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#50 The lazy fool thinks he is cool with his tools.

Has camp has a row of tents:censored:

What a absolute prick he is,ordering the kids about :mad:

High Five,good job girls(n)

Should be the Benny Hill Tune playing.

The actual state of that room.Disgraceful

You in full time employment yet Fem.....tut tut tut. How are you managing to keep a roof over your head and feed your kids with no wages coming in?:mad:
Get a job you lazy,obese benefit bum
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It struck me when he was walking round Tesco getting ingredients (never mind how strange it must look to everyone else shopping there) that he spent the entire time interacting with his phone rather than with his children. He was constantly looking at the phone and everything he said was for the benefit of viewers - it is so weird. I know he always does that, but it just struck me as extra weird in the shop. And just think- someone like Florence has never known anything else - any other way to exist than having a parent talk to a phone. It's bound to mess with her head.
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I am confused….
I have kids who have a couple of different challenges but I have never used them as excuses.

An older one with a real intolerance/allergy was supported in school when they started. Although they were potty trained, there were often accidents because of the issues and went to school in pull ups to start. I never wanted them to loose out on other experiences.

Another is neurodivergent and it’s still no reason as to why they can’t do things or try to do things. It may take them longer but you still keep trying because they still need to learn to do things.

why would you use a fictitious condition to stop your child developing normally. Even if there was a real diagnosis you try and celebrate when they get there even more.

but let’s be real, jocifs struggles are more about pat being a lazy mother that jocif himself.
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He can’t decorate the wet room from down the woods though can he? And Creosote Queen and Curly Twin probably haven‘t given him permission to get a paint brush out in his own house. He might go rogue and deviate from their colour scheme and we can’t have that can we?
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The thing is, when you actually have to work for your money, maybe in a job you don’t like or even one you do, but the hours are long and the wages aren’t great, then you are more careful with how you spend.
We all know that a certain someone hasn’t ever had to put herself out and go to work. And before any one shouts I know parenting is a hard job but it is also a choice you make when you decide to have a family, it’s hard but also rewarding.
It concerns me that Fem doesn’t question the outrageous over spending, with the hand me downs we can see it’s not a new thing. As the bread winner (ex) you would think he could have said something. She mentioned debts before. I can see this happening again and no way of repaying If he remains idle.
They need to make some plans. How many benefit families run two cars or one for that matter. And is it sustainable living to be driving the kids to school, why not move them to the village school and get involved with the community, it would be good for the kids.
Vlogging needs to stop and proper life needs to resume.
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If awful comments like that are said on camera, and deemed ok to be left in the slog, what’s said when the camera isn’t filming. Poor kids 😔
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Tbh I don’t care if the kids ‘but in’ when he’s talking (to his phone) it’s not like he’s having a conversation, it’s plain weird and not something my kids have to do. They shouldn’t be being filmed on route to swimming to be shared with strangers, they don’t know it’s not normal. These kids have no context outside their home and they’re growing up LOVING that camera/the attention they get from dad if they’re on it. It’s so sad tbh they don’t know how other kids live.

ETA of course kids should be polite and not interrupt, but they’re interrupting their dad talking to himself so It’s not a concern imo
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He really is a horrible horrible man. They are both a pair of lazy, scrounging smug faced narcissists. They see absolutely nothing wrong with anything they post and the people that fawn over them in the comments are just as bad and fuel them further.
Why the heck did he have a hissy fit over swimming bags and then go on about one of little twins underwear 🤢sick man.
How sad is it that half the kids didn’t want a camera in their face and had to sit the other side of the room so he had to film “anyone under 12”
fucking weirdo.


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How do these two fools families not intervene? Surely they watch all this disgusting content. Zoe parents must be so ashamed of their daughter.
I've no words for that vlog tonight, that woman shared those little girl's sensitive medical info. That should not be allowed.
Mother of the year 😡😡😡😡😡.......she doesn't give a shit about those kids.
Their vlogs are a diary of neglect.
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She definitely posts things she knows will bring criticism so she can play the victim.
Haven't seen food hauls for a while. Maybe they've cut out the Heinz beans and are embarrassed.
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Why are you even trying to flex that online? No one thinks oh wow look at Zoe spending £130 on socks, they just think what’s wrong with you and who cares…

it was never going to be positive comments when your hubby got the sack and then turned down the only job he was offered.
i bet Next is thinking wow, we must work with the Sullivan’s they would be such fantastic brand ambassadors………
Nike socks and glittery Shein skirts, perfect combo there Zoe…
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So yesterday she went to do the ‘big’ weekly shop and found herself in the Easter Egg aisle. She noticed the stock was running low so she went back tonight to stock up. Why didn’t she just put them in her trolley last night? Wtf? Make it make sense
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Chatty Member
Curly should have been left at home, why do they give her so much control? She has more say than Ben, and Zoe actively encourages it!

We never see Zoe taking the kids out so Ben can get bits done round the house or do a decent job search in peace, it's a sure sign she cannot cope.
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#24 if you go down to the job centre today, be sure to see a fool, the moray mincer with his selfie stick taking a panno because he’s cool
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How mean that they took the opsie Daisy doll of the girls when they were younger. Couldn’t just teach them about sharing or buy a couple more? They’re such nasty bastards.
Yet again he talks to the twins like crap and ignore their ideas for a present. Imagine being given concealer as a present 😂

When he asked if the ‘mum’ candle smelt like mummy 🤢. Did it smell of musty washing, sweat and desperation? Then yea it smelt like their mummy.
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Who the hell buys themselves fancy donuts but not the kids and then stands talking about how tasty they are with the kids standing right there?
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Doing a collaboration with a drone company so says on the vlog it's a lot of messing about - a pain in the bum he actually said - and says he doesn't know whether to do an honest review. Wow. Bet they're over the moon.
When it eventually crashes, it's not Ben's fault (he says).
His exact words??? IT WOULDN'T CONTROL ITSELF.
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Chatty Member
Why is she suddenly worrying about letting the teenagers go? The only one old enough is studying at the nearest university from home, so it will be a while yet and absolutely ages before the nest is totally empty. In fact she will be nearing pension age.

Also what happens when the kids leave, at what point will they have to shift from the big 6 bed house? Is that why she wants them all to stay?
I was wondering if it Elizabeth who wants to move in with the older boyfriend
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