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Chatty Member
Seven weeks on and STILL no arsonists apprehended. These guys must be career criminals to pull this off.
I mean it was just a case of finding a guy with a red arm. Wasn't it?
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Active member
He said in a recent video that they have so much evidence on who set fire to the car, he said verbatim “we’ve got the pictures of their faces”
Now if, IF this is true, why have the police not released the pictures- with the amount of followers they have - they would be very likely to be identified. So either the police are withholding these pics, they’re already known to police or Nick Smith is lying again.
The truth will come out.
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VIP Member
The only positive is I bet the neighbours are glad they’re finally clearing up the outside, it’s always looked like a complete tip outside their house!!
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Active member
Yeah been saving them all as he is posting them lol. No idea if it's him/her or someone else that's doing the research. But one thing that has to be said, is they definitely go onto depth with their investigation. Maybe they can teach dhb how it's supposed to be done.

There is definitely alot in these videos that make you consider the evidence that's being shown.

I actually hope what we're seeing is the really the true story. It will be so good to Nick arrested for fraud.
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VIP Member
So much there I agree with
Then we have the fire. It all seems very strange that we have jumped from take aways to a car being burn out. That's one massive leap.

Its also strange that after all this time not a single person has been identified by the police. Especially when apparently most hones in the whole street have some kind of cctv. And not a single person seems to know this lad or hard about it.

Now going by the age of that lad probably around 17 they would be bragging to all their mates about and someone would over hear that conversation. So that leads be to believe something fishy has gone on and thats why he's not bragging because he was paid to do it.
Do you remember Mick Philpott? He set fire to his house with 6 kids in it apparently so he could frame his ex, he thought he could do enough damage and save the kids.. The fire got out of hand quickly and all those poor little ones perished. People do, do this kind of thing but don’t think through the worse case scenario. Nick to me, seems like this kind of person. My own opinion is he was responsible, maybe he never thought the fire would reach the house and the plan went tits up but that well known saying rings true “When you play with fire, expect to get burnt”
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Sorry but he takes the piss . scamming thoasands suddenly new car new house and taking Jess blue water spending more money . How the hell these followers can’t see it I don’t know . Everyday they are spending from the minute he asks uo breakfasts in cafes dinners out shopping and spending on stuff they don’t need new cars new clothing from Nike . I hope the police find out he set the whole thing up
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VIP Member
Also a lot of people are saying the high vis logo which can be made out via their Facebook page is probably a builders/construction company which speaks volumes. This wasn’t trolls or hate it was clearly someone he had ripped off at some point.
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Sparkle pup

Chatty Member
He can pay rent for a year because the naive,vulnerable,rejects of society have been fed their bullshit and raised 50k for them!The front of the house took the brunt ffs,its needs a good clean and abit of work.not 50ks worth of fuking doe.Its a fucking joke.
Very well said, but unfortunately scum like him will not stop, they are greedy money grabbing bastards, They look like something fresh out of the Jeremy Kyle Show
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Never have liked them. Nick and his idiotic ways and jess and that shrill ear piercing voice. Ugh. I Dared to voice my opinion on a video once, nick clearly takes criticism to heart as he was very quick to block me.

Definitely something suspicious about the house fire thing though!
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VIP Member
What if *hear me out* all of this is related?
what if instead of being friends, behind each other’s backs they all hate each other. I can imagine the secret rivalry. Don’t hold back was saying that Lawrence and Zack were still pals beginning of July then their was the big fall out - there’s definitely a lot more to that story for it to rattle Lawrence so much that he had to drive to Zack’s house and make that vid with Zack in the car then to say he is having a couple of days break. The Smithy family, Mel and Alfie, Lawrence and Zack are all harbouring secrets and I really think this is just the tip of the iceberg.

I’m not saying this is true but say for example one of them organised the ‘arson attack’ - it gives them all plenty of content for a few weeks. What does content equal = Money.
Follow the money.
Just a theory

They could all be in on it together or one group could have set up the other group
Aren’t all these lot signed by the same agency? I reckon it’s all a ploy to get more views, it’s a set up 100% everyone signed to that agency have/had some kind of drama recently.
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Chatty Member
He really is deluded it’s not even 9 and he’s on Tipton posting videos he just can’t stop . Looks like Jess doesn’t even want to be seen in them which I find speaks volumes . I’m sure tension is between them both . Tiktok means more than his own family sad really . His followers are deluded who says they will cry and die because a family they don’t know take a break after loosing their house in a fire ffs 🤷🏼‍♀️
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VIP Member
I bet they will move back in that house once it's all done up again. Why else would he rebuild the girls bed if they new buyers don't have kids 🤔
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Well-known member
So what does everyone think of isthisyouhuh2 on TikTok? Sorry if already been mentioned.
really does make some very obvious points and a few things make a lot of sense. I actually made the point about the 2 guys coming from the bridge to set fire to the car, meaning they did pass a few cctv houses. I wonder if the police will look into the points made.
I don’t think it was an insurance job, but a prank gone wrong.
Its 10000 percent those guys it has to be.
I think it was a insurance scam on the car amd it got out of hand. I think he wanted the finance paying off on it
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Chatty Member
He’s full of shit honestly . Goes from renting a house for a year to treating the kids and paying car off . If damage happens to the car why does he need to pay it off surely they have some kind of policy that help victims of crime . I don’t believe him at all

Plus how long has he had the car . Surely most is paid off and he doesn’t need to pay 18k .
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I’m shocked at Jess the longer she is with him the worst she is getting . Disgusting behaviour. I’m all for a laugh but they continue to take it to far

setting a stadium horn of in a small room with a newborn baby !!!
jumping in dangerous waters that could drown them or the idiotic followers who copy !!!
now using disabled trolleys for joke when somebody might genuinely need to use them

they are vile and need stopping
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