now and stop this whole fiasco. Those children's lives are being severely impacted upon. They're missing out on essential developmental needs.There's no interaction or structure. Pat doesn't even know what day it is half the time... She's never supposedly caught up on her "to do" lists, so where's she going to be finding time to write journals and vlog paid content? Even more importantly when is she going to home with educate? Why has there been no attempt to ever touch upon education with Jo-Cif? She's done nothing. Why weren't the older kids keen to help him learn before now?

That time spent on Patreon content, is going to come at the expense of her family, and their lives. She's totally lost the plot!
Lots of these influencers end up with marital problems, these pair are definitely on track for that. Their whole lives now are focused solely on vlogging, their days are structured all around content.
The kids aren't having their basic needs met, and that's when authorities should be stepping in and protecting those kids. Their health needs need to be a priority, glasses need to be fixed as a priority. There are already concerns over the twins eyesight. Yet no regard is shown to ensure their glasses are fixed. It's neglect... In fact it's out and out abuse. Kids with shoes too small or dropping to bits... Yet their excuse of a Mother is buying jumpsuits in every colour and spending £5,000 on a Lodge. It's time something was done 🤬
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Cherry Pie

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Just watched the Father’s Day vlog wish I hadn’t. I never want to hear the word “knickers” come out of Pens mouth ever again 🤢 same presents all the time…. Toblerones by the masses, chocolate sweets, T-shirts and hand made cards. Also you need to teach Joseph to let people open their own gifts. The grabbing of his hands at every single gift.
They're boringly predictable in all that they do. Nothing ever changes. They'll blame Jo-Cifs behaviour on his 'condition'... They'll conveniently forget that Agnes was a grabby little madam too... Jo-Cif is just turning into a bad mannered, undisciplined, spoilt little brat, much like Aggie and Flo.
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Chatty Member
They're setting up a Patreon for their super fans, where they can share things away from the trolls. But she doesn't care what people say, despite listing a hundred reasons she does care.

Ben's setting up a digital media company, Zara Mortimer using his services has inflated his ego (and his jowls).
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Florence needs parenting as well. She pushed one of the little twins and told her to get off the other day, but got her name wrong and all useless Zoe could do was laugh and say “that’s Erin” because she’d called her Leah. She should have been told to play nicely. That child is forever snatching and being nasty, I know that comes with the territory of being 2, but she won’t stop unless she‘s taught to behave. Zoe thinks it’s cute she has her “minions“ who run round after her and she rules the roost. That child is going to be utterly insufferable, far, far, worse than St Agnes ever is.

If I was Ben I’d be pissed off at the lack of thought and effort that goes into every present I receive. It’s always the same. He at least took the children out on Mothers Day so they could choose presents for Zoe, even if Curly took over. She’s a lazy waste of space that woman, unless there’s something in it for her.
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The title of last nights vlog ‘Joseph has been very brave’ 😠
Not sure what he’s been brave about, can’t be arsed to watch to find out.
I know one thing though, he’s going to be pretty fucking pissed off in time with headlines like that!
And why does Toby always look halfway between away with the fairies and totally embarrassed?
Isabelle helped him pull his very wobbly tooth out is the reason for him being brave apparently. I feel Joseph plays on the “he doesn’t do well with change or whatever it is that day” so reacts to the way his parents wrap him in cotton wool. All I see is a child who should be at school but is being alienated by his own parents.
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Cherry Pie

VIP Member
Someone’s upset Zoe 😂
Imagine if she had to fit in childcare ,washing, cleaning, shopping etc around a full-time job like most families do. Many single parents do that every day.

Looks like Angela has wised up. I have said all along, the 'tide will turn' against them before too long.
The more they vlog, the more they show their lazy, useless selves. I think it'll get worse when this 'Home Schooling' starts. It's obvious it's going to be Curly and the Creosote Queen who'll be doing that 🤭

Total shitshow the lot of it. 😁
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Seeing that child's glasses taped up also reminds me of the hearing impaired society event that one twin was invited to a while back. Ben rocks up with the whole pile of urchins as a fun outing so that he could vlog it and they could play with all the equipment. Inexcusable but Cherry Pie is right - time is money now and if it's not vlog-worthy and if everyone can't be involved, it ain't happening. Those little twins are going to be even more neglected now as Butch is going to spend every moment on her phone writing her ramblings. Might not even be able to cook the Tuesday meal any more - you know, the meal of the week.
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They keep chiming on about trolls even though they pay them no attention 😆😆

Zoe just can’t take criticism. I’m guessing Burghead primary is a small close knit school? Pound to a penny the full time vloggers go down like a sack of spuds with the other parents 😆😆😆😆
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Chatty Member
Just watched the Father’s Day vlog wish I hadn’t. I never want to hear the word “knickers” come out of Pens mouth ever again 🤢 same presents all the time…. Toblerones by the masses, chocolate sweets, T-shirts and hand made cards. Also you need to teach Joseph to let people open their own gifts. The grabbing of his hands at every single gift.
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I was watching a tiktok where a military mum was on the base at lossie with her husband watching a certain aircraft take off. She’s shown a lot of what the base has to offer parents, yet Zoe did eff all in taking the children there.

I know quite a few families where the serving parent leaves in the summer and all have new jobs through the training offered. Yet you have Penfold doing SFA.
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Doesn‘t look like Toby has gone to school today in his “Happy Friday“ crap that he does. One of the twins said they’re moving school when they go back, and he said yes, they are and they will be talking more about that tomorrow but there’s some big changes coming up. I bet the girls are going to school but JoCif and Toby aren’t
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Chatty Member
So what exactly is he telling the jobcentre so that he continues to claim benefits. I didn’t think YT full time is an actual job that qualifies to claim benefits. Absolutely sickens me that they seem to get everything handed to them on a plate and people like us study, work hard just to keep a roof over our heads. The mind boggles it really does
Forgot to mention. So they are now setting up a Patreon for us mere peasants to pay their “wages”. What different stuff that they aren’t already putting up on YT for the world to see that they will put on there. Remember “trolls” may pay the monthly payment and still cause upset for you. Just hope you will declare all income at the end of the tax year. Their content is boring. Having the kids talk over eachother, or know that Flo is unwell yet again and she’s upset or seeing Zoe flash her flesh about is nothing people are that interested in unless it’s the oldies from the USA that are always sooking up their backsides. You will always have negativity. You are just a bunch of lazy c****. Go and get a real job.
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